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Continue here about guns.

Discussion in 'Debates' started by KlutchDecals, Nov 2, 2016.

  1. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I still don’t see what this has to do with American Citizens, and when I say American Citizens I mean American Citizens, not white or black etc, American Citizens owning guns. But since it’s here I will comment.

    Black people pull the race card everyday of their lives (not all blacks, mainly liberal blacks, SJW, etc etc) but as soon as a white person tells them no, they’re racist. Stop with the racism crap. If I was offended with everything someone called me (Soon to be school shooter, Cracker, inbred, etc) just because I am white I’d live every second of my life in a tizzy! Stop being so offended!

    Anyway, back to guns. Make a new thread or go to another one to talk racism.
    FamousZAmos likes this.
  2. xAZN_SJx

    xAZN_SJx Celebrity Meeper

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    I made that comment in response to Zamos. The debate on guns is not black and white; there are so many factors that tie into why we should/n't own them and racism is an influencer on targets of gun violence.

    You're oversimplifying things. Racism isn't just called someone a cracker or school shooter, people literally die because of it and to brush it off because it doesn't necessarily affect you is ignorant.

    Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
    Zesk likes this.
  3. Adam34falcon

    Adam34falcon Celebrity Meeper

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    Courtneyyy likes this.
  4. Epicdude141

    Epicdude141 Celebrity Meeper

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    It doesn't say exactly the wall won't work. It's just an example of tunnels used by the cartel to smuggle drugs for me to show that the wall won't work.
  5. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @xAZN_SJx - I’m not oversimplifying it. There are more rapists in the world than genuine racists. This still doesn’t answer my question. But it does spawn a new question.

    How does racism affect private citizens, American citizens, from owning a gun?
  6. xAZN_SJx

    xAZN_SJx Celebrity Meeper

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    Are you kidding me? Don't try to downplay racism with rape. Both are sickening, and to try to make racism seem like a smaller issue by comparing its numbers to rape is a **** move. Don't invalidate it. And yes, you are oversimplifying it. Your definition of racism is being called a cracker and school shooter - that's how it affects you. Being a victim of racism is not just being offended by something like name-calling. People are harassed and murdered because of it. Just because YOU have not experienced the extremes of it, does NOT allow you to dismiss it as nothing but one taking offense.

    Someone proposed that armed guards would be the best solution to this shooting problem. My argument against that was that many citizens can't even trust the police, who play a similar role to armed guards, due to the bias and racism amongst them. If armed guards were to be placed in schools, how could we be sure that they are there only to protect citizens, when so many are injured at the hands of their said "protectors"? I never said that this had anything to do with citizens owning guns; I was responding to Zamos' take on racism.

    Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
    Zesk likes this.
  7. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @xAZN_SJx - I’m not comparing racism to rape. I’m simply saying there aren’t as many genuine racists in the world (specifically America) as there are rapists. Meaning that we don’t have that many genuine racists as people like to say we do. I also never said they were good, of course, both racism and rape are terrible things. None can be justified.

    I do see some racist comments being said but saying something racist doesn’t make you racist. I haven’t been encountered with many racist comments towards myself personally but those were examples of what some people say. Anyway, this doesn’t matter because this is a gun debate.

    As far as having armed guards on campus. Every school campus (Atleast public school) has an armed guard aka a police officer on campus already. So to your logic these police officers would be killing/harming kids instead of protecting them. Well, if that were true, we would have a lot more school shootings than we have. Having armed guards on campus would stop armed crazy people from getting on campus and harming innocent people.

    I just want to add in more armed guards that have better weapons (form of protection). And if ONE of those armed guards goes crazy and decides to open fire on campus then there would be ANOTHER armed guard to stop him.
  8. evilalec555

    evilalec555 Celebrity Meeper

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    Anyone wanna pull up with some pro/anti gun “facts”
    Blue_Marlin likes this.
  9. xAZN_SJx

    xAZN_SJx Celebrity Meeper

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    And what does rape have to do with this? Because to say, "there aren’t as many genuine racists in the world (specifically America) as there are rapists" while we're on the topic of racism is to say "there are bigger problems than racism" and while they may hold true from your perspective, you're still downplaying it. Do not compare the two in attempt to make racism seem like a smaller issue than it really is, simply because you aren't as affected by it.

    "...saying something racist doesn’t make you racist" Do you hear yourself? If being racist does not make you racist, what does? Please, enlighten me.

    Yes, this is a gun debate but don't claim that racism plays no role in it when it's often an influencer of who becomes a victim.

    I'm not saying that police kill and harm kids - my point is that while there are good officers, ENOUGH police have failed the public for people to fear them rather than see them as a protector. Again, should there be more armed guards on campus, we have to ensure that kids will be protected and not targeted.

