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bathroom policy

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Piper N, Mar 4, 2017.


how should transgenders be treated/ bathroom policy

  1. how you self identify

  2. your given gender

  1. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

    Likes Received:
    Please don't avoid my question.

    We've established the scenario you are using as justification of bathroom laws has never once happened to you, nor anyone else that you know.

    Do you know anyone, who knows anyone, that has had the scenario you are using as justification laws happen to them?
  2. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I'm not sure where you got this question as no one has said that
    MoonlitMadness and Pmx728 like this.
  3. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    I think he asked that question thinking we would say it wouldn't be discriminating, and then follow up asking then why is it discrimination when you don't let transgenders use the bathroom they self-identify as. (even though they are two different facilities that serve two different purposes, and are way different in terms of privacy) I am not sure though.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2017
    metr0n0me likes this.
  4. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Go as what your gender is...
    This can and does include trans people
    I mean even if we're talking about a changing room, if you're a a trans girl and you still are a guy between the legs, just keep your underwear on c':
    I'm not there to pick a fight, I'm there to change
  5. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Muunkee I asked that question because if we should allow a transgender person or a self identified person into the bathroom in which they choose, wouldn't it only be fair to let them in the locker room in which they choose?

    @cnkropp please do not assume things. I am actually trying to figure out how anyone would be okay with a self identified person going into the opposite sex bathroom and or locker room.

    @Deinen No I do not know anyone that it has happened to, I do not know of anyone that it's happened to.

    @Deinen now am I supposed to know what half the world knows? Whether they know or not, I have no clue.

    @Deinen I do not know someone that it's happened to, but I know 2 people that have done it to someone else.

    Let me say this again, it is not the full transgender people that I have an issue with. I have an issue with the people who you can clearly tell are guys or girls and they go into the wrong bathroom. I should not be a guy and say "well today imma be a girl" and "self identify" as a female that day and go into the female restroom. Which is exactly what Target did and that's exactly what self identify means.
  6. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

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    I strip down naked in fromt of the urinaLS every day
    Pmx728 and Natsu like this.
  7. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    So then there is no point in any law prohibiting something that doesn't happen then.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 2, 2017, Original Post Date: Apr 2, 2017 ---

    But this is not a scenario that happens.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 2, 2017 ---
    You know two people who have done this to other people? Did the fact sexual assault is illegal deter them?
  8. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Deinen no, it did not deter them. They also did it before that law was passed. So with the law being passed and them being able to go into the female restroom, it would have been a lot easier for them to do so.
  9. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    So if felonious sexual assault did not deter them, why would a bathroom bill, that is unenforceable, deter them?
    metr0n0me likes this.
  10. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    I seriously hope you realize how much you contradict yourself.

    "Use the restroom for the genitalia you have"
    "If you're a guy that looks like a girl then use the girls restroom"
    "If you're in the wrong restroom you're a weirdo that should go to jail"

    Do you want people to use the restroom that they "look like" or the restroom for the genitalia they have? Who defines what looks girls and manly?? You don't want a guy in the girls bathroom unless he looks like a girl then it's okay?

    Plus you want to change laws just so you don't feel uncomfortable, isn't that considered being a special snowflake?
    metr0n0me, Natsu and Muunkee like this.
  11. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    He doesn't know.

    He knows that in order to check off his "Good Conservative Checklist" he needs to be for and against certain ideas. This is specifically why he can state the stance of topics but tends to fail when we delve into "Why have you come to this conclusion?" sections of the debate.

    He is uncomfortable with the idea of a man using the restroom of his future wife/child/etc ultimately, that has to be the logical origin of the sentiment. But he still has to argue from that origin of thought to the conclusion, which is him saying "I think people should use the bathrooms of their biological sex." We're witnessing him, for the first time, trying to draw that line from A to B, because it's probably never once really entered his thoughts and he's really never actually thought the stance out, much like most of his stances.

    This is why it suddenly switched from "I don't want a man in the bathroom with my future wife" to "Would you let .... .... undress in a lockerroom with your ... ...". It's because he's being a fish trying to find a route upstream.

    The feeling uncomfortable is a legitimate issue in that it's a real reaction from him and it's not something to blame him for. I'd be uncomfortable too, but that's when you have to just not be a special snowflake and get over yourself because the actual legitimate threat being cited as justification simply isn't there. Even beyond that the reaction of bathroom laws is asinine because it doesn't really address the logical concerns with it, such as why would people willing to commit a felony be deterred by a non-enforceable misdemenor law?

    This is because the aim of this law is not to provide a safer environment, because they cannot reasonably show evidence that the environment is unsafe to begin with, but to employer citizens to take the law into their own hands and harass people they suspect in order to alleviate their own uncomfortableness, rather than just not be a special snowflake.
  12. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Deljikho i am not contradicting myself, Muunkee made mention to the fact that she "looks like a man" which judging from the pictures she posts on forums I think I would clearly be able to tell that she was a female. So I told her "if you are a girl and look like a man, go in the men's room I guess". I think I've made it pretty clear and even said "go into the restroom that your ID says". I mean good lord you know what's between your legs, go in there, pee and leave. @Deinen if writing a bunch of nonsense makes you feel smart and makes your opinion "seem more valid" then so be it. My opinion on the matter still stands as is.
  13. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Can you answer my question?

