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Where are you now?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Metzy, Mar 30, 2020.

  1. Viperfan

    Viperfan Celebrity Meeper Staff Member Game Designer

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    I joined when I was 11 in 2014, now I'm 17 and graduating this year which is crazy to think about, I joined Meepcraft with little to no experience with online gaming, or online stuff in general as how I was tempbanned within the first 10 minutes of joining by muunkee because I didn't know what the caps lock was lol, so I have learned a lot. life is life, and life sucks, but in a way this server kinda raised me with all the friends I had made and good times I've had, a lot of those old friends I still keep in contact with today. With this whole quarantine thing, Meepcraft being active again honestly has been a huge nostalgia trip for me seeing all these old names that I never thought I'd see again, I've been in a pretty rough spot in life past few months but seeing all these people again who I had looked up to from when I was so young, and now being here, surprisingly makes an impact. I've moved around the east coast a couple times in the past year or so but I live with my grandparents now, planning to move down to Florida and get an apartment with one of my good friends who I've known most of my life and going to a technical school down there to study Cyber security, so hopefully that all works out. It's been great seeing everyone again, and hopefully the server stays active now.
    ENIbeast, Jaina, Shellcode and 12 others like this.
  2. SSSoul

    SSSoul Celebrity Meeper

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    I joined when I was 12, back in 7th grade.
    19 now, funny how fast things went by and am a sophomore in college.
  3. CinnamonTiny

    CinnamonTiny Popular Meeper

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    Joined when I was 13 back in 2013. It's been several years since I've actually seriously played (maybe since 2015 or so?). Now, I'm graduating college in ~2 weeks and starting medical school this Fall! Crazy how time flies.
  4. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

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    Joined September 10th 2012, I have no idea why I remember the exact date but I always have. I just turned 13 at the time and now I'm a 19 year old pre-vet student. I work at a bowling alley in Los Angeles and get to meet a lot of cool celebrities like Will Smith and Jason Mamoa. I play a lot of league because I hate my life and I achievement hunt on steam. Feel free to add me on discord if you want to catch up Tails#0632 : )
  5. GroovyGrevous

    GroovyGrevous Break hearts not blocks

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    Well thats a lot of oldies :)
    I joined mid-June of 2012 when I was 12, which was my second year of learning English. Now I'm 20 and a student (Tourism-Museology) with plans to possibly get in another university to study Physical Education. I have also picked up freestyle wrestling since 2013 and have competed a few times in national level.
    I'm still a noob when it comes to English!
  6. PuckMiner

    PuckMiner Celebrity Meeper

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    I joined back in 2012 on my first account and was just a pretty lame middle school kid. Meep taught me a lot and I'd like to think it helped partially get me to where I am today.

    I'm in college now and couldn't be happier. Since I joined, I have gotten my pilot's license and am now working my dream job in aerospace engineering, optimizing performance of commercial airliners.
  7. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    I was 11 when I joined now I’m 18. right now I’m looking back at all the ridiculous stuff ive said on these forums lmao

    I’m actually majoring in Biology and I’m a certified pre medical student.

    i miss and love all of you

    MAZISAWESOME Celebrity Meeper

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    Sooo much nostalgia here. I was 13 when i joined meepcraft and now i’m about to turn 19. When i first joined my ign was MAZISAWESOME and at some point i changed it to MazilandingXD because of my friendship with DeerlandingXD. I’m a sophomore in college and majoring in English and i plan to teach at the highschool level while i continue to gradschool for my masters to teach at the college level. I just recently started meep again because of the quarantine and i love seeing how everyone’s doing and catching up since i pretty much grew up on meep with you guys.
  9. Minydragon3

    Minydragon3 Popular Meeper

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    I believe I joined in 2014 possibly 2013 but I'm really not sure, my ign is now Minyyyy. I am a senior in high school taking all college classes at my nearby community college for free to save money and hopefully graduate from college a year early. I am majoring in Mathematics. Because of this damn virus I won't be getting the same senior experience and may not even be getting a graduation ceremony. I've been working in retail and babysitting over the past few years. I'm planning to move out by the end of this year and after I get my diploma get a job as a bank teller. I recently got on again playing with old friends after about 4 years and its nice to see familiar people again.

