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President Trump

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Nov 8, 2016.


How Will Trump Do In Office?

  1. Good, mang

  2. Not so good, mang

  1. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    First love the condescending tone, never change. (My parents didn't read it to me. They don't need to as I am literate)
    Next as Deinen already stated above, she has not worked with children so how does that make her experienced to write about the effects of gay marriage on children?
    How does it not assume? Please elaborate.
    So a mother can't treat a son how to treat a lady?
    Anytime I said arrogant I meant ignorant, sorry for the confusion.
  2. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Well correct me if im wrong but Deinen is the one who said she worked with children for 4 years? If im not mistaking, also she has worked with children as it says at the bottom of the Article, she studies children and marriage and some other things.

    No it does not assume that proper parenthood is the right type of parenthood but it shows the roles a father and mother play in raising a child.

    Teach* and yes a mother can teach a child how to treat others but most lessons from parents dont actually come from the parents word but their actions.

    You are fine, I get words mixed up all the time and things get placed that i didn't want, especially when using my phone.
  3. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Pmx728 likes this.
  4. WhoNeedsJimbo

    WhoNeedsJimbo Popular Meeper

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    Why am I still participating in this debate? I am CANADIAN.

    Why do you think being gay is wrong? You could almost have the same experience if you just share a house with a boy.

    This argument has just gone on way too long. Its the same thing over and over again- someone brings up a point, another guy deflects it like a ping pong ball without evidence

    Not going by any names, but someone in this conversation is using this guide.

    3 Ways to Win an Argument when You Know You Are Wrong - wikiHow
    SuperDyl likes this.
  5. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm saying that your sources that you've used in this thread are invalid, and they do not meet the criteria, so there is no wonder why your sources keep getting rejected.

    Authority- written by a lady vs a national institution
    Currency- not stated, how do you know that it's current?
    Relevance- yes it's relevant
    Accuracy- I'd say somewhat accurate in its claims. Yet there is little research backing it up.
    Bias- it only focuses on the possible harmful effects from a subjective point of view.

    I'd check your sources before you post if you want Deinen to be "fair" lol
    Pmx728 and Erebus45 like this.
  6. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    on my phone again so I can't quote :/ stupid iPhones,
    So @PixelPizza
    1.) I have no clue why you are participating, but just because you are Canadian doesn't mean you can't have an opinion. I have my opinion on your leader.
    2.)I don't think being gay is wrong, I think it's a personal choice. However I feel like courts have the right to deny a gay person a marriage license and I also believe gay families shouldn't be allowed to have kids.
    3.)I'm assuming you are talking about me so HELLO WORLD! that name @PixelPizza "isn't gonna say" it's me! So within your wikihow link, the very first thing it says is "discredit their source" which @Deinen and others has been discrediting my sources, all of them actually. @Erebus45 is asking distracting questions, I mean are we describing the anti-Trump supporters?

    @Natsu I want Deinen to read my sources and grasp the concept. The lady literally has a Phd and studies marriage and families for a living.

    Albert Einstein wasn't a "university" does that mean because he was just a single person creating things and do research that he isn't a "valid" source?
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 28, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 28, 2017 ---
    Another Study Finds Same-Sex Parents Aren't Best For Kids

    Here is another source, is it good enough for ya? I'm assuming not because it disagrees with what you believe.
  7. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    No because it's a waste of time, literally. She is an uneducated opinion regarding the topic, I cited you why twice now. In 2009 she tried this testimony in a court room which soundly rejected her due to the lack of any real experience. If we recall, she had been in practice for 4 years at that time and that practice didn't see children but geriatric patients. Her thoughts on the topic are just slightly better than the average joe's, but not when several studies that come from research universities and actual researchers state the opposite conclusion. It would be illogical and naive to soundly believe the one with less qualifications.

    I don't discount that male and females play different roles in a family, but I do discount that every family is like that, or that that model is a superior one because I see no real evidence to suggest it's a superior model.

    Oh jesus ****ing christ.

    Of course not you simpleton.

    You can prove your answers in mathmatics, you see. Mathmatics aren't based on opinions or feelings just facts and right and wrong answers. This is why Einstein has created both laws of mathmatics (proven) and theories of mathmatics (unproven). Theories are also not just opinion and feeling because they have some real factual evidence backing up their explanation but not enough to soundly say proven.

    Because you're citing Infowars, Breitbart, and some random webpage that looks like it used to be a geocities page man.

    Do you believe in your heart of hearts these are factual and intellectual sources for information? Do you ****ing think Alex ****ing Jones is a pinnacle of being informed of the world?

    I honestly don't know if I make sense anymore because the sound rejection of what seems to be all common sense, it's turning myself upside down.

    Trump administration sought to block Sally Yates from testifying to Congress on Russia

    (Before one tries to smear WaPo, keep in mind WaPo is one of our nations oldest publications and have broken massive stories before, such as watergate.)
    BlackJack, Pmx728 and Erebus45 like this.
  8. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Deinen i have posted another source. Mommies and Daddies play different roles, I believe it's necessary for a child to have a mommy and a daddy. In my last source it clearly states that it leads to depression and more....

    Well @Natsu said because she was a single person and not a university that she wasn't "valid".

    Also Deinen, why don't you act your age. Doing "********" to cover up the F word or any other bad word is not necessary. How about not say them!? Thanks.

    As far as your little article, I'd fire her too. She is clearly pro-Obama (as she worked for the Obama administration) and second his travel freeze was not unlawful so it never should have been stopped. She's an idiot.
  9. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Thank you, finally a decent source. I will read this.

