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Helper Application from Jess_4Ds

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by Jess_4Ds, Sep 21, 2015.

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  1. Jess_4Ds

    Jess_4Ds Ya Know!

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    Member Name Jess_4Ds

    Additional In Game Names: none

    How old are you? 37

    Location: USA

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 10

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 10

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No

    References: Please give IGN's

    When did you join Meepcraft? 03/10/15

    Introduction: Well to start off with I am a mom of 4 wonderful kids. I have 3 boys ages 11, 9, and 5, and 1 daughter age 2. I am a stay at home mom who enjoys babysitting for others. On average I have about 8 kids in my house a day.

    My kids introduced me to minecraft about 2 years ago on x-box. From there I ventured to pc and never went back. I love minecraft and the endless possibilities playing it includes. Minecraft to me is like legos on pc.

    Other than minecraft I enjoy hanging out with family and friends. We love camping, fishing, hunting, swimming, just about anything outdoors. I live in Minnesota which allows us to enjoy outdoor activities all year round with all four of our beautiful seasons.

    Why should you be Helper? I really enjoying helping others and try to help people whenever I can. I come on pretty early in the morning, my time anyhow, and notice that quite often there is no staff on at that time. Many people have come to me for help and I do what I can to assist them.

    I am a very patient and understanding person and I understand kids, being a mom of 4 kind of helps that.

    I really enjoy meepcraft and its community and would love to volunteer my time to help out the server in any way I possibly can.

    What are your weaknesses? My kind, forgiving, and helpful nature are both my biggest weeknesses and strengths. I would give away my last dollar if someone needed it. I believe in giving people chances and probably believe in giving them more chances than they deserve, but I believe that everyone has good in them and that everyone is capable of change.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: Although I have never been staff on any other server I did own a server not too long ago. I am a very fast learner and do all I can to know what I need to know to do my job and do it right.
  2. Wubb8t

    Wubb8t Celebrity Meeper

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    Considering the recent staff applicants have been under fifteen years old, your age alone comes with an assumed maturity and that alone is enough for me to give you a +1
    Jess_4Ds likes this.
  3. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Your why was shorter than your intro, which is kind of sad. I was hoping for a really long and good app, especially from an adult.
    I don't see how your weakness is a weakness tbh.
    I have not seen you IG or on TS for quite some time, not to mention your lasts posts were about a month ago.

    I haven't seen any real staff qualities from you, nor have I seen you at all for several weeks. -1.
    lordusan likes this.
  4. xXAdotXx

    xXAdotXx Bibliophile Extraordinaire

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    You seem super lovely and can obviously work well with kids, which is about half of Meep. Good to see you have experience with owning/ running server. Staff also have some training with commands and such so that won't be a problem. With that, your app was quite short, though straight to the point. This is the best way to more or less introduce yourself to the server. Take some time to elaborate on all parts so the community and staff can get to know ya ;)
    Nonetheless best of luck!
  5. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Definite +1 from me. You've been an outstanding person and such a pleasure to be around! Every interaction I've had with you has been nothing but delightful; Additionally the way that you treat others players is fantastic! You're a great role model for this server, I'd love to see you on our staff team. I know you'll make a great fit!! :)
  6. Qaztar

    Qaztar Celebrity Meeper

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    Obviously mature. You're 37!
    Pretty active in game
    Forums activity is low
    App was a little short
    Good luck!
  7. Nataleh_365

    Nataleh_365 Meeper

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    i dont understand the +1 thing but +1. I've never seen you be mean or anything, and tbh I think you'd make a great helper :p

    Hopefully you get it! Good luck.
    Jess_4Ds likes this.
  8. Jess_4Ds

    Jess_4Ds Ya Know!

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    I know my app was short. That is how I usually am, straight and to the point. Also I don't feel that my life story is anyones business so I only included in my app what I felt was important for me to be a helper effectively. My weaknesses are weaknesses because I will help people even if it hurts me. The way I trust and forgive people as much as I do usually ends up hurting me in the end when I am proven wrong, therefore they are also my weaknesses. I know I was gone a lot over the summer but I had some irl stuff going on that kept me away and there was nothing I could do about it. I am not very active in the forums because I am not a huge talker. If I have something to say or an opinion that I want to give I do, but that is about it.

    The best way to get to know me is to talk to me either ig or on ts for anyone who would like to get to know me better. I am a very nice person and I think I am easy to talk to.
    CrackCrazy likes this.
  9. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    Hey Jess!

    I remember you when I was helping you with a modreq a while ago lol. But anyhow..

    I will be giving you a +1! I think you thoroughly deserve it. You are mature, suitable for the job and you have been here for a while to learn the tricks. You are also active in-game and on forums, but I don't know about TeamSpeak since I'm not on it as much. One thing to work on would just be a little more helpful in shout, but other than that I think you deserve an interview at the least! You are also super friendly!

    I wish you the best of luck!

    - Spongey :)
  10. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    Pretty much just +1 if you think they should get it or -1 if you don't think they should, or even +/- if you are having mixed thoughts. :p Or even some -1.4's or some random decimals lol.
  11. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    That should not effect the vote at all.

    You could be 65 for all I care, I'll still give you a -1.


    I wrote this when I was 12 years old (I lied about being 13). Your application is extremely short.

    In order for me to +1 you, all aspects of you have to be perfect.

  12. lordusan

    lordusan The true #DarkKnight

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    For the same reasons

    Good luck!
  13. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    There's hardly any points though.
    ''I can help.
    I'm patient.
    I like minecraft.''
    IS that really all you need to be accepted?
    There's no real effort involved here and I feel that this is being used an excuse. I don't care about it being long, I care about it being good.

