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Democrats are just confused.

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Summers, Dec 25, 2018.

  1. Summers

    Summers Hot Meeper

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    Democrats are just uneducated and brainwashed individuals, change my mind.
  2. Tommy_Fett

    Tommy_Fett Well-Known Meeper

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    Im like a democrat besides the democrat part. So basically Im an uneducated, brainwashed individual. <-- See I can't even make a sentence that makes sense.
  3. Summers

    Summers Hot Meeper

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    Do you live in America?
  4. Tommy_Fett

    Tommy_Fett Well-Known Meeper

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    Yes I do
  5. twomoo1119

    twomoo1119 Celebrity Meeper

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    Republicans are just uneducated and brainwashed individuals, change my mind.

    Your making the claim there, therefore it is up to you to provide evidence for your claim. If you would like to provide some, then we can actually start a debate or something.
  6. Tommy_Fett

    Tommy_Fett Well-Known Meeper

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    Aren't we all brainwashed individuals no matter what...
    Adam34falcon likes this.
  7. Viperfan

    Viperfan Celebrity Meeper Staff Member Game Designer

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    I've never agreed with something so much in my life before
    SirCallow likes this.
  8. Bloopers

    Bloopers Legendary Meeper

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    get the heck out of here libtards, you stand no chance against our army
  9. Summers

    Summers Hot Meeper

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    Fair! Okay I will change it up.

    The leftest idea of taking away guns from citizens is the most idiotic thing I’ve ever heard of in my life. Even more so because of who they would be giving more power to if they were to do such a thing. (The person they hate the most)

    The Leftist views on creating speech laws are uneducated and fascist.

    The fact that the left believes that there is racism in the American government system is one of the biggest jokes I’ve ever heard.

    The fact that the left believes someone is guilty if they are accused of something before proven so makes me want to throw up. (Kavanaugh)

    Seeing white leftists stand up and victimize minority’s groups just for some sort of self reughtous bullshit gain is another reason why you must be brainwashed. Or something.

    Sorry if this is poorly written, I am a better speaker than writer.
  10. Adam34falcon

    Adam34falcon Celebrity Meeper

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    1. Thinking that all democratic believe the same thing is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard.

    2. Not all Democrats want guns taken away, they want restrictions.

    3. Even though there is racism in parts of the government?

    4. Again, thinking that all democratic believe the same thing is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard. People are innocent until proven guilty. Many Democrats and Republicans believe this. Many of each party don't.
    SuperDyl and Erebus45 like this.
  11. Summers

    Summers Hot Meeper

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    Democrats have certain stances in certain cases, I just pointed out a few. How can you possibly support the democratic party when they defend this?

    @#2 There are already restrictions lmfaoo. They just want to take them all away.

    I would like to know why you would choose the left over the right???
    Provide an example.
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 25, 2018, Original Post Date: Dec 25, 2018 ---
    Not in the case of rape. Or any act against a minority group.
    Meznik likes this.
  12. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    everyone is just confused
    SuperDyl, Adam34falcon and Meznik like this.
  13. Meznik

    Meznik Celebrity Meeper

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    i am confused by you saying we're confused :thinking:
  14. MeepLord27

    MeepLord27 Popular Meeper

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    @Summers since you are saying a clear group of people (registered democrats) believe x thing can you show some polling data that empirically backs up this claim? Seeing one college student say something in a youtube video isn't a good representation of what "democrats" believe.

    You are confusing leftist (leftest?) and democrat. Democrat is a political organization whereas leftist is an ideology. Historically political organizations have changed their views to whatever is politically expedient (Nixon supported a handgun ban in 1972, Ronald Reagan passed gun control regulation as governor of California in 1962 to suppress african-american civil rights groups that needed guns to protect themselves from racists.) but ideology doesn't change. Historically leftists have supported gun ownership along the lines that it's necessary for groups to meaningfully resist their oppressors. In 1850 Karl Marx wrote "Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary. " and more recent leftist groups (the black panther party) have echoed this sentiment.

    1st please link a poll to quantify how many "leftists" want to create fascist speech laws. In terms of actual laws that have been passed or have meaningful support among legislators anti-BDS laws (something leftists oppose) are a much more real and fascist restriction on freedom of speech. Also consider Trump has literally called for the regulation and restriction of journalist's speech. Can you point to a single example of equivalent policy pushed by "leftists"?.

    This is particularly interesting considering leftists oppose the very real death of habeus corpus (innocent until proven guilty) that "the right" typically justifies under the "national security" banner.

