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Wayzata20's Helper Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by wayzata20, Nov 13, 2013.

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  1. wayzata20

    wayzata20 Popular Meeper

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    In Game Name: wayzata20
    Skype Username: wayzata20
    Teamspeak Username: wayzata20
    Mic use: Yes
    Age: 13 (almost 14)
    Timezone: US Central
    Hours online per weekday: 1-2, Forums activity will more often
    Hours online per weekend: 3-4
    Position Changes: Elite to Helper


    Hello, I’m wayzata20 and I am applying for Meep Staff. I joined the new MeepCraft in the middle of July 2013, I instantly fell in love with the server and it immediately became my favorite server. I feel like I am ready for a larger role in the server and in the community.

    Why you should be Helper?

    · Experience

    I feel that I have moderate IG activity and that I have above average activity on the forums. I know most of the rules as I have read the twice. I sometimes go to spawn and teach everyone how to /shout so, I am kind of already helping, just without the tag.

    · Work Ethic

    I am a very hard working person in general as in school; I get mostly A’s and A-‘s. I don’t give up on something that I have finished. I work hard at the sports that I play and never give up and I am known for that IRL.

    · Dedication

    Meep is the only server I play on. When I am playing minecraft, I am always on meep or the title screen. I will try to be as active as I can but with sports and homework, that might be shorter than other helpers and staff.

    · Involvement

    My main job when I am on meep if I get helper will be doing modreq’s and I am ok with that, as I like helping people. I think that it would be fun but from what I’ve heard, it won’t be. However, my goal as helper will not be to have fun but to help people hence the tag “Helper”.

    · Performance

    My performance as helper will not be something frowned upon. I am at the very top of my class for math. I will not make unwise choices, if there is something I don’t know or understand, I will ask higher up staff.

    · Justification

    The main reason that I should become helper is that I feel that I have a lot to offer to the new players of meep and other players who need modreq’s done, however, I can’t do that without access to the helper commands. I would like to make sure that more modreq’s get done within a reasonable amount of time.


    I am not the fastest typer, I still “hunt and peck” sometimes (I can even do H&P without looking: P). My ban record is not the greatest as I have had two bans for ads BUT both of them were appealed, as they were not really ads. I have learned my lesson and will never put a URL in chat again and I did that a while ago, back in late July. Activity might be a little more lacking than the other staff members but I will probably be able to go online everyday, unless I have a hockey game.


    I hope to become a helper in the near future! I think that I could become a valuable asset to have on the staff team. Hope to see you IG or on the forums sometime soon, thanks for reading!
  2. Lady_Hestia

    Lady_Hestia Retro, Dance, Freak

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    good effort on app! I know it's hard adding more sentences but quality over quantity :p
    what is hunt and peck???
    I haven't seen you get into arguments so either you have great self control or haven't found any that annoyed you greatly
    I don't know what to say for this app- the staff team atm is going really strong so my question for you is "What would you bring to staff that we don't already have?"
    I'll base my rating on the answer
    wayzata20 likes this.
  3. wayzata20

    wayzata20 Popular Meeper

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    I don't get into arguments much, the only major one that I had on here was between me and funkyrainbows. I think that I can add to the current staff team because of my natural ability to help.
    Also, hunting and pecking is when you only use your index fingers to type.

    You need to leave a reason as it is the rules. Thanks anyway!
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2013
  4. cooldylan

    cooldylan New Meeper

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    wayzata20 likes this.
  5. Lady_Hestia

    Lady_Hestia Retro, Dance, Freak

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    hey why not become staff what's the worse that can happen?
    wayzata20 likes this.
  6. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    I type like that all the time. I don't type any other way. Its no reason to type slowly; practice makes perfect, so just practice and you should be able to type very quickly.

    For now, -/+0 as I can't access a computer at the moment (therefore cannot write a huge review) will edit this tomorrow with it.
    wayzata20 likes this.
  7. funkyrainbows

    funkyrainbows Double Rainbow

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    Good application but personally I think it is -1 due to all the time you have spent saying how bad pimish02 and I are.
    wayzata20 likes this.
  8. wayzata20

    wayzata20 Popular Meeper

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    I am done with that now, I won't mention it again :)
    funkyrainbows likes this.
  9. GingerManOWNS

    GingerManOWNS Selfie Master! BOW!!

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    -1 Your app seemed a bit short.
  10. MeGustaYou

    MeGustaYou Popular Meeper

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    -1. I know your name, but I just don't know who you are. Your application didn't display much about you. I'd like to see you on teamspeak and I'd like to see the community get to know you, as a person. Your application also seemed a bit short... I overall don't think you're ready.
    Good luck!
    wayzata20 likes this.
  11. Lysseal

    Lysseal Popular Meeper

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    -1 I don't think you shout enough. But good luck :)
    wayzata20 likes this.
  12. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    Hi wayzata,

    I'm with gusta on this one. Get on teamspeak every once in awhile and talk to us.

    Also, your weaknesses are not actually weaknesses. What would make it difficult for you to be staff? Knowing your enemy is the best way to fight it and it shows a great deal of maturity to identify them.

    -1 for now.
    wayzata20 likes this.
  13. wayzata20

    wayzata20 Popular Meeper

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    Thanks for the responses guys, I really appreciate it
  14. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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