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President Trump

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Nov 8, 2016.


How Will Trump Do In Office?

  1. Good, mang

  2. Not so good, mang

  1. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Actually North Korea is the best continent
  2. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Pmx728 likes this.
  3. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    As I said, the law should be changed, we did not have this law in the 50's and we were all just fine.

    No, Sharia Law would override the Constitution, being Christian does not.

    Im gonna pretend you didn't say that, lol you never fail to amaze me.
    Again, you should not take away someones right to give it to someone else.

    America is the best country in my opinion. I have great pride for my home country.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 27, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 27, 2017 ---
    I did not know that accusing another country of abusing a system was wrong. Leave to Anti- Trump people to say that tho.
  4. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    In your video he doesn't say he's not going to take a vacation or go golfing.

    What law are you talking about? No law was created to establish gay marriage.

    A judge using his office to deny the marriage of two citizens, whom they serve, because of religious reasons is the same thing as Sharia law because the people in them seek to use their power based on their personal religious beliefs.

    Denying the marriage of two citizens due to your own religious beliefs is infringing on their inherent right to equality. It's infringing on their inherent right to equality solely based on your religious belief.

    A judge is supposed to uphold the law impartially, not by the guidance of his fairy tale he believes in.

    What system are you talking about?

    You do know nations don't send NATO money right? There is no debt account accruing debt of nations. Each nation kicks in what they are able to in terms of men, machines and arms. Each country agreed in 2014 to make their contribution 2% of their GDP capability, in terms of men, arms and machines. This agreement takes affect in 2024.

    As of this second, each nation is contributing exactly what they agreed to.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 27, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 27, 2017 ---
    Report: Jared Kushner had undisclosed meeting with head of Russian bank under sanctions
    Pmx728 likes this.
  5. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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  6. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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  7. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    How is that any different? Why should a judge keep their job if they aren't going to do their job?
    BlackJack and Pmx728 like this.
  8. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I have no clue how you missed it lol. Watch it again maybe?

    Law meaning that it wasn't unlawful for a court to deny giving a gay couple a marriage license. It is "unlawful" for a court to refuse a gay couple a marriage license. It shouldn't be in their job to give a gay person a marriage license if it is against their religion.

    First of all religion is not some "fairy tale" so please backtrack that statement. Second, A Christian will not kill someone else for not being a Christian. This is nothing like Sharia Law.

    Do you think I care about who likes Trump or not? I will stand by him. He has done or tried to do everything he promised.

    That South Carolina case was ridiculous! If a court does not want to issue a gay person a marriage license then they should not be forced to. At that point you are taking away the rights of the judge/courts and giving it to the gay person.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 27, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 27, 2017 ---
    I love how 90% of your conversation @Deinen and @Deljikho are simply links from random websites, I would like to hear your opinion, from your own words on a matter. I would love to see you try to debate in person without being able to quickly google random facts.
  9. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    What?? Lol, that was like the first time I posted a link without it being used as a source for my claims. Deinen has given you tons of his own insight. You live in a fantasy world dude.
    Also thanks for validating our sources. Sorry you don't use facts in your debates. Do you just use strictly personal opinions, with a limited viewpoint, to base your claims? You're the type of guy that can have scientist proving global warming is real and you deny it because it snowed in your state last year.
  10. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    No I do not live in a fantasy world, go back a page or two and you'll see where @Deinen posted 10 or so links back to back.

    This was not me validating your "facts" you guys use random websites and as soon as I use a website you dont agree with its "not a good source" lol be for real.
  11. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Go through the entire thread and you'll see Deinen giving you his opinion on almost every subject brought up. 10 links is not 90% of the debate.
  12. Pmx728

    Pmx728 Legendary Meeper

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    What websites has deinen used that were not a reliable source?
  13. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    Should we force judges to give marriage licenses to interracial couples that want to get married?
    BlackJack likes this.
  14. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    If a judge, who is Muslim, refused couples a divorce except for certain cases like adultery, because of his religious beliefs.

    Would this be ok?
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 27, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 27, 2017 ---
    He doesn't say he will not vacation or golf. If you want to make an argument that his rhetoric didn't necessarily match actions, sure. Far cry from 13 golfing trips in your first two months on the job.

    Well American legal precedent would definitely say it's unlawful, remember Kim Clark, the county clerk (Those responsible for issuing marriage licenses), who was jailed for contempt for disobeying a Judge's order to issue a marriage license.

    But the fundamental issue here is a difference of opinion. I think the notion of not doing the job that you have is an asinine concept and laziness.

    You think that the Religious need some sort of safe space where they can pretend everyone else thinks the same as them.

    Actually, I'm going to double down on that claim.

    God is not real, he didn't shape us from clay.

    We're made of the snot of exploding stars lightyears away that has drifted timelessly through space. We exist because of chemical reactions that happened under violent environments to make single-celled organisms. Evolution is the phenomena in which a bacteria screwed up but then found out that screw up helped it. So on and so forth.

    Religion is mythology, a story usually containing truth if ethics or morality but not chronological or literal. Why did Moses tell everyone to bathe? Well because dirty people died more often. Why did he command them not to eat pig? Cause they couldn't keep it fresh, thus people dying. Religion came from simple folk trying to explain the world to themselves and that's what it's here for today. To keep the story simple for simple folk.

    What happens when you die? Well if you've managed to have babies, congratulations! It means your genetic line will continue to spread and evolve, that was the game objective. If not, well, you go away and feed the planet, that's good too I guess.



