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President Trump

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Nov 8, 2016.


How Will Trump Do In Office?

  1. Good, mang

  2. Not so good, mang

  1. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

    Likes Received:
    Is this your primary reason as it doesn't seem very relevant to the question. Government isn't like a business thus they are not signing job duty contracted. People elected to an office should be expected to do their duty to the secular county/state/federal government in respect to the laws of the land. The Supreme Court had ruled banning gay marriage in anyway to be an unconstitutional act, the only authority that has higher claim to this ruling is if the legislature changed the Constitution.

    In your logic each respective state also agreed to abide by the Constitution of the United States when joining the Union long ago, which has been around much much longer than anyone working for the courts.

    Can you explain why you think it would be a county clerk's civil rights to expect her to do the job in which she campaigned for and was elected to?
    Pmx728 likes this.
  2. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    You say you aren't a Liberal but man you sure do act like one. I answered your question, can you please stop asking the same question. My answer is not going to change.

    Liberals will continue to ask to same question over and over until they get the answer they want to hear. No one else can have an opinion, unless its the same opinion as yours.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 27, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 27, 2017 ---
    Gay marriage is not good on a child, neither is single parenthood.
  3. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Marriage is between people. Sexuality does not define whether a family can be held together.
    Dude are you serious right now?

    Can you provide proof on how gay marriage is detrimental to a child??

    As long as the child receives love, care, and support they are okay. There are many many straight families that don't provide these necessities. Sexuality has nothing to do with how a child is raised, the acts of raising the child are the defining points.

    Now I understand Deinens viewpoint on eradicating your backwards style of thinking.
    Erebus45, cnkropp, Natsu and 2 others like this.
  4. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Im not denying that its between people.

    Yes I am very serious.
  5. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    It seems reasonable to give you the chance to use any other reason to defend your position than "if a member of the courts has been working for the courts since lets even just say 2014 a year before gay marriage was legalized then giving gay people a marriage license wasn't in their job description now was it?"

    But if you don't want to take that opportunity, so be it.

    Can you provide any real study showing this?
    Pmx728 likes this.
  6. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    Who are you to say that gay marriage is not good on a child?
    Natsu and Pmx728 like this.
  7. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I gave you my answer, what other opportunity do I need?

    Well I just said it didn't I? I strongly believe single parenthood and gay marriage is not good on a child.

    Same Sex Marriage Harms Children
  8. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Natsu and Pmx728 like this.
  9. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    So this article you've linked from a .org is authored by Trayce Hansen, Ph.D

    FindLaw's Supreme Court of Montana case and opinions.

    In 2009, she testified in defense of an “ex-lesbian” who was trying to deny her former partner access to their children, but her testimony was roundly dismissed for being unqualified -

    The court had this opinion of her testimony -

    Dr. Hansen never had been qualified as an expert witness by any court. Dr. Hansen never had been retained by any party as an expert witness. Dr. Hansen's psychology practice involved geriatric patients. Dr. Hansen conceded that she currently did not work with children and had fewer than four years of professional experience after earning her Ph.D. She had worked as a research assistant and had published one article in the journal Personality Assessment in a forensic-type situation.


    She had 4 years of practice, wasn't currently even working with kids and had a practice involving old people.

    How does she have any authority in the subject?
    Pmx728 likes this.
  10. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Did you even read the article or did you just instantly try to find a way to discourage the article? Seems to me like you spent the entire time researching the author and not paying attention to what was said. I read it word for word and no matter who wrote it, I believe it. Mothers and Fathers play 2 different roles in a marriage and 2 different roles when raising a child.

    You are a father correct? @Deinen without your spouse, girlfriend, baby momma, whatever she is (im not being rude but I dont know what she is) without her, how do you think your kids would be? Without you, how do you think your kids would be?

    What roles do you play when raising your child vs your childs mother?

    Say something were to happen to you and you were no longer on this planet, do you think your kids would be fine if their mom got together with another female and raised your children?
  11. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Pmx728 likes this.
  12. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Again, can you look at the information in the article. Its true and you know it. I guarantee you didn't read it. Which isn't fair.
  13. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    It only took like 3 minutes and yes I look for some sort of qualification before I buy into what their saying. Do you just blindly believe anything anyone says?

    That's a cult, then.

    You're in a cult.

    My wife, and of course my family would suffer because we all love eachother, that is the only meaningful loss this hypothetical situation would bring. I'd still make enough to support my family without a second income.

    You're a bit young, but I'm on my fourth kid. Our policy, combined is, if they didn't die it's a fairly successful day for them. Kids are pretty dumb bro so some days it can get a bit sketchy, but they pull through.

    Sure it would be jarring for a bit but would they care in the slightest at 30 and looking back? No because I'm not raising my children to be stupid, but to each their own and stay out of other people's business.
    Erebus45 likes this.
  14. Pmx728

    Pmx728 Legendary Meeper

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    Where do you find these sources... I mean the website had an entire catagory on why liberals are stupid and how global warming is fake.
    SuperDyl and Natsu like this.
  15. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    How can it be true when @Deljikho posted a study saying the opposite from a national public university, when compared to your article's author some lady who didn't even work with kids?
    Pmx728 likes this.
  16. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Im glad you look into who is writing the articles, but what she wrote was very true, she explained the roles mothers and fathers play in a marriage and when raising children.

