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Is God real?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by n00bslayer_99, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. SirGiggly

    SirGiggly Celebrity Meeper

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    He didn't, you have no evidence. You have no argument.
  2. Aarett

    Aarett Celebrity Meeper

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    please address my whole argument instead of backing someone up without knowing the knowledge beforehand. Just go back in the comments. You will know which one it is because its really long
  3. Klitch


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    That's a pretty big flaw.
    Thee Boss likes this.
  4. Aarett

    Aarett Celebrity Meeper

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    naw, thats just a coincidence
  5. Mjr_Minor

    Mjr_Minor Celebrity Meeper

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    1 flaw that unravels your entire argument.
    Klitch and TheDebatheist like this.
  6. Aarett

    Aarett Celebrity Meeper

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    how so? btw i wont answer for the rest of the nite, gotta get up at 6. nite
  7. LadyCassandra

    LadyCassandra Rebel Angel Warrior | Sweet Baby Child

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    Actually, @the boss, according to some sources the epic is based off the Bible in some ways, rather than the other way around. The elements to both stories almost line up perfectly, so that is why people believed it was based off the Bible.
  8. Mjr_Minor

    Mjr_Minor Celebrity Meeper

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    For a couple reasons, actually.
    1. Why do you choose to believe The Bible's interpretation? Why exclusively that? The Epic of Gilgamesh is nearly a carbon copy, why don't you have faith in Ancient Sumerian/Mesopotamian religions?
    2. It highlights the fact that The Bible is compiled of stories and symbolism taken from various cultures without credit. It's unreal how much is plagiarised material when you actually delve into it.
    How can The Epic of Gilgamesh be based off of The Bible when it was dates back to 2000+ years before The Bible was even a concept? The Epic of Gilgamesh was written in the Third Dynasty of Ur in ancient Mesopotamia, and written in Sumerian. That logic is backwards, something that is published before cannot be based off of something that came after.
    Ranger0203 and Thee Boss like this.
  9. TheDebatheist

    TheDebatheist Popular Meeper

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    Hey Aarett. I've replied to you in-length in multiple threads, spreading multiple points of discussion. I've yet to see you reply. Please could you do so? Especially before asking others to do the same.

    Hi Elsa. I've replied to you twice now, in 2 threads. I spent a lot of time addressing each point that you made. If you could tackle what I said, that'd be great. Thank you.
  10. Aarett

    Aarett Celebrity Meeper

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    I did reply and only got input from others. It is actually my answer to you that I am asking them to do so to. Just go back in the comments. One that is that long shouldn't take that long to find
  11. Ranger0203

    Ranger0203 Celebrity Meeper

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    Not unless time is fake. And it obviously is.
    Mjr_Minor likes this.
  12. IHooter

    IHooter Well-Known Meeper

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    Super Good and perfect life = 666/illuminati. (Satan) muahaha (you have given him your soul)
    "The Struggle/love = 333 (GoD?) lel xD

    I grew up a catholic, but ended up questioning too much. (lack of faith)
    - I only wish that I did not question the truth, therefore, I lost my faith and trying to get it back.
    - There is a God that created everything, but you have a choice in which religion you practice. I'm sure that if you do any religion right
    you'd be accepted somewhere but not to suffer.

    I have a family friend who died in a car accident ( after a party and he was drunk with his friends while driving a pick-up truck.) He seemed like a chill person with a very good and religious catholic family, hmm maybe he is also religious). His life ended somewhere this week and I wanted to question God on why he let them die young and with a boring life living in a remote place. What I have in mind right now that we're merely just a number that would disappear and probably add in the population. ( make your life as fun as you can and as good as you can) either you have faith and practice religion thoroughly or try your best to be careful and have fun with life . (or do both)

    The scen: .. Like I said, the accident (car crash) happened after the party that they attended. There where 4 of them who died. One guy lost his arm and died, the other 2 just died (idk how), and the guy I was talking about got his face smashed. Later, when his dad found out about everything, He started running around the fields (probably a rice field in a remote place) crying and shouting.

    haha I'm not sure of what I'm saying " just loves to share and get opinions"
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 21, 2015, Original Post Date: Sep 21, 2015 ---
    Yeah you're right!
    There must be someone who did the big bang.
    But there is a thing called exorcism which is a proof of other living qualities such as (spirits, soul and etc.) I dont want to explain further, I'd like to keep it my self.. ..
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2015
  13. Wubb8t

    Wubb8t Celebrity Meeper

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    I used to argue back and fourth with myself years ago regarding this matter.

