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Retaining players!

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Jess_4Ds, Aug 4, 2017.

  1. qazini

    qazini Neighborhood Panini

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    You're talking like as if Jess was trying to get something from making this thread. It's not an "idea", it's just a remark on how poorly some new people were treated, and that it doesn't help Meep's situation. People's attitudes do impact the server, like if people are jokingly refusing others a town, that person, who maybe could have stayed, will leave. No, no one's saying this is the ultimate solution. But it's something everyone can do to help Meep maintain players. Just be kind, and don't troll, and you'll be doing at least your part in helping Meep.
    SuperDyl and Jess_4Ds like this.
  2. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

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    Minecraft is just slowly dwindling in popularity like it always has. It's just not that fun anymore. These kinds of threads get posted multiple times every year and the answer is just to hope for some big update or change that will somehow make a lot of old players want to come back and try something new. There are just so many better and fun games that come out every year that make Minecraft seem dull.
    Bob4444444 and 7acespade like this.
  3. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

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    Isn't this the purpose of making these kinds of threads? Isn't this the purpose of all communication in general, to make an effect? Of course this thread has a purpose. If it didn't, there would be no reason to ever make it.

    Did you read his response? The last line is "So for crying out loud invite new players to your towns, get them started, help them and maybe more would stay." She's not just sharing a story she has like you said. She's trying to get people on Meep to be nicer, almost like it would fix all of our problems. The truth is that such a simple fix wont work, there are so many complex factors, such as Minecraft's popularity and the fact that towny servers need to have a preexisting large population to attain a player base that affects our server popularity. Even if "being nice" was the solution, Jess' use of hostile word choice and tone isn't the way to convince us. Its extremely pretentious for someone who doesn't even check up on Meepcraft regularly to think she's the genius blessed with the power to know how to fix our problem with *one* simple solution. The truth of the matter is that this thread, literally telling people to "be nicer", won't have any impact on the community, it'll just be swallowed into the other "HERES HOW WE FIX MEEPCRAFT" weekly threads posted here.

    Everyone knows this. Do we really need a post telling us that "being mean to people will make them mad at us?" And lets be real here, do we need another thread posted about a miracle solution that will fix all of our problems?

    MeepCraft Is Dead And We Need To Fix It
    The Meepcraft Economy
    We Don't Wanna Talk About It, Part One.
    Suggestion that could change meepcraft forever
    MEEPCRAFT MERCH (100% will sell. 6 backers)
    Why Meep is Dying (The Controversy is Real)
    Lilstokes likes this.
  4. NinjaRoxy

    NinjaRoxy Guest

    Are you kidding me, Jess did not use hostile words. She pointed out some truths. Do you even play the server now to see whats been happening?
    SuperDyl, Pmx728 and Jess_4Ds like this.
  5. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Your point isn't really relevant considering she accurately addressed a problem and provided a solution that will work. Minecraft declining as a whole also isn't a massive shift as there are still millions of players.
    SuperDyl, Jess_4Ds and Math_Pro like this.
  6. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

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    I think I misused the term hostile, now that I think about it, I should have used the term condescending. Jess, throughout the course of her thread, tells us to start accepting new players because she thinks she's figured out the master plan that fixes everything. She fails to realize that since our servers popularity is decreasing for reasons more than "being nice to people", an overwhelming majority of people who are given a plot in a town will still quit and never return. She's criticizing town owners who are doing the sensible thing: only allocating resources to people they know won't quit on them the next day.

    I spent a lot of time on that comment. It was a lot more than one misused word, I assure you.
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 10, 2017, Original Post Date: Aug 10, 2017 ---
    Its certainly a noble intention, but its absolutely worthless. I compared this thread originally to soccer moms on Facebook that would shout "FIX THE ECONOMY OBAMA", neglecting to realize that posting a comment on Facebook won't change anything. I still think this thread is as useless as those types of comments. Come on Deinen, I know you're incredibly smart and I respect you endlessly, but we both know that this thread won't magically make Meepcraft more friendly, its absolutely useless and people are tired of seeing the same thread pop up every week. Theres no way a thread on a minecraft server forum will convince someone to change who they are, or stop trolling people. Those dozen of other "heres how we fix meepcraft" threads never changed a thing as well.

    And for the millions still playing minecraft, I'm willing to bet that at least 95% of them are playing on servers they have fun and not even thinking about joining another.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2017
  7. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    The biggest issue that has to be solved is gaining a playerbase and the current playerbase is the perfect tool to achieve this. It's really that simple, what Jess said is exactly the issue/solution. Of course this single thread won't magically solve anything but if nobody posts anything then we're in the same boat. My suggestion is if you are tired of seeing the same thread then stop reading them and move on your day but until the playerbase issue and the blacklist issue is solved then MeepCraft is on a path to being shut down because there is a self-constructed ceiling to any success.

