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Helper Application from Airzos

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Airzos, Jan 28, 2016.

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  1. Airzos

    Airzos Popular Meeper

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    Member Name Airzos (Edit: Offences)

    Additional In Game Names: N/A

    How old are you? 17 as of June

    Location: Victoria, Australia

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 4

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 6

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No

    References: Please give IGN's oKlingo

    When did you join Meepcraft? Late 2012 to Mid 2013. Somewhere during the period of time.

    Introduction: Hello everyone, my name is William (Bill), and I've decided to put in an application for Helper as I feel that I want to help out around the server as much as I possibly can! I have been playing Meepcraft on and off for almost 3 Years (I believe I started playing around 2012 - 2013), my largest break in that time was about 6 months mainly due to the fact of me being without a computer (Two 6 month breaks have occurred for similar reasons). I have applied for helper twice in the past and was denied once, and accepted once. I was denied as I was only a few weeks into playing Meepcraft when I submitted it, and was a rather immature 13 - 14 year old, but I feel that I have matured a lot since then and that I am ready to send in another application, not just to apply for Helper but also to receive as much feedback as possible - much like in my previous apps. The second app was accepted for interview, but I went inactive roughly 2 months after being accepted and consequently missed my interview. I am related to LittleLocky - my brother an Ex-Helper that doesn't exactly have the best reputation around the server these days, hopefully that doesn't cloud too many people's opinion of me. In my spare time, I will usually be playing Meepcraft, Or CS:GO among various other steam games, I am also reasonably well versed in PC's and have built a few in my spare time. Outside of my spare time I have left school at the beginning of Year 11 to attend TAFE and complete a Pre-Apprenticeship course in Engineering, I am also working a part-time/casual job at a local bakery.

    Why should you be Helper? I am quite confident that I would be able to carry out a Staff role, and feel as though I am in the perfect position to do so. I am in a timezone that for the most part does not have and has not had enough staff members for a decent period of time. This is a point that I have taken up on multiple occasions and feel as though it still stands - The Oceanic timezone could almost always use more staff members. A second point that makes me believe that I am in a good position - and would make a good helper is the fact that TAFE is not a very time consuming thing, on average I complete 20 hours of class each week, and 10 hours of work - meaning that a lot of the time I will be here, and on Meepcraft during a lot of the week. I am (in my own opinion) well aware of Meepcraft and know what is going on. Although I am not as well known nor have I been playing as long as some other members of Meepcraft, I consider my self one of the earlier players and have seen it all - I know the community, how the server works and a lot of the general information that may be needed to fulfill a staff role. To sum up I believe I should be a helper - largely due to my availability paired with what I believe to be a good knowledge of how the server works and the people that play it.

    What are your weaknesses? As I have applied more than a couple times now, I have been able to compile and list all my weaknesses that may effect the server if I were to carry out a staff role. I am aware that I am not perfect - as is anyone, and I have my fair share of weaknesses, for starters I am not always the most patient person - which is just a trait that I possess. I am reasonable, but people doing stupid things to get a rise out of me or anyone is not something that I will stand for. Something that has been pointed out to me on a few occasions lately is that sometimes I can be a little like my brother in that I do not think before I act - and this can cause problems, in multiple ways. Another thing that has pointed out to me is the way that I joke - when I feel comfortable with someone usually the way I talk to them will become, I guess friendly rudeness which not all people like, and I understand that - this being something that I have began working on. I feel those these things are all able to be worked on - and much like last time hopefully the next time I go about writing out my weaknesses the list is not as long!

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I don't really have a lot to add - but as always please leave any feedback below, or feel free to message me in-game when I am online. Thanks!
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2016
  2. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    +1 mate.

    I believe you will do a great job and it would be nice to have another addition to our timezone!
    CrazyYoungBro and Jadeybear7 like this.
  3. Pmx728

    Pmx728 Legendary Meeper

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    You griefed Duckehs house and when @SpongeyStar came you were extremely rude and made mean comments toward her. You then asked for a good mod that knows what they are doing. Then @Jalapenos came and told you to fix everything or you would get banned. So you just make a wood plank box and left saying something along the lines of "enjoy your box lol." To make the situation better, I told Duckeh I would redo the room for her. Well I guess this made you upset & on TS you kept saying I needed a bullet.

    Summed up:
    ~ Rude
    ~ Does not seem you would work well with other staff members
    ~ Not helpful
    ~ I don't think you are doing this to actually help, but be superior to others (like you already believe)
    Trexy, KyloMeep, Eggwall01 and 11 others like this.
  4. Magikarp

    Magikarp Well-Known Meeper

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    -1 Doesn't have hard abs like mine.....
    lol jks
    +1 When he put this in I thought he wasn't being serious but he actually seems like he's determined to help.
    CrazyYoungBro likes this.
  5. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    This. -1
    When you applied quite a time ago, I knew you were qualified back then. You were mature, cool calm and collected. But now, after this incident I don't know why we should have a staff member like this.

    You are quite active though, which is a plus, but work on your maturity issues.
    Good luck :)

    Edit: After that incident, I think you have improved. You approached, I apologised and you apologised. I'll still be a -1 but you are improving!
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2016
    Cherrykit, Trexy, KyloMeep and 12 others like this.
  6. Airzos

    Airzos Popular Meeper

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    I am aware that this situation was not ideal, Just that you in my opinion did not handle it the correct way, and did not let me voice my side. Having me repair the house in this situation is not what should of happened. I'm sorry if I came across rude I just didn't feel as though it was being handled correctly, and wanted a staff member that I felt would understand to handle the issue. In any case it was sorted out - and is now hopefully water under the bridge?
  7. Miku

    Miku One Hell of a Miku Staff Member Mod

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    I'm not if this is a sincere app or not.
    This feedback has nothing to do with your brother, and is honest.