  14. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    If avoiding questions asked and making excuses and trying to turn the debate around to make you seem more right makes you feel your opinion is "more valid" then keep going : D
  15. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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  16. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    Why would it offend you.

    here's a question: Why would you let an persons actions that have no physical affect on you interfere with how you feel? You can't prove that them using the bathroom leads to any physical harm, so why does it matter?
    Muunkee likes this.
  17. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Deinen as I said before... it makes it easier for them. Murder is a crime but it doesn't stop being from doing it, if we allowed people to walk around with any gun they wanted and not have to have a background check or a permit wouldn't it make it easier for people to kill other people? It's the same thing. Rape is always going to happen, but we can make it harder for it to happen, instead of opening doors to allow it to happen.

    Also, @Deinen do you think that I agree with Donald Trump 100%? Do you think I automatically agree with him because I voted for him?

    @Muunkee I'm not avoiding any question, I actually didn't see his question. Thank you. Also I'm not changing topics, I believe I asked about the locker room in question form. Am I not allowed to ask questions? And, I'm not saying my point is valid. It's simply an opinion. His opinion is no more valid then mine is.

    @WeAreNumberUno im not offended? Here's a question for you, when do we have to say, "okay it's gone to far"? When it actually happens to someone? Do we stop allowing men to use the female restroom when they start raping people?

    Also @Deinen i catch myself repeating this and it keeps getting skipped over, Caitlin Jenner is a transgender, a full transgender. My problem is not with transgenders it's with "self identification" Caitlin Jenners drivers license says "female".
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2017
  18. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    It's only been quoted to you like half a dozen times, but okay.

    What is your favorite flavour of ice cream?
    that's not related to this subjext? thank you
    So do we need to show our IDs now when we have to go to the bathroom?

    What do you mean by self-identification? I'm not sure you are fully understanding the concept.

    Self identification is NOT jimmy wearing a dress.
    a definition:
    "One's innermost concept of self as male, female, a blend of both or neither – how individuals perceive themselves and what they call themselves. One's gender identity can be the same or different from their sex assigned at birth."
    Jimmy wearing a dress and trying to get into the girl's room is not self identification.
    actually being what/who you are is.

    I can't just say i identify as a boy now because thats not how that works.
    I cant just wear mens clothing, cut my hair short, and say yay! I'm a dude!

    in order for me to actually do the boy thing I would have to be, yknow, serious about it. And that's a whole lot more.

    Who gives a damn what my drivers license tells you? Who gives a damn who is where? You are the only one participating ehre that is against this plan. And your only reason is that your are uncomfortable.

    I'm leaning towards deinen's words and stop being a snowflake.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 2, 2017, Original Post Date: Apr 2, 2017 ---

    For god's sake, if you're gonna say something stupid, back it up - you've been proved wrong and that this fact is completely not true.
    Natsu likes this.
  19. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    How does it make it harder than opening a door, which is literally what they have to do? It doesn't make it harder to actually commit the crime, it adds punishment. However, if someone isn't deterred by felonious sexual assault, why would they be deterred by a non-enforceable misdamenour?
    Pmx728 likes this.
  20. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Actually it hasn't, the one he kept quoting me on was a completely different question but OKAY!

    Are you an idiot? My question went right along with. You think transgenders should be allowed to use the restroom in which they choose. Do you also think they should use the locker room in which they choose? How is that different? Were still talking about transgenders and their rights, aren't we???


    What I mean by self identification: Someone who is male or female and identifies as the opposite sex. Me a male, telling everyone im a female.
    ex: I am a human but I self identify as a dog, I did not change to a dog but I want to be treated like one.

    Your right, it could be jimmy going into the bathroom with his wife.

    Yeah you actually can.

    So because im the only one here who agrees that it should be the sex you are born at (which im not so thats a lie) im automatically wrong? Should I always just follow the crowd and not think on my own? As I said before, my problem is not with people like Caitlyn Jenner but people like Bruce Jenner.

    Im fine with Caitlyn using the female restroom, im not fine if Bruce uses it tho.

    CORRECTION: Snowflakes actually think transgenders and self identified people should be able to use the restroom in which they choose. A snowflake is also offended by everything, Im not offended by this topic however I do disagree with it. If you want to get technical, aren't you offended by the fact that transgender people should be allowed to use the bathroom that they choose? So would that also make you a snowflake?

    If uncomfortable means I dont want someone to get hurt (aka raped or sexually assaulted) in the bathroom then yes you could say im uncomfortable.

    There is also no proof that ghosts exist.

    Opening the door to rape, not the actual bathroom door.

    Allowing a man into the bathroom with my wife and kids adds punishment? please explain...

    I believe that allowing men into the female bathroom leads to sexual assault and or rape. I dont care what cnn news says, or any other news media says, I believe it and I believe it shouldn't be allowed.

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