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Discussion in 'Completed' started by Muunkee, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Hi :]

    Do you have an idea for any new meepquests?
    Feel free to reply on this thread or PM me with any ideas, can be a fully outlined quest or just a draft/idea you want to put out there.

    You can also suggest rewards, specific items, and more for quests. <3
    fasehed and Courtneyyy like this.
  2. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    A quest to retrieve my hammer, cheers.
  3. Photoave12

    Photoave12 Popular Meeper

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    Ok so I pm'ed you this @Muunkee and then discovered this thread.

    So after getting a notification of muinkee adding an ideas doc to trello, I thought maybe we could have a part of a quest that has players team up into groups after the second quest based on their chosen side (good or evil). Then we could either have two big factions or loads of smaller factions fighting against the other side in order to stop them completing their quest.

    This would make the quests a little harder and would provide an opportunity for players to get to know each other and welcome newer players to the community.

    Also maybe the players/factions can be competing within their factions (I've personally settled on the two big factions idea) for a special in game tag like [Quest Master] or [Faction Leader] with the same color as their faction. only one person per faction could have this and it could (possibly) provide perks like a needle allowance or boosts that are active as long as the player holds the title. (We would need to make it so everyone can take over as quest master and it can't be dominated by the richest players (timer to limit how long you can hold this position?))

    That's about all I can think of now.</braindump>
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2016
    CluelessKlutz likes this.
  4. Photoave12

    Photoave12 Popular Meeper

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    Would this be able to be re-completed once a year? Or would there be a different quest on the npc's next birthday?
    fasehed likes this.
  5. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    If it's gonna be once a year, the prize should be bigger and the quest should be harder/longer

    probably just have like a different npcs birthday
    fasehed and Photoave12 like this.
  6. TechnoTyson

    TechnoTyson Popular Meeper

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    Could we add a quest about CG taking over meep and a possible meep networks uprising, oh wait bad memories and then you stop cg or something
    2leah2 and Photoave12 like this.
  7. Nerf958

    Nerf958 Celebrity Meeper

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    I've been seeing a lot of players asking for more quests so I thought of somethings that could be added to future quests.

    In most games in a quest you are getting the feeling of saving the day, but in the current ones we have we only go around and collect materials. Why not add some type of PvE aspect to a future quest where we have to go into /warp mobs and kill like 20 zombies for example. Add a little variety.

    While most of the quests are to help start off new players, why not add old meep references to some of them (Yes, I know the ancient wooden hoe reference) but for example, in the Time Machine quest, why not continue that story line where we have to go back to MN and save Meepcraft? We would warp into the old spawn and such and complete a series of actions or kill a certain amount of enemies.

    Now this next one might be a little bit different, but it could work. PvP is currently not doing so well outside of Kitpvp. Why not add a quest to the Terrarium where you have to kill like 5 players and place the Quest giver man outside the terrarium entrance.

    Now for my last suggestion since the majority of quests are to start off new players with some meebles, why not also introduce them to the minigames? This would be along the lines of a more not difficult but longer quest. You would be sent into each minigame and have to play atleast like one game and then win a game as well and then you would move onto the next minigame. Something to expand the minigame side of the server.
    Enron, Pmx728, xXAdotXx and 1 other person like this.
  8. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    We got you. :) We got some cool stuff brewing, actually.
    Photoave12, Nerf958 and Muunkee like this.
  9. Courtneyyy

    Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder

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    Pmx728 likes this.
  10. Dockson

    Dockson Celebrity Meeper

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    So, I've played on quite a few RPG Minecraft servers.

    The quests are basically the same over and over again. You can't do much with vanilla Minecraft, right?

    The thing, that makes a quest great, is the feeling of adventure. I am sure there are lots of you creative people out there, who could come up with an amazing plot for a quest, but the thing, that makes a quest amazing, is the environment.

    Can't imagine the architects being idle, but just throwing this idea out there: have the archs do custom mini-worlds/areas for quests.
    Would love that :)

    You would come up to the Quest Master, start a quest and it would ask you if you want to be transported to the dedicated quest area. Could be an extention of the spawn, or even the /warp event world.
    Photoave12 likes this.
  11. Acceleradiance

    Acceleradiance Celebrity Meeper

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    Time Crimestoppers Part Two -

    -The Quest Blaster finishes his time machine, and goes back to the past to steal gold
    -Player goes back to previous spawns (If possible to restore) and does tasks for younger versions of current NPCs (or new ones) to find information about the Quest Blaster's scheme

    -If possible, implement more puzzles/parkour/endurance segments in quests (and possibly even some sort of boss fight?)

