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Helper Application from haod

Discussion in 'Denied' started by haod, Feb 21, 2016.

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  1. haod

    haod Well-Known Meeper

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    Member Name haod

    Additional In Game Names: haod

    How old are you? 11

    Location: USVI us virgin islands

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 3-6

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 4-9

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No

    References: Please give IGN's John11223344

    When did you join Meepcraft? Febuary 15, 2015

    Introduction: Hey, my name is Noah and I'm a pretty big meeper. I live in the virgin islands which are islands in the middle of the ocean. (lol) I'm 11 years old and maybe a little different then most kids. I'm a lot more mature then I used to be and try to be nice to everyone. When I first joined meep it was a lot different from how it is now. It has towns which weren't big back then, everybody did creative. It also had the old /dice which I sort of was sad we got rid of. I took a 6 month break after that because I guess it just wasn't as good as it is now. When I came back on I was just like WOW its changed so much. Also not just the outer part of meep has changed the community is great. Whenever someone new joins everyone says welcome! Also now everybody knows me or most of them do and whenever I come on they say hey haod. I am in a different timezone then most of the people so that's why some of you may not know me. I am pretty mature now so I try not to get too mad sometimes.

    Why should you be Helper? I want to make an impact on meep and want to be a bigger part on meepcraft community. I also am online in different timezones and when I wake up in the morning and no staff are on I see some people think they have the right to curse, they DONT. I also sometimes see some things that could be improved on meep, so I want to improve those things.

    What are your weaknesses? I guess pvp I've had some history in /warp pvp and sometimes when some noob gets killed with cheats or like get lured I just flip out at the person who killed them cuz I used to get lured when I was new.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I'm not 11 I'm 11 1/2
    KaiUsesThis likes this.
  2. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    No, you're 11.

    Anyone who says this does not have the maturity to be a staff member. Your weaknesses aren't valid, put down stuff like immaturity, rudeness, or whatever. For your why section, you can do all those as a regular player; what makes you stand out and why should staff trust you to join their team and do a good job?

    Overall, just based off of your application, you are not qualified for staff. You are too immature, and I don't believe you would be able to handle this position.

  3. KaiUsesThis

    KaiUsesThis Celebrity Meeper

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    Hey hoad!

    I've never actually got the chance to meet you, but based on your application I'm going to have to give you a -1.

    First off, your Introduction was longer than your why section. Additionally, you mainly talked about Meepcraft in your intro, and only a few sentences were actually dedicated to introducing yourself. Using "lol" in your application, generally isn't a very good idea.

    As for your why section, I'd recommend putting in more infomation as to why you are different from other people. Why should you be accepted? Do you have any traits that are unique and helpful? In yours, you didn't put much info on the actual why part.

    Please talk more about this! How do you want to make an impact on Meep?

    That didn't make too much sense, elaborating on it more would have made a better application!

    Finally, your weakness wasn't expained very well. How could that weakness prevented you from being helper? What exactly is it? Do you get mad easily?

    Best of luck to you!
  4. Fortemizuki

    Fortemizuki Popular Meeper

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    Hai Haod! I've seen you a bit, (I'm in EST timezone) sometimes when I play late I see people talk to you, and enjoying your company. I can't say what you do and don't do because we haven't officially met yet, but you seem like a nice person. I didn't find a lot about you in this application, you are talking about how the server is now and how far it has come since you've been a member here, that part isn't relevant, also "please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know." You put down "I'm not 11 I'm 11 1/2" Age is a pretty big part in your application, I find that you are a bit young.(not that is a bad thing) I think your timezone is great, we need people who live in your timezone. I think you'd be a great addition to the staff team, maybe try again in a month or two, let us know you. You seriously have a ton of potential, so never give up and I hope you have a great day. <3
  5. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    You're 11 years old, won't be able to handle the heat nor see simple sex references, -1
  6. Its_Madison

    Its_Madison Professional Nerd

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    Hi! I would like to point out some things that you could improve on:

    -Your application was really short and could have used some more information about yourself that would help you stand out! Do you participate in any extracurricular activities/hobbies/leadership positions in or outside of school? Any past/present occupations in which you help people? These would certainly bump up your application!
    -Your Introduction is longer than your "Why' section, which can often give other players the wrong idea about your intentions of applying for helper (although I myself believe that you have great intentions! :D) ; what personality traits/characteristics do you possess that have aided you in helping people in the past? How much experience (if any) do you have with towny/server commands, and do you have any familiarity with Prism commands?
    -Your 'Weaknesses' section needs work. Have you noticed any personality traits of yours that you could improve your control on? Are you selfish? Sadistic? Too trusting? Along with that, how could you control it (them)?
    -I have seen you in game (not much since your last application, though), but I haven't seen you help in /g before. In addition, I have not seen you on TeamSpeak. Get yourself out there more (in positive ways, of course!), so people will notice you and understand who you are.

    Overall, I will be giving you a -1. Please remember that a low score does not mean that you are a bad person at all; it just means that you have room for improvement :) I suggest that you look through Accepted applications to see what elements (maturity, traits, formality of writing, etc.) you are aiming for in a future application!
  7. LadyCassandra

    LadyCassandra Rebel Angel Warrior | Sweet Baby Child

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    I don't like being harsh on people. It keeps me mad for a good while before I lighten up. But one of the things that frustrate me the most is when people use me as a reference when I deliberately say no or you never asked me. If this is untrue, I will be happy to go back into the logs and check, but as far as I know, you never asked me to be a reference. My kindness is not my weakness, and do not use it against me. As hard as it is to turn down someone for being a reference, I have my own opinions too, and I do not think you are ready for staff. Wasn't it just yesterday that you had your friend file a ban appeal under your account? I know you're doing a favor for a friend, but that's not the way to do it. There are other ways. And last night, you kept asking me to donate 10k to your town to keep it alive, and had you stopped asking me after the second time, I would've donated some money. But the constant nagging got to me, and I had to put my foot down and just decide no. Haod, you can't do this to people. It's not mature or responsible of you. Chill; if someone says no, accept it. You cannot beg your way into the staff team, that's not how it works. As far as overall experience goes, I don't feel like I know you very well, and the times I've interacted with you have not been very positive. Sorry, but it's a -1 now.
    cooey, Cherrykit, Trexy and 5 others like this.
  8. Pmx728

    Pmx728 Legendary Meeper

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    ~ Immature
    ~ I would never trust you
    ~ you break your own rules ..
    Ex: I was at your pwarp and I witnessed you /dis to a baby chicken because you were getting rekt by a cit. Then a week later you told me you banned cleaves because he used /dis in the arena. I then asked about the cut incident and he try's losing saying the cit /dis'ed first. Your pwarp is also basically a scam because u have to go in the pvp arena to get to the head shop. While they try to reach the head shop they get killed.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2016
    Savage2017, cooey, Cherrykit and 4 others like this.
  9. Trexy

    Trexy Celebrity Meeper

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    Hello Haod, let's get started!
    So, what can you offer that current staff cannot?
    -You're extremely immature
    -You always beg me for money -.-
    -You used to have very inappropriate skins
    -You get banned a reasonable amount of times
    -You sometimes get mad and use swear words
    -You don't really have a good weakness.... I pointed out like three already
    -You're not helpful what so ever
    -You didn't ask the amazing LadyCasserole (lol) to be a reference
    -Your application wasn't the best
    -You haven't improved since the last time you applied
    -You're not on TS
    -If you're "11" then why this? [​IMG]
    Overall, I don't think you could be capable to handle the pressure or position. As mocking said, you most likely wouldn't be able to spot a sexual reference or drug (marijuana, cannabis, ext)
    Good Luck haod!
    Pmx728 and Toostenheimer like this.
  10. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    The fact that you lied about some of your references tells me you still aren't ready for staff.


    First off, this isn't a weakness. This is a reaction to something. I already found some weaknesses for you: Immature, Likes to lie, Banhistory.

