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lespauls19 Helper->Mod Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Lespauls19, Nov 13, 2013.

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  1. Lespauls19

    Lespauls19 Popular Meeper

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    In Game Name: lespauls19
    Skype Username: eeendavid (lespauls19)
    Teamspeak Username: lespauls19
    Mic use: Yep, I'm pretty active on TS
    Age: 17
    Timezone: U.S. Eastern Time
    Hours online per weekday: 1-7
    Hours online per weekend: 3-7
    Position Changes: Helper -> Mod

    Introduction: Hello everyone it's lespauls19 (Ian) here again. Since I know you all have a pretty good sense of who I am I won't bore you with a long tedious wordy application. I'm a senior in high school, I plan on going to an engineering school and majoring in software engineering. Above all else I love baseball, swimming, minecraft, and coding (particularly in java). I consider myself to be a somewhat cheeky happy-go-lucky kind of guy.

    Why you should be Helper/Mod/Supermod ?
    Well I've been helper for almost 7 weeks now and in that time I have learned more than I had in the almost year I've been on this server before then. I can say that I've made a good amount of mistakes but none of them were too terrible, they were all learning experiences which got me to the place I am today. I remember I posted a mod app after the 1st week for the heck of it, and god was that stupid. I can remember thinking I know exactly what I am doing. As I'm sure you can imagine, I truly didn't. But over the following weeks I gained experience, I remained pretty active on teamspeak, I continued to get into the habit of independently doing modreqs, something which I really only started being able to do well in the past couple weeks. I learned it is very easy to get sucked into the game itself, and modreqs pile up fast. But I have recently improved this quite a lot. Even though my hours are somewhat wacky, I have been getting into the habit of doing ./check every 5 or so min :).
    Now as for the more tricky aspects of my job. I've been much more alert in ./shout watching for chat offenses and I know Hawkeye like the back of my hand. The alternate aspect of helping is the simple act of answering a question someone has through message when they just as a friend are asking for help rather than have to wait for someone to pick up their modreq, having gotten to know a lot of people in this time, I can tell you at least once every 10 minutes when I'm on, someone will message me saying "can you hawkeye this for me" or "is this legal" when I first became helper I would usually say file a modreq I'm busy.....God if that wasn't the most silly way to "help". Now I can simply pull myself aside and answer the question.

    Sporadic hours of being on, I'll be on anywhere from 1-7 hours normally, but I'll usually get on at least once daily.
    Sometimes I get sucked into the game and need a modreq nudge. Something as I said above, I have improved on greatly.
    Grammar. Definitely don't have perfect grammar.
    I can get very impatient when I'm tired, Nowadays if I start to get moody, I'll listen to my body and just go to bed.

    Conclusion: Nearly 7 weeks of hard training and trial and error has taught me many things, helped me break many bad habits, develop good habits, and has in my opinion got me to a place where I can move to the next level in the staff of Meepcraft.

    Sincerely, Les :)
  2. wayzata20

    wayzata20 Popular Meeper

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    , +0 because whenever I see you online, you are advertising your casino or shop but the app was ok and you are online lots
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2013
    Nachzerhrer likes this.
  3. Lady_Hestia

    Lady_Hestia Retro, Dance, Freak

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    You are definitely mature enough
    Grammar doesn't count when you're staff :p
    See you in game helping players

    I do not see you doing too many modreqs
    Skype activity is lowish(though for you this may be a good thing [staff knows what I am talking about])
    Your ts activity is declining

    You take orders quite well- Diana says it's time to do modreqs and I know you'll be on it
    I think the only way to see if you're ready for this is to try! If you're doing poorly I know that as a part of staff we will still want you to be part of the team.
    I think that you could be great if you spent maybe half an hour on 1 or two greifing cases a day, if that happened I'm sure that staff will take notice of the dedication.
    (I don't rate mod apps unless it's just plain NO)
  4. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    1. You almost never do modreqs without someone directing you to. You don't have initiative.
    2. Even when others tell you to, you have often ignored them and continued to dice duel/play skyblock/etc.
    3. You have not only ignored, you have refused.
    4. Puckminer is nearly half your modreq count (even before the reset) within 2 days.
    5. You consistently defy modreq rules.
    6. You've been given too many "second" chances.
    You're too much of a player. You're too dedicated to playing the game, and not dedicated enough to the staff team.

