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HazTheMan99's Helper Appplication

Discussion in 'Denied' started by HazTheMan99, Nov 10, 2013.

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  1. HazTheMan99

    HazTheMan99 Celebrity Meeper

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    In Game Name: HazTheMan99
    Skype Username: Harry Hardcastle
    Teamspeak Username: HazTheMan99
    Mic use: Yes
    Age: 13 soon to be 14 in less than 30 days
    Timezone: UTC/GMT London
    Hours online per weekday: Between 6-20 hours
    Hours online per weekend: Between 9-16 hours
    Position Changes: Premium to Helper Please.

    Hello, my name is Harry Hardcastle, I am a premium that joined the server on July 25th 2013 i only ever go on Meepcraft therefore i can provide you with my full Minecraft time and responsibility, i am in the highest set of classes at school therefore i can be reasonable on things such as /modreq and fully understand the problem. I am much loved by the Meepcraft community and own a successful town called HazDubZ. With 21 residents, it is listed as a city and has lots of features. I can code with Python, Java, HTML5 and Action script as computers are my high point in intellect. i have two years of Minecrafting experience and joined this server earlier this year under a different username. my capabilities are quite high and i enjoy going to the gym and doing sport in the meantime. I have my own Bukkit Server and i know how to use all the permissions and plugins e.c.t. My peers say i am a 'nice guy' and have 'pure skill' (as they like to call it ). I constantly do giveaways and drop party's where i will give items to players in need, i am always snooping around at threads engaging in conversation. I often keep a lookout at places like spawn for non-PG content and report them on a /modreq or make a forum post.

    Why I should become a Helper? Being a Helper will not only improve my in-game experience, but actually give me a bit of responsibility for myself. I like helping people in-game and out, i take criticism well and build from my mistakes, i know a fair amount about meepcraft and Minecraft alone and want to show others the way. i like the feeling when I've just helped somebody get to towns or /spawn because it may seem easy to me but others might find it hard. Players on this server are after lots of things but most importantly one thing, and that is success, helpers are hired to solve problems in-game and if the staff team solve all of Meepcraft's problems (not that it has alot) then everybody will succeed.

    Weaknesses: though you may change your mind about me, I have made minor jokes in the past about things that some people might not find funny and have gotten a few kicks. However that is, and is going to stay, a thing of the past because as helper i must devote myself to my duty, not my sense of humor.
    i know now that meepcraft is serious and i have become more serious and mature. on my old account (my friend uses it now) i posted an application on the old forums website and got a response of 'lack of effort in application' and the staff that reviewed the application was right because i was young, not mature and honestly did not know what to put other than 'i think helper will be good for me' however now i am full of ideas and raring to go!

    To Conclude: I am very active with the community, in /Shout and often answer many player's queries and requests. i am online for a tremendous amount of time and those are consecutive hours so non of this ''i'm going offline for 10 mins kk'' business, its just simply me and the Meepcraft community. I was an active forum member on my other account but i am growing back into the forum member i was by answering peoples questions, giving my opinions, having my say on very controversial issues and mostly making new friends. i am on team-speak a lot and though i not always talking, i am always listening. i am a very heavy Skype user and even Skype my grandmother to help her with her computer issues. On Team-speak i will intend to listen and communicate with my peers and helper 'colleagues'. The occasions that our lord and savior Fuzzlr comes online i always make conversation and ask questions about the server and how it can be improved and reflected on. i have never stolen, ever and have never logged or x-rayed or used potions in terrarium or sold items from /warp shop, hacking, duping, scamming, griefing, swearing <- never done any of those. I have a pretty much clean record apart from a few past mistakes and hope you take this application into consideration when thinking about adding new staff.
  2. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

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    I rarely see you in game and when you are in game you don't talk in /shout.
    This means that you are not active in the community and if you do help people, /shout is a good way to show it.
    You can become a little more active on the forums and in my opinion, your app was kind of lacking.
    Good luck
    StopResetting and HazTheMan99 like this.
  3. NorthernLights17

    NorthernLights17 Celebrity Meeper

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    Im a -1 as of now
    I don't see you very active in shout or helping to often.
    But you look like you have a lot of potential.
    P.S We both joined on the same day :p
    HazTheMan99 likes this.
  4. TheRealWoohoocheese

    TheRealWoohoocheese Celebrity Meeper

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    I sometimes see you on the server. You only have 50 something posts, and your app is kinda lacking. Sorry =/
    HazTheMan99 likes this.
  5. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    • I've seen you in game, but I've never seen you help out
    • Your conclusion is longer than your why section...
    • You tend to be very immature
    • You don't post often in the areas I count on the forums (Suggestions, Q&A, Report A Bug, and Staff Recruitment)
    • The application was fairly short and only told about how you would be better off as a Helper and not how the server would
    All in all, a firm -1, although I do see you eventually becoming a Helper if you try to improve.
    LexKristen and StopResetting like this.
  6. Mainkreke

    Mainkreke Popular Meeper

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    -1 forum activity is lacking, so was the app..
  7. Lady_Hestia

    Lady_Hestia Retro, Dance, Freak

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    teach me python plz
    From what I have seen you would be a great "behind the scenes" staff member.

