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Where are you now?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Metzy, Mar 30, 2020.

  1. CarJacked

    CarJacked Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Joined in 2015 or 14 when I was 9 or 10 banned for like 70 percent of the time on this server. I'm in grade 11 and genuinely don't know what to do with my life.
    Adrian likes this.
  2. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

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    i am at home
  3. DeerlandingXD

    DeerlandingXD what tha!!

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    wait that's awesome! I always thought they were long gone. I'll dm u if I think of any in particular I'd like to see, ty!!!
    BooBear1227, SpongeyStar and Adrian like this.
  4. SX1

    SX1 Celebrity Meeper

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    Man its been a long time. I joined in 2013 and joined forums later that year. Its great to see some names I recognize still hanging around here, even if I bet anyone still remembers me. I remember doing some fun things like testing ice Park our, playing that Halo mini game, and having fun with spleef tournaments.

    my favorite memory is still pissing off @7acespade in his pokemon showdown tournament. Using thunder with snorlax instead of thunderpunch. At the time I didnt realize the difference between attack and sp.attack. Still keeping his snorehax medal with pride.

    Working now as a maitanence lead at my job. Some nights are fun and other nights are hell. Despite a long shift life isn't to bad atm.

    Reason I log into forums anymore is looking back at all the cringe posts I've made. damn
    smk, 7acespade, BooBear1227 and 4 others like this.
  5. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

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    I first started MeepCraft almost 10 years ago because I was excited about Minecraft and I wanted a place to play with my friends and family, and didn’t expect for it to become such a large community. There have been many great memories over the years and memorable players. I worked with talented developers to create custom software from the game and expand the virtual economy, and it helped me become a great developer myself. At the age of 14, it was a great learning experience and I had my fair share of successes and failures. Eventually I started working on other software products such as a mobile payment processing application for small businesses, and it was my first product for small businesses. I learned a lot about the different challenges small businesses were facing and how to solve them, as well as integrating with POS systems. Now I am working on a new AI-based product that I am excited about called Otis and it helps SMBs reach their customers and acquire new ones using digital marketing. I will always continue creating new projects to solve different problems, but I always return to the MeepCraft community because I am excited to see how it evolves and I hope to continue supporting the server and community throughout this next decade.
  6. Qaztar

    Qaztar Celebrity Meeper

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    Joined Meepcraft in third grade, now about to graduate high school. How the time flies!
  7. 417Mario

    417Mario Celebrity Meeper

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    I joined meep in the summer of 2013, so between 3rd and 4th grade. I am now in 11th grade, so even after all this time, I am still in school, and still have another year and a half of it to go.
  8. Trexy

    Trexy Celebrity Meeper

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    Joined meep around 2014-2015 when I was in fourth or fifth grade. Now I'm in 10th grade and still bored as hell, but at least I can be bored now with the ability to do things while being bored. I dunno, a lot has changed from the time I first started playing to now, I guess I'll see how it all plays out.
    BooBear1227, Natsu and Adrian like this.
  9. M0W0G

    M0W0G Celebrity Meeper

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    I started Meepcraft in late 2014 in 5th grade and now I am a junior in high school. So much has changed on the server and I put 100s of hours into the server but I haven't really played since 6th grade. I am looking to go into software engineering for college. Always excited to periodically check back in on this community, it brings back so many memories.
  10. rAwsondayc

    rAwsondayc Celebrity Meeper

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    I joined Meepcraft in 2013. At the time I was in 8th grade and doing random 15 year old stuff. Now I'm 22, Got my High School diploma, gotten an Associates in Science at community college, and am a senior at Old Dominion University where I'll be receiving my Bachelors in Computer Science. Haven't played Meep in years, but got a new computer in August so I got back into video games over quarantine. Meep was my coping mechanism for years, after my father passed Meep gave me some of my greatest friends online that I still play games with. From becoming staff to losing staff and then becoming staff here again, I was given a sense of commitment for something I really enjoyed early on in life, which led to me pursuing a career I wanted rather than one I needed. Thanks to everyone who impacted me. If you havent heard from me in a while, hit me up on Discord Dawson#0757

