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Hippapajo's Helper Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by hippapajo, Aug 16, 2014.

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  1. hippapajo

    hippapajo Popular Meeper

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    IGN: hippapajo
    Skype: hippapajo
    TeamSpeak: hippapajo
    Microphone Use: Yes
    Age: 13
    Timezone: EST (East Coast US & Canada)
    Hours online per week: 6-6½
    Hours online per weekend: 6-7½
    Position Changes: Citizen (Elite) to Helper

    Well, here we are again. It’s been three weeks since I was demoted, and I think I’m ready to re-apply. For those of you who don’t know me, hi! I’m hippapajo, also known as hippa or hippapa, and I’m a 13 year old Minecraft player who has been on MeepCraft for at least a year and a half. I’ve learned things since my demotion, and I think I’m ready to try again.

    Why should you become Helper?
    I know the commands needed to be a helper, all of them, from /hawkeye to all of the /modreq commands. I know all of them, having used them all at least once during my career as Helper.
    I think I was a pretty decent helper, I always got the modreqs done and I tried my best to make the /modreqees smile when I was done.
    I think I’m good for this job because helpers are the people-persons (people?) of the staff team, managing day-to-day work. I am a very big people-person, and I interact with others very well.
    I’m very experienced on MeepCraft, first joining way back in October-ish of 2012. I’ve been around for a while, and I know just about everything there is to know about this server.
    One reason I’m applying is because I’m the type of person who needs constant stimulation to function normally. Part of why I applied in the first place is because of this, as it occurred to me that being a helper was the perfect way to channel all of my nervous energy into doing something good.
    I love MeepCraft, and I want to do my best to keep it in a place where I can continue to love it.

    The main, primary reason I was demoted was because I’m very impulsive, and occasionally would make a stupid, immature comment in /g or even /s and everyone would read it and cringe. I've always done that; in real life I'd occasionally make a stupid, bluntly, sometimes offensively true statement. I had a poor grasp on the social cues that said "No, don't say that, hippa. It's a bad idea, and people won't be happy with you." I think I've gotten over that, and I've had time to ruminate and learn what I've done wrong and how to fix it.
    At the time, when I was helper, I became convinced that I would always be helper, and that I was rock-solid in my position. So I allowed myself to become cocky, which is never good. I would do small, mildly-to-largely stupid things, then let it slide. It happened again and again until eventually it all piled up on me and I was facing a demotion.
    I can get very moody at times, and I have a knack for holding grudges I probably shouldn’t be holding.
    As you’ve probably all noticed, I’m very impulsive and I’m working on it. I’ve recognized what went wrong, and I’m doing everything in my power to right those wrongs.
    I have ADD, which never helps in the impulsiveness category.
    I have OCD, (woop, more letters!) which helps me get things done, but can sometimes get out of hand.
    I’m very emotional.

    I want to apologize to the entire MeepCraft community, but especially to all of the staff members who I’ve let down. I was an okay helper, not outstanding, but not horrible either. I want to be outstanding, and be a helper to the best of my abilities.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read and consider my application,

    (I’ve said the word ‘helper’ waaaaaay to many times in this application)
  2. rAwsondayc

    rAwsondayc Celebrity Meeper

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    The application was not all that great in my opinion.
    I've had bad experiences with you in the past
    You don't seem like you've changed.

    Sorry bud
    emmettz24 and hippapajo like this.
  3. hippapajo

    hippapajo Popular Meeper

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    dangnabbit, I copied this over from a draft from a week or so ago and I forgot to change the date. It's been at least a month since I was demoted, not three weeks as I stated here:
    superbros1211 likes this.
  4. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    -future post-
    hippapajo likes this.
  5. chrisandmatthew

    chrisandmatthew Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 accept pls
    -Was a great Helper before from what I saw in my nubby nub days :3
    -App wasn't half bad, but seemed a little short
    -Friendly, which is always a good quality for staff
    hippapajo likes this.
  6. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Hippapp, I have known you for a long time, and I consider you an internet friend. Not counting whatever the hell went on before, I don't think you are suitable for staff. That's not to say you're a bad person, I feel that way on even current staff members. I think staff should be above and beyond, not average.

