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Dear PoisonLily / Poison Clara?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by GoblinGirl, Aug 1, 2017.

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  1. GoblinGirl

    GoblinGirl Popular Meeper

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    If you're PoisonLily in the game, then I got a message from you. It said, "because you were inactive, we unclaimed your plot in legend :(" I'm not sure if this was suppose to be a warning, but my doors were open and some of my items are missing. Clueless made sure that I still had my plot, but let me explain a few things to you.

    First of all, I have over 55k in my bank. Whether I'm on every day or every month, my rent has been paid. There was no reason to mess with my place. Period. I know I'm missing quite a few nametags. I'm not sure what else, because I didn't keep a ledger of my inventory. I'm in a town, so I shouldn't have to.

    Secondly, just because Clueless trusted you to be an assistant (or anyone for that matter) doesn't give you or anyone else the right to go messing with someone's house, just because you're bored or looking to loot someone.

    Since I'm not on that much, this really shouldn't bother me as much as it had, but it's players like you that have soured me to playing Meepcraft, so this was a perfect example why I rarely log on anymore. Personally, I think if people are pulling this kind of crap, just because they were given the power to do so, don't deserve to be an assistant anymore.

    Lastly, just because you're young, doesn't mean you can't be respectful of others. I was going to put this message only on your profile, but you're not the first person that has rifled through my stuff in Legend, just because they can. I get that part of the allure of Minecraft is finding treasure and destroying stuff. Being a part of a town, however, should never be about griefing. If people are paying rent to be in a town, they should be able to trust the mayor and assistants. A town is suppose protect those in their community. It's pretty disappointing when that trust is broken from the inside.

    Have a nice freaking day.
  2. 00000

    00000 Guest

    Let's see what the rules have to say:
    • Inactivity Kick - If a player is inactive for 14 days or more then no warning is necessary for player removal
    Seems like PoisonLily was actually doing more for you than she could have; it would have been perfectly legal to kick you out of the town right then and there, take your items, and give your plot to someone more active. Perhaps you could have notified your mayor of the inactivity and perhaps they would tell the assistants not to unclaim your plot?
  3. TheTastyNacho

    TheTastyNacho Celebrity Meeper

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    Most towns have a rule for inactivity lasting longer than 14 days (2 weeks) stating that if you don't get online at least every 2 weeks, they have the power and permission to take your plot and give it to someone else. I believe Legend may refund your items if you get online and ask instead of creating a public post ranting your wrongly stated issue with the town.

  4. DarkKnight49x

    DarkKnight49x ⏦ ❀ The True Dark Knight ❀ ⏦

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    Unless you notified a Legend staff member that you wouldn't be on much, then you were technically rightfully kicked out of the town, if you were inactive for more than 14 days. Its a rule applied to all towns, unless that town has a sign stating another time limit.
  5. EllieEllie

    EllieEllie Staff Member Leadership

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    Hey there!
    As a co-mayor of Legend, I can tell you that Lily was following the exact procedure she should have done, and actually a little more by sending you a mail, as Amunherkhepeshef has stated. Lily has been a valued member of the Legend staff team for months and is an incredibly sweet person. With Legend being the largest town on the server, we do need plots very often to give to new residents so we stick by the inactivity rule pretty closely unless someone tells us they are going to be gone for a while. Now I'm sorry about your items, I can check our storage or personally refund you, but please notify us if you are going to be away for a while.

    I'm closing this thread, because I don't appreciate public threads directly aimed at one person in the hopes of calling them out on something, unless it's a report a player where a rule has actually been broken.
    SuperDyl, onceuponajano and xXAdotXx like this.
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