    Personally, if I were admin, I'd just ban the people who are hampering the effort to retain players and move on my day so it seems some people are lucky. But either way it's an issue that has to be solved because not only does it prevent playerbase retention it had served to drive away more mature players who aren't willing to deal with the ignorance and immaturity of the cited group within the playerbase.

    That 95% doesn't matter because the 5% left is still enough people to max the server to capacity multiple times over. Look at the popular hub servers with crap off the website towny with hundreds of players. Those hundreds of players are ripe to be poached by a better towny and decent playerbase.

    You're absolutely right that her post will likely change nothing because, as I stated before kids suck, but at the same time there is nothing wrong with what she posted. If you don't like it - Don't read it.
  8. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

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    The "don't like, don't read" argument is so stupid that it even has its own page on TV tropes. . When I criticize something for being useless, "dont read it" isn't a fitting counterargument at all, its still as useless as I said it was. You just admitted that these threads won't amount to anything, and in reality, these threads might even do more harm than good for Meepcraft as a whole. If I'm a new player and I'm checking out the forums, do you really think posts like these telling me that Meepcraft is dying will convince me to stay a while longer? It won't, I'll leave because I don't want to board a sinking ship.

    If this thread amounts to nothing, something you just said, it confirms my original point - this is useless. I'm all for pointless threads because I find them pretty entertaining, but pointless, depressing threads that ultimately do more harm than good are stupid things no one enjoys. Thank you for confirming my argument.
  9. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    I mean, one doesn't need forum posts to see the server is on life support, nor have I made any argument it does harm. The worse case scenario is that it does nothing, it's neutral, at that point it is worth the post because I'm positive at least one person read it and took it to heart.

    If you are a new player this forum isn't going to turn you off because no new player is going to scour it for an opinion before joining. People log in the server first, and will get turned off by the idiots who like to spam useless crap like "tendies" or you will join in on the idiocy. The forums are a second step when people join, but Jess pointed out that the strongest asset this server had, the community, can and should do more to grow the community. With exception, the community has turned into turd thus it no longer provides attraction to new players.

    You are absolutely right many factors are involved with driving the player base down, but Jess is right when when she says the community has the power and ability to grow itself.

    I think you are making a mountain out of a molehill.
  10. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm not quite sure why you're continuing the respond, you conceded the argument. You conceded it when you told me this thread would most probably account for nothing.

    Deinen, your argument recently has just been saying that making meep nicer would positively affect the server. This is something we both agree on, and I've made it clear multiple times in my postings. If you take a look at my posts I said that the effort to make Meepcraft a nicer place was "noble" and that, if worked, would definitely see an increase in players. The issue is that this thread isnt going to make anyone nicer. You even said that. Its a useless thread! I'm arguing that this thread is useless, something you agree with, and you're arguing for some reason that a nicer meep would positively effect it, even though I've agreed with that from the start. Deinen, I don't understand. You're confirming my argument here!

    And I'll admit, of course I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, thats what I like to do on the forums. But that doesn't change the status of this thread, its still useless. No matter how far I take this argument, I'm still correct because you said it yourself, this thread wont change a thing.
  11. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Can you find where I said, with certainty, that it will have no effect?
    Pmx728 likes this.
  12. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

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    Sure man
  13. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Except that is not a statement containing certainty. I said it would likely change nothing which means that there is a chance for it to positively affect something, thus worth it.
    Courtneyyy and Pmx728 like this.
  14. flibergdde

    flibergdde Popular Meeper

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    Join my town! Its in the wild and has free stuff and plenty of roob to build and expand (especially since someon burned down the forest that covered half the area) go to the thread Attn. Travelers of the Wild.

    lel someone is going to yell at me for this post
  15. SuperDyl

    SuperDyl Popular Meeper

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    flibergdde likes this.
  16. Jess_4Ds

    Jess_4Ds Ya Know!

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    I never said that this was the solution to change or fix meep. As far as it not helping or effecting anything, I have had a lot of people message me and thanking me for pointing this behavior out. If it helps a few people open their eyes then I would think that it is not useless. All I was doing was pointing out some poor behavior I noticed and I am glad that a lot of people saw it for what it was and took it into effect and are trying to change the way they welcome new players.
    Pmx728 likes this.
  17. MeepLord27

    MeepLord27 Popular Meeper

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    When your minecraft free trial expires
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 12, 2017, Original Post Date: Aug 12, 2017 ---

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