    "I just want to add in more armed guards that have better weapons (form of protection). And if ONE of those armed guards goes crazy and decides to open fire on campus then there would be ANOTHER armed guard to stop him."
    And let me guess; if TWO of those armed guards go crazy, there will be TWO more to stop them? The most reasonable thing to do first is to remove easy access of guns to the public.

    Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
  10. xAZN_SJx

    xAZN_SJx Celebrity Meeper

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  11. FamousZAmos

    FamousZAmos Popular Meeper

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    Yes, then nobody can stop the "bad guys" with the guns! Super good idea!!
    an example

    The discussion is pro or anti banning/heavily regulating firearms in the United States. If you'd like to make an "I don't want guns in Canada" thread, by all means go ahead. But don't bring your uninformed opinion into a debate you have no firsthand experience with. It's as if you're trying to go off personal experience rather than reliable sources -- but you don't have any experiences.

    It only takes one massively overpublicized incident for it to become an issue? And they're still seen as better "protectors" than the men they've killed, who were (in the officers opinion) being threatening or commiting some crime in the US so don't go about saying the guys they killed were innocent.
    Blue_Marlin likes this.
  12. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @KlutchDecals.... opinion?
    FamousZAmos likes this.
  13. evilalec555

    evilalec555 Celebrity Meeper

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    FamousZAmos and Blue_Marlin like this.
  14. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    I think your numbers are based off media, and that scares me. Theirs 10,000 good officers for every bad one. I understand that the entire constitution is based off distrust of the government, but to say that enough have failed is wrong.
    Courtneyyy and Blue_Marlin like this.
  15. xAZN_SJx

    xAZN_SJx Celebrity Meeper

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    The bad guys shouldn't be able to have access to the guns in the first place.

    No, Marlin was not using rape as an example. He was comparing rape stats to racism's in attempt to downplay it.

    The topic literally says "Continue here about guns.", nowhere does it say about America. Though, gun violence in America is the main topic because that's where it is most prominent. I'm speaking based off of information from media outlets; I don't have firsthand experience with guns but that doesn't mean my opinion is uninformed. Paleontologists aren't freaking dinosaurs, but they can still know about them. I've already provided a site or two with information regarding this; scroll up if you must.

    Not everyone attacked by the police is innocent, but not all "criminals" are guilty either (ie. Philando Castile). Perhaps to you, a white male, police are seen as nothing but protectors, but they may pose fear to others because of situations like that of Castile's, Alton Sterling, Walter Scott, and others. Those men were unjustifiably shot - their offenses, IF ANY, were incredibly small in comparison to that of Nikolas Cruz's. Cruz murdered over a dozen people and he gets detained and seen as a kid with a bad past. A black male reaches for his ID upon being asked and gets shot.

    Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
  16. xAZN_SJx

    xAZN_SJx Celebrity Meeper

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    Where are your numbers from?

    I understand there is a large handful of good cops out there, but many live in fear of police officers. I was on Instagram, and a black women posted a video of her telling viewers that she was pulled over while driving and upon speaking to the officer, she had learnt that he was simply concerned about her state because she was driving under the limit. The most heartbreaking part and reason why I mentioned that video is because she broke down while speaking - she feared that that encounter would've been her last. People should not have to worry for their safety upon being approached by police.

    Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
  17. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Not true. I never tried downplaying racism. I’m simply saying there aren’t as many racists (in America) as people think/say there are. You were talking about racism & guns (which really doesn’t make sense). I’m just saying America isn’t a racist country & neither are most of the people living in it.

    As far as police. I don’t even think the number is that high Klutch (I mean I know y’all have averages) but most cops are good.
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 25, 2018, Original Post Date: Feb 25, 2018 ---
    I’m sorry, call me heartless but this is the dumbest thing I’ve read in a while.
  18. xAZN_SJx

    xAZN_SJx Celebrity Meeper

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    "America isn’t a racist country & neither are most of the people living in it."
    You have got to be kidding me.

    "I’m sorry, call me heartless but this is the dumbest thing I’ve read in a while."
    I've tried reasoning with you, but if you can't see past your privilege and feel the slightest sympathy for people who live in fear because of how POC are treated, then goodnight.

    Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
  19. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I think we should make a new thread. America isn’t a racist country.

    The only time people should be scared of the police are when they’re guilty of something. For her to be scared because she got pulled over for going too slow (might I add my mom got a ticket for going too slow) there is an issue. Yes, maybe 50 cops out of all cops are bad. But the majority (and that’s a HUGE majority) are amazing people just trying to protect citizens.
  20. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    My numbers are from me working. I have a lot of experience on the topic.

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