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Redo Teamspeak

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Bob4444444, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    And music channels :3
    But yeah
    And 1 Discussion channel for staff
    And a higher up staff channel
    +1 to that horne.
    CyberneticToast and Cherrykit like this.
  2. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    There are lots of staff on now :)
    And suggestion 2 has been completed!
    CyberneticToast likes this.
  3. superbros1211

    superbros1211 Most Popular Meeper

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    Spice it up, yes. Add more channels.... Didn't you say to get rid of channels?

    It is useful having a lot but we can get rid of some, agreed.

    NO! I am for TeamSpeak quality. I am VERY against this because people will just exclude other people.
    *Cough* Diana *Cough*

    All the Staff channels are used a lot, we use the for talking to other people (staff related stuff), training new helpers, going over various things and having meetings. We try as much as possible not to do normal talking in them.

    Personally I think we should have one locked channel with a clear set of rules of what is allowed and make it clear what to expect when you join the channel. I also believe we should remove Diana's embassy (sorry!)
  4. Mjr_Minor

    Mjr_Minor Celebrity Meeper

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  5. superbros1211

    superbros1211 Most Popular Meeper

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    Indeed there was ;)
  6. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    If any private channel making etc things are added it should be supreme+ As supreme doesn't have a whole lot of perks, and elite has way enough already
  7. bbycakes2012

    bbycakes2012 Half baby, Half cake

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    I dont like this. Some people want to have a private convo what if theres staff having to discuss a case & other staff needing to discuss one as well, with 1 staff room this isnt easy.. Sometimes higher staff will have a "meeting" while lower staff are not so i think the staff channels are fine. I think the locked channels are fine as well & I have NEVER heard of a problem with the few we have. It gives the older players some "privacy" from younger players or trolls that get on TS so they don't have to get off completely. I know they could use skype but it picks up Every.single.background.noise. Also. someone might want to get on to talk to 1 friend not 900 other people , they may not like talking to lots of people. so should they not bother getting on ts? thats discouraging.
    RaidByNightOnly likes this.
  8. Jdude5786

    Jdude5786 Popular Meeper

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    I'd be on more but when 12 year old girls are talking about how they might die if their phone dies I just can't stand it.
  9. Jdude5786

    Jdude5786 Popular Meeper

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    Yes I wish I had written down their names somewhere but they were talking about trolling kitPVP and doing parkor, and then one of them said, "Oh no my phone's almost dead, I might DIE if my phone dies!" I kid you not. I almost choked on my soda.
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 16, 2015, Original Post Date: Feb 16, 2015 ---
    Then one of them poked me and say TAAAAAALLLLLKKKK! That's when I said hello and they got off. They may have in fact been younger than 12 I don't know. I felt uncomfortable.
    RaidByNightOnly likes this.
  10. TheJohnseyClutch

    TheJohnseyClutch Popular Meeper

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    teamspeack is 100x better than skype to converse.

    we need privacy with friends, why can't we get it.
    nobody goes on ts besides the same people who do.
    teamspeak is a waste right now, get more people on, and give perks.

    but -1, exclusion will be an issue
  11. xT3Kx

    xT3Kx Retired AF Elder

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    If players can't hide in locked/passworded channels neither should anyone else unless it's staff related. If they can we should have temp channels in all fairness.

    + 1 to remove the cluttered public channels into a small list like Hornemans suggested and it would also pave the way for temp channels if introduced. I think the Steve heads help identify regular players vs. staff.

    In the long run though you would need a TeamSpeak admin to make each rank by hand with permissions and then apply then to each person one by one. While this isn't hard AT ALL to do, I doubt it will happen.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2015
  12. TheAngelEclipse

    TheAngelEclipse Popular Meeper

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    Honestly I think it's just fine the way it is. Staff channels can manage their -staff- channels however they would like.
    I don't even see how that part effects any of us here. (Who aren't staff, ofc.) Or maybe it's just me..?

    There's been days where you literally had 1 person afk in each channel, and if you wanted to talk to a friend or two with a little privacy then you'd just have to pick one and hope that person doesn't unmute their sound at the wrong timing. (Not referring to these friends talking about something "bad", just privacy issues and etc. Things can sound horrific when not in the right context; if only half the conversation is heard.) My personal opinion, teamspeak channels are just fine how they are now.

    Also, keep in mind, a lot of people don't use teamspeak because they can't. Family, background noise, parents, age, etc.
    Not everything is about quantity (such as donor perks.) - it looks nice the way it is now and could get confusing if you change too much.

    This has actually already been brought up on another thread in suggestions, and it's been denied. If I can find it, I'll quote it and share in this thread.
    If you're a "regular" player, I would assume people would already know each other but I agree, this could also make new members feel more .. welcome? In a way. Not sure how to explain it but when they join, if they want to talk to people who they can see have been around for a while it'd help them be able to see that.

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