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Discussion in 'Denied' started by Marshy_88, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Marshy_88

    Marshy_88 Celebrity Meeper

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    ok so this is a lot like the comment I just made somewhere but I want to make sure the message is clear

    Meepcraft is dying
    This is not an opinion, it's a fact. So, to fix this, @Fuzzlr needs to admit that we are in a state of collapse. We are beyond the point of return, his propaganda is false. To last another 6months, we need to stop all unesscary costs. Like pay for only 250 player max, have no payed advertisements, and not pay for things we can make on our own.

    The scale of this is larger than what like to admit. It's not just meep dying, but minecraft is. It may not show that much but it's true, and numbers have dropped a lot everywhere.

    Back to us. We are past the point of no return. We will never have a thousand players again, but if we act now, we might have 100 on at a time. Here's a list of what we need to do to save Meep.

    1. Co-owner. Our current owner rarely comes on and either doesn't know or doesn't admit we,re less than 2 years from full death. A co owner would help with staying in contact with the players, and not be some mytilogical creature.

    2. Give ultimate's fly
    Because then they don't want to leave a server they can do zit on

    3. This goes out to all you rich citizens, VIPs, premiums, exclusives, and maybe elites.
    If you can afford your next rank. Buy it.

    It's not a purchase like at a store, it's a donation.

    People like @Twomoo , he can afford most ranks, and has so much on meep, but why hasn't he desired to donate like so many citizens, donate

    It's a donation

    You've spent so much time on this by practicly using it is stealing it without a donation (to qoute the Simpsons) donate. It doesn't pay for his education, it pays for what you play on. And if you want to be on Baltiop ,ore than your help to want the server, help the server or there will be no damned Baltiop. There will be nothing

    Which brings me to this. Either lower rank prices or make inesntices from rank sellers, as there's only,about 4.

    That ends my rant.
    If Fuzzlr does nothing about this we will have no meep soon

    CyborgZeroX and Toostenheimer like this.
  2. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    Marshy_88 likes this.
  3. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    What makes this time different, compared to the last 50 times this has been said in the past?

    Co-Owners often muddy the waters, and from past experience can produce horrific results, as to making any improvement at all.

    How would this server get Mojang to allow this, which they currently have disallowed. We need Mojang's support and permission to be EULA compliant at all, and not being compliant is a sure way to be shut down.

    It is not a donation, as said by Fuzzlr himself before. Calling it a donation removes all responsibility the server has to it's players (customers). It's a purchase, and even though MeepCraft is not to blame for the sudden shift in donor perks, it still has a responsibility to make good on the ranks it has sold, which it is attempting to do now.

    - I understand your concern, but I've seen this server in far worse shape and it's rebounded splendedly. All business' go through high points and low points. I'd like to show you a game called Achaea - I played this game when I was a child, it's using technology that has been used for gaming for 20 years now. It still gets a healthy amount of players - If text based telnet games are still around and kicking, a unique enough Minecraft server can certainly do it.
    Zoe89, Toostenheimer, Pmx728 and 7 others like this.
  4. Landonator419

    Landonator419 Celebrity Meeper

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    Ofc meep will fall without me. I'm the greatest.
    Marshy_88 likes this.
  5. TimtheFireLord

    TimtheFireLord Celebrity Meeper

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    Fuzzlr isn't here man he actually doesn't care, and I'm not saying that in an edgy way either. Its true. He probably kinda wants the server to end because its sucking money out of his pocket.
    Marshy_88 likes this.
  6. twomoo1119

    twomoo1119 Celebrity Meeper

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    @Marshy_88 you have absolutely no right to say this.

    I have a large town and in this time of uncertainty, I need a large backup of money. My town has gotten people to stay on meep and buy ranks, I'll name a few:

    @meimei55 - Premium
    @DwarFmorf101 - Exclusive
    ImTh3Guy - Premium
    Padomeil - VIP

    All these for certain would not have gotten ranks without my constant help and support, now you are critizing me for keeping about a million meebles in my bank. All I can buy with that is like VIP but I still need meebles for my town bank. Despite what you might think, I am not that rich compared to most active meepers, just rich for a citizen. I will spend my money fairly and wisely, I need savings for my town as my money base is not too stable (at the moment it is but a few events could send it spiralling downwards.) My town, has gotten members who have bought ranks, such as @coobl and TwerkingAustin, and though I don't take very much credit in those donations, I'm sure a few of them would not have happened without me. I have also started up 4 towns, two of which remain (Peachstreet and Hyrule) and I know some of them have gotten members who stayed and eventually got ranks which, again, can partially be contributed to me.