    I can tell you this much, the argument of God which has undergone centuries of debate by some of the greatest analytical minds to exist, will not be answered here by a few Minecraft players, considering most of the arguments presented here are based off of a-priori logic and each individuals intuition towards the idea of religion or in this case God.
    St Thomas Aquinas claims that the proof for God rests in the theory and argument of the first mover, or the cause of causation, which in short claims that there must be a force behind for instance, the movement of a rock falling from a higher place to a lower place, (Gravity). Immanual Kant claims Aquinas's argument to be invalid and based off of a-posteriori knowledge; That which cannot be learned within the circle of ones own experience. In this case, the spontaneous appearance of the universe is outside of our intellectual abilities and can therefore not be proven that it was not created, with the opposite being true. However, Kant continues on and claims that the gap that fills this void, a place that our minds cannot ever hope to reach can be filled by faith. This is where my faith in a higher intelligence comes in.

    I have certainly had sensible tangible experiences of faith happen in-front of my eyes. Now, without getting into the juicy details, I could not proof this to you in any other way than for it to occur before your own eyes, which would allow you to judge this particular event. But that is personal and applies to my individual self. Faith really is a strange thing, something that cannot be physically touched although you cant certainly see the effects of faith, whether that be good or bad. It is something that has to be proven to the individual through his/her's own intuition and experience. On the issue of the existence of God, you can either have faith or you don't, but having faith or not having does not proof or disproof God. I certainly cannot proof God to be existent to you or anyone through my own experience, considering my own experience could be a falsity. The most ignorant position I believe (This is my own opinion, it is not a set law of philosophy) is to say a higher being does not exist at all. Why, you would ask? Basing the existence of God off of the mis-interpretations of religions in this world, rather than looking at the possibility of a higher being existing completely separate from the blabberings of religion is something that I believe, is never considered. The question of God will never be answered for the very simple reason that it is outside of our realm of thought and experience. I believe that the only way a higher intelligence or all-powerful entity can proof himself to be existent to the entire world, is for it (I don't know if this higher intelligence has a sex) to reveal himself on a world-wide scale, therefore bringing itself into the human experience. Now that may never happen, which I also couldn't proof or dis-proof. My opinion in this argument quickly falls under the category and simple answer that we may never know 100% that a higher intelligence exists or doesn't exist. But from my little side of the pond the beautiful thing is that I can still have faith :]
    CluelessKlutz likes this.
  14. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    Some people say the world started with the 7 days God created, some say big bang. No one really knows which one is actually real. Personally, I have no say in this. I'm just here to say everyone's views are different, there's no real explanation. How will the world end? Will it be the opposite of what God did, will it all go backwards? Or will it be the opposite of the big bang where everything in the universe collapses?
  15. Ranger0203

    Ranger0203 Celebrity Meeper

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    Not true.
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 21, 2015, Original Post Date: Sep 21, 2015 ---
    We know which one is false though.
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 21, 2015 ---
    This argument is quickly debunked when we ask: Who created the creator?
  16. Wubb8t

    Wubb8t Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm not trying to argue that point that you quoted. Go back and read what I said.
  17. Supreme Overlord

    Supreme Overlord Popular Meeper

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    It won't be undoubtedly answered by anyone, because there's no way to know what's right.
    None of my opinions are based upon person intuition.
    I hear the, "there had to have been a first mover" argument so often, and the reason that that doesn't necessarily work as proof, is that by that logic, something should have had to have set God into motion as well.

    But, even if we say that that argument does work, that still doesn't prove that there was necessarily a "God", just something more than our universe.
    It's not really any more ignorant than saying that one religion is absolutely right. Personally, I would say that claiming to know, without a doubt, that any specific idea is correct, is ignorant, but claiming to know that nothing at all exists is not any more ignorant than claiming to know that the God of one, specific religion exists.
    Actually, it is considered, even if it's not that often. It's something that I've personally considered, and find to be a reasonable idea, though I don't really believe it.
    I'll agree with you on that.
  18. Wubb8t

    Wubb8t Celebrity Meeper

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    That's exactly what I said at the end of my comment. You beat me to the punch :)

    "considering most of the arguments presented here are based off of a-priori logic and each individuals intuition towards the idea of religion or in this case God. "

    The key word in that sentence is, some. I never specifically called you out or called anyone out for that matter.

    That speculation is un-provable to determine who or what God is. The argument was meant to draw two opposite opinions from St Thomas Aquinas and Immanual Kant, I was not trying argue for or in agreement with it.

    You've perfectly restated my point in a few sentences :)

    I'm happy to see that you've come to that revelation, but that is your opinion. Your opinion does not speak for the entirety of human religious practice.

  19. Ranger0203

    Ranger0203 Celebrity Meeper

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    I never said you were. I was just pointing it out.
  20. Supreme Overlord

    Supreme Overlord Popular Meeper

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    "Some" isn't even in that sentence though. Do you mean where you said "most"?
    Yes, that's absolutely true that my opinion does not speak for everyone. However, you said that you believed that that idea is something that is never considered, so the point of me saying this was to show you that other people, like myself, have considered it too, even if it's rare for someone to.

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