  5. FatUnicornzz

    FatUnicornzz Popular Meeper

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    meh. dont see yu help vry often. i must go, my ghost buddies need me! (c0d)
  6. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

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    I definitely have to agree with Shain here.. Your modreq count is low. Even when asked to do modreqs, it seems that you avoid them at all costs. I kinda feel as if you are never on when I am because you are not active with the team. You have minimal Skype activity, and tend to avoid us in game. I do feel that your maturity level is okay. However, I'm sorry, but for me, unless there is major change, its a no.
    StopResetting likes this.
  7. Hillbilly19970

    Hillbilly19970 Celebrity Meeper

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    -1 You never help and whenever you talk in /shout it's either " cone to my sb shop" or " come to my casino"
  8. Akiratohiama

    Akiratohiama Celebrity Meeper

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    ^ -1.
  9. MrHollywoot

    MrHollywoot Popular Meeper

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    As i totaly agree with what shain said absolutly no argument that Les Paul was wrong in that situation. Different things come into account.

    He has been helper for almost 2 months. His grip on the dutys of a helper is more then enough. Modreqs do NOT fall purly on helpers and if that is the only thing he is being drilled on because modreqs are pilled up then the MODs are failing at there job also.

    Les Pauls has a passion for staff and meepcraft...Staff cannot be expected to be staff 100% of the time. Due to hours people play he may only be on during the high points of the population. He should be given time to partake in the game also.

    All of the -1's iv seen all staff are guilty of. This is meepcraft not MeepStaff we are here to play a game also.

    @DC - Bro...lets think how many staff act like children? because they are...This is not a job its a volenteer gig.

    Back to Lespauls

    He has put in the time and deserves the shot...Someone has to step up and fill the rolls outside of modreqs and He should be considered on that alone.

    Edit : This responce was @ Les Pauls not for the community to bash. The Staff apps are not for players to respond on others opionions but a look at the person applying. Stay within the rules and give helpful feedback a -1 or a +1 with nothing else behind it gives nothing to the person applying besides a personal opion. Think whats best for the staff team to help the server not how much you dislike the person or like the person.
  10. Lespauls19

    Lespauls19 Popular Meeper

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    Don't base your decision and feedback off of other comments. Base it off of experience.
    wayzata20 likes this.
  11. wayzata20

    wayzata20 Popular Meeper

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    Changed now :)
    Lespauls19 likes this.
  12. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

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    @Hollywoot, that is why I added..
    " I kinda feel as if you are never on when I am because you are not active with the team. You have minimal Skype activity, and tend to avoid us in game."
    Whenever he is needed for issues, using modreqs as examples, we ask for help on the matters(not specifically just him), we hear nothing. Yet, we see posts in shout of advertisements from Skyblock and other areas. I, at times, feel as if he is not even a part of the staff team because we rarely see him work. Again, this is not to bash, just my simple opinion, and also reguarding your thought that we were only referencing the modreqs issue.
    Dem0Gorgon likes this.
  13. Hillbilly19970

    Hillbilly19970 Celebrity Meeper

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    He can if he wants. He may have forgotten some of the reasons stated.
  14. Lespauls19

    Lespauls19 Popular Meeper

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    I do appreciate the feedback but I must respectfully disagree. I don't at all avoid other staff in game, and I don't avoid modreqs. I do admit I forget they are there from time to time. We are all guilty of that however. Daily I will see Diana prompt us to do modreqs cause there are 5-9 open and ill get right to it. I await an admin to give further feedback
  15. Deinen0

    Deinen0 Guest

    -1, Shain has valid points. Your modreq count is just too low. Plus that discussion we had in /staff outlines a lack of maturity. You are not qualified for Mod at this time, sorry.
  16. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    You should've been demoted long ago, I don't know why you still have the ability to moderate.

    You are probably the most inactive helper in meepcraft currently.

    That isn't a reason to -1 one's application. Staff members have the ability to advertise their shops, too. Staff members arent excluded from having fun.
    I agree with everything Shain said.
  17. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

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    ^ -1 Reasons above. Should not be Mod, should be demoted to player if hes not doing his job.
    I barely see him helping at all, All he does is Dice duel.
  18. Hillbilly19970

    Hillbilly19970 Celebrity Meeper

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    Agreed but say someones needs help i never see him helping them just advertising his shops constantly.
    CyborgZeroX likes this.
  19. GingerManOWNS

    GingerManOWNS Selfie Master! BOW!!

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    -1 it looked as if you were not really arguing but stating something back to devil when it's not needed all you have to say is Thank you for your feedback.
  20. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    I think your modreq count is a bit too low and the quality of them being done may also be a bit low, I had spoke with you about you applying for mod and your activity did boost a little, but now I don't currently see that. I am -1 as of right now
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