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President Trump

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Nov 8, 2016.


How Will Trump Do In Office?

  1. Good, mang

  2. Not so good, mang

  1. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    Do you mind? The goal here is not really to insult people into agreeing with you; it's a debate ffs. Do you see anyone here saying "Conservatives are always wrong!" or "The right is always wrong!"

    Dumb comments like this are why political polarization is being a problem...people are so blinded by their hatred of the other party (to be fair, the left is also guilty of this sometimes) to acknowlege when someone who doesn't necessarily agree with them has a solution.

    I'm pretty sure that if Hillary Clinton found a way to cure cancer, you'd somehow find a way to criticize her.
    Deljikho, qazini and Erebus45 like this.
  2. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Please respond to @metr0n0me please. I would love to hear what you have to say. I get called a "white cracker" and a "racist" when I say I support Trump. Before they ask me why I support him that is immediately what they call me.

    Cnn yes, Fox no!

    I love all people, I just disagree with their views. I do not attack them as a person (except a couple comments here and there) but I wouldn't call someone a terrible person for supporting a Liberal/Democrat. I am 100% allowed to attacked someones political views. If you don't want me to do that then don't be in a debate?

    Not true, I take cancer very seriously as i lost one of the closest people in my life to cancer. I would absolutely love her! I also believe there is a cure to cancer but they are hiding it because cancer is "population control" and a money maker. However, if Hillary Clinton was president I would hope she succeeded, I would try to support her to the best of my ability and I would help guide the stupid things she did. Don't get me wrong I would be tweeting my heart away of negativity towards it but I wouldn't freak out, leave the country and destroy the streets. I would be praying she did a good job.
  3. Grandblue

    Grandblue Celebrity Meeper

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    I more or less agree, but neither of us know the whole story. I can't relate in any way, I'm not sure if he can either. It's still possible that their subconscious reasoning is racism. After all, they wouldn't feel separated if it weren't for racism in the first place.
  4. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    So does that mean that it's right to discriminate against white people now?

    Look, I get that discrimination is a terrible thing. But that doesn't mean that just because African-Americans have been discriminated against in the past (and still continue, in many cases, to suffer discrimination) that it's right to discriminate against white people.

    If you read the demand letter it's pretty clearly discriminatory against non-African American people, including non-Black minorities.


    -- [text] is my response to the letter and isn't actually in the letter itself.

    3. WE DEMAND a $30 million dollar endowment to help support Black students financially, akin to the initiative that is being implemented at UC Berkeley. Many Black students must work 2-3 jobs in order to pay for the continually rising cost of education. Funding is one of the reasons why many Black students do not apply to CSLA, and also a hindrance to many that are accepted. For a University that is as “diverse” as CSLA, something must be done to make sure that Black students are financially secure.

    --50% of the CSU-LA student body is Latino, and the majority of the Latino students are low-income students as well. Why do low-income African-Americans deserve the funding over low-income Latino students--there's only so much money to go around to fund financial aid..

    7. WE DEMAND the hiring of ten tenured track professors in the Pan African Studies Department. We also DEMAND a continuous commitment to the hiring of Black faculty across all academic disciplines.

    --Is this not discriminatory against non-African-American people? What if someone else is legitimately more qualified than the Black professor? Does he not deserve to teach at the university? Why should skin color be a factor when hiring someone?

    10. WE DEMAND more Black students hired for on-campus, student assistant, work positions.

    --What if Black students aren't applying for jobs??
    Last edited: May 3, 2017
  5. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I do know the whole story "The school isn't decorated in Black decorations and the paint color offends me". This is a black racist movement towards white people and you know it.
  6. qazini

    qazini Neighborhood Panini

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    The problem with you bringing up Clinton so much is that the thread isn't about her. See the thread name. Like metr0 said, nobody here is defending her, it's just it's not what the thread is about. Compare Trump to other presidents instead, cause that's his position.
    metr0n0me likes this.
  7. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    That's not the whole story did you read the letter?!?!?

    I get that the letter and demands are dumb, but that's clearly a misrepresentation of the whole story.
    Deljikho likes this.
  8. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I can compare Trump to anyone I want. This isn't a thread based on "only presidents". If this is a thread based on the fact that I can ONLY say Trumps name then I can't talk anymore. I view this as a political thread.

