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Tech Application from cdhoff

Discussion in 'Denied' started by cdhoff, Jan 7, 2018.

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  1. cdhoff

    cdhoff Well-Known Meeper

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    Member Name cdhoff

    Additional In Game Names: junior_tivo_tyro

    How old are you? 14 (15 on the 21st)

    Location: Illinois

    Do you have Discord? Yes - cdhoff

    How many hours per day do you spend on Meepcraft? (average) 3-4, sometimes none, can spend more.

    Have you ever been a Tech on a different server? Just this one for a short time.

    References: Please give IGN's lanekids40, FamousZAmos

    Otherwise, not really buddy-buddy with anyone.(Maybe bloodyghost, because of what is in my sig?)

    Introduction: Hey Guys! I was born in January of 2003 and since around 2008, I've been interested in computers. My dad is a software developer and I have begun to follow in his footsteps. I spend most of my days at my computer (Heck, I even do online schooling). I have a big mouth sometimes, but I try to keep it under wraps and not get too out of hand.

    Please describe your experience as a developer. I started with HTML when I was around 10, learned a little bit, still haven't figured out CSS, but I have semi-recently turned to more application-based developing. Around 2012, I started following some Youtube tutorials about Mod development for Java. I wasn't very good, and the best thing I could do on my own was set the velocity of any mob clicked on to insane levels. (It was kinda funny). Since then, I've been working with Java and Unity mostly. I've made basic games with Unity, mostly following tutorials. Mostly, though, I experiment with different things to see what works and when it doesn't work, try again.

    On a scale of 1-10, I am about a 4.75 when it comes to YAML. I also have worked a little bit with MySQL, but only when it comes to Wordpress and things like that.

    When It comes to operating systems experience, i am pretty well versed with basic and some intermediate functions of Linux (RHEL, CentOS, and Ubuntu flavors), I have a high level of expertise with Windows, and I have an above average level of expertise with OSX.

    What programming languages are you familiar with? Java and C# mostly. I am semi-familiar in HTML, as stated above. I am better at reading code and changing its function than making my own code.

    What are you most proud of as your work as a developer? MineBullet (On my GitHub or my Spigot page). The server is too big to have a practical use as-is, but I could probably rewrite it to do some more practical things, such as notify when the amount of available ram is low or tps is abysmal. Also, the plugin I was working on before.

    How do you plan to enrich the experience of MeepCraft with your development contributions? I may not know as much as someone who is paid to develop or has gone to a dedicated school to learn to do so, but I am going down that career path and I am learning something new every day! I enjoy helping people whenever I can and just talking to people in-game.

    Do you have a GitHub account or personal website? If so, please provide the link(s) here. juniortivotyro · GitHub
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2018
    iKitten likes this.
  2. Pmx728

    Pmx728 Legendary Meeper

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    While I don’t know much about coding, just this alone leeds me to believe you are a little too immature to be staff and wouldn’t really trust you with many perms.

    riri30 likes this.
  3. lanekids40

    lanekids40 Popular Meeper

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    add me as a reference dude!
  4. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    What did you work on while being a tech for a short period of time? What we need are techs to fix the numerous broken things on Meep before more people leave due to boredom, if your maturity is spmethinh uncontrollable I wouldn't be opposed to a permanant mute so you can work and not make the same mistake.
  5. cdhoff

    cdhoff Well-Known Meeper

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    Yeah, we had a small "feud", just trying to be slightly entertaining, since I couldnt think of any references.


    I did a small overhaul to the supply crates as a test for what I can do. Don't know whether its been accepted or denied.
  6. FamousZAmos

    FamousZAmos Popular Meeper

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    I'd say lol but that might not be a bad idea
    you seem more than capable, and tbh the Achrow drama (yes I was online) wasn't your fault, Achrow is a moron. I'd recommend working on the ability to walk away from an argument. You were funny in-game and act like a younger clone of Lord. +1, good luck!
  7. cdhoff

    cdhoff Well-Known Meeper

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    Thank you. While I would not love a permanent mute, however funny it may be, a lot of my appeal on the in-game side (to me at least) is talking to people and, kind of like what Famous said...

