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President Trump

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Nov 8, 2016.


How Will Trump Do In Office?

  1. Good, mang

  2. Not so good, mang

  1. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

    Likes Received:

    Donald Trump is back on the golf course for the 14th time in 10 weeks
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 3, 2017, Original Post Date: Apr 2, 2017 ---
    Trump Trust Revised So He Can Take Profits From His Businesses At Any Time
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 3, 2017 ---
    Trump revives Clinton criticisms in early morning tweets

    Looks like more Russia stuff is about to drop. Trump does this usually before major developments in his treason case.
    Pmx728 and flabbadoodle like this.
  2. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    This thread is like watching the monkeys at the local zoo. poo-flinging and all
    Blue_Marlin likes this.
  3. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Absolutely, people with a worldview who do not have the ability to defend that worldview must be shunned and ostracized. They need to be taught their opinion is invalid and worth nothing.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 3, 2017, Original Post Date: Apr 3, 2017 ---
    There is it

    Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel

    Blackwater's founder?

    Erik Prince.

    Betsy Devos' brother.

    @Blue_marlin98 - Any thoughts?

    Check this too!

    A Group of Computer Scientists Believes a Trump Server Was Communicating With a Russian Bank

    "That wasn’t the only oddity. When the researchers pinged the server, they received error messages. They concluded that the server was set to accept only incoming communication from a very small handful of IP addresses. A small portion of the logs showed communication with a server belonging to Michigan-based Spectrum Health."

    Did you know I live in Grand Rapids, MI. Home of Spectrum Health? Did you also know Devos' name is on about half of our buildings in the city, including the Spectrum Children's hospital
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2017
  4. MrFoxGuy

    MrFoxGuy Well-Known Meeper

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    all i wonder is what the wall will look like... #idontthinkthattrumpwilldoomamericabutletsnotworryaboutploticsrightnow #longesthashtagever
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
  5. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    I mean, it's cool if one doesn't care about politics, but then, please don't vote. :)
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 4, 2017, Original Post Date: Apr 3, 2017 ---
    Ex-Trump adviser gave energy industry documents to Russian spy, court files show
  6. MrFoxGuy

    MrFoxGuy Well-Known Meeper

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    I don't mean to say that i don't care i just worded it wrong but a lot of people think that there lives are over and that they will be miserable while trump is president and i think that he might do good. and that's what i mean by i don't care :p and also on a lot of servers everyone judges you if you say that your voting for trump or hillary but now i know meep isn't like that xD
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
    SuperDyl and Deinen like this.
  7. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    I think everyone is entitled to their opinions, but until they can back them up with factual evidence they are neither right or wrong, just not relevant or worth anything. (This is not making a slight against you either, you've made no real claims)

    While I think Clinton was not worthy of the office because of her history and her penchant for lying, it doesn't change the facts on the ground that Trump arguably lies far more often about far more serious things. In fact it seems to be a running thing throughout his administration and great swaths of the GOP currently, they have a very estranged relationship with common sense and truth.

    I do not believe a Trump presidency will ruin this country but it seems he is clearly attempting to weaken our standing in the world. With nearly every action it seems he is striving to crumble some pillar of strength our country possesses. There is really no other logical way to assess his repeated actions to damage the standing of NATO and our commitment to it, to the gain of only one major country which is interestingly the one we keep finding Trump connections to, Russia.

    I urge you to take a strong, impartial look at all the falsehoods Trump has spoken his he began campaigning and figure out why he is being untrue and how is it different than Clinton?

    I urge you to take a impartial look at his policy proposals and try to reason why it's happening. What point is a wall for safety if it's taking money away from the Coast Guard who primarily deals with anti-smuggling measures which is all for safety as well.

    I urge you to look at the sheer number of connections between Trump or his aides/advisors/family and that to Russia, Russian government, Russian intelligence, or Russian oligarchy. Why is there so many connections?

    For just one new example, the article I posted yesterday.

    Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel

    Why in the world would someone who is not part of the Trump team (officially) be setting up meetings in this manner? Erik Prince is Betsy Devos' brother, perhaps this is why she got the Department of Edu job, despite never even attending a public school in her life?

    A Group of Computer Scientists Believes a Trump Server Was Communicating With a Russian Bank

    Months ago they found a server in trump tower that kept pinging, more than others, two locations. 80% of the pings were directed to a Russian bank, Alfa. Roughly 19% of them were directed to Spectrum Health, a large medical ground in my hometown which oddly enough is headed by another Devos, ****.
    Pmx728, MrFoxGuy and Erebus45 like this.
  8. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    I was born in grand rapids. maybe i am tied in with the Russians as well
    Blue_Marlin likes this.
  9. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Ah see. Rebuttals of sarcasm without actually addressing an issue is one key reasons those not on the right of the political spectrum tend to question the right's intelligence and critical thinking skills.

