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An Open Letter to All Young Christians - Please Convince Me.

Discussion in 'Debates' started by TheDebatheist, Feb 15, 2015.

  1. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

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    Questioning your religion goes against your religious beliefs?
  2. DeadlyPoptartz

    DeadlyPoptartz Celebrity Meeper

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    First off, I'm not going to debate this i'm gonna state my belief's. If you quote me and start gettin upset I probably wont reapond.
    Second, who are you? You make it sound like you've had an account and then made another one. Who own's that account?(No hate intended)

    I do follow the Bible, I don't disagree with any of it because there are no contradictions.

    Look around you, you think you came from a monkey, the whole world came from and exploding mass? Or that there is an all knowing, all powerful Creator who gave us a Book with answers.
    Man is not flawless he makes mistakes, evolution is one of them.

    I will send you info on this, I have a whole file about it.

    We have committed a crime against an infinite God, therefor we deserve an infinite punishment.
    Send me that info please. And no, He is Sovereign and answers us according to his will.
    1. 1.
      compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.
    Think of it this way, God sent his Son Jesus to die for us, right?
    (John 3:16For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.)So if he has mercy on us but is just when we deserve punishment, how does that work?
    Well, here's an example, your sent to court with a fine of a huuuuge amount of money you cant pay, the judge says you have to spend an eternity paying it off, but Jesus walks in and Pays the fine for you, what just happened? Your fine is gone and you walk away because the punishment was payed for, get it?
    So he is just in having mercy on us because there is no fine.
    He shows himself to us through prayer and the Bible. Thomas had very little faith.
    That's what the Bible is for.

    I talk with him through prayer, he talks back by answering yes or no, if I pray for something and he does not give it to me, Its a no, if I pray for something and he provides it, its a yes, and I hear him through the Bible, That's what the Bible is for. Second, Those hallucinations are fake
    John 3:13

    No one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended from heaven: the Son of Man.(Jesus)

    John 6:37 A (ESV)

    [37] All that the Father gives me will come to me.
    Did you see the answer? thought so. Its not coinsidence

    [Qupte]10) The big one. Aside from the talking snakes, living in whales, Arcs that can support thousands of animals for 40 days, etc.[/Quote] Was that meant as a jab? They could all be babies.https://answersingenesis.org/noahs-ark/how-could-noah-fit-the-animals-on-the-ark-and-care-for-them/[/Quote]
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2015
    Miro995 likes this.
  3. SirGiggly

    SirGiggly Celebrity Meeper

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    Have you, read the Bible...?
    Fangdragon1998 likes this.
  4. DeadlyPoptartz

    DeadlyPoptartz Celebrity Meeper

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    Yes, and also, I can not see the link you sent me, I have an internet blocker that disables youtube and some pics.
  5. Godwnoface

    Godwnoface Celebrity Meeper

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    As a young eager christian, I speak on behalf of 90% of the worlds population who also follow the worlds best religion. We evolved from a man named adam and a chick named eve who had babies and then bred all of us, We are all inbreds some more than others and it is only ok for a man and a woman to be together and if a man and a man are together or woman and woman they have to be hit with sticks and stones cause that is the right thing to do. I live in akansas USA and my dad and aunt told me that Its better for them to mary eachother and to marry the same sex cause its what is right
  6. SirGiggly

    SirGiggly Celebrity Meeper

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    Oh okay so you are a troll
  7. TheAngelEclipse

    TheAngelEclipse Popular Meeper

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    Religion seems to always be a very touchy subject on public forums such as this, but as I see we're already four (very long) pages into this discussion, I've decided to share where I stand on "religion". Take it however you must, though as this is a discussion I don't mind having my post(s) here dissected like many others already. Heheh.

    1, I don't believe in/worship a god.
    2, I live by nor read any bible.
    3, My family is technically of the Christian religion, though I believe I would "fit" more under the Atheist label.
    4, I do not believe in praying. It has had nor ever will have any effect on me.
    5, I do believe in "Angels" - though not of the Google definition (being a "messenger of god"; as once again I do not believe in a god.)