    I apologize for my signature, I am just now seeing it after posting. I am honestly embarrassed. No I do not hate almost everyone.
  10. sinisterweapon7

    sinisterweapon7 Popular Meeper

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    Wowza. I joined Meep on May 23rd, 2012 at the ripe age of 12 years old. Now I'm a junior in college majoring in psychology and minoring in spanish. I'm gonna be applying to graduate schools in the fall for a M.A. in Mental Health Counseling :). Oh I also work for chipotle and I was supposed to have a cool internship this summer but that was scrapped .-. Glad to see so many old faces back on the server, it's given me a good case of nostalgia.
  11. K9_Caper

    K9_Caper Celebrity Meeper

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    Hello I'm K9, I'm 19 and I joined meep in summer 2012. I just finished my oNlInE cLaSsEs for freshmen year of college and am now officially on summer break.

    Seeing how we'll all be indoors for a while, I started playing minecraft again. I'm having a lot of fun playing on a star-wars themed server with nations and settlements. Playing here reminded me of meep, and how dozens of players would invest time and resources into making these grandiose, large-scale towns all in survival. That's why I came here to make a post.

    I miss all of you. If anyone wants to join me on this server, lmk if you're interested. It has a solid, friendly community, and is completely unmodded (meaning you can fly ships and explore planets and stuff without mods). My discord is K9_Caper#8578. I don't mean to advertise in any sense, I just wanted to make a post about where I am now, and if anyone wants to join me in building some cool shit.

    Anyways, it's good to see a lot of familiar people on here. I'll be playing meep more too, boomoo mostly lol.

    Cheers to all of you! Hope you guys are doing well :)
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2020
  12. minetifa

    minetifa Celebrity Meeper

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    STILL the best overwatch player ( by far ) on these forums
  13. PegasusFirestar

    PegasusFirestar Popular Meeper

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    Not as old as a lot of people on this thread haha, but I joined in 2015 when I was 12 and in 6th grade (if I did the math correctly, no promises). I fell in love with Meep from the start! It was unparalleled by any other server. I loved the community and the atmosphere and how I was able to make some fun friends that I enjoyed spending time with, even if it was through a screen. I took a break once for a while but eventually came back. Then I moved to another state when I was 15. I wasn't ever able to play because I wasn't able to use my computer and I just got so busy with a new school and a new life that I couldn't find the time to play. Since the last time I played, I thought of Meep every now and then and always regretted how I wasn't able to play, and always planned to become active again someday. I really hope I'm able to make it a regular thing because Minecraft and this server specifically was a staple in my later childhood/early teen years and was an outlet for me to forget about real life and immerse myself in a community that was super fun and positive.
    I'm 17 now, a rising senior in high school, and have recently started playing again now that I have a lot more time on my hands (for obvious reasons). I am involved in my school's color guard, which I joined completely on an impulse. I was supposed to start working at Chipotle in March but that has been postponed until who knows how long. In the future, I plan on going to community college for my basic classes and attending a 4-year school. I have no definitive answer to the question "what do you want to be when you grow up," but right now my plan is majoring in psychology and minoring in business to eventually become a high school guidance counselor, with a business degree in case that doesn't work out. But that's subject to change and I'm sure it will. Feel free to offer any advice lmao.
    I think it's amusing that so many previous Meepers have come back at the same time, so I'm glad I came back when I did. I hope to see everyone in-game. What is not amusing, however, is the cringy things I have posted on this site. What's even worse is that I can't seem to stop reading every single post of mine. My sense of humor is so different now, I mean, it's still pretty darn immature (don't be fooled by my grammar, this is simply a facade that will probably literally only last for this post) but nothing like what 12 year-old me thought was funny. It baffles me.
    Anyways, if anyone would like to chat about anything I will be checking forums almost every night and getting on the server whenever I can. Although this could prove to be detrimental to my sleeping schedule as I have only been online from 11pm-2am. I am always open to talking, whether it be to friends or strangers! Love you all :)
    Adrian, Pmx728, GroovyGrevous and 3 others like this.
  14. SirCallow

