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Media Application from Gaeyeong

Discussion in 'Denied' started by minetifa, Dec 29, 2017.

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  1. FamousZAmos

    FamousZAmos Popular Meeper

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    Huge -1 hypertoxic, self-absorbed, and arrogant
    alex77034 and Pmx728 like this.
  2. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    I could have sworn I put my warning points in my pocket, oh wait here they are.
    All players arguing between one another will receive a warning point, if it happens again it's a red card. Comment about the applicant please.
  3. ekjhgekuie

    ekjhgekuie Celebrity Meeper

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    I sincerely believe that this application is a joke. It may be real, however. I will give you my comments.

    Let me start with a reiteration of some of the points that your colleagues at PseudoCorp left on the recent helper application by @bloodyghost. These two are direct quotes.

    A good staff member has continuous decent behavior and activity, not just a week of you shoving bull down everyone's throats while you pretend to be changed. Look how it has worked out in the past, every single time: PseudoGod, Spider_Strike, rAwsondayc, Muunkee, Summrs. All acted decently as staff but showed their true selves after being demoted or resigning.

    Before you get to it - no one changes. You can pretend to be someone you're not when in reality you can't change your sarcastic, demeaning attitude.

    The comments on bloodyghost's application used the term 'candyarsing.' In the context of bloodyghost's application, 'candyarsing' meant putting on a fake appearance shortly before you apply for staff in an attempt to make anyone think you possess qualities of a staff member when you do not. Gaeyeong's recent change in behavior can be classified as candyarsing.


    EDIT: After digging through screenshots, I'd like to share some of my interactions with Gaeyeong.

    Last edited: Dec 30, 2017
  4. Trexy

    Trexy Celebrity Meeper

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    I have decided to change my vote from a -1 to a +1, from watching your videos a second time I have realized you're clearly a professional and with the highest sub count out of all the current Media, you will be our best. +1
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2018
    minetifa likes this.
  5. cdhoff

    cdhoff Well-Known Meeper

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    So, where do I begin?

    Your video: 480p with Xbox Live quality mic... nuff said.
    Your channel: The only video with over 1k views is both scammy and clickbait...y (Disregarding whatever the heck that 10k video is)?
    Your "confidence": Way too much, to the point of cockiness
    Your subscriber count: Sure, its moderate, but I doubt its legitimate. If it is, power to ya, but subs aren't what count, quality of videos and amount of people reached is important.
    Again on your video: Seriously?! Not even windows live movie maker?!

    Tips to maybe help next time:

    1: Better mic
    2: Use OBS with higher quality and bitrate
    3: Learn how to use even the youtube video editor
    4: Be more considerate all of the time
    5: It looks like you changed your IGN from this video, I would recommend changing your username on here too.

    I'm not being disrespectful, in my opinion, just trying to offer constructive criticism :)

    Am I leaving anything out anybody?

    EDIT: So, I just looked back at the original post, and...

    So, either you are a chain-smoker, you lied about your gender, or these aren't your videos. Hope its the first one.

    Another edit: I would refrain from using copyrighted music
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2017
  6. minetifa

    minetifa Celebrity Meeper

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    And yes they are legitimate followers. You're reaching a little hard, and you'd easily be able to tell that my videos have an ironic comedy style just by looking up at the thread which must be too difficult for you, but that's okay! I know how to edit videos, I know how to and have a PC that's fully capable of creating content at higher quality, I can use a better microphone (last two things said were shown in the second video which was older).

    Thanks for the insults, and thanks for the attempt at a constructive comment! Will look into changing my future meep content.
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 31, 2017, Original Post Date: Dec 31, 2017 ---
    Again, I appreciate the time you spent to put together that post. Very useless to me, but still appreciated. Thanks!
  7. cdhoff

    cdhoff Well-Known Meeper

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    If you can, then why don't you? It just doesn't make sense why you would intentionally want to make the quality of your YouTube videos worse than it has to be, especially if you are wanting to be able to promote a server in a possitive way. I don't want to be insulting, I was just pointing out things I noticed. I am just trying to help by giving you suggestions to help make your content better. I admit, I am a tad mean at times, but I have good intentions.

    Ok... Is there a need for this comment? I admit, I can be a tad mean, as stated above, but I don't want to insult people, and if I do, I apologise. What I say may be unnecessary most of the time, but I am just trying to be involved in the meep community. I didn't accuse them of anything, I was trying to be a little comedic. I do not have an anti-LGBTQ+ outlook on life, I'm just a sarcastic person.

