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Denied NewZealandMaori's ban appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by NewZealandMaori, Oct 29, 2014.

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  1. NewZealandMaori

    NewZealandMaori Popular Meeper

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    IGN: NewZealandMaori
    When you were banned: I'm not completely sure :L
    Reason: Scamming?
    Ban Length: 24hrs (i think)
    Staff Member: abbythrowsstuff
    Why we should consider your appeal: My appeal should be considered because i did not scam anyone even though Gummibirr reported me for doing so even though he has not lost anything where as i have because of this pointless ban and what i have lost is spending my valuable time playing meep which upsets me quite abit seeing as i have been banned for a false scam. Please consider my ban appeal as i have actually done nothing wrong, no one got hurt from this accept from my feelings
  2. Sqreix

    Sqreix Celebrity Meeper

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    I did lose something, 10 meebles. /t spawn costs 10 meebles..
    Videogames321 and leodavinci9000 like this.
  3. NewZealandMaori

    NewZealandMaori Popular Meeper

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    Which btw if an admin had looked through my logs they would see that i have payed you 11 meebles back
    superbros1211 likes this.
  4. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    Hi NewZealand, sorry for the time that its taken to get back to you. I've been busy.
    In this player report it shows Gummibirr winning your contest. In no way did you ever indicate to him that he did not win the contest nor did you ever say that the terms of his win were invalid until long after the fact. Due to the fact that you did not comply with the contest guidelines you announced, you did, indeed, commit a scam. Scamming does not need to be the loss of money and/or "physical" items it can also be the idea of money (i.e. dice scams counting as scams but with no refund). I don't know whether or not your ban is over however, you can still argue any points you'd like to make.
  5. NewZealandMaori

    NewZealandMaori Popular Meeper

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    Abby a relative in my family is a lawyer and she stated to me that what i had actually done is not a scam so unless you would like to question her studies in law i would think carefully how you are wording that i had scammed because i clearly haven't
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 30, 2014, Original Post Date: Oct 30, 2014 ---
    P.s i am now no longer banned but that is not the point i have lost precious time playing the only server i have ever played because of you trying to say it was a ban
    Toostenheimer likes this.
  6. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    Just because a relative in your family is a lawyer doesn't mean it automatically gets you unbanned.
    1. Your "Lawyer" didn't even provide evidence.

    2. This is not state of law/federal law we are dealing with. These are rules of a Minecraft server. So just because they are a lawyer does not mean they are familiar with the rules of the server.

    PS: You cannot earn those 24hrs back, so there is no point in leaving this thread up. I suggest moving this to Report a Player or Complaints About Staff if you still find this an issue.
    TNT404 and Jiltism like this.
  7. Sqreix

    Sqreix Celebrity Meeper

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    Maori, a relative in my family is a lawyer, and he said this is totally SCAM.
    Okay what is SCAM?
    A scam is an illegal trick, usually with the purpose of getting money from people or avoiding paying tax.

    See? AVOIDING PAYING TAX. Which is you didn't pay me 100k. You're unbanned you may delete this.
    TNT404 likes this.
  8. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm going to close this report and move it to denied due to the fact that you are now currently unbanned. Now, this isn't coming from a second hand "family member" this is actually coming from 4 years of doing mock trial, moot court, trial by peers, etc. (In short, I know a thing or two about the law)
    • Contractual language is offering X for Y. Money for finding, in your case.
    • By shouting that you would give a reward for finding you, you had made a somewhat contractual obligation to the parties participating in this search
    • When someone finds you and is presumably the first one, it is your obligation to pay him or tell him "You were not the first one to find me"
    • Regardless of the lack of money being transferred between you and GummiBirr, a scam was committed because you broke the mini-contract you made in shout
    Please be cautious in the future.
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