    This is just sad. You say that you use to be lured, and you basically hated it. And you break your own rules in your own pwarp. Not shocking at all to me. Just to summarize.
    • You disguise as a chicken to not get killed.
    • A week later, you ban Cleaves from your pwarp for using /dis in your arena. (-1)
    • You say that the citizen /dis'ed first. (-2, citizens don't have disguise)
    • Your pwarp is a pure scam. Players lose their things just from getting to your headshop because your PVP arena is in the way. (-3)

    Lol no you're not. I don't find you mature at all just from reading the reasons above.

    This and Pmx's example of immaturity proves my point. You're 11, and you still nag at people. You're just like my 7-year-old brother. He constantly nags my parents for dinner even when he had some, and makes the biggest temper tantrum each night.
    Instead of begging, make your own money by voting. You could've gotten an easy 10k if you weren't so lazy.
    fasehed, Cherrykit and Pmx728 like this.
  11. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

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    No improvement since the last time.
    Pmx728 likes this.
  12. Savage2017

    Savage2017 Popular Meeper

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    Sorry but I don't think you are not ready for the position. Your are way to immature and you can't even follow your rules. And I would read @Pmx728 comment and work on that.
    Good luck
    Pmx728 likes this.
  13. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Stay away from 'lol's and talk more about you. I want to know more about your real personality and stuff, not your fun with /dice.
    Also, that's not different than most kids, really, because
    A. Lots of kids your age are mature.
    B. You aren't mature.
    None of these things really convince me. Convince me! Why should you be helper? What would you bring to the staff team? How are you improving and how are you working to make the staff team good now, just as a citizen?
    You can make an impact as a normal citizen.
    This isn't really that much of a weakness itself, it's more like your weakness is throwing a temper tantrum. You need to be able to stay calm, cool, and collected, no matter what.
    Also, how are you working no this weakness?
    That's still 11. 6 months doesn't change that, 12 do.

    Overall, app had little of the information really needed and it kind of showed a lot of your young-ness and your immaturity. Being young in itself is not a bad thing, lots of excellent staff were your age, but maturity and your ability to handle yourself is big.

    Also, I've never seen you on any aspect of the server really before this app.
    Your forum activity is way and well under par + you only joined it last September.

    Overall, work on actually being mature and work on activity all-round.
  14. MiniArch_

    MiniArch_ Popular Meeper

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    Hey Haod!

    So personally speaking I think you are a cool kid. you are friendly and nice and very much a chatter :) but server wise I don't think you are any where near helper. You can often times be rude to others in /g and I've never seen you helping others in /g. You can be slightly immature as can we all at times but still..I see it coming through more than it should be. I think with a little hard work you can make helper in the future but for now I have to give you -1.

    Good Luck

  15. fasehed

    fasehed Celebrity Meeper

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    +Your active
    -Don't feel a good vibe from you unlike all the other staff
    -Your 11 so you probably have school homework sports and other things, you wont have enough time to help meep in a major way especially one you get into middle school.

    Over all
  16. haod

    haod Well-Known Meeper

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    first off with the 11 1/2 part I was just joking jeez'
  17. MoonlitMadness

    MoonlitMadness Celebrity Meeper

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    Your immature, you apply too much, and don't show any traits of any helper. Im sorry if I sound harsh but here's some things you definitely need to work on!

    -11 1/2 does not matter. Why do we care about the 6 months?
    -commands. I really don't think you know them
    Something new. Now you say you are leaving because us "noobs" didn't give you good reviews. As well as saying that you are leaving for 5 months. Seriously this isn't just a pretty tag. Grow up
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
  18. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I'm just gonna leave these here.
  19. cooey

    cooey Legendary Meeper

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    You said an hour ago you were quitting because of the horrible comments on your staff app

  20. haod

    haod Well-Known Meeper

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    xD ya noobs thnx for your nooby coments and pmx I'm not the 1 that got a week long ban for hacking am I?
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