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Yolo. (Nachzerhrer's staff application)

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Nachzerhrer, Nov 12, 2013.

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  1. Nachzerhrer

    Nachzerhrer Popular Meeper

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    IGN: Nachzerhrer
    Skype Name: Nachzerhrer
    TeamSpeak Username: Nachzerhrer
    Mic Use: Yes
    Timezone: EST
    Hours Online Per Weekday: 1-2
    Hours Online Per Weekend: 2-4
    Position Change: VIP-Citizen


    About two years ago, my brother told me about a cool game named Minecraft. I proceeded to download the demo and try it out. I was amazed and astounded by the endless opportunities that this freeplay game gave me. My favorite feature of it, is multiplayer. I ended up on a small towny server peaking at 40 players online. I soon obtained a staff position that I held for about six months until the server closed. I was devastated, and couldn’t find any other server that met my desires. Until on Halloween day, I tried out a server. It was called MeepCraft. By the time I had played five minutes, I decided that this is what I had been searching for. The thing that stands out to me the most on MeepCraft, is the community. It’s an amazing group of individuals who most the time get along, and create an awesome server experience. From what I’ve heard, this server was quite successful in the time of late 2012-13, and I am sure that we are on our way back to that point. This server obviously has an incredible future, and I’d love to play a part in that as a staff member.

    Now before I move into my qualifications and reasons “why” I should be a staff member, I’m going to try to address what I believe to be the biggest issue people will have with me:

    I’m a noob. I don’t deny it. I haven’t even been on this server for more than a month! I am new, and not yet popular among the community. However I see in shout that the server is looking for decent, and credible staff members. I fit that role. I’ll be explaining why I do in the later part of this application.


    1: Experience

    I have multiple fields of experience on a couple aspects and scenarios I’d face as a staff member. I’ll be expounding on this in four sub points.

    a. Towny Experience

    I’ve played on multiple towny servers for a total of almost two years. During this time I’ve mastered all essential commands used with towny.

    I am very experienced in the following fields:
    -/plot set perm

    -/t set

    -/n set


    b. Staff Experience

    On the previous server I was a staff member around six months. On the server I was staff on, I became familiar with logblock, /lb commands. We soon switched to hawkeye, and after a while, I became familiar with /he as well. I have been made aware that MeepCraft using hawkeye, and if I were promoted to staff, I’d have no trouble learning and remembering the commands. During my weeks on this server, I’ve believe I’ve memorized almost every illegal activity along with the punishment prescribed to it. Reading the rulebook was the first thing I did when I joined to server. I believe it is essential for new players to read and understand all the rules before playing on any server. Overall, I’ve gone through many staff situations and I believe I have the experience and knowledge to obtain a staff position on this server.

    c. Experience Dealing with Wrongdoers and Troublemakers

    As I’ve stated many times, I was a staff member for six months. During this time, I dealt with countless ban requests, appeals, and investigations. In addition I met some very, very annoying people. These people would get under the skin of all of us, and play on the border of breaking the rules. There were many situations where I would have felt immense pleasure to permanently ban someone, however I learned to withhold my emotions, and resolve the issue the way it should be.

    d. Patience

    I try my very best to keep my emotions cool during situations where I might be offended or insulted by someone. However, I do fail in this, which I’ll mention in my weaknesses. There is another kind of patience that I am very successful at; I am patient with my time. No matter how long or hard it might be to complete a modreq I will work my hardest to see it finished.

    3. Attitude

    I’ve given all the reasons I feel I am qualified to hold the rank of helper, and now I’ll be explaining why and how those qualifications exist. I have a very strong work ethic. I work over 30 hours a week for a construction company, along with school and normal chore activities. I get an incomparable satisfaction when I see someone happy. This feeling is magnified substantially when someone is happy with my work. This is what drives me to answer questions people have, or complete modreqs. I love seeing people happy, and satisfied.

    There is another motivator in my work, which is the personal satisfaction of completing jobs. For example, when I’m mowing lawns, I love to see the progress I’m making, and eventually the completed work. This is what gives me patience when working through projects, I look forward to the future, and strive to work my hardest to finish difficult issues.


    1. Teamspeak Activity

    Personally, I don’t like teamspeak. I don’t like really any type of voice communication. I’ve logged into teamspeak a couple times just to try it out, and haven’t really been active mainly because I don’t have any friends on it to talk to. However, if I were to be promoted to helper, I’d log into teamspeak every time I log into the server, because I see the necessity. I’ll answer any question asked of me in teamspeak or solve any problem. Teamspeak is an essential part of being a staff member, and I will definitely use teamspeak for the time that is required of me.