    Thing is, the entire staff team discusses these things, in the end it's not really that much of a problem. If there are mistakes you'll probably be called out on it and they'll all move on.

    You should be active again before you apply and not after.
    You should also be active on forums. You should be active everywhere.

    If only I saw you. We live in either the same or close timezones, I've seen you like once, that's not enough.

    You think age means maturity? Go look at hornemans and say that again.
    Summers likes this.
  14. Jess_4Ds

    Jess_4Ds Ya Know!

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    Ok here is the thing I listed some things about myself and what I enjoy, to help you all know me a little better. I don't see how being helpful and patient would not help the server along with the fact that I am on a good portion of the time. As far as me being inactive for the summer, my landlord decided to sell our house and so therefore my family was homeless for 3 months, like I said not something I could avoid. It took 3 months for us to buy a house.

    I am sorry that I don't feel that you all need to know my life story in order for me to be a help to this server. I believe that those I have had the opportunity to chat with and help would agree that I am staff material and I am sorry that you have not had that opportunity.

    I may not make posts everyday on the forums or even weekly but I do when I see a post I would like to reply to. I do not put my opinion on some of them because I do not know people well enough to be judging them in a post on a forum. As I get to know people better I will have more to say.

    I am pretty sure I have been on ts a few times while you were on, I just did not happen to be in the same channel as you. Next time you see me on ts maybe we will get a chance to talk, I have been on there way more than just once. I actually prefer ts to in game chat as it is more personal.

    I agree with you that age does not mean maturity but I can assure you I am mature enough to be a helper on a server that I enjoy.

    My reasons for applying were mainly to help the server. I get spammed with tp requests when there are no staff on and try to assist people the best I can, including filing and helping them file mod requests. I am very capable of dealing with people on all levels, as well as being very capable of all the responsibilities being a helper on this server include. I love helping and that is what I applied to do, help.
  15. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I didn't even say anything about the intro. Tbh I think your intro's fine. I don't know why you're arguing that.

    I can be helpful and patient too. So can VKL. So can almost anyone on the server. You should make your why stand out, why are you better than other applicants, what makes you stand out, what makes you the best helper?

    So you're not going to be active on forums because you're worried about them judging you? You're not going to push that effort?

    Later today if I see you on TS I'd be happy to chat with you, I'm on TS pretty much all day (because I'm homeschooled) so you can poke me whenever and I can talk via mic after school and stuff.

    I haven't seen that. I haven't seen you go either direction really. Pretty neutral.

    there's more to it than just helping people. You're part of a team, you have to work with the whole team, you're part of making decisions and you support and represent everyone. Based on what I've seen from you, I don't think that's a good idea.
  16. Jess_4Ds

    Jess_4Ds Ya Know!

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    I can be helpful and patient too. So can VKL. So can almost anyone on the server. You should make your why stand out, why are you better than other applicants, what makes you stand out, what makes you the best helper?

    I never said that others are not patient and helpful and not qualified to become staff, I just simply said that those are qualities that I have that I can use to help the server. Honestly I am not a talker I am a doer. I don't like to sit here and explain why I should be considered for something, I would rather show you. Anyone can sit and write whatever they feel will get them what they want. I prefer to start at the bottom and prove myself.

    So you're not going to be active on forums because you're worried about them judging you? You're not going to push that effort?

    I was not saying that I don't want to be judged, I am way past that point in my life. I am an adult who can take criticicism and judgement. I am saying that I am not going to post something on someones post and judge them without knowing them.

    Later today if I see you on TS I'd be happy to chat with you, I'm on TS pretty much all day (because I'm homeschooled) so you can poke me whenever and I can talk via mic after school and stuff.

    I will be on ts later this afternoon, as I have a lot of kids to care for and my house is kind of loud and abnoxious during the day

    I haven't seen that. I haven't seen you go either direction really. Pretty neutral.

    I may not do a lot in shout but I can assure you that I have helped quite a bit. Just because I don't scream out that I am helping others does not mean that I don't do it. I have donated, I have bought others ranks, given quite a few people large amounts of meebles in game to save towns or to get them, or for whatever they need. I have also helped quite a few people with things like getting started and learning towny commands, and whatever they ask me to help with. I do what I can when I can with the knowledge and capabilities I have at this time. I am still learning the server and towny commands as stuff pops up, and the more I learn the more I will help.

    there's more to it than just helping people. You're part of a team, you have to work with the whole team, you're part of making decisions and you support and represent everyone. Based on what I've seen from you, I don't think that's a good idea.[/QUOTE]

    Ok well I know that being staff is being part of a team and I am more than capable of working with a team and everything that being part of a team entails. Based on what you have seen of me is not a way for you to judge whether or not I am capable of being a good staff member because you have not seen much. I have never talked to you in game or on ts, I really think that you should do a little research before assuming that someone will not be good at something before saying that you don't think they would be. Have you asked about me at all to see if anyone else has had the opportunity to get to know me? Please don't assume that I would not be good staff just because you don't know me.
  17. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I'm done.
    You can't take the criticism I'm giving you and are turning around and talking back at me.
    I haven't seen anything good out of you, and now I feel even worse about you getting helper.
  18. Qaztar

    Qaztar Celebrity Meeper

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    I apologize for that. I forgot how age means almost nothing on this server, for better or for worse. I only meant that because of her age I assumed that she would be mature.
  19. pinacolda

    pinacolda Popular Meeper

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    Just the fact that you proved that apps are quality not quantity is enough for me
    +1 and good luck !!
    Jess_4Ds likes this.
  20. Vamp1re_Man

    Vamp1re_Man Celebrity Meeper

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    I was honestly gonna +1 you until I saw this. You need to be able to take criticism and not turn feedback into an argument.
    Dem0Gorgon likes this.
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