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Karistar86's Moderator Application

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by KariStar86, Jul 29, 2014.

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  1. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    I know that there is an issue with you and some members because you're a bit argumentative but, you do it in a way that isn't directly hurting anyone. You're curious, which is natural and hopefully you'll get accepted into this position and see that there is more of a method to upper staff's madness sometimes :). Anyways, Kari does great work, she is very dedicated to what she does and always wants to do more. I've had several conversations with her explaining how to improve herself in certain areas and she takes everything constructively. She also has the tolerance to deal with some very difficult people on the server which is something I even lack.
  2. BooBear1227

    BooBear1227 Sunflower | Always

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    Oh, Kari. What to say, what to say.....

    Before you became a Helper, I really wanted you to apply for staff because you had great values and qualities that I saw fit for staff. Once you finally applied, I was thrilled that you were thinking it over and giving it a chance. I know you were very iffy about becoming a staff member because of the time commitment and everything else that goes on. It seems as though you have handled it quite well even with your busy life. I hope you still feel that you are able to manage this position because you are good at it.

    You're an incredible person with an opinionated voice. Your voice and opinions are what make you who you are, and it's good to see someone with a different view and opinion on the staff team. It makes decisions on several things very thought through and not a willy-nilly action. You bring more thought into what is put into action. Great work!

    You push yourself to this imaginary 110% with practically everything. While your modreq count is impressive, quality matters over quantity. You put so much effort into cases, I've only seen a few who do the same. You ask quite a lot of questions because you want to make sure you have the correct information. You soak up information just like a sponge soaks up water. It's a natural occurrence for you.

    The last time I remember seeing all the way +s on a staff application was quite a long time ago. You managed to pull a + out of every single post on this thread with more than 40 posts in the last day. About 37 of which are all community and staff based honest opinions. This says a lot about you as a person. I'm sure you will make great strides in life one day because you are a natural born leader.

    You work hard as a staff member and you are creating this role-model/idol figure for the newer staff members. It's good to see the staff team becoming more active and involved in the community. You are for sure an outstanding Helper. When I go through my head who is still on the team, your name is one of the first to pop up. This is not a bad thing, but a great thing. Mods are often who Helpers go to for help and advice when other staff members are not online. I'm positive that you would be able to handle this without a doubt.

    You have yet to show me that you are un-fit for staff, and that is truly remarkable. I am a plus one all the way. You'll make an excellent Moderator! Good luck!
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2014
  3. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

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  4. Killdogx

    Killdogx Celebrity Meeper

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    KariStar86 likes this.
  5. SillySilver

    SillySilver Celebrity Meeper

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    +1. Uhh I mean +10...+1000?
    I mean really, you are amazing Helper Karistar, I really want you to be a Mod. This needs to be in interview!!
    KariStar86 likes this.
  6. Tobster911

    Tobster911 Popular Meeper

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    +1 ur kool
    KariStar86 likes this.
  7. MoistAngus

    MoistAngus Well-Known Meeper

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    RaidByNightOnly and KariStar86 like this.
  8. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    +1, you remind me of me. Keep the arguing up, know your principles and push for them. Decisions that are not questioned and defended are not good decisions

    + another 1.
  9. bbycakes2012

    bbycakes2012 Half baby, Half cake

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    I would love to see you as a mod Kari. You are such a kind-hearted person & always go above and beyond in my opinion. You work your hardest to help the people on the server and on Forums. You look up old suggestions and threads and constantly post them for people to refer back to. You know the forums forwards and backwards!
    I think thats one of many things that makes you a wonderful staff member! Your very patient and you really care about things and voice your opinion in the most respectful way, I think.
    I don't think you get angry and want to argue but you are stern to get your point across and show people you mean business and you just didn't think about something once & don't care much about it.. You make sure they know thats what you want and what you think but in a respectful manner.
    Also what i'm trying to say about the arguing is she isn't rude about it and purposely doing it to be rude and prove someone wrong. its her opinion and shes voicing it to get something done or change something / bring something to peoples attention and some members don't like or want the change or may simply not understand shes not trying to prove someone wrong or anything of that nature & may take it the wrong way...
    It's hard sometimes to see how people are trying to say something over text verses being in person, you cant tell how they're saying it so it may be taken wrong... I hope this make a little more sense xD (probably not but oh well xD)
    But I could go on-and-on so ill end with this,
    Good luck Kari. I hope to keep seeing great things from you!
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2014
    KariStar86 and Muunkee-Alexia like this.
  10. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    good luck!
    KariStar86 likes this.
  11. Owen Powell

    Owen Powell Popular Meeper

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    -1 on mod... +1 on owner :)!
    Toostenheimer and KariStar86 like this.
  12. Tobster911

    Tobster911 Popular Meeper

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    Well this looks like its going to be interviewed for sure
    KariStar86 likes this.
  13. Fangdragon1998

    Fangdragon1998 Queen of the Nubs, La Elite Dragoness, Kæri On!

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    The things I could say... all of which are positive.