    Yours Truly,
  11. Telinus

    Telinus Celebrity Meeper

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    I play League of Legends still lol
  12. HotAsianBeans

    HotAsianBeans Celebrity Meeper

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    bet you’re still trash too
    Akiratohiama, smk, Mylucky7 and 3 others like this.
  13. Telinus

    Telinus Celebrity Meeper

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    only a 250 lp peaker :mad:
  14. Zoe89

    Zoe89 ℓιgнтωєιgнт ςяαzу

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    applied to many many californian biomed/nanotechnology programs for college next year

    i started meepcraft in 5th grade
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2021
  15. Mylucky7

    Mylucky7 Celebrity Meeper

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    I'd been with Meep for absolutely years, it brought me, Davvers101 and Zachforfun123 (Lzk) hours of fun. We loved it and I couldn't even start to name the number of people who we had fun with.

    I'm a 2nd Year uni student doing Politics, Philosophy and Economics, I've found myself doing lots of random things in life from travelling, to working in the UK Parliament.

    Davvers is a 2nd year engineering student who's a bit of a home bird really, but he's gonna do really well in life!

    Zachforfun is 1st year computer science student now, I think he's just making the most of life in his first year - why not? not sure if many of you will have seen us on together, but we used to be best friends irl then he moved away when we started playing meep. weirdly enough, the last time I saw him, I was travelling in Turkey and I ended up meeting him in Istanbul, I hadn't seen him in years then I meet him on the other side of Europe, very weird.

    I wish you and your fams all the best in the world.
  16. Iatemyfriends

    Iatemyfriends Supreme Leader

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    can u say dupe with ur accent man please
    Mylucky7 and GroovyGrevous like this.
  17. OrganicTurtles

    OrganicTurtles Celebrity Meeper

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    Reading this thread is making me so nostalgic omg:cry: I joined in 2013 when I was 13 and I swear at the time everyone seemed so old... but it's kinda cool that most of us are at the same stage in life. I used to play SO much but after like 2014 I only stopped by from time to time to see what was happening. I've been playing a lot the last few days so we'll see what happens.

    Now I'm 21, in college studying business economics and fashion design (random, I know). I've made some pals along the way so if anyone wants to connect let me know! I'm also always in the market for new friends:)
    SpongeyStar and Adrian like this.
  18. Liam

    Liam Fergalicious, baby

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    I joined in 2014, I was 11 and my buddy wanted to play more minecraft but didn't have anyone to play with. I enjoyed starting to build our house while meeting a lot of people, as my friend didn't play much after introducing me to the server. I guess I was just a cringy kid who liked minecraft.
    Now, I'm 18, I'm a senior in high school, and I've gotten into all the colleges I auditioned/applied for. I'm going into a Theatre major with an Acting concentration. One day, I hope to be in a cool tv show or a movie because I obviously love to act and inspire.
    As always, this server has brought me a lot in terms of community, friends, and generally becoming a nicer person. So, thank you to whoever is reading this for giving me that. <3
    SpongeyStar and Adrian like this.
  19. Marshy_88

    Marshy_88 Celebrity Meeper

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    I started playing in 7th grade back in early 2015. I still check in every so often and enjoy running into familiar faces. Now I'm almost done my first year of engineering at my top choice university.

    Like OrganicTurtles said, it really seemed like everyone was so much older even though we're almost all the same age.
  20. ENIbeast

    ENIbeast Popular Meeper

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    I joined in 2013 but didnt really start playing until 2015 when I was in 5th grade. Ive played meep for likely multiple thousand hours and Ive met a lot of people and am still friends with may now. I started playing meep consistently again about a month ago and Ive really enjoyed it. Its great to see some old friends and also new people helping keep Meep going. Meep has really been a huge part of my life from talking to people and making friends in TeamSpeak to Discord and even just ingame chat. Meep has been great for all I've known it and I hope it continues to do well. I am now a Junior in high school and I'm looking at going to college for engineering or computer science, hopefully I will still be checking in on or playing meep for the next few years.
    Ranger0203, SpongeyStar and Adrian like this.

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