    It's just very odd that the sole beneficiary of the Russian hacking is also the only one who has this sheer amount of connections to that one individual nation.

    Trump campaign’s Russia ties: Who’s involved

    Also very odd is the sheer amount of people who have lied about having any connections to Russia. See: Carter Page, Jeff Sessions, Michael Flynn

    As a bonus:

    Our sitting President's son just praised the guy who literally believed that a worldwide elite pedophile criminal conspiracy was ran out of a populated DC pizza shop, rather than almost any other location which would probably have been better. An abandoned warehouse maybe? Some island maybe? But nope, a DC pizza shop, lol

    Trump Jr. praises writer who pushed 'Pizzagate' conspiracy theory

    Your President also praised and appeared on Alex Jones' show, Infowars.

    What has been Alex Jones' recent contribution, with his amazing reputation?

    This: Warning, the President friend's video contains some extremely vulgar words and content

    Trump Ally Alex Jones Threatens To “Beat” Rep. Adam Schiff’s “Goddamn Ass” In Anti-Gay Tirade

    Want to just read it?

    Show Spoiler

    “I’m not against gay people,” Jones says in the video. “I love them. They’re great folks. But Schiff looks like the archetypal c---sucker with those little deer-in-the-headlight eyes and all his stuff. And there’s something about this fairy, hopping around, bossing everybody around, trying to intimidate people like me and you.

    “I want to tell Congressman Schiff and all the rest of them, Hey listen asshole … listen you son of a bitch, what the f--- is your problem? You want to sit here and say that I’m a goddamn f---ing Russian. You get in my face with that I’ll beat your goddamn ass, you son of a bitch. You piece of shit. You f---ing goddamn f---er. Listen f--- head, you have f---ing crossed a line. Get that through your goddamn f---ing head. Stop pushing your shit. You’re the people that have f---ed this country over and gang-raped the shit out of it and lost an election. So stop shooting your mouth off claiming I’m the enemy. You got that you goddamn son of a bitch? Fill your hands. I’m sorry, but I’m done. You start calling me a foreign agent, those are f---ing fighting words.

    “He’s sucking globalist d---,” Jones concludes.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
    Pmx728, flabbadoodle and Erebus45 like this.
  10. MrFoxGuy

    MrFoxGuy Well-Known Meeper

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    I totally agree that there are so much things that trump and Hillary have done wrong in their lifetime things like Hillary's private email server and trumps lies and relationships with Russia and i think that both of them were unfit for president but nobody can change what already happened but lets just worry about non-politics stuff and that other country's are lucky that they dont have to deal with this stuff :p
  11. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Absolutely, do I have any fear of this President? Nah, we're lucky to be in America where we don't have to worry about dictatorships, but it's always good to be cogniscent of what is going on. Having uneducated voters is really why we keep getting into these messes. They only care about the President, and don't vote for anything else which leads to a congress who are partisan as hell and will not work together for the betterment of us, their bosses.

    But, we can change what happened by finding the facts then acting on them - whether it's impeachment or whatever action is appropriate.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
    MrFoxGuy, Pmx728 and flabbadoodle like this.
  12. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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  13. MrFoxGuy

    MrFoxGuy Well-Known Meeper

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    Yes there is always more we can do in our community that can help. People are afraid to talk about politics with friends, family, and neighbors but just taking a little time out of your day to discuss with someone your point of view and what you could do to help is always good. :)
    SuperDyl and flabbadoodle like this.
  14. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    "The President must get Congressional approval before attacking Syria-big mistake if he does not!"
    -Donald J. Trump on Twitter
    August 30, 2013

    Four years before he attacked Syria without Congressional approval.

    Pmx728 and Erebus45 like this.
  15. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    Blowing up syrias good news as long as it doesn't rope us into land war or with russia.
  16. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    They only blew up a government airstrip.
    SuperDyl likes this.
  17. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Granted, he's wrong because a President can launch an attack without congressional approval. There are limitations to that, of course, outlined in the War Powers Act.

    I must admit I dislike seeing actual headlines accusing him of illegal/unconstitutional behavior because for once he's within reason/norms.
    Erebus45, SuperDyl and Deljikho like this.
  18. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Oh definitely. It's just the hypocrisy that amuses me. Although he knows much more now than when he was a regular citizen. This is just an instance of proof that his excessive use of Twitter to rage can ultimately backfire on him.
    Erebus45 likes this.
  19. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Oh, absolutely. I was more surprised to see media outlets actually reporting it like that.
  20. WhoNeedsJimbo

    WhoNeedsJimbo Popular Meeper

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    If you haven't realized yet, by him stopping, hes not posting on this thread anymore.

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