    I had a great discussion with you today (as I do any time we talk :p) about your arguing, in which we talked a bit about how arguing is deconstructing ideas, not people.Your arguing (a positive term that nowadays has a negative connotation) brings great things to the staff team. Details and loopholes we wouldn't have noticed are noticed by you because you pay such close attention to wording and interpretation. We have a number of edits to make thanks to you :)

    Thank you for being such a great helper.
    +1000000 for mod!!
    blackoak999 and KariStar86 like this.
  14. Quaddy

    Quaddy Retired | SuperDuperMegaTrooper

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    Kari since your promotion you have been nothing but an incredible voice, expressing various concerns and ideas. Your work ethic and dedication to the betterment of this community is not only encouraging, but also admirable.

    There is certainly more to learn, but I'm sure you will make a great Mod. +1
  15. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    Same as fang. Just skip interview and make these amazing people mod already
    KariStar86 likes this.
  16. Lady_Hestia

    Lady_Hestia Retro, Dance, Freak

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    Will be writing out a nice long comment so brb
    Hint: +1
    KariStar86 likes this.
  17. dayspring11

    dayspring11 Active Meeper

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    +1 million gooooooooooooooooooooooogles
    Biggest number ever
    Ur DA best Helper Ever and U will be DA best mod EVER!
    KariStar86 likes this.
  18. Lady_Hestia

    Lady_Hestia Retro, Dance, Freak

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    Kari, you are the most kind, sensitive, mature, sweet, smart, and genuine person I’ve seen on meepcraft or any server for that matter. You are patient with teenagers like nine and vkl, and are able to maintain their respect while simultaneously banning them. You do not seem obsessed with staff “rules,” I can trust you to help the players rather than help the server. Not sure how that sounds but it’s trying to be positive. I don’t know why but since I first spoke with you I felt that you were special (sounds like I’m a lesbian…). I keep saying this but you are so genuine, you treat meepcraft like a video game- not a part of your life. Common sense often is disregarded in this community but you have a way that you act that makes you both insane but practical at the same time.
    You also have the ability to see through the nonsense that certain staff and players spit out after they spend too much time on meepcraft.
    Some of our most loved staff members are big arguers. Did you know that DianaB72 was banned by szenzus for being a liar? Then Cooleys was banned for protecting a liar? Did you know that Cooleys banned szenzus for being a [use your imagination]? Did you know that Sjoe was once demoted for arguing with another staff member for 20 minutes until another one gave him back his rank? As long as you keep it within the privacy of staff and the ones who are relevant arguing is something that has kept one person from having complete control over meepcraft staff or even the world.
    As a person you are funny and understanding, etc. As a player you are the same way.

    I see a mature version of myself in you. I think we think very much the same way.
    If you have trouble with moderator responsibilities you can request a demotion, though I think that most of the staff would be fine with you slacking off a bit since you are beyond the expectations in other areas. Take it slow if you want. Master 1 new thing a day or find other ways to figure things out.
    A weakness not mentioned anywhere would be leaking staff information. Unfortunately I have never understood the rule because it always seems to be a little bit different depending on whom you speak too. I don’t think you ever leak anything worth mentioning to anyone but it’s easy to make a big mistake in ts if you are mad at someone. I’ve heard staff say that telling a single player that there was a staff meeting that morning was leaking but I’ve also known staff to announce it in chat. Kari, this is in no way a fault of yours, because I trust that you have common sense on what is ok and not ok to say. I really think that this rule is in place for some of the younger staff members but that said you still have to follow it and know what is considered leaking to your higher ups. I mention this as a weakness because you do tend to converse with epick about modreqs and if you’re not careful a name could come out.
    Teamspeak is the best way to be a liked, active, and famous player. I always recommend ts to anyone looking to be staff or get involved. I consider myself a ts addict but I think Kari could be considered more of one! You are there when I log on, you are there when I log out. You are on ts servers that aren’t even meepcraft made by meepcrafters! This could be one of your biggest strengths. On ts as a general rule things are taken with a grain of salt but just like you need to ignore ninetails being an idiot, sometimes those same idiots are the ones who know exactly who is doing what and how. Ts is a gray zone for meepcraft and lots of people do things on there they shouldn’t when people aren’t ok with it. I also just like talking to you ☺
    Are you ok with spending your limited time as a staff member? Think about it for a while- no need to answer immediately. If you subconsciously would rather be playing I’m sure your work would not be as good or you could find yourself canceling perfectly good rl activities for a video game.
    What I want to point out is that Kari staffs for players unlike other staff who staff for fuzzlr or the server.
    This was a bit all over the place and doesn't make much sense but I hope it helps. You are the smartest and nicest and most [epick](hahaaha) person I’ve met online.
    Love and +1 from Lady Hestia
  19. RaidByNightOnly

    RaidByNightOnly Celebrity Meeper

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    While everyone else writes Novels and I am just sitting here with a...


    Lady_Hestia and KariStar86 like this.
  20. chrisandmatthew

    chrisandmatthew Celebrity Meeper

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    Give this woman Admin already!
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