    I will take whatever I can get, just would not appreciate a permanent mute.
    I am not going to say I completely learned to walk away from an argument in just a month, I was mostly keeping the drama going by bringing it up so much for the point of "entertainment". I really want to get past this Achrow drama, since it is what got me demoted.

    It's also possible that I applied to early, hope not!
  8. Vexmae

    Vexmae Royal-Tea Staff Member Mod Media

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    -1 from me at this moment, considering on how you acted in global before. I know it's not a tech's job to validate rules, but I think it'd be best to actually follow them, I don't think now is the right time for you, Goodluck!
    onceuponajano and Pmx728 like this.
  9. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    as much as i dislike him, the achrow comment is too much
    riri30 and Pmx728 like this.
  10. cdhoff

    cdhoff Well-Known Meeper

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    Well, I guess this wasn't a good time to apply, and my Achrow comment didn't help anything. So, I have one of 3 options it seems like.

    1: Stop talking in global.
    2: Mute, at least for a while.
    3: I just delete this application and forget this ever happened.

    From what people are saying, the drama with Achrow and I combined with the comment I previously made in the application were the nail in the coffin for me.
  11. Vexmae

    Vexmae Royal-Tea Staff Member Mod Media

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    1) activity in global would help you with your application, as it shows you can acknowledge other people's ideas instead of only inputting your own
    2) this won't do your situation any good, people will think you said something and got muted
    3)this app if it doesn't get denied will help you the next time you apply, as you can see what people think you should improve on

    this is my last comment as I've used up my two :) feel free to pm me if you'd like a chat
    iKitten and Pmx728 like this.
  12. CasualMow

    CasualMow Celebrity Meeper

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    I personally Have never seen you online and nor in global (I check tab every 4 min) also To just have one reference that is a troll does not help at all Sorry but its a -1 for me also to say you did a minor fix to the crates is impossible because its more stupid than ever "Fake news" "Watch @foxandfriends"
    Pmx728 likes this.
  13. riri30

    riri30 Retired veteran

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    The Achrow comment is completely inappropriate. As a staff member, you represent the server whether you’re an architect, media or tech, and you’re projecting a bad image by starting hateful debates (no, it wasn’t all your fault, but you should have the maturity to back out).
    The fact that you are “not buddy buddy” with anyone shows two things:
    1. You haven’t been active, all active players get friends unless they have a serious issue. I also have not seen you active since your demotion, timezones are maybe a factor.
    2. You can’t get along with people.

    You were demoted for a reason, and you failed to mention how you’ve learnt from it.

    iKitten, alex77034 and Pmx728 like this.
  14. EllieEllie

    EllieEllie Staff Member Leadership

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    you've only just been unbanned so this is a moot point. And since you have no idea what goes on behind the scenes at all, it's unfair to say someone hasn't worked on something. Your whole comment is fake news.

    As for the application, can you explain where and how you'd currently be able to help the tech team, as they seem to be getting along with things quite nicely. You were demoted for a reason so the current team, which has remained the same, must think you pose no different skills at this time unless you've drastically changed in <1 month
  15. cdhoff

    cdhoff Well-Known Meeper

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    Me saying I'm not buddy buddy with people just meant I didn't know who to use as a reference, and I felt like just listing random people that seem to like me would just be a stretch. I haven't been on as much since my demotion, but that's mainly because I have been slacking on my schoolwork a little bit, and am trying to catch up. I am on for around 2 hours ish a day now, though, and I have some of those "serious issues".
    1: I am not a fan of talking on discord, especially not 1 on 1. I will if I have to, but I'm not a fan.
    2: I don't like to try to pry in people's business, and if they seem like they don't want to talk to people, I dont talk to them. My issue when it comes to this is I am not very good at seeing things like that, so I assume they either want to talk to bigger players, or they just want to play the game.
    As for them getting along nicely, it's true, but you can't have too many of a good thing. The more the merrier, 2 heads is better than one, more of that cheesy stuff.