    2. Short Tempered

    This may look like a contradiction right after I’ve talked about my patience, but it’s not. The reason it isn’t is because while I am patient while working, I am also very short tempered when it comes to arguments and discussion, mostly on the forums. I am quick to speak, and slow to think. While it is good to speak your mind, I overstep my boundaries quite often and speak before learning all the circumstances of a situation. For example, not long ago there was a situation in my life where I spoke harshly and quickly to my best friend. I was not completely aware of all the facts and circumstances of the situation, and my quick and untrue words almost destroyed one of the closest relationships I’ve had in my life. Ever since then I realize the seriousness of this issue and I am striving to withhold myself. I’m not perfect, and I still fail often, however I believe this is becoming less of an issue for me.


    Ever since that memorable Halloween night when I logged onto this server, I’ve thought to myself, “This is unique, this is a server I want to try to help grow.”

    And I believe I am qualified to do so, as I am experienced not only as a staff member, but in general towny commands. I am patient, and I have no trouble working through long and tiresome moderator requests. I am also hard working, I push myself, and love to see people pleased with my work. But I’m not perfect, I am quick to speak, and quick to anger. But overall, I see myself as a positive addition to this staff team.

    If I’ve come off as arrogant, or prideful, it’s simply because I’ve been taught to write in this way. My english teacher always instructed me about how to write applications. I was told to be confident in my abilities; It’s not a good sign to be unsure about yourself when applying for any type of position, especially in real life. Or as she put it best, “Be confident, but not cocky.”

    Thank you for reading this application, and I hope that the decision would be based off of my capabilities and not my popularity or time spent on the server.

    Give me an oppurtunity, and I will prove myself.
  2. Nachzerhrer

    Nachzerhrer Popular Meeper

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    :) I now realized I didn't include my age, in fear of editing, I'll add it here.

    Age: 15
    Flamedemond likes this.
  3. StopResetting

    StopResetting Popular Meeper

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    Technically that's still editing - DENIED.
    Meh its such a minor detail, so +0.001

    My issue is that the hours you're able to get on is very insufficient with the amount of time you've been on the server (yeah, yeah, I'm going there). This position requires time and dedication. If you're too busy to give more than an hour or two (yeah I read the weekend's hours too), I don't know how you'll be able to get much done along with adjusting to all the new changes going on right now. Like you said - you have not even been on the server for a month. I know you're smart judging from this application but it just seems like you're leaping into this position too quickly. However you are online when most of the mods are not, and I hope you've been helping out the community whilst being online.

    Concerning helping others, I was not too happy with what you said regarding your teamspeak activity. There's no reason for you to not help people now without holding the helper rank. It would go much in your favor if you could tell us, "I still help people in teamspeak despite how awkward and sky I feel." You shouldn't be afraid to speak up, and you should not sit in teamspeak in a room all by yourself (much like the way I always end up doing -.-), and expect to work up your nerve sitting there. So in short - don't be a Liz. Just go for it, you won't get anything done if you sit there contemplating all day. Trust me, you won't.

    I am very happy with the conclusion though (minus the part about your teacher, that seemed to stray a bit off the track imo and it could have been a bit more lengthier). I have hardly seen one where someone actually understands what a conclusion is supposed to be. +18092809282, although that won't count on my overall vote. It still stands at a +0.001.

    The reasons were elaborate but you could have given us more. Yes they were very thoroughly gone over (nice job on that), but you could have given us more reasons as these were only two. I know you have more reasons to give us, you could not have applied for this position on the basis of 2. Unless you're one of those noobs who come in here and are like, "i iz srvr oner, can i haz admin?" Also, the attitude reason should have been "2." as there was no 2, Mr. Skipper of numbers. And the patience sub-point is missing the bold. Just my ocd (shut up Liz).

    Your forums activity could use a bit more work. Stalk around and help more people, get involved, get informed.

    I do think you have potential, but I need more solid ground to tread on. The application overall was lovely, but as there is not enough activity to prove much, you could have given us more reasons to make up for that. Remember - activity is a requirement. And there's no need for you to hold back from helping others simply because you don't hold the helper rank (I'm talking about teamspeak, and if this applies to in-game or forums then be aware of it). So take my +0.001, it still holds significance regardless of how small it may seem.
  4. james_Grimplin

    james_Grimplin Popular Meeper

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    i don't know how i feel about this app……+0
    Nachzerhrer and BooBear1227 like this.
  5. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Guest

    I'll see you in school tomorrow ;) Overall, he's very mature, and has been very helpful since joining the server.
    +1 :) Skype me
    Flamedemond and Nachzerhrer like this.
  6. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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    This application will not be denied merely because he forgot to include his age. He caught his mistake within 3 minutes of posting the application and was cognizant enough of the rules to not edit the actual post.
  7. StopResetting

    StopResetting Popular Meeper

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    I know, its not anything major as I just stated afterwards, That's why I still went and gave a vote.
    Nachzerhrer likes this.
  8. Flamedemond2

    Flamedemond2 Highly flammable

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    The fact that you said yolo in the title of this thread annoys me. Don't just make an app to get it over with, you need to have the confidence when making your app to actually think you'll get accepted. Not only that, but your forum activity is kinda low. But other then that, I do think you would do well as a helper so I'm all for giving you a shot. Plus I do think you are a mature and intelligent person.