    There is no way to say it without sounding bad, but it is what it is. You are a good person, but you won't make good staff. However, being a good person is certainly replacement enough for staff on a virtual server man.
    hippapajo likes this.
  7. leodavinci9000

    leodavinci9000 Popular Meeper

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    +Was staff at one point
    +I don't think I was the only one who didn't get why he was demoted.
    hippapajo likes this.
  8. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Hippa, I love you as a person. I know you have the perfect attitude for staff, but then again, I don't thing that you have the right capabilities to be staff.
    the whole impulse thing, I get completely. I know you too well.
    You have your moments of perfect staffy-ness (that's a word now), however, when these moments are more needed than not, you're still your normal self, and when it's a casual, slack, convo, you get all serious.
    Also, I haven't seen you in the past several days :( what's up with that?
    Your teamspeak activity IS an issue, but then again, most of the staff members are inacting on TS anyways, so it's not much of a contributing factor.
    Try going over it with other people for help. And no, this doesn't mean just me, ask several people, and ask for opinions before posting. It will also help you notice a few key mistakes.
    I don't really see you helping out a ton.
    I haven't seen you on forums for awhile, except for when you post on my profile, and that was it.
    -1, hippa, I'm sorry. But good luck.
    hippapajo likes this.
  9. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    Hippa, sorry bro but I'm gonna have to go with a -1
    •I haven't really seen you on a lot (ingame, forums, and especially ts)
    •Short app; you should know what an app should be like, due to the fact your an ex-staff member
    •You are friendly
    •I have seen no change in you
    •You are immature sometimes
    •Your why section is very bland
    •I didn't see you really address all the points of your demotion as well as I would have expected
    Good luck Hippa! :)
    hippapajo likes this.
  10. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    -/+ You haven't changed from when you were once staff. And I don't see you as being staff material. I think you should wait a little longer.
    hippapajo likes this.
  11. hippapajo

    hippapajo Popular Meeper

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    Okay, for those of you who were wondering, here's a bit of clearing-up:
    I haven't been on for the past 5 days-ish mainly because I've been busy with other things, something particularly important IRL cropped up last Monday-ish. Sorry about that.
  12. Imperfectly

    Imperfectly Celebrity Meeper

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    I haven't had a bad experience with you or a really good one.
    hippapajo likes this.
  13. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

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    -1 Reasons above.
    hippapajo likes this.
  14. ShadowBlizzard

    ShadowBlizzard Celebrity Meeper

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    I think that you should of posted the application a week from now, with a lot of activity with new attitude.
    I haven't really known you before your demotion or after, so I can't really judge as to your behavior.
    As for the app, I feel like I should expect more for a helper who knows what they should be doing.
    Your in-game activity is good when I'm on your time zone, but you could work a wee bit more on helping ;)
    Anyways, -.5 good luck!
    hippapajo likes this.
  15. SillySilver

    SillySilver Celebrity Meeper

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    You are a great friend, I agree with that. But yeah the app was bit too short... But I go with +1.
    Good Luck :3
    hippapajo likes this.
  16. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    instead of repeating pretty much everything monkeyhead said, because that's a nicer way of saying what I was going to say, I'm going to bring up that I've seen too many ...questionable posts from you on the forum and this makes me question your ability to handle situations in a professional and efficient manner.
    Muunkee-Alexia and hippapajo like this.
  17. JumboAce

    JumboAce Celebrity Meeper

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    Yesterday, I had kicked a player for double posting (2nd Offense). You had just logged on and did not see the warning above/the first double post, and blatantly shouted "Double Post is a kick now?". You, ex-staff, out of all people should know that it's a warning, then a kick. AND, you out of all people should know how annoying it is when players try to determine/alter the bans/kicks/ban lengths in shout.

    Other than that, you seem pretty nice, but it's the TS activity that's lacking. Your in-game activity is superb (at least when I'm online), and you have the experience. The maturity is lacking, however I think you deserve a second chance,

    Last edited: Aug 17, 2014
    hippapajo likes this.
  18. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

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    You're a good friend, and I'm gonna take a step back and be unbiased for a sec. +/- because the activity is lacking, but not the attitude. I may seem biased here though, however I have never had a negative experience with you.

    There was that time with the horse and /dis. #nvrforget
    hippapajo likes this.
  19. Owen Powell

    Owen Powell Popular Meeper

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    +.5 As staff, you did a good job, with a couple of exceptions. I think you deserve a 2nd chance.`
    hippapajo likes this.
  20. Draqq

    Draqq beans on toast

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    You don't help in shout.
    The app was pretty bad, and tbh, it really doesn't look like you spent time on it.
    You copied from another "It’s been three weeks since I was demoted" This just shows that you don't care and you never spent a few minutes to even read over your app. If this is the case, are you going to just ignore and be lazy in game on modreqs and stuff?
    You lied to staff and set me and Matt up to be banned.
    I never see you on teamspeak.
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