    "Patriot Act II" Provisions in H.R. 10 (As Passed by House) <-- innocent until proven guilty

    Law section
    https://clerk.assembly.ca.gov/sites...s/archive/FinalHistory/1967/Volumes/67ahr.PDF <-these have to do with the Mulford act, the law signed by Reagan banning the public carrying of guns.

    Gun control: Richard Nixon wished for total handgun ban <- Nixon supported a handgun ban.

    Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League by Marx and Engels <- Karl Marx' pro-gun.

    https://www.history.com/news/black-panthers-gun-control-nra-support-mulford-act <- Black Panthers supported gun ownership.

    A Texas Elementary School Speech Pathologist Refused to Sign a Pro-Israel Oath, Now Mandatory in Many States — so She Lost Her Job
    https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/anti-bds-legislation <- anti-BDS legislation that attacks free speech much more than "dae evil snowflake sjw".
    J055Y_, zsuzsu and riri30 like this.
  15. Summers

    Summers Hot Meeper

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    @MeepLord27 hey thanks for replying. Give me a day or two to respond since I don’t have much time to give you an educated response atm. Telling you this so you don’t think I’m dodging you.
    MeepLord27 likes this.
  16. Tommy_Fett

    Tommy_Fett Well-Known Meeper

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    Meeplord27 coming in with the facts that I don't care to read!
  17. smk

    smk Celebrity Meeper

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    I’m Republican, so I agree with a lot of what you’re saying. The one thing that keeps getting shoved down my throat by AP classes at school is the fact that societal racism by personal individuals is so widespread in America that it is inadvertently systematic racism. Ie. Judges handing out more harsh punishments for black men with drug possession vs white men with drug possession.

    Another one that gets jammed down my throat (which angers me greatly), is the gender pay gap. Crazy SJW’s will keep throwing the 70-something cent figure down your throat of average pay for men vs average pay for women, despite the statistic failing to take into account profession and many other factors such as personal characteristics, overtime, experience, years worked, and much much more. I’m honesty, the difference seems to be around 2 cents, with the logic being that more men asks for raises or negotiate pay than women do. How my AP Human Geo turned this into “we are racist” is by posing the question: Why are women more drawn to fields that provide less pay (ex. Teaching or cosmetics), while men are more to higher paying jobs (ex. Engineering)?

    The supposed answer was that we promote gender roles that work against women. Frankly a little bs, but ya know...


    The one leftist view that is “normal” that I find difficult to find logic for is support for social equality while also supporting affirmative action. How can you say that affirmative action is helpful when it is blatant discrimination in the basis of skin, meanwhile it also harms those who are “preferred” by having a much higher drop out rate due to the fact people with less educational merit are making it into colleges they normally wouldn’t have due to quotas.

    And I signed in only to reply to this thread
    Meznik likes this.
  18. Meznik

    Meznik Celebrity Meeper

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    you know this man is triggered when he signs into to make 3 paragraph reply. i applaud him
  19. Bloopers

    Bloopers Legendary Meeper

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    that wasn't very cash money of you
  20. MeepLord27

    MeepLord27 Popular Meeper

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    This assertion is for the most part empirically proven. There is literally tons of research about this but I'll link some of the ones I'm familiar with.

    ‘Black’-sounding name conjures a larger, more dangerous person <- Black signifiying names are seen as poorer, more criminal, and more violent than white signifying names (imagine how this affects policing or prosecutor discretion).
    https://www.nber.org/papers/w9873 <-Black signifying names get less callbacks than white signifying names.
    John Vs. Jennifer: A Battle of the Sexes <-Female resumes are evaluated worse than male resumes.
    https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1067526.pdf <- This study shows the bias teachers have regarding racially signifying names and also makes the point that teacher expectation has a large impact on student ability (something to consider when you look at the educational performance of certain groups).

    All of these studies reasonably control to the point where we can pretty accurately draw a causal link between the race or gender of the participant and their treatment.

    Are Minority Students Harmed by Affirmative Action? Here is a pretty good write up on the "mismatch" idea that affirmative action candidates aren't prepared.

    In U.S., Most Reject Considering Race in College Admissions Here is an empirical look at whether "leftists" really support affirmative action. The reality seems to be that support for policies is mixed. Lots of criticism is directed towards affirmative action and candidates who support it from the left because it's not an actual solution to any problem, it just treats the symptoms of racism.

    As a general rule for the thread: Whenever someone makes an empirically verifiable claim, can they do their best to verify it? This would lead to a lot more clear discussion.
    creepersareokay and Erebus45 like this.

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