    I prefer to be more 'free-range' when it comes to my life decisions..
    rather than "Oh, the bible doesn't like this. God wouldn't like that." :p
  8. SirGiggly

    SirGiggly Celebrity Meeper

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    Not to sound blunt or cold hearted but is your mom the reason you still believe in angels?
  9. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    I would say no
    WeAreNumberUno likes this.
  10. TheAngelEclipse

    TheAngelEclipse Popular Meeper

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    No it's not a problem, I think it's more of a personal thing. I had a really.. different .. experience when I was little. Just one of those crazy miracle moments that you only experience once-in-a-lifetime. It's difficult to explain. Also, my username was quite random and has nothing to do with religion or my belief of "angels" and whatnot. (For those who were curious)
  11. Miro995

    Miro995 Celebrity Meeper

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    Sir, please give me an example of the Bible contradicting itself. :) You will not find one.
    (Btw, couldn't quote the other post)
    DeadlyPoptartz likes this.
  12. dannyj2801

    dannyj2801 Popular Meeper

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    No its actually not. I want to know why you are a christian. Why do you believe what you believe? What influenced you to be a christian? Were you raised by your parents to be christian and just decided to not look into other evidence and ideas? Or do you believe there is evidence and that is why you believe it? If people can give me solid and justified reasons why they believe what they believe I have no problem with them.

    If someone asked me why I am an atheist I would state the reasons why I that is what I choose to believe. I am an atheist because, reason one, reason two, and reason three.
  13. RaidByNightOnly

    RaidByNightOnly Celebrity Meeper

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    Look, I don't mind a good debate but lets be honest. There is no solid evidence proving or disproving the existence of God or any Religion in general; however you have this:

    If all Religions were created by different people then how come the main 3 Religions share the same Holy City? 3 people on different areas of the earth did not wake up one morning and think up the same basic story and the same basic idea based around the same basic people.

    And to address numero dos
    Who is to say that whatever god may be out there didn't make Evolution?
    legendcaleb likes this.
  14. Fangdragon1998

    Fangdragon1998 Queen of the Nubs, La Elite Dragoness, Kæri On!

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    It doesn't matter, and I don't think he'll (or she'll) let us find out ;)
    If (s)he can argue, then don't let their rep get in the way.

    The three main religions (I'm assuming you mean Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) share the same Holy City/ies because they're all derived from one another - the first was Judaism, then Christianity, then Islam.
    Bruh, it does all over the place. God killing infants during the first Passover, for example. Then "Thou shalt not murder".
    I'm a Catholic, but yes, it does.
    You're better than this :/
    Owen Powell likes this.
  15. SirGiggly

    SirGiggly Celebrity Meeper

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    Skaros123 likes this.
  16. dannyj2801

    dannyj2801 Popular Meeper

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    You go to Hell if you kill correct? How many people did God kill?

    I am not a genius, I have not even read the bible, but I do have this thing called common sense I like to use sometimes.
  17. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    I think that Religion and Science will always be at war with each other, and that this question will be asked thousands of years from now. That's why I don't feel it's worth debating about
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 17, 2015, Original Post Date: Feb 17, 2015 ---
    Except you, that's plain ignorance. God used justice on people who wronged him. Except God has justification, man does not.
    DeadlyPoptartz likes this.
  18. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

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    Some people have justification. God killed 42 boys (I think it was) for teasing a bald man. What about a man whose daughter was killed, and he killed his daughter's killer? Is it fair that God can kill for that reason but man can't kill for his reason?
  19. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    In the Apostles creed there is a line that talks about God "he descended into Hell. On the 3rd day he rose again from the dead. He ascended into Heaven." What says he didn't go to Hell even to prove his power.
  20. dannyj2801

    dannyj2801 Popular Meeper

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    And that seems fair to you? That God can kill people just who wronged him? Someone's wife can cheat on him can he kill her just because she wronged him? Of course not. What if someone killed your wife? Are you allowed to break into prison and gun him down? No. How about that time God killed many, many children because they made fun of an old man? God can do that just because he is God? Why does he get justification? He is exempt from his own rule, and that is hypocrisy. He sounds like Stalin, who would kill someone who just opposed the government. Do we think what he did is ok? He sends people to camps because they don't believe in what he thinks. Sounds a lot like God sending people to hell right?

    Basically there is another reason for me besides the science. If God exists, he is not a good guy. He kills good people all time time. Did my mother need to die slowly and painfully from AlS. Why not give it to to some murderer. My mom never wronged God. She was a Christian all her life, and an amazing person. There was not one person who did not love her. People say "Oh God needed her". Well then I can tell you God is a selfish jerk, if you need someone that badly don't kill them painfully over the course of years. If God exists, he will never get my worship.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015

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