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Denied Forum ban appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by JonnehboiDaMon., Nov 3, 2013.

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  1. JonnehboiDaMon.

    JonnehboiDaMon. Meeper

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    2. Posting in Restricted Areas

    Posting in the following areas is prohibited**:
    - Ban Appeals
    - Player reports
    ** The only exception to this policy is if you have pertinent information to add. WARNING if the information is not relevant you will be held responsible, and actions will be taken.

    1st: Warning 2nd: 2 day tempban 3rd: 3 day tempban 4th: 4 day tempban 5th: 5 day tempban 6th: 6 day tempban 7th: 7 day tempban and complete wipe of all posts, threads, and conversations.

    IGN: JonnehboiDaMon

    Banned for: Rules violation

    Banned by: I do not know

    Banned on: Forums

    Ban appeal: I have seen many others posting on appeals and stuff with way more irrelevant stuff than mine. I had pertinent info to add because the victim did not know what evading was. Please tell me whether or not WHAT I SAID WAS RELEVANT. If you banned me for posting on something like that, please edit your rules and make the staff members all recite the rules. It is unfair to be banned for doing something that is not stated as illegal on rules. It says I must have relevant info.
  2. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    It's irrelevant because you have nothing to do with the ban appeal. Staff can handle the situation, as Nasapc123 did (who also was the one who provided your warning points), and you should not be posting in ban appeals you have nothing to do with, like in n00bishcake's bansppeal.

    All the people in your ban appeal who have nothing to do with it have received their necessary warning points/bans, along with all other ban appeals.

    With your combined 7 warning points, you must wait out your ban.
  3. JonnehboiDaMon.

    JonnehboiDaMon. Meeper

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    HUH? Wait out? Also, it says if the post is irrelevant. Not me.
  4. nasapc123

    nasapc123 Popular Meeper

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    Your post was not required. You described ban evading for us, after it had already been identified that the person ban evaded. Staff are more than capable of describing what ban evading is. You continue to do this, I suggest you simply do not post on player reports or ban appeals. It is not that difficult.
    DancingCactus likes this.
  5. JonnehboiDaMon.

    JonnehboiDaMon. Meeper

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