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Accepted Back from long ago

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by red_stone_sucker, Oct 20, 2014.

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  1. red_stone_sucker

    red_stone_sucker Popular Meeper

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    IGN: red_stone_sucker
    time: 2/27/14
    reason: X-ray
    length: appeal
    reason why I should be unbanned: It has now been 8 months. Recently, I have been thinking of meepcraft and thought to myself, why not give it another shot? It is a wonder server. I am sorry if I had hurt anyone in any way. I now know I have exploited the system. However, I take full responsibility of my actions and I have matured. I feel I have learned my lesson and that I will never, ever, ever, under any circumstance X-ray ever again. This is all I have to say. A bit pathetic but please, I wish to be unbanned and wish to join the wonderful community of meepcraft... :D best wishes to all meepers :D
  2. Quaddy

    Quaddy Retired | SuperDuperMegaTrooper

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    You have actually been banned for nearly 6 months, but I do agree that you have certainly served a fair bit of time for the offense committed. My concern is that considering this is 2nd offense X-Ray is that you may not understand the wrongdoing behind using a hacked client and that you may revert to your previous habits of using hacked clients rather than playing legitimately. What can offer in response to this concern to ensure that this will not be the case?
  3. red_stone_sucker

    red_stone_sucker Popular Meeper

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    Its been so long so Im not clear on the details but I bought this account from a friend and Im not sure if it is this one and I sold one and etc and I remember that one of the accounts got banned on this server for X-raying. Perhaps it was the other person. Even if it is not, I feel that I have matured and my bad habits have gone as my grades have gone from b- s and b s to A s, and A+ s....(Matured cause went from middle school to high school) XD
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 24, 2014, Original Post Date: Oct 21, 2014 ---
    hello? anyone? XD
  4. Quaddy

    Quaddy Retired | SuperDuperMegaTrooper

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    Due to this being your second offense of X-Ray I can promise you that any further hacking related offenses will result in a permanent, unappealable ban. Don't make the same mistake three times.

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