Today, we were all sadly told by Achrow that he was quitting meep. It is like the fifth time he said during his heartfelt speech, He said aloud that he was hoping that the funeral was a bit more private, as we over done the invitations. Some people decided to crash the funeral as seen in the images above, We would all wish a farewell to @Achrow, @DBLOSEVN Also dis'd as many more items/creatures such as paintings and item frames, The Funeral was hosted at /t spawn Celestite, Check it out.
Bye Achrow, although I didn't know you personally you did try to force me to be your master for a week when someone sold you to me by force because they thought you were really really really annoying..... at least I think that was you...... You will be missed...
O --- Double Post Merged, Jun 27, 2017, Original Post Date: Jun 27, 2017 --- I would like to thank @GhostlyStar , @Ukicorn @etha_lightflame @Bfy @Alexxxxxx_ @steviefiveo56 @Marthacuddles and sorry if i missed anyone out thats just off the top of my mind xd
Excuse me. I was helping you make a book store and gave you space on my plot! I should be up there!!!
Ahhh man, wish I could have been there while u where having the speech, well, have a good time for what ever you quitting for, hope to see you around! -Jeter