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Is God real?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by n00bslayer_99, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    I don't think there is a powerful o mighty god.
    I believe that the bible was used to control the masses in old times by the churches. They became an absolute powerhouse and obtained a ludicrous amount of wealth through the religion.

    My point was, if there is a powerful o mighty god they are a cruel one. Just a little joke.
    MeepLord27 likes this.
  2. Historicmush

    Historicmush Popular Meeper

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    Why would you believe in God and not the Bible? Very contradictory.
  3. cooey

    cooey Legendary Meeper

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    Heard of a Jefferson bible? Yea its pretty stupid.
    MoonlitMadness likes this.
  4. Historicmush

    Historicmush Popular Meeper

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    Yeah, the real Bible is so much more accurate
  5. 00000

    00000 Guest

    Some people simply don't want to leave their beliefs, and that's fine, but how can anyone seriously debate for the existence of any god in a legitimate debate? There plainly is no proof for or against the existence of a supreme being, and it is fallacious to ask atheists to "disprove" the existence of a god(s). This is the burden of proof fallacy; if someone believes in something and wants to prove it in a debate, it's their job to prove it, not anyone else's to disprove it.

    My apologies if I'm being lazy or shortsighted here, but I've read through a few of the 23 pages, and seen nothing except for personal opinions (I'm a Christian, or I'm an atheist, but who cares about that alone? The point of the debate is to prove or disprove the existence of a god). Has the existence of a supreme being been proven?

    The way I see it is, how exactly can one say that the Bible is the word of God? It might be written by a mortal man, or it might actually be the word of God. This goes for every religious text; how do we know that it wasn't written by a random person looking to control people? Perhaps someone misinterpreted something they saw as a sign of there being a higher power? You can't point at a tree over there and tell me that it was created by God and not by nature. Well, how about complex life? Evolution is all but proven at this point, and abiogenesis has been proven to be possible.

    I bring that up because religion was, historically, used to explain what could not be explained. Why do you think that the Greeks and Romans had a thunder god, or a god of the sea? Because they did not understand the very complicated reason for natural occurrences that we can today explain by scientific methods. Look at polytheistic religions and you'll see that they had a god for pretty much everything that they couldn't explain with logic.

    Also - people need a solution. They need something to make them believe that this life isn't pointless, that this isn't just a temporary life. How can something be so ridiculously complex, but just end for us after (millennia ago it would have been less than 40) 80 years or so, if you're lucky enough to live in a developed country? It would have seemed a bit silly to believe in something like that when you can at least take solace in believing there's an afterlife. Religion provides community as well, more people who think the same way as you do.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 11, 2017, Original Post Date: Jul 11, 2017 ---
    So you believe that there might be in another galaxy, but not this one? Why do you feel that life must arise so far apart?
  6. Viperfan

    Viperfan Celebrity Meeper Staff Member Game Designer

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    There could possibly be life on other neighbor planets, who knows
    We don't have the power to find out about that
  7. MeepLord27

    MeepLord27 Popular Meeper

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    We don't have the power to find that right now, but with 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in the universe don't you think its probable that there is life somewhere else in the universe?
  8. Viperfan

    Viperfan Celebrity Meeper Staff Member Game Designer

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    Yes there is a good chance of that
  9. 00000

    00000 Guest

    Should there actually be no life in the universe other than on Earth - which will likely never be proven, unless space travel improves dramatically - this is a great piece of evidence towards the existence of a god. Although not empirical, it is greatly improbable that, if life can arise on Earth (whether independently or not), it would simply not exist anywhere else in the gargantuan universe.

    Assuming that you travel as fast as the quickest manmade object in history, 144 841 kilometres per hour, you are going to take about 1.4 times the age of the universe to get to the nearest galaxy, which is only 25 000 000 light-years away from us.

    So, if there really is no life anywhere else in this unimaginably gigantic universe? Then, yes. There is a god, but we still have no idea which god it is - if the god has even been preached here.
    PseudoGod likes this.
  10. MeepLord27

    MeepLord27 Popular Meeper

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    Ok, so why do you think it can't just be probability that life is on earth? Why does it have to be a bearded guy in the sky who hates the gays.
  11. Viperfan

    Viperfan Celebrity Meeper Staff Member Game Designer

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    From other planets we have seen, No other planet has the same aspects as Earth.
    There probably is another planet out there that is like ours but we don't know for sure
  12. 00000

    00000 Guest

    It is currently estimated that there are 500 habitable planets in the Milky Way alone - there are estimated to be anywhere between 200 000 000 000 to 1 000 000 000 000 galaxies in the observable universe. Looking at it this way, the probability that we are truly the only life - microbial or intelligent - in the galaxy is pretty low already, let alone the supercluster.

    Traveling to these planets is a completely different story - we are going to have to make tremendous leaps in space travel to even begin to travel to these. Even traveling to the closest possibly hospitable planet (we don't know for sure whether or not it is, but it's a candidate), Proxima Centauri b, would take us about 31 500 years at the fastest speed that a manmade object has ever reached.
    PseudoGod likes this.
  13. Viperfan

    Viperfan Celebrity Meeper Staff Member Game Designer

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    I doubt that any of us would live to see us find another habitable planet, There's thousands of possibilities but we will never know in this lifetime
  14. 00000

    00000 Guest

    The human race accomplished more in the past century, perhaps even 50 years, than we did in the entirety of human history combined. Reaching some of the further areas of the universe would require superluminal speeds. We currently have no idea how to achieve this outside of fantastical possibilities, however.
    PseudoGod likes this.
  15. Viperfan

    Viperfan Celebrity Meeper Staff Member Game Designer

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    We accomplished a lot yes, But building a machine of such speed would be extremely difficult I would think
  16. Marshy_88

    Marshy_88 Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't think evolution is a minor detail.
    MeepLord27 likes this.
  17. 00000

    00000 Guest

    The burden of proof lies on the holy text (the person representing its side in a debate, like a Christian would be proving the Bible), not anyone else to disprove. That is fallacious arguing.
    PseudoGod likes this.
  18. MoonlitMadness

    MoonlitMadness Celebrity Meeper

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    How can you base our entire lifestyle as christians off of a book that was written a long time ago which leaves instructions on how to sell slaves, that's why
    MeepLord27 likes this.
  19. cooey

    cooey Legendary Meeper

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    Evolution outside of recent times technically hasn't been proven

    I'll state what I believe tomorrow but I'm tired right now
    Selling slaves verse please?
    It does say "slaves submit to your masters because that is your lot in life" or something
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 11, 2017, Original Post Date: Jul 11, 2017 ---
    Well he said all religious texts have been disproven, something I don't think is true.

    Maybe I'm just not understanding your post but I never said anything about that?
    SuperDyl likes this.
  20. Marshy_88

    Marshy_88 Celebrity Meeper

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    I said most religious texts are false and extremely outdated guides of how to be a good person.

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