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_boopa Mod Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by boopa, May 10, 2014.

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  1. boopa

    boopa New Meeper

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    Minecraft Username:

    Skype Username:xxboopaxx

    Mic Use: I use my mic to talk to other players off of Skype and Teamspeak "YES"

    Age: I am nearly turning 15, I understand that my profile says I'm 18, but it lied!

    Timezone: Pacific Time

    Hours Online Per Week: Well this is tricky because my alt account is lost, so I just recently got this account _boopa so my profile will say that I joined today. But... I play around 84 Hours per week (Complete guess)

    Hours Online Per Weekend: I'd say a good 30-40 hours per weekend.

    I've easily donated a healthy amount of funds to MeepCraft.
    I monitor chat seeking ways to help players actively every day.
    I dissolve player to player conflicts maturely, and quickly.

    Why should I be helper?:
    My experience of being a staff member is fairly good, I am a moderator on a server about twice as big as this one, I learned these skills by simply playing minecraft and watching how staff works from server to server as I form my profile of each server I attend. However, with MineCraft Classic, I've been hosting McForge Server since release of that console, and have had to deal with the responsibilities of handling players and my own Staff team for multiple years now.

    Weaknesses: My main weakness would be the fact that I play on a MacBook Pro.

    Conclusion: I found a mouse yesterday where I can play 100% easier.

    My values:
    I am an almost 15 year old male who lives in southern California. I go to a Christian School where I love to learn about Christ. Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. These values guide me from day to day experiences.

    Why chose me?
    As a Moderator, The standard remains the same, enforce all rules and regulations of both MeepCraft Server, and Web Site. My goal on this path is to ensure a safe playing environment. But for all members of MeepCraft. This is an exceptional Server, I'll do my part to maintain that Service record be it by Helping, or as a normal guest/player of the server. I am well aware of the responsibilities of being a member of the staff team, and I will not mix the job up with playing as a member of the server. I will handle all situations presented to me swiftly, and professionally.

    Additional comments:
    Thank you all for taking the time to read my Application, hopefully I meet everyone's standards equally. I know I'll be able to help.

  2. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    Denied you need a teamspeak account to apply for staff.
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