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A few things that should be added

Discussion in 'Denied' started by CasualMow, Mar 22, 2018.

  1. CasualMow

    CasualMow Celebrity Meeper

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    I think it would be usefull to be able to buy a unban for like $25 in the store (Not like I would) and it might also bring in some more cash for the server overall.
    Another fun thing to add in is something I saw on another server (Server has been permenently shut down) And it mines a face flat 3x3 blocks and could be purchesed in the store for $90.
    Another little thing to add is the possibility of buying a player head for their bal total in game e.g. if epixaid had 5mil and 100k=10$ then his head would be $500.

    More to come when I change flights!
    If you want to see how much longer I got click this!
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2018
  2. _EggsBenedict_

    _EggsBenedict_ Meeper

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    I feel like you've just created this thread because nobody's replied to your appeal. I think buying your way out of a ban is extremely problematic and honestly defeats the point of teaching the player a lesson about their actions. Plus, the whole player-head-price thing is really unnecessary, imo. There's nothing wrong with the current player head system, and having to pay 500 dollars for a head will NEVER happen.
  3. CasualMow

    CasualMow Celebrity Meeper

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    IT's a few ideas Eggs And plus I spend 8 weeks of stocked up cash for ultimate. ANd ohnestly I think you need to take a chill pill right now, Also who knows if the head price thing will happen, It would encurage people to actualy not use gold stores for their ballances so they have a higher priced head. Overall eggs its a good idea
  4. FamousZAmos

    FamousZAmos Popular Meeper

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    Okay I'm gonna share something I learned the hard way, so listen really close fella. Don't learn this and you're going to keep getting banned. Over. and over. and over.

    They aren't banning you for you, and they aren't banning you for them. They're banning you for everyone else.

    Pretty crazy right? They just want people to enjoy the server! So if you, me, inexxer, or anyone else tries to make it less enjoyable or uncomfortable for the community, "we" should not only expect a ban; "we" deserve one. You aren't being banned because that's "just how it is on Meep" you're being banned because you make everyone else feel like garbage. I think you can change, I mean hell, I sure did. But you can't keep coming back making a fool of yourself and being a dipstick every time. Treat other people as respectfully as you treat Mely, and maybe you'd have more friends and less bans.

    This ^

    also the head system is so exploitable it's laughable. I could buy several hundred thousand reggles heads, no worry. I could take all my money and put it in my town. Heads are traded to friends, or to people who kill you in pvp. Nothing else works.
  5. Courtneyyy

    Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder

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    This is probably the most ridiculous suggestion I’ve ever seen.
  6. FamousZAmos

    FamousZAmos Popular Meeper

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    getting overly defensive isn't very kind or likeable.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 22, 2018, Original Post Date: Mar 22, 2018 ---
    you think this is worse than my "a new ban appeal system!?" thread?
    SpongeyStar and Marshy_88 like this.
  7. CasualMow

    CasualMow Celebrity Meeper

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    WHat im saying is that we block the normal killing for player heads (IT would still work for mobs) and insted do this to promote the fourms and the shop. Also I will not buy a unban if it gets added (I promise I wont) I will appeal as it is a more democradic way of doing it. also I treat every one good (TO A POINT) and if they piss me off one to many times I just start being mean as I have had enough of it. Every day when I would get on Its almost like a 1/2 reset button I am willing to comunicate with them but if they be mean even once I cut them out. Ok?
  8. FamousZAmos

    FamousZAmos Popular Meeper

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    why even pvp then?

    sure you won't. why want them added then?

    your word is worth less to me than a dis note.

    it's the only way of doing it. "democradic" or not
  9. CasualMow

    CasualMow Celebrity Meeper

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    I honestly dont care what you take my word for but as No one does. Well. At most i can say i promise also Tecnicly if its worth less than a dis note its technicly still worth something even if its small
  10. Its_Madison

    Its_Madison Professional Nerd

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    Like @_EggsBenedict_ said, this defeats the whole purpose of a ban, which is to teach a player a lesson.

    Could you please elaborate on why players would want to spend $90 on this? If I am understanding this correctly, you get to mine 3x3 blocks instead of 1 block at a time for an unreasonably high price.

    In-game balance of a player ≠ Value of a head.

  11. CasualMow

    CasualMow Celebrity Meeper

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    The player head idea is kind of out their I know But it could be something that connects to Ingame and scans the world every time the server would restart for their head! if it finds their head it would start instantly at 3mil if it finds another one it chops off 50% everytime lowering the price of it but all this will be added on top of the actual balance of their head!

    The pick would be totaly unbreakable and could not be enchanted and would be basicly a iron pick with out any enchants and if you die it would stay in your invintory even if you were to fall in lava (to prevent the loss of the item) MY hope is that people use it in the nether and what not but the Bad part of it is that it cannot mine ore! e.g. It can mine netherrack but not quartz, It can mine dirt and stone but it wont mine coal ore, diamond ore and what not! I think it would stimulate mining alot more along with the economy! The thing with the buying the ban is it can only be used for spesific bans e.g. Hacking or threatining the server NO BUY UNBAN FOR YOU! If you Greafed or were toxic, YOU MAY HAVE YOUR BUY UNBAN!
  12. Its_Madison

    Its_Madison Professional Nerd

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    I don't believe that would work. There are few heads that are worth 3 mil+ in this economy, if any. If this suggestion were to be implemented, the head market would probably die due to almost no one having the money to buy heads except for the very wealthy.. but even then, who would want to spend more than a quarter of their balance for one head?

