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Helper Application from MisterBacon

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Sqreix, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. Sqreix

    Sqreix Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Member Name MisterBacon

    Additional In Game Names: SuperBadimir

    How old are you? 13

    Location: Philippines

    Do you have Skype? Yes

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 2-14 (Varies now because of school)

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 4-15 hours

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's PhoenixAngel80

    When did you join Meepcraft? February 24, 2014

    Introduction: My name is Sean Tan, I am thirteen years old and I live in Philippines. I have two siblings, and my dad is a businessman, he sells clothes in the market with my mother. I thought I have to say this because I want to delve further of who and what I am. To those who know me, I am very annoying and very rude in the past. But I am always open to improve on what I can, not just overnight but everytime.

    I started playing computer on the age of 4. I'm not that type of a sporty person, I prefer staying inside my home, playing computer, reading books, watching television etc,. I am experienced about computers and would like to learn more, I am the average type of a gamer but I don't focus all my time on the virtual world. I spend most of my free time on meepcraft and I am a very nice person to talk with. On some several occasions, I was told that I am a fast typer which is because I have the WPM of 135.

    Why should you be Helper? My previous application got accepted for interview but then, I screwed it up. Most of my application when I first joined is very horrible and disgusting to read, but then everytime I apply. I noticed that I am changing and improving according to some friends. I just wanted to be a normal player punching wood and building medieval dirt huts but then, I discovered something about myself. I'm excellent at player relations and communication. When I help somebody, I am patient, I understand them and I do spend my time on how to help them and satisfy them after helping them. If ever, I did help them. After solving the problem, I always make sure to address any other questions they might have issue and satisfy them enough and let them walk away, happily.

    Just to add on, I am fairly (or extremely) active. Before making this application, I asked myself if I do have the guts to spend my time with the community by helping them and satisfy them and of course the answer was yes. I have a great knowledge about commands on MeepCraft, I also know some of the helper commands as I have past relationships to other helpers. If I don't know something, I don't hide it, I ask and try to learn something especially related to MeepCraft. I am completely a non biased person when it comes to helper stuff. Just to add on, I can ban my friends if they really did took advantage or tried to deceive another player. I am really committed to this position and I am ready on how to handle modreqs and communicate/help other players.

    If accepted, I can ensure you all that I will bring the same level of due diligence I’ve always had when it comes to modreqs. I will continue to make sure players walk away from their modreq with a smile, and satisfaction. I will do my job to the best of my abilities, and I hope I will bring real and good contributions to the server as a whole.
    My dedication and commitment to MeepCraft is also fair (or extremely). I have been playing on this server for almost a year and a half. From that whole time recorded, I have been trying my best on applying for helper. I have very much a high knowledge about in game commands, though I still want to learn more especially related to MeepCraft. My timezone fits the staff team pretty well, as I have the timezone of UTC/GMT + 8. It can cover up at least 20-24/7 on the staff team which is pretty decent.

    What are your weaknesses? My previous application got accepted for interview but then, I screwed up. My maturity is my biggest weakness, though I can't promise that I will be very mature, I am willing to work on it, in fact I already am. I am willing to change this attitude of mine. I will be serious if needed when it comes to handling players.

    Self control by far is an issue too. Sometimes, I can't perfectly control myself when it becomes to chat or arguments, I tend to be rude at times but I am steadily working on this. I've been more careful on what I say in chat and how I act.

    I don't really know but about my previous 'luring' ban could affect my helper application. But the fact that I got unbanned well because, the ban issued was unjust. I am willing to talk about this, please start a forum conversation or simply contact me in teamspeak, skype or ingame.

    NOTE: I deleted the application that I have posted recently, as I thought school was gonna cover and I will be very busy but I won’t be. So I have decided to re apply and try again.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: As a determined person, There is nothing impossible when it comes to this. This has been my motivation before and I will strive and work hard on it just to reach it, and If you ever give me a chance, I will make sure not to screw it up, again. Thank you for reading this, and thank you for your time.
    K9_Caper, Lemoh and GroovyGrevous like this.
  2. DarkThunderz

    DarkThunderz Celebrity Meeper

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    Sqreix likes this.
  3. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    One question before I leave my vote; why did you delete your helper application last time?
    Sqreix likes this.
  4. Sqreix

    Sqreix Celebrity Meeper

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    CreeperCristi and Bob4444444 like this.
  5. DarkThunderz

    DarkThunderz Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Misterbacon said "As I thought school was gonna cover and I will be very busy but I won’t be. So I have decided to re apply and try again."