    -1 For the following reasons.

    While being in a good timezone, that alone is not enough to apply.
    You are known by the community, but a lot of them know how rude you can be.
    You have been here longer than I have and you know about the servers rules, but you have been banned recently.
    If you know the servers rules, why arent you following them?

    Almost every time on teamspeak, when I join your channel you are hating on Players just because, and staff members for not doing their jobs correctly, and accusing people without proper evidence.

    You have a "know it all" attitude which isn't very appealing in any case, lets be honest.
    You've stated that you do not think before you act, that is something that should be worked on, before you are put in a positions allowing you to punish another player for rule violations.

    The only + I can give you is that you are active on Ts and in-game.
    Thats my honest feedback for you, try to work on your overall behavior.
    KyloMeep, 2leah2, Eggwall01 and 7 others like this.
  8. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    If you griefed it, you should have been the one to fix it or be punished.
    come on, man.
    you can't just do things like that, say sorry, and it all be better immediately. You gotta wait and work on your faults.
    Eggwall01, cooey, evilalec555 and 3 others like this.
  9. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    That's the thing though he did not grief the house he was obtaining the materials that he used to build his room.
    CrazyYoungBro and CrimsonOkami like this.
  10. Airzos

    Airzos Popular Meeper

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    Thanks for the input - this is the sort of thing I was looking for. I would appreciate it we could follow up and chat about some of these things in the future.
    CrazyYoungBro and CrimsonOkami like this.
  11. Lord_Walrus

    Lord_Walrus Popular Meeper

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    No vote

    I have talked to you in TS and you seem very nice and mature. However, I do not know you well enough to judge. Good Luck!
    CrazyYoungBro and Airzos like this.
  12. Niiicck

    Niiicck Retired SuperMod

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    You are active, but i have seen you in ts, with all respect your not the nicest person.
    Good luck!
    evilalec555, CrazyYoungBro and Pmx728 like this.
  13. TheAngelEclipse

    TheAngelEclipse Popular Meeper

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    My thoughts on you are so very biased, but every word I say here is true.

    I've known Airzos for well over a year now, and everything he does is with the best of intentions. We've had our rough spots and we've fought before, but never have we stopped talking for more than a few days at a time; even after I've provided every reason for him to never talk to me again on some days. When I bring up and talk about specific topics in our Skype conversations that he'd rather not discuss, he's very talented in finding ways to be honest but not too blunt about it as to where he "hurts my feelings".

    I'm not saying he has an excuse for griefing Duckeh's house, but everybody has a breaking point and unfortunately on that specific day he'd hit his. If it weren't for that specific incident - I don't know if any of you would have a reason to -1 him. Granted, nobody is perfect and everybody always has something they can work on - but heck, we're only human.

    He's active, knows the commands and rundown of the server, is good in bad situations, and took the time to write up a decent - honest application to volunteer his time to help MeepCraft and its community. The guy deserves a shot. +1 from me

    On the less biased side, because I'd be very disappointed if you weren't accepted - when you do, just don't let us hear about another "incident" involving any sort of "revenge" on a player for anything. It was a slip up, nonetheless.
  14. anikin ultimate

    anikin ultimate Popular Meeper

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    I have never seen you before, a few people seem to like you and others have different opinions. App is decent. But -0.5 from me. Gl.
    CrazyYoungBro likes this.
  15. Lilliya

    Lilliya Celebrity Meeper

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    Extremely arrogant on teamspeak.
    Hates on anyone from New Zealand, and tends to curse/abuse them.
    evilalec555, Eggwall01, cooey and 7 others like this.
  16. Airzos

    Airzos Popular Meeper

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    I don't hate People from New Zealand.
    CrazyYoungBro and SpongeyStar like this.
  17. Sqreix

    Sqreix Celebrity Meeper

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    Lol, the first word I could say to your application. I didn't see this to be honest, your attitude and how you approach people is very negative. When I ever I come to your channel on teamspeak, you would say "MisterBacon f*** off" or something between those lines and everytime I would say something, you would be saying that my voice sounds like I need air. I don't see you as staff, back then you were cool and helpful, but now, you're nothing. I see nothing good in you right now, how you handle situations is not staff material, telling people to just leave and shut up is not even a good thing to say. You act as an arrogant person in teamspeak, and plus the mere fact that you are extremely rude and you don't even help in game, really. What I'm seeing is just you want the power and the fame, not determined to help the server. Sorry, not sorry.


    I don't wish you luck,

    Enjoy your day.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2016
    Lemoh, evilalec555, Eggwall01 and 5 others like this.
  18. vrohan

    vrohan Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 Airzos has his own ways of having fun, but he deserves Helper, as I believe he will be normal and matured when he is a serious server rank.
    CrazyYoungBro likes this.
  19. 2leah2

    2leah2 Celebrity Meeper

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    Hi Airzos!
    I have only seen you once, and that was on team speak yesterday, when i joined your channel you told me to leave and i'm not sure why. I can't really judge you when i don't know you but, i would like to get to know you better.
    For now i will be a -1 due to your first impression towards me.

    Good luck!
    evilalec555, Pmx728 and CrazyYoungBro like this.
  20. Airzos

    Airzos Popular Meeper

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    Ah yes, hello :) that was because I was having a private conversation with someone. I'd like to think I was polite in the way I asked you to leave for a few minutes?
    CrazyYoungBro likes this.
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