    SirCallow Legendary Meeper

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    Joined early 2014, was 14. Am now 20 nearly 21. Been doing IT support but more recently got into doing videos with a buddy of mine on a few paid gigs. Asking my girlfriend to marry me soon hopefully that goes well. It's really nice to see a lot of the same faces I used to know still semi active along with new faces too. Cheers all.
  15. LargeUnit

    LargeUnit Celebrity Meeper

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    hi. I’m largeunit. I joined Meepcraft in 2013 when I was 11/12 under the name toadonkey55 since most of my school friends were playing on here. It was the first server I ever played on and my favourite server. At some point I changed my name and I have been under this name since. I am 19 now and I am in university for math.
  16. CrythSpeedy

    CrythSpeedy Celebrity Meeper

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    I joined about a week after getting Minecraft itself, so about October 2013 (though /seen lies about it :( ). I was 10 at the time, meaning I was only around 12-13 when i became a helper. I'm 17 now, a junior (about to be a senior) in high school. I originally was going to study architecture (largely because of Meep) but have been trying to move towards a science (mostly since I'm very academic). Currently, my intention is to become a civil engineer with a focus in structural. A degree in applied physics was also on the table, but an engineering degree just seems more versatile. I absolutely love history and Spanish, and would love to minor (or even double major) in at least one of them, but am not sure I'll have enough time in college.

    That's me currently, but here's a separate section for my appreciation of Meep:

    I grew up the youngest of four kids. My parents had a terrible marriage, and, as the youngest, I felt it was my responsibility to keep it together. I was homeschooled, so trying to support my parents as an 11 year old kinda absorbed my entire life. It took me a couple months to work up the courage (even though my family was more than financially capable), but I finally asked my parents to buy Minecraft. Meep was my only social refuge, and really helped me develop my interests and learn how to interact with people. It really helped me build my confidence when I went into public school in 8th grade to know that I had a community of hundreds behind me. In the middle of 8th grade, my parents separated, but Meep allowed me to relieve a lot of the stress of it. I lost my dad and sister in the divorce, and to some extent one of my brothers, but was able to fall back on dozens of online friends. I ended up moving around 2,000 miles at the end of freshman year. When I arrived to my new school (a magnet school full of peabrains who thought they were better than everyone else) I stopped playing as much (because of the insane amount of busy work, despite not learning anything actually interesting or useful), which is one of my biggest regrets. I lost a lot of confidence when I disconnected from Meep, and generally became a less secure person. I'm trying to reconnect to some of those old friends now, because even if we were never close, there's something about sharing this server as your childhood that bonds you incorruptibly.

    Thanks everyone who has ever played with me, directly or indirectly. You helped me through some hard times.
  17. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    Just finished my Bachelor's in Chemical Engineering. Preparing for a 1 year Master's Program starting this fall :)
  18. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    I joined meep on March 3rd, 2012. I was 11 (10? I'm too lazy to actually check) at the time and just finishing 7th or 8th grade. Fast forward to today, I've since graduated college with a B.S. in Physics and have started the grind towards a PhD, specialization in AMO physics.

    Edit: I just realized that I have God-Tier memory and this is my second post in this thread
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2020
  19. SurvivingSword11

    SurvivingSword11 Celebrity Meeper

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    so you're a college grad working on a PhD at 19 years old? slight flex
  20. thebeast009

    thebeast009 Celebrity Meeper

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    I joined during the summer of 2012 with a few friends irl. Never played a PC game in my life and got hooked immediately. They grew up and moved on after a year, and I was on my PC too much. Hell, the kid who introduced me to Meepcraft thinks my parents hate him (they might). If I never joined this server, my life would be in a COMPLETELY different place right now. Maybe better, maybe worse, but I can't change anything now. It was an escape, to say the least. An alternative to my horrible social life during those years. Meepcraft helped me meet a lot of new friends and great people that I am forever grateful for. It also ignited a passion for competitive gaming, as I've played many games at a semi-professional level (CS:GO, Overwatch, Fortnite, and now Valorant). I'm also in my sophomore year in college as a Computer Science major. I still get this blast of nostalgia every once in a while, so I'm glad I saw this thread. I still remember a lot of you guys in here (SSSoul, Ifartonchildren, survivingsword11, nhjed, etc.). If anyone ever wants to catch up, message me on discord.

    discord: chips#5017
    matt391416, Shellcode, Adrian and 5 others like this.

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