    If you want me to remove my comments, I will, but I don't see a need to do so.
    Pmx728 and iKitten like this.
  8. lollisweet101

    lollisweet101 Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm not sure about this because, as everyone's already mentioned, you've been really toxic. I really haven't seen much change. You need to really give it time first. As well as being rude to starting staff member CuddlyKittens14. You insulted her for not doing anything when she literally was just starting to be trained. A little bit rude if ya ask me, especially after all of that effort that she put into her app and everything else. I mean, how would you feel if you got Media and people told you that you weren't doing a good enough job RIGHT after you just got accepted? Don't say you wouldn't care, it would really hurt, right?

    -1 for now but maybe after you've really showed everyone that you have really changed, you may have a chance.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2018
    iKitten and Trexy like this.
  9. riri30

    riri30 Retired veteran

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    What happened then?
    I am in now way taking sides, though this might help settling on a fair decision.
  10. lollisweet101

    lollisweet101 Celebrity Meeper

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    He took advantage and said, "Look at the mod that doesn't do her job." She wasn't able to say anything because she was so nervous, so I had to stand up for her. You can't blame her this time, she was just beginning training. He then kept insulting her, complaining that she wasn't doing her duties. She worked so hard for it and then all of the sudden, someone has to insult someone for not doing what they're supposed to do as a helper even though she was just accepted. I wish Cudd DID say something, but that's not my point here. It was really cruel. And then all of the sudden I see a nice and friendly app after a day or 2 of it happening.
    (I know i'm only allowed to post once on an app., but I felt like it was necessary to reply.)
    iKitten and Trexy like this.
  11. lanekids40

    lanekids40 Popular Meeper

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    these are quite possibly the worst traits a staff member could have on ANY server. if this was up to me. this app would get you banned from applying for any staff position within the near future. Unfortunately it is not.
    However. when I have seen you online with ONLY yourself you are slightly less toxic. slightly being the important word there.
    if you apply again I might be compelled to +1 if you can manage to go the duration of that time without being any of the listed items above. leaving and/or condemning pseudocorp is a good starter.
    Pmx728 likes this.
  12. PseudoGod

    PseudoGod Celebrity Meeper

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    well hang on a minute
    You're going to discredit gaeyeong simply from whom he associates with; isn't that a bit prejudice and unwarranted dislike on its own? Imagine people kept discrediting your opinions and applications because "oohh ur lanekids40 and ur one of them Ann Arbor people ewww!!!"

    The rest of the app can be potentially valid but I just don't feel okay with you saying that people should be denied for being ASSOCIATED with PseudoCorp.
    Trexy likes this.
  13. minetifa

    minetifa Celebrity Meeper

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    I hate to say this, it was not that big of a deal. I asked something which WAS rude about no names getting staff (because I had never seen her nor jrs ever. like, on forums, in game, or in discord - not once). Then a few minutes later after multiple people decided to fight w/ me, I had mentioned that she was doing nothing which was completely true. You don't need training to say "Change the topic".
  14. lanekids40

    lanekids40 Popular Meeper

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    if you had read the section where I say "However. when I have seen you online with ONLY yourself you are slightly less toxic." my view is less extreme than guilty by association and closer too, hanging out with the wrong group of kids. and honestly the applicant has never been directly toxic to me specifically but to many others when I was online.

    yea see, the problem with this logic is that everyone in my town isn't hyper-toxic 24/7.

    if you don't feel okay with that, work to try to change the public view of PseudoCorp. it's not my fault that members of PseudoCorp made it look the meepcraft equivalent of the axis
  15. minetifa

    minetifa Celebrity Meeper

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    I am only really hateful/toxic/mean to about 5 people in total, and they've all been long standing "enemies" due to how often they have always provoked. It's not a surprise you haven't been bashed by me, since YOU don't bash ME the second I come online.
    Comparing PseudoCorp to the axis powers? nice.
  16. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    This application has been unsuccessful, similar to the reason another media was denied which was the video content not being up to standard. Although your reputation is not the greatest within the community the videos provided does not suffice what would be provided on the Meepcraft Youtube channel, if you decide to apply again after creating new content we would be glad to review another application in the future.
    Pmx728 and iKitten like this.
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