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Samsung and Apple

Discussion in 'Debates' started by IzzSt, Apr 6, 2018.


Samsung or Apple?

  1. Samsung

  2. Apple

  1. EnergyAssassin

    EnergyAssassin nerd Staff Member Administrator

    Likes Received:
    Well then everybody sucks. Samsung makes good phones but TouchWiz is pretty bad. Motorola makes high-end phones besides their low-end ones, and they're all almost stock Android which helps with speed. HTC isn't a complete failure either.
  2. KyloMeep

    KyloMeep Mipha's Grace

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    Fairs enough lol. I'm glad samsung ditched touchwiz from S8 upwards tho
  3. J055Y_

    J055Y_ Celebrity Meeper

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    I have been and probably always will be an Android guy. As an amateur software engineer myself, I like the customization options and third-party integration abilities you can implement with Android. Compared to IOS with which it is illegal to modify (some users utilize back-end methods such as "jailbreaking" but that's an entirely different debate). Anyway time to utilize some structure in this debate. i will be focussing on two main aspects: Software, usability and business ethics. I wanted to do more, and I could have written a lot more, but then I remembered that no one will read this anyway. :/


    The Google Play Store (formerly Android Market) contains a plethora of applications made by a wide range of people for audiences ranging from the obvious to the frighteningly obscure. From news profiling applications, to "Waifu or Laifu" they've got it all. Compared to the App Store which contains a significantly smaller library of popular and high quality applications. This is largely due to how the different companies (Google and Apple) handle licensing for distribution of software on their platform. The Google Play Store requires you pay a $25 registration fee in order to join their developer program. Compared to Apple which requires you pay a recurring fee which varies, but is often around $99/year. You could argue that this move by Apple would reduce the library to only contain "well coded" and "useful" applications, however I believe that it restricts innovation due to the inability for startup programmers and software engineers to create and distribute useful and entertaining applications which could help them garner popularity within the software space. A common phenomenon is found in the software engineering space is for startup individuals/businesses to create and maintain an application on the Play Store, then when/if they have a large audience and a viable amount of funding, they produce a replicated application for IOS.


    For this section, I will use my dad as an example. He has an iPhone 6s and is adamant in his position as an iPhone user for the sole reason that he finds IOS easier to use than the Android interface. My father is not particularly tech savvy and will often find himself in situations where he requires my assistance with computer technology. For example, about a week ago he asked me to help him install and configure WhatsApp. I have attempted time and time again to show him that Android can be configured however you please in order to better the user experience for oneself, be it with the use of launchers (I myself use Nova Launcher) or via ROOT technology. He still refuses though, as he himself is not the kind of person to spend time working on these sort of things, compared to me and the more tech-enthusiastic audience. Which is where I head up my conclusion for this section: I have found that it is often the more technologically incompetent who possess iPhones, or those who have it because it is "trendy". The sort of people who will willingly invest a significant sum of money for the sake of saving 10 minutes of configuration. It's kind of sad really, but that's how Apple markets it, and one thing Apple is good at is marketing.

    Business Ethic

    You have most likely heard in the news about the revelation that Apple is slowing down their phone's performance gradually in order to provoke their audience to purchase a new phone. If I'm honest, the correlation between performance and time with iPhones has been there for years, and has been a main point of mine and others as to why not to invest your money in this company. What this news does show to the larger audience is a stark contrast between the ethic of Android which (I believe) is for creativity and innovation, and Apple's solely business mindset.

    As I said above, I was going to write more, but it just kind of seemed futile when I thought about the context.
    I hope you enjoyed my rant/debate, and perhaps learned something.

    I myself am not in a position to root for Samsung as I do not currently possess a Samsung smartphone. I have however previously owned a plethora of Samsung phones including (but not limited to) the Galaxy Y, the Galaxy S2, and the Galaxy Ace... Now I just feel old.

    I currently own a UMI Max. It may seem odd, but I get a certain satisfaction out of having an obscure product that performs as well as devices that are over double the price. You've probably never heard of UMI or UMIDIGI (as they're marketing themselves nowadays) and to be honest that's the desired effect. UMIDIGI is a Chinese company that produces phones with specification similar to many flagship models for a fraction of the cost. I imagine this is partly due to labor costs and a lack testing/interrogation techniques with their products. I bought my UMI Max for $200 from Amazon, and it performs as well as some phones within the $500 range.

    I have done some testing of my own, and I have concluded that it performs faster and more efficiently than the iPhone 6s in processor speed, RAM profiling, and read/write speeds. This doesn't speak just for UMI but for the entire market of Android phones. Put simply: More for less.

    Anyway I'm rambling now, I'll see myself out...

    - J055Y_

    P.S - If it wasn't obvious, I am pro-Android/Samsung/whatever isn't Apple.
    KyloMeep and FamousZAmos like this.
  4. CasualMow

    CasualMow Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Apple: WE WILL SELL YOU THIS PHONE FOR $2000.99! (It has the second best camera)
    Samsung: we will sell you this top of the line phone with the best stuff on it and a top line camera on it for just $800 with lifetime protection! and forever warrenty
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2018
    IzzSt and Blue_Marlin like this.
  5. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    LoL so true tho! I have an iPhone 7 Plus & I keep saying I’m going to switch to an android but I’m too scared too.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 12, 2018, Original Post Date: Apr 12, 2018 ---
    Props for the time and effort but I’m not reading all this.
    FamousZAmos likes this.
  6. Marshy_88

    Marshy_88 Celebrity Meeper

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    I use the supercheap J1.

    I drop it? It is fine.

    Battery die? Reach into my wallet and pull out another

    Phone die? Buy a new one.

    It doesn't have enough onboard storage imo so I always get a low memory message, but it works.

    By not spending $1100 on a phone I can spend $2200 on my PC.
  7. EnergyAssassin

    EnergyAssassin nerd Staff Member Administrator

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    I have a friend that uses one of those too. Cheap phones are a pretty good way to do it, I would recommend the low-end Motorola phones like the e and g series though because they are generally higher quality.
    FamousZAmos likes this.
  8. IzzSt

    IzzSt Celebrity Meeper

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    I own an LG X CHARGE
  9. alex77034

    alex77034 Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin'

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    Disgusting! Apple will always be superior!
  10. PixelPooter

    PixelPooter Celebrity Meeper

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    I too like to spend tons of money on phones that slow down over time as the battery ages. Talk about wormy apples!
    lol plz don't kill me apple fans its just a prank
    FamousZAmos likes this.
  11. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    When the battery ages you just spend a bunch more money on a new iPhone, gosh use your head!!!
    FamousZAmos likes this.
  12. alex77034

    alex77034 Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin'

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    hOw dAre You InSulT ApPle LIkE thAt!1!1!1
    FamousZAmos and PixelPooter like this.
  13. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I hAvE aN iPhOnE
    FamousZAmos and IzzSt like this.
  14. WhoNeedsJimbo

    WhoNeedsJimbo Popular Meeper

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    You samsung fans don't understand the potential of iPhones. Apple has software magic, which allows me to write a sequel to the emoji movie, which is something you can't do on android garbage. You losers think you're so cool with your "fully-customizable" and "open-sourced" pieces of plastic, when you just deny everything that makes Apple so great.
  15. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    apple is garbage
    the only thing worth getting is the apple pencil bc smoothest digital art I've ever gotten my hands on
    but if you catch me with an ipad
    shoot me
    KyloMeep likes this.
  16. FamousZAmos

    FamousZAmos Popular Meeper

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    also camera function. android cameras are trash, and Samsung aren't the greatest. iPhone cameras truly take great shots.

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