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Media Application from iPolarFlame

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by iPolarFlame, Mar 27, 2018.

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  1. iPolarFlame

    iPolarFlame Popular Meeper

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    Member Name iPolarFlame

    Additional In Game Names: CHILL_GTi and PolarFlame_GTi (No idea why I put the GTi, get asked a lot)

    How old are you? 14 y/o

    Location: Ontario, Canada

    Do you have Discord? Yes

    When did you join Meepcraft? October 4th, 2015

    Have you ever held a media position on another server? I've had a twitch streaming rank on one server, but that's about it.

    Introduction: Hello! I'm iPolarFlame, or Polar, I first joined back in 2015 and since then looked forward to coming on Meep after school everyday. I am currently in the International Baccalaureate program in school, which is basically advanced classes. So more homework and more tests. Although I have a busy life, I still find time for Meepcraft and come on about 1-3 hours a day, but more on the weekends. I am very active on discord and always respond quickly to any messages I receive. Apart from Meepcraft and school, I play basketball, and play the violin. Basketball has taught me how to work hard and that you are stronger as a team than alone, while violin has taught me that patience and practice pay off. I have lived in the U.S. for 12 years and just moved to Canada recently, still getting used to it.

    Why should you be on our Media team? I should be on the Media Team for these reasons:

    Quality - I always put quality over quantity in my videos. I never rush any of my videos but can still do them efficiently and on a schedule.

    Time Management - Since I am in the IB program I must manage my time very well and I know the balance between work and fun. If Meep needed a video done in a certain time frame I could produce one while still being active on Meep and discord, just not quite as active.

    Experience - I have been on Meep for (almost) 3 years and have accumulated lots of knowledge about the server. I also know all about editing and recording, and do it smoothly and easily. I am always open to suggestions and working on improving my personal skillset in the future and always share my videos with people and ask for feedback to hear what people like/dislike about my videos.

    Most of all, I enjoy making videos for Meep and want to see the playerbase grow, after seeing it go down after the towny resets I was determined to do anything I could to bring more players in. I have brought many of my friends to the server and advertised it to plenty of Minecraft players. After practicing, editing, and learning from one of my classmates (who goes by Duper Games on youtube) I decided I wanted to make videos for Meepcraft. I told pmx about this and he encouraged me to and gave me tips and advice. Ever since then getting Media have been a goal of mine. I bring hard work, skill, and eagerness to learn aswell as a joy of playing Meepcraft.

    What is the main platform that players can go and publicly view your content on, and what is your typical content comprised of?
    Youtube - iPolarFlame
    Twitch - Twitch

    Example 1 of video content:

    Example 2 of video content.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2018
    qazini, Pmx728, riri30 and 5 others like this.
  2. FamousZAmos

    FamousZAmos Popular Meeper

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    Videos were decent. Never see you on forums and barely in-game. In game you're very whiny and generally seem to avoid your problems. Media is a role which requires taking initiative. You can't expect someone to give you clear instructions all the time.
    SpongeyStar likes this.
  3. jrs25872

    jrs25872 Popular Meeper

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    First video was a bit meh, but the second video was an improvement compared to the first. But I rarely see you in game and when I do I usually see you complaining about something new.
    FamousZAmos and Marshy_88 like this.
  4. Bloopers

    Bloopers Legendary Meeper

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    this response is completely based on the videos that i see in the application. i don't know who you are or if you are mature or anything, because i don't play. i'm not going to judge you on the written application either because someone can have good video editing and recording skills while not being the best in writing.

    video 1:

    decent editing! i liked the little boops and swooshes that you did that sync the video with the music. i also think it was a good choice for the music
    not so good footage. it's laggy, the way you fly around(camera movements) isn't really great, like sudden turns and one point early in the video you're going straight and then suddenly you strafe left.. also i disagree with the use of shaders in videos, it's best to just show it as vanilla(the way *most* players will see it anyways)

    video 2:

    really cool first 10 seconds, smart idea to put the big M from spawn. also glad that your intro wasn't on this video like in the first, it's 11 seconds long and just a name bouncing around. #BanIntros
    overall nice video to be honest, just some not-so-good places to record from. one part you can see the airship hologram with the [Disabled] sign which sort of makes the server look.. well, [Disabled] (not that its a 100% lie, airship has been disabled for idk how long now, but anyways, it's a trailer for the server)
    this video reminds me of bluapol's stuff, especially with all the cinematic effects like black bars, rotation etc

    overall, the only issues are camera movement, shaders and the intro.
    camera movement and positioning will improve over time(i still think mine is garbage, but i havent made a video in like over a year so idk)
    the reason i don't like shaders, like i said before, is that it's not really what you see in game. if you wanna make something look nice sure, but you can also see your own shadow which is bad. shaders aren't always bad, but i don't think they should be used everywhere
    and like i said before, the intro is 11 seconds long and its just kinda annoying to see a name bouncing around.

