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Jamez564's Helper Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by KyloMeep, Oct 20, 2014.

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  1. KyloMeep

    KyloMeep Mipha's Grace

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    In Game Name: Jamez564
    Skype (Yes/No): Yes
    Teamspeak Username: Jamez564
    Mic use: Yes
    Age: 13
    Timezone: London
    Hours online per weekday: 3+
    Hours online per weekend: 5+
    Position Changes: Elite to Helper

    Introduction: Hello everybody, I am Jamez564 as you may all know by know and today I am going to be introducing my Helper app. I have come back as a new person and have left all the history behind me with what has happened before. To get started with, I am Jamez564 a teenage kid from Yorkshire in Britain. I am 13 years old and will be 14 years old in 3 months. I am a part time Meteorologist who is friends with a worker from Torro (Weather research company in Britain). I know quiet a lot about weather it's self and the science of how it works. Anyway, I am a Meepcraft player and have been since August 2012 when I first got my Minecraft account. I have always admired how the server has run and the great community which is determined to keep Meepcraft going. I am a part time hub and spawn builder who specializes in Modern city building. Okay, to get on with my Application I will start with the Why section.

    Why you should be Helper?
    Okay everyone. As you know I am a dedicated Meepcraft player who is online for around 3 hours per weekday (Depending on if I am at the Hospital as my Grandad is on the verge of Dying at the moment) and 5 hours on the weekend. I come online and each time, ask how everyone is doing as a nice warm greeting. I try and get the basic commands sorted in case a person needs help (I try and help if anyone asks a command in chat, If I am on, I am normally the first player to answer with the command, if I know it). I try and spread my time throughout all the servers (Mostly Wild, Beta, Spawn and Skyblock at the moment), so If anyone needs help in Local chat (Mainly in spawn), I can tell them the answer because not all people answer.

    Okay to start off with my experience in staff I will start with a yes or no question. Have I been staff before? The simple answer is Yes. On Multiple servers in fact. One of which I have kept with since it opened. Each at the start had at least 40 players online at one time and the one I still play today (I am no longer staff but Trusted rank), I have brought up to around 150-160 players. From that server, I have learned the basic commands and the ban and temp ban commands. I have learned some of the techniques of becoming a staff member, having been tought by a senior Admin at the time who takes the name of xjoker5lol123. I have learned my techniques from him and try to put as much detail in every answer (If needed).

    Work Ethic?
    My task on the server is to achieve my goals which I set at the start of each month. If I do not complete the task, I think *What do I need to do to get the goal this time?* and I work from that up until I reach that goal. The goals are very specific to what needs doing on the server. I address my S.W.a.N.s from that month and that is what I am going to do here later in the application.

    Am I dedicated to my work? Yes I am. As I stated in the work ethic section, I set my self goals at the start of every month and I push my self to try and complete the goals. I set my self a task as well for a day and I complete that. In my School work, If I have a test (Not necessary, shows my dedication), I think about what test grade I want and I revise for hours to try and get the goal or exceed it. If I do not get the grade I wanted I resit the test. The same with my work, If someone asks me for help in Pm (Which has been happening a lot lately), I tell them I will find the answer and I try and research the answer till I get the answer to the question. (Wait what? lol). Anyways, what I am trying to say in simpler words is that I try and go for what ever I need to do and don't stop till I get it.

    Do I get involved on the server? Not all the time as I only normally get chance to go on the forums. I normally only get time for a couple of hours on the desktop while I have spare time and not doing my homework. Teamspeak is steadily getting back into shape as well. The MAIN reason for me not being on the server is that my Grandad is in hospital with Pneumonia and Cancer at the moment and Is on the verge of dying so I have been going to see him quiet a lot lately. I am getting more active on the server so If you say "Not online on Ts or Meep server much", now you know why. It is not because I have not been bothered to.

    Improvements: Now onto my weaknesses. I do not really like the word weaknesses so I am going to call it Improvements for now. Okay so onto my weaknesses. I have a few but most from my early applications have gone away from now.
    • Activity: This is down due to recent rushes to the hospital as you know what is happening.
    • Answers: I try to find the answers but plainly I do not know everything so I let other people do the answers instead.
    • Patients: My patients has dropped lately as I cannot wait for a long time. I hate waiting in ques or waiting for answers from people as they seem to take for ever to do something.
    • Taking it too far: Sometimes I can take arguments too far and sometimes even offend people but that is getting improved as I have now learned to control what I have to say and think before saying something.
    • Fights?: When I say this I mean verbal fights. Not punching and kicking fights. I can start some arguments and go over the top or take it too far as I have started before.
    • Lack of Donations: As I am only Elite, I feel that I could have done something else to help my rank out. Flying would have been hand but insted of getting Elite I bought a Cyber-power PC and an Oculus rift.
    Conclusion: Over all I do not wish for staff but I thought it would be nice for me to put my time and work from the other servers into Meep to try and make it a more Child Friendly server. Anyways you decide on the answer to my success or Elimination from staff. Thanks for reading everyone. Bye
    Toostenheimer likes this.
  2. creeper2812

    creeper2812 Well-Known Meeper

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    I'm not sure if you're arrogant, or just stupid.
  3. ShadowBlizzard