    No, Im saying that no matter who wrote the article, I believe single parenthood and gay marriage is bad on a child. Stop being ignorant.

    I dont care about your finances and who makes what amount of money. A poorer family can raise a child just as good if not better than a richer family. My question was, without your children mom or dad, where would they be? Not financially. Im talking mentally, physically, and everything but finances.

    Again, my age and the number of children you have have nothing to do with my question. What specific role do you play when rates your children, what specific role does your wife play? just making sure they dont die is not a good way of parenting btw. Yes, I dont have kids and yes I might be younger then you but there is so much more to parenting than just keeping your kids alive.

    Again, mothers and fathers play 2 different roles in raising a child. I watched my parents play 2 different roles. As well as many other families containing a mother and a father.

    I rest my case. Go back to where I stated that liberals were stupid. I stand by that.
  17. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    It isn't fair how you are using illogical bs sites while Deinen and Deljikho are using valid and reliable sites to prove their point lol.

    If you didn't know, your sources for the argument has to have the following qualities:
    Authority - the author of the source has to be credited for his/her expertise in the topic
    Currency - the source has to be current and contain up to date information
    Relevance - the source has to be relevant to the topic and your claim
    Accuracy - the source has to be factually accurate in the information it's using
    Bias - the source contains minimal bias

    If the source does not meet all of the criteria, then it proves nothing and your argument is invalid.
    Erebus45 and Pmx728 like this.
  18. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Ok but that is just some lady. Why would I trust some lady over a group of researchers at a national institute that studies things? See what I'm getting at?

    Ok believe it, but it's not justification to push for a legislative policy. Facts matter not opinions

    I'm sure it would suck because they love their father and he died. Would they be upset if my wife turned all lesbo? Probably about the same as they would be if she would bring some dude home.

    Nope, pretty much the entire goal. There is no specific roles we play because that's not efficient and nobody has time for that. We essentially split it all up 50/50 and we each do what we can do and the other does what's left.

    Don't let them die
    Don't sugar coat the world for them
    Let them learn

    That's my entire job as a parent to make sure they don't die out in the world on their own and hopefully get some kids of their own to keep my family name and genes going.

    Ok, I bet they did but not everyone is the same or does everything the same. You can say you're way was better but that's honestly not relevant in a debate setting because it's not enough to sway anyone. You can say it a million times and it doesn't change the facts, you're just saying things. That's meaningless.
    Erebus45 and Pmx728 like this.
  19. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    How can you say it's true when it's based off of no studies and it just makes assumptions. I actually have read it, and it is just rambling. I mean "A father also commands a form of respect from a boy that a mother doesn’t––a respect more likely to keep the boy in line." This right here is just ridiculous.
    How is he being arrogant when this article assumes how much kids respect a parent based off the sex of said parent?
    There aren't just two different roles based off of sex in all families and to assume so is arrogant.
  20. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Because they do not agree with my opinion so they dont like my source. Anytime I have used a source that goes against them, they say its "not a good source". Well I can do that all day.

    I didn't know you were a source expert.

    As the author of my article was.

    I cant find a date of when it was written but im sure its not very old.

    As it is.

    Id say its pretty good with the facts.

    The website itself might contain bias but the article itself, imo, does not.

    So my source isn't invalid?

    As does she, study things.

    Im sorry to hear that their father is no longer here to help raise them, truly breaks my heart.
    Im glad you stepped up and have been referring to them as "your children" not many step-parents do that, I will say I respect you for that, as children lives and care are something I hold close to me, its very important.
    Again, im not saying that. My question is how would your children lives changes if they did not have a father figure in their life?
    Every child needs a father figure as well as a mother figure, both play very similar roles, but their roles are very different, and very important.

    Okay now im confused, are they your blood kids or not? They can be your kids with or without blood but in one sentence you say their father died and the next your talking about them carrying your genes on into the future. Doesn't add up. Now, again, a father and a mother both hopefully teach their children and keep them alive, but fathers and mother do play different roles. They teach their children different things, not just things like their abc's and 123's etc etc, children learn by watching, so for instance a child learns from his father how to treat his mom. If a father abuses his wife, their kid will most likely think its okay to abuse his wife and treat her poorly. If a father treats his wife with love, respect, and what not then the child will probably do the same (not in all cases, but most).

    I never said my parents way of parenting was better then anyone else. There are many other ways of parenting, I took a parenting class and learned that very quickly however it is factual that father and mothers play 2 different roles in a child life. Its not meaning less.

    The author has a phd, has studied this and has experience with children, marriages etc etc, its not ridiculous, maybe you dont understand it? Have your mom or dad read it to you. They would understand, I hope.


    Does not assume.

    A father teaches his son how to treat a lady. Been that way for many generations.

    All though the mother and father play similar roles as teaching, feeding, changing diapers, bathing and what not, the roles of a mother and a father are different. Mothers teach things differently than a father and they teach different lessons. Its not arrogant or ignorant.

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