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Helper Application from Fire_Wolf04

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by Fire_Wolf04, Jun 3, 2017.

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  1. Fire_Wolf04

    Fire_Wolf04 Popular Meeper

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    Member Name Fire_Wolf04

    Additional In Game Names: None

    How old are you? 21

    Location: Currently Egypt

    Do you have Discord? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 3-5

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 4-5

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's Courtneyyy

    When did you join Meepcraft? 2014? been a while

    Introduction: Hey I'm Wolf, I've never been good at talking about myself but I'm currently living in Egypt for the year. I study computer science back in the US. While here I find myself more interested in computer security and penetration testing, but I’m also learning java since I have too much time where I end up sitting around.

    Why should you be Helper? Honestly I wanted to go for tech but I don’t think I have the skill set just yet to go for that but I wanted to help the server in some way and what other way to do that than being staff and helping players

    What are your weaknesses? Weaknesses would be I'm a rather quiet person so I don’t really talk much in chat nor have I been on discord much. Where I am for the year has weird Wi-Fi so somedays I won’t be able to get on making my schedule a bit unpredictable.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I was banned a few months ago which I’m sure may be brought up in this there are a few people who know what happen but I won mind explaining what happen to staff that don’t already know. Also I've always been bad at writing and I apologize but please feel free to mgs me and ask me anything else you’d want to know about me.
    Erebus45, riri30 and TechnoTyson like this.
  2. alex77034

    alex77034 Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin'

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    I haven't seen you in game, so I can't say much about your in game activity. Based on the application, you seem like a mature applicant that I can totally see being staff in the the future. The downfall really lies with your why section because it was incredibly weak. First you mentioned that you want to go for tech but you don't have the skills yet, which is totally unrelated. And then, your last sentence states that you want to 'help the server in some way and what other way to do that than being staff and helping players'. That's the only thing anyone can get from this application; a cliche answer. The best way to break up the why section is to break it up into traits or aspects that make you a good candidate. A simple format for this would be:

    Ex: Dedication:

    When did you have dedication to a goal or challenge?

    How did you achieve this?

    How did completing or staying focused on the goal effect you?

    Do you strive to be dedicated to any goal you might have after that experience? How and Why?

    How can you apply this to being a staff member on meep?

    How can this make you a better candidate than other applicants?

    Try explaining each aspect by taking a past experience and then explain it's effects on you and how it would connect to your position as a staff member. For the why section, more is better, but keep in mind that it needs to be effective, direct, and specific. I suggest looking at accepted applications to get a look as to how a strong application would look like, and then looking at denied applications to see where they went wrong/or how their application might of not been suitable.

    In conclusion, I have a good feeling about you as staff member. While your application was weak, I could see some hints of potential. Good luck!
  3. TheTastyNacho

    TheTastyNacho Celebrity Meeper

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    You seem pretty nice. Your intro isn't great. It doesn't tell us much about you. Your app imo is not very good, but I think you could definitely get staff if you tried a bit harder in your app. I'm at +/- Good Luck!
    chris_is_crazy likes this.
  4. 00000

    00000 Guest

    Not sure I understand why some members are calling out this guy on his app, he's been staff before and it's pretty clear to me that he knows what the job entails and generally has the required maturity. If he's active, and is mature as his age would point toward, I see no reason to deny. +1
    SuperDyl, lfpnub and Jadeybear7 like this.
  5. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Hello there Wolf,

    First, I will never +1 someone that is applying solely because they need something to do.

    If you need something to do, then you should learm to code and get closer to achieving the developer position.

    You should also at least attempt by writing a well developed application. You can find the guide here!

    smk and Pmx728 like this.
  6. MoonlitMadness

    MoonlitMadness Celebrity Meeper

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    firstly, before I say anything else, thank you for being apart of our national guard, I'm truly thankful that people are willing to defend my rights as an American civilian for the greater good, I truly appreciate you.

    First off, I do believe you to be a solid candidate for helper, however I just didn't see the effort in this application I l think you'd be a good helper from what I've seen, but I base my votes on a candidate by how detailed, and well written their application is, like adots or some of mine.