    ShadowBlizzard Celebrity Meeper

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    From what I've seen on this application, and compared to your previous one, you've seem to have matured and taken the advice.
    I'm not going to go over your activity, as family always comes before a video game.
    You say you check forums occasionally, and I understand those types of people that read and just look, but perhaps leave a comment or so on a few to improve community involvement?

    Shouldn't be a problem, the more active you are the more you'll find out, and you can always ask others about it.
    Rank doesn't affect whether you get helper or not. I'm premium, and still helper.

    Overall, I think you're okay for it. I'd just like to see more of you around before I +1 this :)
    KyloMeep likes this.
  4. TrinityIV

    TrinityIV Popular Meeper

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    GummiBirr #3. There's a lot of GummiBirr's applying these days. -1.
    RaidByNightOnly likes this.
  5. Sqreix

    Sqreix Celebrity Meeper

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    Hello james! I have to say -1 for you today :)
    -I dont see you much
    -I see you sometimes, but never seen you helping
    -I dont see you at teamspeak wat

    I dont know if you're just stupid enough to say that?
    Or Should I say? You're GummiBirr #4? :)
    rAwsondayc likes this.
  6. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

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    You think youre cool because you claim to have been on the server for a long time.
    I have never once seen you in game.
  7. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    If I recall you talked about owning a server in one of the other threads, what is the status on that?
    RaidByNightOnly likes this.
  8. TrinityIV

    TrinityIV Popular Meeper

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    It's funny you say that because you have the mindset of a 6 year old. As far as I can tell I'm 14 and not an obnoxious brat.
    rAwsondayc, Splendy and KyloMeep like this.
  9. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    I may not have seen you before, but good luck on helper!
    Your stupidity is not needed. Thanks! :)
    Sqreix likes this.
  10. RaidByNightOnly

    RaidByNightOnly Celebrity Meeper

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    Toostenheimer likes this.
  11. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

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    kwagscraft and RaidByNightOnly like this.
  12. abdullah999345

    abdullah999345 Popular Meeper

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    -1; Sorry, but I don't see you online much, and staff have to be active.
  13. Woddorl

    Woddorl Popular Meeper

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    I'm sure that people still give a lot of flaq for having applications that are too short, however ones that are too long are worse for me sometimes. When something is so long that the reader loses interest or can't build up the interest to read in the first place, you've lost before you begin.

    You had a lot of repeated information and a lot of fluff comments that could've been removed to make things more concise and helped the flow of the application.

    There were a couple spelling and gramatical errors, but nothing too big or glaring. A proof read or two might have helped with the few that were there.

    Gl on the application, hope your grandpa pulls through.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2014
    KyloMeep likes this.
  14. adlovesdogs

    adlovesdogs ex-staff <3

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    Dude if you want to be staff don't say, over all I don't want to be staff. Really -1
    Cyber_Punk_ likes this.
  15. Zer0000000000

    Zer0000000000 Popular Meeper

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    who are you

  16. KyloMeep

    KyloMeep Mipha's Grace

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    Okay Thanks for the Feedback everyone. Wasn't really expecting the rank anyway
  17. DarkThunderz

    DarkThunderz Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't see you on
  18. Woddorl

    Woddorl Popular Meeper

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    Be confident man! It's not over till they (the mods) say it's over. Yes, the mods will listen to feedback, but they're more interested in you and how you respond to that feedback. Be confident, or baring that, don't publish that you're not.

    There will be plenty of times when you'll have to be the bad guy as a helper. When folks aren't liking you or are giving you grief, you've got to be able to shrug that off and do what needs to be done anyway.

    Same goes in the application itself.
    superbros1211 likes this.
  19. sackboy000

    sackboy000 Popular Meeper

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    -1 I saw you once, and only once....
  20. KyloMeep

    KyloMeep Mipha's Grace

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    Okay thank you for the confidence boost :) it is much appreciated
    superbros1211 and Woddorl like this.
  21. numpty04

    numpty04 Popular Meeper

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    +/- don't see you online much. Hope your grandad gets better :(
    GL Anyways.
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