    Studies show alcohol abuse in families also lead to higher depression and more, should alcohol be outlawed?

    Studies also show families living in a low income level such as poverty or below lead to higher depression rates and a variety of other issues. Should Basic Income be implemented to raise everyone's financial abilities?
  10. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Deinen thank you for reading my source this time :) , so for your first comment on alcohol, this is also a very hard topic. Many families suffer from an alcoholic and it can be very hard. That is a matter of taking the child away from the parent.

    For being poor, I strongly believe being poor is a choice. Strongly support that. This is my opinion and I will stand by it. You can't choose to be rich but you can choose to not be poor. It's just a matter of what type of work your willing to do. If you can't work then I am 100% for government assistance and the government will make sure you have basic needs. Sadly many people would rather have a cell phone then healthy food.
  11. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Oh wow I had no idea I was always just choosing to be poor. Despite graduating from a 4 year college and now working 45 hour work weeks, I didn't realize it was my personal choice to barely make ends meet from one paycheck to another. Thanks! Now that I'm choosing to be not poor I shall have more money!!
    Erebus45 likes this.
  12. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    Same, It's crazy how I didn't know something so simple! If only I had chosen to not be poor! It all makes so much sense now! :D
    Deljikho likes this.
  13. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    This is where you obviously took what I said and didn't take the meaning from it.
    Can you afford to eat food?
    Do you have a home?
    Do you have health care?
    Can you afford a computer?
    Are you playing meep?
    You must have wifi?
    You probably have a car?
    Do you have a TV?
    Do you have a cell phone?
    Do you have a bed?

    If you do, then you are not poor. being poor means your worried where your going to sleep at night or if your going to be evicted the next day. Being poor means you may or may not eat today.

    A computer is a want.
    A car is a want.
    A cell phone is a want.

    You need food, you need shelter. You do not need a computer.
  14. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    For a couple years I was homeless. Even when we for an apartment we couldn't afford utilities a lot. There were a lot of times when the only meals I got were the school breakfast and lunch. I have health care through the state of West Virginia but it doesn't pay for much. My 6 year old computer was a gift from my grandma before she passed away. For years we didn't have internet. I was only able get on meep when I went to the library or a friend's house. I have one car that is older than me that was left in a family friend's will for my grandpa. He is going to sell it to me when I graduate and get a job. I do have an old TV though. I didn't get my first phone until 2016 at the end of my Junior year that I paid for with a paper route that I had had for a year. That paper route also paid for my class ring. For years all I had was a blow up mattress or cot to sleep on.

    Also, good luck getting a decent job without a car or phone these days. Did you know most Walmarts don't even have a job application kiosk anymore? You have to apply online.

    But you are right, I really wasn't thaaat poor and it was definitely my choice.
  15. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Erebus45 many people go threw hard times, some worse than others. You are still missing my message. I'm sure many people had it worse than you did/do right now. You did not choose to be poor, you were born into a less fortunate or maybe in some way a poor family. That is not saying your parents wanted to be poor but they worked? I'm assuming that's how they got money for an apartment? They knew that life wasn't the life for them so they chose to get out of that rut. It takes time, so although they may not have chosen to be poor in the first place, they chose to do the things to get them on the path leading them to a better life.
  16. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    I know many people had it way worse than us. I wasn't born into it though. My dad had a fairly nice job making enough to take care of all of us. I would say we were upper middle class. Then, the place where he worked for 23 years decided to let him go because they were down sizing and he made too much for them because of his qualifications and experience. He became severely depressed and had a bad life crisis. Our only source of income was my mom's disability check and our life savings. After about 6 months my dad got a little better and started working as a substitute bus driver but the work was erratic and didn't pay well. My mom has a terrible disease called Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Not much is known about it and the few medications for it are extremely expensive and usually have terrible side effects. We would probably still be in a bad place right now if it weren't for my grandparents. My mom moved in to take care of them and after my grandma died my grandpa wanted all of us to move in with him. He pays for the utilities and food. If it weren't for him then we would still be in Ohio struggling to survive and I wouldn't have been able to go to college.
    Deinen likes this.
  17. WhoNeedsJimbo

    WhoNeedsJimbo Popular Meeper

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    This is like basically denying the fact george washington existed.

    Honestly we need this debate to end because
    So this is how we end it.
    Trumps inauguration day party was great
  18. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Erebus45 not to sound heartless but your dad could get a different job, i know it sucks, but its true. You cant just have a "life crisis" when you have a family to support, On top of that facts that im confused by this statement:

    If he was making the company a lot of money, wouldn't he be a good asset?

    Sorry to hear about your moms illness, times can be tough but again, you are being fed, you have a home to come to, you have a bed (wether an air mattress or sleeping bag) you are taken care of. You may not have a lot but you aren't poor, and if it takes your grandpa to get your family back on its feet, its a step in the right direction. Its a step towards a better life. Your dad is trying to get out of that life and go to a new one.


    No one is forcing you to be apart of it?

    You are quoting things from a few days ago, why are you bringing them back up now? when you have been talking in this thread after i posted them comments, and i dont think its up to you to end the debate ;P
  19. Pmx728

    Pmx728 Legendary Meeper

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    Who is to say that a male can't play a mothers role or a female can't play a fathers role. Even if the couple isn't gay, in some situations the dad stays at home with the children while the mother works.
    CluelessKlutz and Deljikho like this.
  20. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    You contradict yourself way too much dude:
    So is being poor a choice or not?
    Pmx728 likes this.

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