    I'm a. +/-, good luck and don't stay up til 1 when you have to wake up at 5 to go to Washington DC like me ):
    smk and Pmx728 like this.
  7. riri30

    riri30 Retired veteran

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    So yeah, I'm a -1 one for the following reasons:

    Make sure your application is developed.
    Enhance it, by adding examples of past experiences. Take some time to detail it and think about how to add more, everyday. You're app isn't bad, you've got the basics. Now you just need to detail it. Give concrete examples, and develop sections, especially the "why".
    What could help is asking people on discord if they would like to proofread it. I know I would.
    Sorry for being brusque before this edit.
    Best of luck, mate!
    Check out @Courtneyyy 's guide, it also could help a lot.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
    smk and Pmx728 like this.
  8. chris_is_crazy

    chris_is_crazy Popular Meeper

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    Your application is mature is straight forward. It does lack detail in the "why" section as _Senor has said, But I do believe that you would make a good helper; with an enhanced and more detailed application solely based off of what I have seen from the content of this application. I'm +/- opinionated on this. Good luck!
  9. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    I'd like for you to get an interview.
    smk and Jadeybear7 like this.
  10. smk

    smk Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm sorry but I'm a -1. You seem mature and could maybe be a good staff member, but I do not see many redeeming qualities other than possibilities. Your application is extremely lacking, and I would advise you look at the thread Courtney pinned that gives advice for the application. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt that you could do better than this application, but I've never seen you outside of this application.

    Please give us some more information to work with. Your introduction suggests redeeming qualities, but the rest of the application doesn't seem to look like you care. A good application could show dedication, commitment, and why you would be a good member of the team. I suggest you answer some of those questions if this is denied.

    Really work on your application. Short and sweet can be good, but not if there isn't some good info.

    Good luck!

    You've also been staff before, so you know this isn't an amazing app.
  11. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    With the application aside, there are still several issues. You have not addressed the fact that you've been staff at least twice and each time you were okay for a few weeks, not good but okay, and then you got kind of inactive and when you were on you didn't do much of anything. You have hardly any forums activity, looking at your recent forum posts you have several up to last friday, then another one previously in may, then it's 1 post in april 1 in march 1 in Feb. There is absolutely no effort put into the application, be it writing the application itself, or in activity and actually doing something to get out there + the severe lack of dedication.

    Effort is important innit?
  12. TechnoTyson

    TechnoTyson Popular Meeper

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    G'day Mate, I haven't been on in a while but I saw this and came to back up a good mate.
    Now all these haters down here about no effort in the app, a short concise app is way better then a bunch of rubbish about how ohhh I was staff, then I wasn't, I made mistakes, I'm sorry, blah blah blah, I'll be better this time. None of that matters it's a given that you'll try in the team, that's why you're applying. I know you're a great guy, lovely character, easy to approach and get help from. If you can write or if you can't shouldn't effect your application and a great guy like you will do a better job then I could have ever done for the team. Huge +1.
    smk and MoonlitMadness like this.
  13. Jadeybear7

    Jadeybear7 Popular Meeper

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    Hey Wolfy!!
    Awesome to see you applying again!
    I have known you for well over a year now (I think??) and you were a really good friend :)

    - Easy to read and well written app, not a heap of garbage on their life story and everything they've done on Meep to up their word count
    - Great to see you active again
    - You can be quiet, but not too quiet. You are quiet to an extent where you will not go on rants about how amazing you are and your life, but you are still easy to talk to and easy to get along with.

    overall +1 <3
    smk likes this.
  14. 0zblox

    0zblox Celebrity Meeper Staff Member Architect

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    An app with a little more effort would be nice!
    smk and SuperDyl like this.
  15. Midnight_Galaxy

    Midnight_Galaxy ✧゚・:*Forever Reading *:・゚✧

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    Hiya wolf, for me it is a -1 and that is because your application is not very strong, if you would like me to go into more details about some of the thing that could be improved you are more than welcome to send me a msg on here and i will get back to you :)
    smk and MoonlitMadness like this.
  16. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    Wolf, your app is lacking quite a bit. I know writing about yourself has never been a strong point. However, I know you are very hardworking and definitely dedicated to the server.

    I'll give you a +.5 because I know you are highly capable of doing the job but you also need to expand on your applications.
    Courtneyyy and riri30 like this.
  17. Courtneyyy

    Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder

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    Hey, so it took me awhile to get the words I wanted to say on here. You are quite possibly the easiest guy to talk to and are incredibly intelligent and fun. Like Erebus said talking about yourself isn't a strong suit for you but I could've easily found more things to add about you just by talking to you. I was a staff member with you before and you deff dedicated the time and effort into Meep as well as did your fair share of the work. However, I know that your time on the computer is limited due to being overseas and work but so is most of us on the team. I would adore to give you the opportunity to be on the team and see how well you do in an interview, (I totally call dibs on that btw.) I do know that you had a bit of a issue awhile back but I don't think that matters much now in my opinion because you have done great since then. You are pretty quiet but I don't see that as an issue because sometimes it's alright to be subtle and not have a loud mouth like yours truly. You don't post a lot on the forums but you do get on and you are active in game which is great. All in all I am a +1 because I believe in you and sometimes that's all it takes to make a great staff member. Good luck!
    Erebus45 and Pmx728 like this.
  18. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    We're curious to hear you out. Accepted for interview!
    iKitten, cnkropp and Erebus45 like this.
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