    I'm actually pretty sure that the Catholics and Protestants have been killing eachother longer than they haven't been killing eachother. We could go further back to the Anabaptists and their frenzied pillaging of neighboring heretic towns. Or the Catholic Church killing like a ton of heretical christian sects around 300-400AD.

    Not the point, the point is to reinforce you're a minority and the majority keeps growing.

    Except a court doesn't have rights where-as a person does have rights, you see? Again, rights also mostly include like the government not imprisoning you for calling the President an orange fat pedophile, for example. The Judge's rights are not restricted because nobody is restricting his right to practice his religion.

    I've only contested two sources from you.

    Brietbart - I included more than 10 articles showing you why they are absolutely ridiculous, actually maybe one step above the National Enquirer.

    Infowars - ..... Alex Jones has literally said Hillary Clinton and Obama are literally demons that literally smell like sulfur. If you actually think Alex Jones or Infowars is credible, you immediately need to get your head examined because you may be suffering from actual mental retardation.
    Erebus45 and Pmx728 like this.
  15. WhoNeedsJimbo

    WhoNeedsJimbo Popular Meeper

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  16. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Yes Sir!

    1.) Did you mean, "Should we allow the courts to pick or choose to give interracial couples a marriage license?"
    2.) If you are asking the question exactly how you wrote it then yes, the courts should be forced to give marriage licenses to interracial couples.
    3.) Interracial couples and gay couples are completely different.
    4.) This is an example of how my words get turned around.
    5.) Interracial couples are no different than same race couple (besides being a different race of course) it is still a male and a female, unless they are gay and interracial.
    6.) Marriage is between a male and a female, it holds a family together, it makes the family one, male & male and female & female couples cannot have kids, male and female couples can.
    7.) This has nothing to do with race and has everything to do with sex (gender).

    No it would not be okay, this is not the same as a gay person getting married.
    and if you think that Muslims only believe in divorce because of adultery then you obviously dont know what you are talking about. The Christian God also is against divorce unless one commits adultery, and in this case he still wants you to work it out, but if you cannot than he will turn the other way and understand.

    In the video he clearly states his vacationing and personal leisure will be gone, he will be 100% for the country and his personal and family life will come second.
    Now, Trump went to his gold course "13 times" you say? that doesn't mean he golfed 13 times and even if he did golf 13 times then good for him. Obama golfed 333 times within his presidency.

    It goes against his religion, so therefore I do not see the problem with it. If I am a Christian and I dont believe in gay marriage I should not be forced to give he gay couple a license. This is nothing more than an opinion and we clearly see differently. We will not come to an agreement on this one therefore I feel its safe to stop this portion of the debate.

    Nice google, you should have left the link to that source. Also! You are not one to say God is not real, you will find out when you die.

    Alright so you can keep looking way back into the past, Christians have evolved. Muslims have not. A Christian will not kill someone in this day in age, if they do kill someone and say they are Christian then they truly aren't a Christian. Im not saying a thousand years ago Christians didn't kill people, but in the 20th and 21st century, they will not. A Muslim will kill you for not being Muslim, they kill you for being gay etc etc,
    Which is funny, Liberals support gays 100% and apparently support Muslims 100% but Muslims kill people for being gay (Christians dont kill you if your gay btw) so doesn't that contradict itself?

    The point is that Trump is our president and wether he has a 1% approval or 100% approval rating he will be our president for the next 4 hopefully 8 years and if he isn't then Pence will. Which I could almost bet my right arm Trump won't be impeached. Also, im not the rest of America so I dont care if other people dont like him, he has tried to do everything that he promised. He is not the one stopping it from happening.

    Can we stop with the name calling? I can call Hillary Clinton and her supporters many names, but I dont. Thats the difference in a Conservative and a Liberal. Hillary Clinton called Trump supporters "Deplorable" and "Stupid" and maybe "they should be deported" but Trump has constantly said he will be a President to ALL Americans. Even the Clinton supporters. (except Rosie, she's the saddest excuse for a human being)

    Religion is not a fairy tale, that is simply that guys opinion. Religion will never ever be a fact, you cant call it a "fairy-tale" because you dont know if its real or not, thats why you have faith.
  17. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Why is it not ok?
    Pmx728 likes this.
  18. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Deinen I dont think it would be okay because to start, you are divorcing. Divorcing is probably a harder decision then getting married. imo, however I think it is not okay for someone to deny you divorcing someone (wether it be a Christian, Catholic, Muslim or any other religion) because they cant force you to be with someone you dont want to be with. Second, a female Muslims parents picks her husband, in the Muslim religion a female is pretty much a slave to the man. They treat women so badly in that religion its unreal. Muslims dont divorce because the woman cant divorce, not that she doesn't want to. Im not for or against gay marriage, I could care less to be honest. But if someone who is of any religion does not want to give a gay person a marriage license, that is their right. Again, this is all my opinion. This is a topic that cannot be factual.
  19. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    I mean, it is a factual topic considering both sides were presented in a legal forum and legally decided on.

    Can you explain why you think it would be against a county clerk's civil rights to expect her to do the job in which she was elected to?
    Pmx728 likes this.
  20. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Ann Coulter has got to be one of my favorite people, she says it so well <3

    Considering gay marriage as technically only been legalized since 2015, if a member of the courts has been working for the courts since lets even just say 2014 a year before gay marriage was legalized then giving gay people a marriage license wasn't in their job description now was it?

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