    This would involve a lot of coding for something that probably won't be bought. Also, mining ores is the main reason that I and probably a lot of other players use pick axes in the first place.

    What Eggs said still applies here. If you are griefing or being toxic, get banned, and then pay for an unban, there is no incentive to learn your lesson if you've got the cash.
  13. FamousZAmos

    FamousZAmos Popular Meeper

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    I think there's one head worth 2 mil. Otherwise most "valuable" heads are worth 500k max (darkknight, ellie, etc)

    plus the rest of the community now has to deal with you again. 20+ annoying/toxic/cheating players were just banned, we don't want them all back, even for 500$
    SpongeyStar, OKNEM and Its_Madison like this.
  14. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    Being able to purchase unbans is ridiculous, it means the server has to pup up with people when they don't even think about their actions.
    Just no for the rest. -1
    alex77034, Marshy_88, Muunkee and 2 others like this.
  15. J055Y_

    J055Y_ Celebrity Meeper

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    Most savage roast of 2018.

    But seriously, being able to buy your way out of a situation is the most P2W attribute you could think of... Imagine some dummy comes on and griefs a bunch of houses for views, gets banned, then buys his unban and comes back to grief (then repeat..).
    Out of the most P2W servers I have ever been on, this has never even been suggested as a feasible option. If money can get you anywhere, then we're completely eliminating any need for restrain, dignity, and respect within this community. The entire principal of rules to abide by is that they should be respected. This beloved community would become a cesspool of rich *insert distasteful word here*.
    This proposition shares an eerie resemblance to that of some infamous police corruption cases, whereby officers were bribed to release and remove evidence of convicted criminals.

    As for the head suggestion, this is just my opinion, but it seems utterly pointless. As standard (as FamousZAmos explained) heads are exchanged either through PVP (upon killing someone there is a chance to get their head) or via head shop (of course users can trade heads through the economy system as well, but that is regarded as a third-party method, seeing as the product origins lie elsewhere).
    In your suggestion you proposed that heads should be traded in regard to the balance of the player who's head it belongs to. This is a feature that is already implemented in the server, i.e. CluelessKlutz's head will be worth significantly more than _EggsBenedict_'s head (no offense Eggs :p ) however, you suggested that the value be calculated and represented in USD, which brings me back to my previous point: There would be no need for PVP skill, or economic ability In-Game. Your comparison of the Meeble to USD exchange rate in this scenario is ridiculous due to the proportion of various users' wealth versus the value of the USD. It is not uncommon for a user to have 2 million Meebles or above, and by your reckoning (or if we're going by the current Meeble to USD exchange rate in my example below):

    BA3WOLF (I picked someone from random from the tab menu) has a balance of 1,345,829.8 Meebles (as of 03/22/2018).
    The current value of Meebles per $10 US is 200,000, therefore:
    1345829.8 / 200000
    = 6.729149

    $6.73 (rounded to nearest integer) for BA3WOLF's head.

    Now let's role back to my original point. The value of someones head determined by their balance is ludicrous as it does not account for their influence within the community. Someone could keep to themselves and get very rich using traditional methods over a long period of time, but someone who is very social and active within the community space but has a lower balance would be worth less. Which leads me onto my biggest problem with this suggestion... Your proposition for head prices essentially places a numerical value on each player based on their balance, which fails to account for their personality, what they do, etc. All it cares for is how much money they have, which again, leads me back to the idea of a community full of rich *insert distasteful word here*.

    The current system that we have is perfectly adequate. This is just my opinion, but I would rather be a part of a community governed by respect and good nature, than by wealth alone.

    I could have written a lot more but at this point I'm looking back and it just sounds like a rant so I'll end it here, thank you for reading.

    - 1

    - J055y_
    Adam34falcon, qazini and FamousZAmos like this.
  16. Adam34falcon

    Adam34falcon Celebrity Meeper

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    Please keep posting these threads daily I get a good laugh
    Bokoblincraft and bloodyghost like this.
  17. Bobius

    Bobius Popular Meeper

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    I don't think that would work, as (example) Fuzzlr only has 2k, so his head would only be 2k. Right now it's like 500k, probably more than that. And also buying an unban, yes, it would give more money to the server but you're banned for a reason. You're not wanted in the Meep community because of your actions. And giving the server money to hack, be obnoxious is not cool.
    FamousZAmos likes this.
  18. andrewrobins

    andrewrobins My views are my own.

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    Yet we sold unbans at Meep Networks ;)
    OKNEM, alex77034 and Courtneyyy like this.
  19. Courtneyyy

    Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder

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    You see how well that turned out :)
    Muunkee and alex77034 like this.
  20. alex77034

    alex77034 Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin'

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    This thread is the best thing I’ve seen in the longest time. ;)
    Courtneyyy likes this.

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