    that second video was overall good. dare i say better than pmx? maybe i don't dare say. but i would like to see you making videos for meepcraft so +1. i hope you're accepted because it appears that we only have one media member right now!

    riri30, FamousZAmos and iPolarFlame like this.
  5. riri30

    riri30 Retired veteran

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    +1 man, hope you get it. The second video was definitely good and I’m glad you put it on there.
  6. lanekids40

    lanekids40 Popular Meeper

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    +1 but yeah like bloopers said #BanIntros and cut the shaders
    Marshy_88 and iPolarFlame like this.
  7. Pmx728

    Pmx728 Legendary Meeper

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    +1 Easy to work with and good videos
    Bloopers and iPolarFlame like this.
  8. iPolarFlame

    iPolarFlame Popular Meeper

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    No more intros! I could possibly cut shaders as well.
    Bloopers likes this.
  9. lanekids40

    lanekids40 Popular Meeper

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    kill the intro or make it shorter
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 28, 2018, Original Post Date: Mar 28, 2018 ---
    and shaders only on special "eye candy" videos
    Bloopers likes this.
  10. alex77034

    alex77034 Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin'

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    I like your content because you make it so casually and willingly. We need medias who can post regularly, and I think that’s something you can do. The shaders were a bit too much in the first video, but it’s clear you’ve got the basics down. The second video was nice, but it should of been more dynamic. Have times in the video where you’re slow and other times where you speed up towards cool shots. Wouldn’t mind seeing you as a media!

    Last edited: Mar 28, 2018
    riri30, iPolarFlame and Bloopers like this.
  11. agnd

    agnd is a steely-eyed missile man

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    +1 Nice trailers that are made very cleanly and efficiently. Definitely deserving of Media!
    iPolarFlame and riri30 like this.
  12. Spiderjel

    Spiderjel Popular Meeper

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    You basically copied my top 5 video by using the same plots. Like every single one I used. It might be an accident but also your video quality wasn't bad but I think could use a little bit more work. So, for now, I'm giving you a -1.
  13. Vexmae

    Vexmae Royal-Tea Staff Member Mod Media

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    They're obviously the meep-wide top 5 plots, no one was copying you at all.

    I personally think your video quality and the overall app was outstanding, I truly think you would be a good asset to the media team, massive +1 from me polar goodluck! :)
    Marshy_88 and iPolarFlame like this.
  14. iPolarFlame

    iPolarFlame Popular Meeper

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    I actually made that video about 2 months ago, before you ever applied for media. I have shown that video in progress to a number of meepers for feedback also before your application was ever posted. After I was completely finished with my creative video I saw oKling tell you to make one, I also noticed our videos shared many plots. Thanks for the feedback on my videos, though.
    Bloopers and Marshy_88 like this.
  15. Orion9

    Orion9 Celebrity Meeper

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    Atm im even
  16. Courtneyyy

    Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder

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    I think your videos could definitely use some TLC but they aren't horrible. I would work on your transitions and make them flow nicely. The shaders I told you about was a bit much makes for a sloppy video. With some pointers from the Media team and some trial and error I think you'd fit in just fine into the group! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you or if you have any additional questions. Goodluck +1
    Pmx728 and iPolarFlame like this.
  17. CasualMow

    CasualMow Celebrity Meeper

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    I see you are full of potential but with the videos their are a few problems, The video and music clash - the areas you were in were fine but to jump from a tower to spawn and then to the forest, I recommend taking it slowly and go a loop of everything in a area before going to another area to add consistancy, Overall its good but still needs a little work -/+
  18. iPolarFlame

    iPolarFlame Popular Meeper

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    Picking music for my videos is always a difficult and long task. If you would like to recommend any songs I would appreciate that. Thanks for the feedback on the cuts too, I could definitey slow that down a bit more, to add a more consistent rythum to the video.
    Bloopers likes this.
  19. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    A time will be arranged to talk over duties and expectations.
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