    Last edited: Nov 13, 2013
    Zebo616, andrewrobins and Nachzerhrer like this.
  9. LexKristen

    LexKristen Celebrity Meeper

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    LR_Davius told me about you. I'm glad you decided to apply.

    As a person, you seem very qualified based on your application. Not to mention your application was pretty phenomenal.

    The only thing that concerns me is your in-game hours. If you get helper you may find yourself falling behind in modreq count because of the amount of time you spend playing vs how long other helpers spend in-game.

    Overall, +.75
    Nachzerhrer likes this.
  10. Nerf958

    Nerf958 Celebrity Meeper

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    +.50 Vkl and others have told me a lot about you. I respect you and see you as a mature person.
    Nachzerhrer likes this.
  11. FatUnicornzz

    FatUnicornzz Popular Meeper

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    +1 but don't make any more threads regarding staff titled yolo. :l
    Nachzerhrer likes this.
  12. Lady_Hestia

    Lady_Hestia Retro, Dance, Freak

    Likes Received:
    Constructive praise
    The app shows good effort
    Vkl likes you
    Lr davius likes you
    Your finding meepcraft story is the same as mine
    Noobs(ross) are much better at being staff because they do the best they can and if you're really nooby like me you won't hold us to the glory of meepcraft before the dark ages.

    Constructive critisizm
    The title shows immaturity (my immaturity rule: Being mature is not necessary unless you are applying for staff)
    I'm not sure, but I know someone called nach was being rude towards me, it might have been someone else though as I deal with many people and have somewhat of a bad memory.
    Position change?? Reread that for me plz :)
    IF TS IS YOUR WEAKNESS GO AWAY sorry for the immature yelling but ts is THE most important thing other that in game work, if you become staff this WILL have to change
    I have only started seeing you in game this week
    Same with forums- good activity for both even though I've never seen you before like, 6 days ago :)
    Ok I know you have to work and your hours aren't good but I'm sure you'll improve as a staff member as you have done it before elsewhere
    Patience: here is math that doesn't rot your brain and make you a robot Bad Patience+Onis=bad staff team
    Vkl likes you
    Lr davius likes you

    Notes: time and popularity DO actually help make decisions if we are undecided. If you don't have time to dedicate hours to complicated griefs or thefts you can't do modreqs the correct way. Popularity gives us the community view which is quite important as we are customer service- if you are unlikable in the community then we need to know if their reason is a valid one that could effect your staff work.

    Anyway you'll never know until you try +1 :)
    Nachzerhrer likes this.
  13. Nachzerhrer

    Nachzerhrer Popular Meeper

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    I now notice all my typos. :)

    It's VIP-Helper.

    Thank you all for the feedback.
  14. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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    You exaggerate. The description of his potential TS activity is more than enough to fulfill the normal functions of being a staff member.
    Nachzerhrer and VKL_ReWinDzz like this.
  15. Lady_Hestia

    Lady_Hestia Retro, Dance, Freak

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    I do, though large amounts of ts isn't required it's absolutely necessary for staff. Of course you can be like Mr Statistician and only use it when necessary, I think it's really really important. Most all of the people on there are staff, were staff, or are applying for staff. I honestly think that a good usage of teamspeak is crucial. It's a huge part of how I rate potential staff and current staff... (I just cannot stress enough.. well you get the idea now right?)
    Nachzerhrer likes this.
  16. SSSoul

    SSSoul Celebrity Meeper

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    Putting YOLO in your title doesn't give me a good impression...
    nasapc123 and Nachzerhrer like this.
  17. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Guest

    So you -1 his application because of the title? You mentioned nothing about the app, in-game/ts activity, and such, try that next time
    Nachzerhrer likes this.
  18. SSSoul

    SSSoul Celebrity Meeper

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    It shows immaturity.
    Nachzerhrer likes this.
  19. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Guest

    How so? I see no immature in the term "yolo". It means that you only live once, that's not immature, it's his motto bleepa yolo.
    Nachzerhrer likes this.
  20. MrHollywoot

    MrHollywoot Popular Meeper

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    VKL Soulblade your breaking the rules of forum apps by doing all these posts just sayin :)

    Anyways. @ Nachzrhers

    you put some real effort into your app. I like that

    VKL besides being the most negative person on meep gives good feedback about you. Personally i dont know you or what you do.

    Good App - No negative memories come to mind

    Lady_Hestia and Nachzerhrer like this.
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