    I watched the interview with the girls talking! I do know what its about and they are acting like a typical cry baby.
  9. Grandblue

    Grandblue Celebrity Meeper

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    I understand the backlash against the movement, but I can't help but wonder what reasons they have for doing this. They are by no means dumb, getting into a CSU is quite hard. They also seem to have some facts. I can't call this "racism."

    But no, I don't think racism is good in any situation. I was just saying that black people have a reason to feel discriminated against, unlike white people.
  10. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    You can do whatever the hell you want. However you saying "Well, Clinton is worse than Trump" doesn't necessarily disagree with anything anyone's said in here. Has anyone here said "Clinton is better than Trump?" or "Clinton is more truthful than Trump?" or anything. Nobody's mentioning Clinton but you.

    It's like me saying: "Stalin is a terrible person."

    and you saying: "well Hitler was worse so Stalin wasn't that bad."

    Nobody ever mentioned Hitler, just like nobody ever extolled the virtues of Clinton. You're just bringing her up to deflect criticism from Trump, which is a red herring fallacy.
    Deljikho likes this.
  11. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    --- Double Post Merged, May 3, 2017, Original Post Date: May 3, 2017 ---
    Totally. Anyway, can we go back to the fact that Trump is president, I would really like to talk about his policies, executive orders and ideas. Thats why I am here.
  12. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    Hillary is a crook, corrupt, a liar, and is in the pockets of many corporations. I dislike her almost as much as I dislike Trump. I do hope Trump succeeds as a president and helps America. If I didn't, it would be like hoping a pilot crashes the plane I am on because I dislike him. However, I don't agree with a lot of the things trump wants to do because I believe that they are bad for America and I will continue to voice my opinions against those things. I would do the same had Hillary won and made bad decisions. However, Hillary didn't win so there is no reason to keep beating that dead horse. No one is perfect and to raise Trump up on some godly pedastool thinking he can do no wrong is a horrible idea. Every president needs to be kept in check and carefully watched.
    qazini and metr0n0me like this.
  13. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    Edit: the part with the


    is my response to the specific parts of the demand letter and is not actually in the letter.

    While it's probably true that most African-American students suffer from more discrimination than white people, I don't understand how white people don't have a reason to feel discriminated against. Is the letter clearly not discriminatory against not only white people, but people of other ethnicities?

    There are 5 East Asian professors (tenured faculty) at CSU-LA, for 21% of the student body.
    And there are 6 tenured Latino professors, for 50% of the student body.
    And there are 4 tenured African-American professors for 4% of the student body.

    How are African-Americans under-represented when compared to other ethnic minorities?

    Sure, white people are probably over-represented on the faculty, but the problem just boils down to finding enough minority professors. According to the NCES (National Center for Education Statistics, run by the Department of Education),

    In fall 2013, of all full-time faculty at degree-granting postsecondary institutions, 43 percent were White males, 35 percent were White females, 3 percent were Black males, 3 percent were Black females, 2 percent were Hispanic males, 2 percent were Hispanic females, 6 percent were Asian/Pacific Islander males, and 4 percent were Asian/Pacific Islander females. Making up less than 1 percent each were full-time faculty who were American Indian/Alaska Native and of Two or more races. Among full-time professors, 58 percent were White males, 26 percent were White females, 2 percent were Black males, 1 percent were Black females, 2 percent were Hispanic males, 1 percent were Hispanic females, 7 percent were Asian/Pacific Islander males, and 2 percent were Asian/Pacific Islander females. Making up less than 1 percent each were professors who were American Indian/Alaska Native and of Two or more races.

    Where do you even find enough African-American professors???
  14. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Thank you, this is all I have been asking for. :) Now, can we go on about Trumps policies, executive orders and ideas?
  15. Grandblue

    Grandblue Celebrity Meeper

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    I misunderstood something, my bad.
    metr0n0me likes this.
  16. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Okay and I came to the conclusion that it was a racial move aimed at White people. Can we move on? I have lost interest. The sad things is I don't blame the college students, I blame the college campus itself. Not just this one but most of them across America.
  17. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    I have been saying this the whole time but you have stereotyped all liberals as lazy cry babies who just want to sit around and bash trump.
    metr0n0me likes this.
  18. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    No you haven't. You have been directly bashing Trump and his supporters. Anyway, thats here nor there can we continue on about Trumps policies, executive orders, ideas and 1st 100 days?
  19. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    Why though? Is it the campus' fault that the Black student union is issuing unreasonable demands?
  20. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    No but many campus' are supporting this outrageous behavior. Look at Berkley.

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