    Will edit when I thin of more ideas
    Splasho, Pmx728 and fasehed like this.
  12. fasehed

    fasehed Celebrity Meeper

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    Can we make it first so that the good side and bad's side only difference is not bad side takes me items. Also for goodness sakes make the time machine quest take you through old spawns.
    Photoave12 likes this.
  13. Photoave12

    Photoave12 Popular Meeper

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    +1 to everything in here
    fasehed likes this.
  14. Photoave12

    Photoave12 Popular Meeper

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    Maybe we could start making videos that act as a back story or provide clues for the quests. This would also hook non-meepers into the server as they would probably be interested in the quests
    Acceleradiance likes this.
  15. Peero

    Peero Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm not good at ideas or stories, but can we please have actually fun quests? The current quests are literally run around spawn, buy some stuff, then you win. Add in parkour, add in puzzles, add in things that are actually entertaining.
  16. Photoave12

    Photoave12 Popular Meeper

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    And have them take multiple days, maybe you talk to a villager who says "I'm not in a good mood right now, come back tomorrow " so it takes longer.

    Also, if the quest villager says "bring me item X" the player should be blocked from buying that item on vshop while the quest is active. Then a) vshop prices aren't inflated because of quests (1k for a glass bottle really?) and b) it will be harder because people have to make the items themselves and make it more interesting.
    Peero likes this.
  17. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    Could also be like 'bring me some zombie/creeper/spider heads or something so the player has to go to wild to behead things to make itmore fun
    Peero likes this.
  18. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    I like how meep totally ignores the kid saying hes gonna kill himself...

  19. 2leah2

    2leah2 Celebrity Meeper

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    make a quest about a sailor that has to travel around the whole world.
    then make the player visit all worlds in meep (many as possible) and the player should do different tasks in those worlds like, create a skyblock and make a pond with a boat and then catch a fish and return to the dude at spawn or like join/create a town and help add 5 new residents and claim 2 plots or something liek that or kill a zombie at warp mobs with a gold sword and complete elytra course, win a skywars game and sail 7274832 blocks in the wild in a birch boat

    SpongeyStar likes this.
  20. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    I decided to re write my idea and put it in more in depth wordings to make it easier to understand....

    --Billy's Birthday Bash--

    *right click NPC at spawn*
    >> Quest Master says: Hey there, [your name here]! It's a great day today isn't it?
    *question comes up, click red or green wool (red wool is 'No' and green wool is 'Yes)
    *If player selects green wool, NPC says: You are right! If player selects red wool, NPC says 'That's a shame!"

    >> Quest Master says: Anyways, it is my friend Billy's birthday today! I have known him for a long time. This is going to sound really bad but, I have forgotten where I put Billy's birthday present! I feel like such a bad friend!

    >> Quest Master says: Would you be willing to help me finding Billy the birthday present?
    *question comes up, red wool is 'No' and green wool is 'Yes'. If player selects yes, continue with quest, if player selects no, Quest Master says: Oh well..I'll try find it myself. See you later. *quest stops there*

    When player selects yes to help:

    >> Quest Master says: Oh yay! Thank you so much! I have the first clue for you to find the present. I remember that I had bought the present from James the NPC. It was the last in stock.I don't know where he was but I do remember seeing a large tree indoors. I Maybe he knows where I went afterwards?

    *player goes to find James (in /warp shop)*

    At warp shop

    *player right clicks James*

    >> James says: Oh hello there, how many I help you?

    *question comes up, red wool will make you say 'Just browsing around' and then the question will close and you will have to right click James again. Green wool will make you say 'Have you seen the Quest Master around here?'

    >> James says: Ah yes, the Quest Master! He came to buy a quick birthday present for his friend. I cannot disclose the present as it is special but I did see him go towards the Meep Forest. I wonder why!

    *player goes to forest to continue searching*

    At warp forest

    *another NPC called Mr. WildWater is standing by the water park portal.* *player right clicks NPC.*

    >> Mr WildWater says: Oh hello there, young one! Do you want to go on a water ride?
    *player selects green for Yes and gets teleported to warp waterpark, or player selects no and asks if the Quest Master came here with a present*

    >> Mr WildWater says: Ah! Quest Master! He indeed came around here, in fact, he took a box wrapped in wrapping paper up to the waterslide! He possibly went down, I mean, that is the only way down, isn't it?
    *player goes through water portal to the /warp waterpark*
    *player goes down waterslide with boat. At the bottom of the water slide, you find a chest and pick it up* *go back to quest master to show gift*

    Back at Spawn

    >> Quest Master says: You are back! I didn't think you would come back. Anyways, what's that you got there? You found it? Well done!

    >> Quest master says: You know what, since you went to all that trouble to get that present, why don't you give it to Billy. He'll be at /warp club celebrating. And for all your effort, here is a token of kindness! *receive x number of meebles*

    At /warp club

    >> Billy says: Woah, you got me a present? My gosh, thank you so much!

    --THE END--
    Muunkee, Pmx728 and iGwampa like this.

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