    Probable strengths:
    1 You would be great at communicating with people when they are mad because they have been stolen from.
    2 Hawkeye would come easily to the type of brain you have.
    3 Again, you communicate really well so modreqs would be a strong point for you.
    If you do become staff you would not be very popular if you spoke lots in /shout

    Your probable weaknesses are:
    1 I dont think you would get along with Onis very well and as staff he is head tech and could be considered Fuzzlr's second. If you want to do tech work you will have to take his criticism and rude but sarcastic remarks. Lots of staff have left because of him. (still <3 you onis :p )
    2 Unfortunately you kind of have that feel about you that says I'll let my friends of the hook.

    In game work
    1 You are great at helping new players learn how meepcraft works, since you have a town anytime a new player in modreq or local is asking how to play you have a town all ready for them to learn how to play meep.
    2 You are kind and on all the time.

    Not sure what my rating would be at this point. I think you just have to try it out and see how you do! The worst thing that could happen is being demoted.
    Good luck :D
    HazTheMan99 likes this.
  8. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    def is_it_a_banana(n):
        if n == banana:
            return True
            return False
    print is_it_a_banana(banana)
    (hope that's right, haven't used Python in a while ;P)


    You seem like you have got almost everything necessary of becoming a Helper/Tech/Mod, I just don't know you enough. I'd like to see more activity mainly forum-wise, from you.
    IHAS, BlackJack, Nerf958 and 3 others like this.
  9. HazTheMan99

    HazTheMan99 Celebrity Meeper

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    me niether, our IT teacher taught us some in year 7 (or 6th grade in america), i would have put something like:


    var = 100

    if ( var == 100 ) : print "is_it_a_banana"

    but idk, yours seems right
    DancingCactus likes this.
  10. BooBear1227

    BooBear1227 Sunflower | Always

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    Indifferent, but if I had to give you a score, it would be a -1 from me.


    • I've seen you in game.
    • You are in /g (/shout) a lot more recently.

    • I've never seen you really help out.
    • Your conclusion is longer than your why section...
    • You tend to be very immature.
    • You don't post often enough in the areas that are crucial for understanding Meep.
    • The application was fairly short and only told about how you would be better off as a Helper and not how the server would.
    • Grammar errors - mainly with the word "I."
    Your application did not flow as well as I think it should have.
    I want to know what the server would get out of you being "Helper."

    You have a lot of potential Haz, I would just like to see you shine, and use what you know how to do to make an impression. Right now, I am seeing a basic application. Make it stand out.
    HazTheMan99 likes this.
  11. Lilliya

    Lilliya Celebrity Meeper

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    -0 I see you can code/script W.E It's called, and we need some techs. But I see you lack activity both IGN and Forum. I hope to see another application later from you.
    HazTheMan99 likes this.
  12. 2legacybball

    2legacybball Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Overall Vote: -0.5
    Application: It was Ok, but had a lot of Grammatical mistakes which I will show you. So -0.5
    IG Activity: I see you on sometimes. +0.5
    Forum Activity: Not great, but not bad. I suggest 250 posts before applying. -0.5
    My advice:

    1. Application: Grammatical mistakes as I will show you. Spend more time on your application next time. Everything in Red are your mistakes.

    2. Keep posting on forums. Stay active.
    Don't get into any trouble.

    Do these things and you will have my vote next time.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2013
  13. HazTheMan99

    HazTheMan99 Celebrity Meeper

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    Thank you all, i appreciate your feedback.
  14. Mylucky7

    Mylucky7 Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm going to go for a +0.5
    I see you in game a lot and I know you are active for teamspeak,
    However, if you can be immature this is a bad influence towards other players.
    HazTheMan99 likes this.
  15. MeGustaYou

    MeGustaYou Popular Meeper

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    I have no experience with you before, (timezone difference), but I can see from your application that you have good intentions. I like how you brought your time in real life within Minecraft, with your classes, and such. I see your determination but I'd like to see it brought into effort. Some sentences I found unnecessary.
    Going over some of your past posts, I have brought to a conclusion a +0.
    Good luck, though.
    HazTheMan99 likes this.
  16. Redtps

    Redtps Popular Meeper

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    I see you a lot in game but never helping you do shout and talk but you do not help
    so +0.5 game activity is good
    HazTheMan99 likes this.
  17. BooBear1227

    BooBear1227 Sunflower | Always

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    Per the new format that was suggested, and then put into action : You must give an explanation for your + or -.
    Flamedemond2 likes this.
  18. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

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    -1, I see very little of you on the forums or in game.

    Of course, I'm pretty sure I said the same thing about PuckMiner (or maybe I was just too lazy to) and he got accepted


    It's possible, still -1
  19. Oroperion

    Oroperion Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm going to be brutally honest with you, as I am with almost everyone. I didn't begin to read your application, because the first thing I saw was an incorrect spelling of the word "application" in the title, and this alone drives me insane.

    I actually did give in and read it after I typed out the previous comment, and it still made my eyes hurt. There were a large number of grammatical errors, the intro and conclusion were longer than the "why", and honestly I don't see you in game, ever.

    -1. Use spell check before you post your application, and please be more active in game.
    BlackJack, LexKristen and BooBear1227 like this.
  20. HazTheMan99

    HazTheMan99 Celebrity Meeper

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    iI don't see you in game that much either, maybe we are in completely different timezones and sorry for the spelling mistake(s) i was trying to finish this at 1AM. i appreciate your feedback.
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