    @Marshy_88 IF YOU ARE PUBLICLY SHAMING ME FOR PUTTING OTHERS BEFORE MYSELF THEN SHAME ON YOU. If simply having a tag on your name determines how the community defines you, then maybe I'll stay a citizen to prove my point even further, it's the reason I never donated in my name anyways. I may work behind the scenes but I have done much more for meep than most players. @Marshy_88 I am shocked at the disrespect from you, sure your a supreme but have you done a lot for others without asking for anything in return? Have have back to the meep community? Sure you bought a rank for yourself but I recall that you have had ranks for a while before EULA (at least Elite before EULA) and I am sure that you got the rank to benefit yourself not meep so don't go bossing people around if you haven't done anything with the intention of helping meepcraft.
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 16, 2016, Original Post Date: Aug 16, 2016 ---
    Maybe the fact that meep has 9.09/13.31 of its player base that it did 2 months ago, if you want the calculations I can give them to you but apply it to most towns and I'll show you it's pretty accurate. (Mooville:300 players June, 205 now, predicted 215; Braveheart:165 June, now 112, predicted 113.)
  7. junelawnchaired

    junelawnchaired neat-o!

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    Thank you for the suggestion but this is denied. It violates my personal space.
    BlackJack likes this.
  8. nath.banana

    nath.banana Popular Meeper

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  9. twomoo1119

    twomoo1119 Celebrity Meeper

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    June please don't just push this aside and as much I hate marshy atm, he is onto something. This is a suggestion that is constantly brought up by the community and is constant shoved away by the staff. Why is this? Is it because you don't want to have less power? Probably but I'm sure there is more so please, show us the reasons for denying this.
  10. nath.banana

    nath.banana Popular Meeper

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    dude shes drunk
  11. twomoo1119

    twomoo1119 Celebrity Meeper

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  12. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't think marshy was insulting you... I think she was saying fuzzlr hasn't posted incentive to donate, however you are both canadians, and I will let you have it out like canadians, by making polite conversation and drinking lots of maple syrup.
  13. twomoo1119

    twomoo1119 Celebrity Meeper

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    Canadians are very passive aggressive, Let me translate it for you @DwarFmorf101

    Why the *%€# have you not #+&"ing donated Twomoo, you little *&@$ing #%$@¥, You have so much &@*% Meebles so go $&%^ing donate.

    See, if he hadn't outright publicly accused me and only me, I would be mad, it's like saying "All supremes are annoying *Cough Cough* @Marshy_88*Cough Cough*." Though it says all supremes are annoying it really is just focusing on @Marshy_88 and not all supremes. That's what he is doing.
  14. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    meep is always dying. there are so many threads about 'meep is dying fix it' yeah yeah.

    there are actually lots of things happening behind the scenes. a new spawn is coming very soon, skywars is also getting final touches done. these will play a big part in meeps future. yes i know we have had very small numbers of players coming online and all those that are leaving. just wait and see.

    i know its good to state this 'fact' and what you can do to help but let's try be positive.
  15. twomoo1119

    twomoo1119 Celebrity Meeper

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    If your in a hole that you can't get out of with no food or water knowing that nobody will save you for at least a month, should we stay positive and wait or try to do something. Don't deny it, we have lost just over a 1/4 of our plays base.
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 16, 2016, Original Post Date: Aug 16, 2016 ---
    I get it it's your job to make us mindlessly follow fuzzlrs choices but if nothing happens soon, there could be a revolution.
  16. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    I had a plan for increasing player retention but I need my account and town to do it
  17. twomoo1119

    twomoo1119 Celebrity Meeper

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    Let's hear it first.
  18. Marshy_88

    Marshy_88 Celebrity Meeper

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    Sorry, I forgot the names of other rich players that didn't donate.
  19. TechnoTyson

    TechnoTyson Popular Meeper

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    Last time that worked very well and I got some bedrock.
    I have been playing on the server for a long time, back at times 2 years ago we had 40 player lows at Australian time during the week, now we are at 20. It's not a huge thing and the server isn't going to suddenly die like people said 2 years ago and are still saying now.
  20. Kazarkas

    Kazarkas Legendary Meeper Elder

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    Two years ago people said the server was in decline and they were right about that. The EULA definitely has the potential to "kill" servers because the income is drastically reduced yet operational costs remain the same. I don't know everything but I think Fuzzlr is going to have to remove some dedicated servers that keep certain games/worlds up that are rarely used to optimize how cash is spent. Servers are businesses and once the operational costs are greater than the cash flow it will likely be shut down. No one is going to operate at a loss with little to no potential for future growth and that's a problem.
    Deinen likes this.

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