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Helper Application from xoxPandaGirlxox

Discussion in 'Denied' started by xoxPandaGirlxox, Jul 20, 2017.

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  1. xoxPandaGirlxox

    xoxPandaGirlxox Well-Known Meeper

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    Member Name xoxPandaGirlxox

    Additional In Game Names: I changed my name into XxPandahxX

    How old are you? 16

    Location: England/London

    Do you have Discord? No

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 2-3

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 3-4

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No

    References: Please give IGN's

    When did you join Meepcraft? March 28 2015

    Introduction: Hello My name is xoxpandagirlxox but i recently changed my name into XxpandahxX i dont even know why i think im obsessed with pandas anyways im 16 and I live in the United Kingdom and to be more specific England and even more specific London.

    Why should you be Helper? I think i should be helper because i have been on Meepcraft for 2 years now and you accept people who have joined a couple of months ago, i am really nice to everyone and i have never got banned i think by letting me become a helper you guys are lowering the chance of your server becoming bad for example if their was someone being rude or swearing and if im on i would stop whatever is happening.

    What are your weaknesses? one of my weaknesses is that i am inpacient but other than that i dont think there is nothing really to be worride about.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: Keep in mind i Changed my name and skin recently so people might not recognise who i am.
    But please keep in mind that i have been on your server for 2 years so i basicually know a lot about the server and also i know all the commands and everything.
  2. 00000

    00000 Guest

    Natsu and riri30 like this.
  3. xoxPandaGirlxox

    xoxPandaGirlxox Well-Known Meeper

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    my profile says i was born in 2005 because i didnt put down my real age but when the application asked for my real age i put it down :>
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 20, 2017, Original Post Date: Jul 20, 2017 ---
    mu profile says i was born in 2005 because i dont like putting my real age in stuff but when it asked my real age in the application then i put it down.
  4. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Impatience is the worse trait one can have as a helper.

    A helper is is the wal-mart greeter of MeepCraft their job is designed to help players with a smile and show them unlimited patience and niceness. They are the first stage in a quality customer service team.

    (I know because I created the Helper role)
    Kling likes this.
  5. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Gyazo - d88261696a252dd01be809b15f4649a1.png
    posted late 2015 so you should only be like 13-14 if you were telling the truth in the first app, what's what?

    Really, your app was very rushed, you have no detail on it, and you have minimal activity on the forums and you have no discord.

    You should be active within the community before applying, that is the best tip anyone can really give you.
  6. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    First of all, lying about your age in your profile doesn't explain why your application from 2 years ago says you're 11, making you at most 13 now. Are you telling us you lied on your previous application along with your profile? There's no harm in being 13 - MeepCraft does accept younger staff members, since maturity is more important than age.

    Unfortunately, you do not seem more mature than your age.

    Let's start with your application.

    The first point I noticed is how awful the spelling and grammar is. You have to proof read your application if you want it to be taken seriously. One or two typos on insignificant words is fine, but mispelling words like "impatient" and "worried" shows that you didn't even read over your application at all before sending it in. Not to mention that you should be capitalizing your I's and in general observing proper grammar rules when in your application and to an extent, even in game. As a staff member you'd need to be understood, so if people have trouble reading your text that's a big problem. Each section of your application is also a run on sentence.

    Discord is a voice and chat program and is necessary for staff.

    This is completely irrelevant and not a good reason for becoming a staff member. Plenty of people have been on Meep just as long and have not and should not be staff.

    Once again, plenty of people have never been banned and it's still not a good reason to be a staff member. Plenty of people are also very nice and being a Helper requires more than that.

    I honestly don't think that you could single-handedly prevent any of this. You becoming Helper won't magically make the server better.

    As Deinen said, this is a pretty bad weakness. You'd be dealing with frustrating and impatient people on a daily basis, you can't be one. Not to mention that you said we don't need to worry about it - of course we do! Unless you're working to resolve it or already have resolved it, it's something to worry about.

    All in all, your application was far below average and far below what is expected for a serious candidate.

    Beyond that, your forums activity is terrible. You have very few posts, most of which are your application(s) or giveaways and none of which demonstrate maturity.

    I haven't personally seen or noticed you in game, which could be on my end, but is also worrying.

    TL: DR; Your application is more than underwhelming, the fact that you've definitely lied about your age somewhere is worrying, and I don't see anything impressive in your forums or in game activity.

    I suggest working on improving the legibility of your typing, reading over some of the application guides here on the forums, and in general working on your activity and participation in the community on all parts of the server.
    Pmx728 and Marshy_88 like this.
  7. jadenPete

    jadenPete Code Writer & Meme Trader

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    -1 All points described above.
  8. OKNEM

    OKNEM Celebrity Meeper

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    Everyone's stated above, -1.
  9. LordInateur

    LordInateur Deus Ex Machina Staff Member Administrator

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    Good afternoon Panda,

    Please remember that the things that we say in response to this should be taken as constructive criticism. As such, I'll go ahead and give my evaluation as follows.

    Application: -1
    I was not impressed either with the grammatical integrity of this application nor its thoroughness. From a very abstract and high-level perspective, it didn't seem that you put much effort into the application at all; on the contrary, this seemed to be more of a stream-of-consciousness written on paper. There appears to have been no attempt to spell-check nor to otherwise proofread. Furthermore, from a detailed perspective, I didn't get much out of your application other than "I've played on the server for a couple of years so please promote me." There were no concrete examples of your past involvement, and overall I did not feel that this application promoted you in any way that was positive. If you submit an application in the future, I would recommend the addition of past experiences and the usage of proper grammar and spell-checkers.

    In-Game: -1
    I haven't really ever seen you in the global chat helping people. We are now in a time when the staff are definitely looking for exceptional (above average) people to join them... most likely, they are no longer of the mentality that "everyone should have a go at staff" unless candidates are above-average. I'm glad that you know all the in-game commands... but you haven't stood out to me as an exceptionally helpful player.

    Forums: -1
    I haven't seen much activity from you other than the forums. The forums are incredibly important to the culture of MeepCraft, as this is one of the ways that we can reach out to other players when they are not online. Besides this post, it appears that the last post you made was your last Helper application back in March 2016. I would highly recommend that you increase your activity on the forums before applying for a staff position that is designed to interact with players.

    In-Real-Life: -1
    The lack of Discord throws a red flag for me... I believe that Discord should be a requirement for staff as it increases communication and continuity, but that's simply my personal preference.

    Conclusion and Recommendation: -1
    I don't believe that you are ready to become a member of MeepStaff. You have posted several applications now... if the staff members do not grant you an interview, please review these and make drastic improvements, because similar applications will probably receive similar votes. Definitely reach out to me if you would like some tips! Above all, don't let these comments discourage you--it takes a lot of courage to apply in the first place. I hope that I see you in the future in-game!
  10. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    Even if you really are 16, that is incredibly hard to believe based off of your writing, personality, etc. You don't even have the trust of the community you'd be serving, which bring me to the decision that you are not fit to be a helper.

    Natsu likes this.
  11. riri30

    riri30 Retired veteran

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    -1, reasons stated above. Sorry.
    Have a great day!
  12. Courtneyyy

    Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder

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    Hello, thank you for taking the time to apply for Helper but at this time we have decided to deny this application. Don't let this discourage you and take this time to work on things stated above and if you'd like more information and advice don't hesitate to message me. Goodluck and we hope to see another application in the future!
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