    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 8, 2015, Original Post Date: Jun 8, 2015 ---
    Oh lol u just did it before me :p
    Sqreix likes this.
  6. GroovyGrevous

    GroovyGrevous Break hearts not blocks

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  7. dragon8877

    dragon8877 Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 He's one of the few Ultimates that aren't rankist. Now even I admit that he can be immature, but not in a self-destructive way. He won't let his immaturness leak out and hurt random people on the server.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2015
    _Rigel, CreeperCristi and Sqreix like this.
  8. CreeperCristi

    CreeperCristi Popular Meeper

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    ^ True!

    Anyways, +1, you're always extremely helpful whenever I see you on; Have always been friendly to me since forever, And you have a lot of potential of a great staff member :)

    Wish ya luck! ;)

    Sqreix likes this.
  9. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    Woops, sorry that I didn't see it!

    I think you can handle the responsibility of helper. You are determined, and I feel that now you will be able to be a good helper.

    Sqreix and CreeperCristi like this.
  10. OrangeNinja3

    OrangeNinja3 Celebrity Meeper

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    Hey misterbacon!
    -I see on often and you are very active
    -Helpful most times but other times you are pvping or something which I understand
    -I don't like how the incident went down yesterday I don't think it was your fault but it wasn't a nice thing to happen right before you applied
    -Immature sometimes
    Good luck Bacon!
    Sqreix likes this.
  11. Highlanders3Ruth

    Highlanders3Ruth Popular Meeper

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    Reasons above are mine.

    Sqreix and OrangeNinja3 like this.
  12. SillySilver

    SillySilver Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    + Helpful in global chat
    + Active
    + Good app
    - Can be immature sometimes
    - Can also be very rude sometimes, least thats how I feel
    +/- Slightly desperate

    I am on +/-.
    Dem0Gorgon and Sqreix like this.
  13. Melynarra

    Melynarra Popular Meeper

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    +1 has offered help that has kept me from asking staff, noticed that they will offer help when needed. I think they would be a good staff member.
    Sqreix likes this.
  14. _Rigel

    _Rigel Popular Meeper

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    +1, definitely fit for supermod.
  15. Liam

    Liam Fergalicious, baby

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    You're ready. You know how to handle staff situations perfectly. However, many opinions about you have been not bad nor good, also,

    I wouldn't exactly call it extremely. I got denied with 10-15 hours per day.
    Sqreix likes this.
  16. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Lol, no, the ban was not unjust. We banned you because you were telling people go basically teleport into a trap. You appealed and apologized like a big boy, and we let you back in.
    (You had them teleport to a block, where literally the next block over was towny wild, then suddenly you killed some people there)

    Last edited: Jun 8, 2015
  17. Sqreix

    Sqreix Celebrity Meeper

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    From what I've known, I only killed one person. And from what I did wasn't luring in my opinion well because, I did everything of that for a one simple funny JOKE. But then the staff took it seriously, because somebody lost ink sacs and was complaining. I don't mind if it's my fault or the other guy's fault for staying in the wilderness.

    But so far, Thank you all for the feedback. All feedbacks are under consideration.
    GroovyGrevous likes this.
  18. _Rigel

    _Rigel Popular Meeper

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    Deinen actually has a very valid point there. No wonder he's a supermod lol
    addyawesome01 and Liam like this.
  19. addyawesome01

    addyawesome01 Popular Meeper

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    ill give you a +.75
    Sqreix likes this.
  20. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Yes we took it seriously because we, as staff, cannot go around playing jokes that result in the death and item loss of innocent players, we can get demoted for that. This rebuttal right here shows the inherent flaw with your attitude, and this, under all the actions, is what immaturity is, and this is what needs to be addressed before there is real progress.

    We've waited for you, let's be honest, you've applied so much you're going to get it one day. But that day isn't going to be until you are ready, for both of our sake. Cut this stuff out and begin to think about the consequences of actions, regardless how minor.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2015

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