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Accepted Alexxxxxx - Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Appeal, May 25, 2016.

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  1. Appeal

    Appeal New Meeper

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    Additional In Game Names: None

    When you were banned: 5/25/16

    Reason for ban: Skyblock griefing (1st offence)

    Ban Length: 2 days

    Staff member who issued ban: @Refugeecrafter

    What have you learned and why should we trust you to do better? I have talked to MattIsAPerson about the grief and the reason it happened was because of miscommunication. After almost a year of not playing Skyblock I thought he would be fine with me taking his stuff. I will repay all the stuff + its' value (50k according to MattIsAPerson who heard it from Refugee). I was not going to sell the items, but the Skyblock island since I thought I was the owner of the island.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I have never griefed anyone with bad intent, and I am truly sorry.

    @MattIsAPerson can confirm that we have talked.
  2. Khafra

    Khafra Celebrity Meeper

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    I want Alexxxxxx unbanned as long as he will do what he says in the ban appeal.

  3. Klitch


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    Hey there, this seems like one big misunderstanding. @Alexxxxxx, be more careful pal. Unbanned, and I will follow up with Matt to make sure the items and 50k are given.
    Its_Madison and Jalapenos like this.
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