    If Lord or someone else contradicts this, then fine, but what I got from when he demoted me, he said this:
    1: I have a lot of potential, and should apply again later.
    2: I need to keep my mouth shut about secret stuff and stuff people don't want revealed.
    As for how I've changed in <1 month, probably not too much. However, I did learn what I can and can't do and say. I leaned (a little bit too late) that I can bypass the chat filter and need to watch myself on that, and I learned some things from doing the supply drop overhaul.

    Now an idea that someone thought of in discord (don't know if I should say who):
    If I get accepted, during my probationary period I get all the perks outside of game, but not in-game. No tag, no chat bypass, no other commands. Only thing I get is staff chat. Then, nobody will know whether I was accepted or denied until I am a full tech.

    Sorry for any typo's btw. I am on my phone.
  16. EllieEllie

    EllieEllie Staff Member Leadership

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    I do understand the more the merrier thing but they had you before. In terms of Lord saying you should apply again, do you think he meant apply again really quickly or take some time to develop your skills personally and on the tech side of things?

    Tech is probably one of the staff roles that has more responsibility, you are working on the very newest updates and fixes. The effect of leaking anything is going to ruin people's experience of the server. It pretty much goes without saying but if you're working on something people aren't supposed to know about or if someone has told you to keep quiet about something then of course you need to keep quiet. Forgive me if it seems like I'm giving you a hard time, I just know from personal experience how many hours, sleepless nights, and how much dedication goes into projects people are working on and to have someone say something on the off chance is something that really concerns me. I bring up leaking because of the keeping your mouth shut comment but also due to the no filter thing. We all might say things by accident, it's happened to me before when I hit /g instead of /s, but to me it looked intended when you said what you did in global. If you hadn't had a filter would you still have said it? If you can easily say things like that in global, what else would you say that you're not supposed to, yknow?

    As for the idea from discord, you are given the full responsibility of a tech in order to see how you act with the role and how people react to you. If you don't have the perms, or even tag in game, then they won't get the full picture and will not be able to fully evaluate you in the role.

    I believe you could do a good job if you have learned those things, like you said. However, I feel you need to get in touch with the community more. When you first applied and were accepted, I had no real idea of who you were and, being a staff member, you usually get to recognise names that log on regularly and interact with everyone. This is probably the main reason why I'm still hesitant, despite being a trial tech and you logging on, I still don't really recognise you as being online and interacting. Granted, not a massive part of being tech, but it helps for players to know their staff members. The lack of references either shows that you're not serious about the role, you don't interact enough with anyone to ask them, you're that confident you can get it yourself (which is fine), or you'd rather make a joke.

    Again, please forgive me if I'm being hard on you, I would like to see anyone competent for the role to succeed, but I just felt like this application could be so much more.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2018
    GroovyGrevous, iKitten, smk and 2 others like this.
  17. cdhoff

    cdhoff Well-Known Meeper

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    I don't 100% know, could be either or both.

    Fair point. I don't interact a lot, and I should more. For your specific case, though, it could be argued that we're 6 hours apart.

    The second option is the most accurate.

    I do, and I am going to try to in the future.

    I just assumed that if it was on the public trello, then it was considered ok to talk about. I should have asked first. (If that is what you are talking about).

    It seemed like people reacted positively to me before things got out of hand (At least to me).

    All good :)
  18. FamousZAmos

    FamousZAmos Popular Meeper

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    yeah you were awesome

    I think the bottom line here is whether a competent tech is worth the risk of you messing up in some social way. That's all up to @LordInateur , but when I see you in-game lately you've been much tamer and kind to players, maybe power might have gone a bit to your head? :)
    I think ellie's concerns are legitimate, but as meep's techs are drowning in projects and the anticheat needs a bit of work if you ask me I truly believe if you can take hold of your tongue, and learn to walk away from arguments (even though it's really hard sometimes), I support you 100% for a second chance at tech (add me as a reference if you want).
    OKNEM likes this.
  19. cdhoff

    cdhoff Well-Known Meeper

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    Yeah :/
  20. EllieEllie

    EllieEllie Staff Member Leadership

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    Understandable, but so are me, Clue and Mag, I see both of them regularly, especially over the holidays when I've been up until about 3am my time.

    This post may get deleted as I'm over my limit but I just wanted to thank you for the reply and wish you good luck :)
    cdhoff likes this.
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