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Opinion on the LGBT community?

Discussion in 'Other' started by Badone817, Mar 22, 2017.

  1. Badone817

    Badone817 Well-Known Meeper

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    Just curious to see what y'alls opinions are.
  2. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    literally only like 2 people here care
    more than 2 people actually complain
    Also, the more you alienize the community, the more people will have a more strict like/dislike of it

    This is like asking your opinion on black people
    The more you open it up for discussion the more stupid people are about it

    (literally no one cares.)
    _Smarties910_ and BlackJack like this.
  3. Badone817

    Badone817 Well-Known Meeper

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    okay geez, no need to word it rude.
    Achmed likes this.
  4. junelawnchaired

    junelawnchaired neat-o!

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    they're nice and smell better than any of you Straights
  5. SuperDyl

    SuperDyl Popular Meeper

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    Because of my religious beliefs, I'm against most of LGBT, but not the people. I'm not against you as a person based on your beliefs unless your beliefs are being pressed onto someone with little respect or without a reason of some kind.
  6. OKNEM

    OKNEM Celebrity Meeper

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    I guess I don't really care much about who/what people are/do, as long as they're doing what they want. However, if it impacts negatively upon other people or the community, it becomes an issue. I honestly don't know why the gay marriage law hasn't been authorized in Australia yet. What's the problem?
  7. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    The main reason lgbt is considered a problem is due to religion. There are others but the majority is religion based

    I still stand by that jesus ate regularly with theives and whores, but most christians will not accept the mere existence of a gay man. If jesus came across a gay man he would share his bread with said gay man, not go "oh no sorry you like dudes nope go away no heaven for you."

    Have anything to say to this @SuperDyl ? What about "gods plan" about free will? Studies show, literal studies that I can source if wanted, prove that being gay isnt a choice - Something such as theivery is a very cleaf right or wrong choice and would be clearly tipped one way or another on the free will scale. What is so wrong about a man in bed with another man other than what is preached in your book? Who are you to judge what 2 people do together when it does not involve you, especially if said actions are consensual? Judge not, lest ye be judged.

    Another point - Why would a christian be more okay with premarital sex than homosexuals? What about divorce, a very common occurance yet something frowned upon.

    There are other rules in the bible that are ignored even by most christians, such as the eating and using materials of a pig, eating shellfish etc, eating meat and dairy at the same time, wearing clothes made of 2 materials, or a more serious, literally stoning people to death under different circumstances. ...but homosexuality is what christians get hung up on.


    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 23, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 23, 2017 ---
    Sorry, it wasnt so much about wording it rude. It was more about, the more people bring drama into it the more drama exists. If people stop bringing it up it becomes the norm. As long as you make it it a big deal and make it a big discussion it will always be a big deal
  8. OKNEM

    OKNEM Celebrity Meeper

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    Well said, thanks for the clarification.
    SuperDyl, BlackJack and Muunkee like this.
  9. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    SuperDyl likes this.
  10. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Literally couldn't care less about who people want to bed. Imo, if your religion is against it, then don't do it. Once you begin trying to force people's behavior due to your fairy tale religion, then that person needs to be removed from the gene pool.

    The worse thing about it all is religion trying to impose itself, Sharia law amirite?
    Courtneyyy, Cherrykit, Natsu and 4 others like this.
  11. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    I have nothing against the community. They can do as they please until I become a die hard Christian then it becomes my problem.
  12. OldColony

    OldColony Popular Meeper

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    I'm kinda against it because it seems like their forcing their beliefs on you, same with BLM, if you disagree with them they say you're racist. Also the same with feminist, if you don't agree with them they say you're sexist.
  13. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Can you refine your answer? Are you against homosexuality, etc or are you against it as a community?

    Does every person of this community force their beliefs on you?

    Can you define being against it? In your situation, you're called a bigot if you say you're against people being homosexual?

    Also can you define the disagreement with BLM? What would the disagreement stem from?

    What are you referring to when you say feminism?

    From an initial read, it seems like you are referring to the fringe members of each of these groups, generally ignorant and obnoxious. Would it be make more sense to correctly assume every single ideological group has fringe members, ignorant and obnoxious?

    Would it be safe to say you dislike ignorant and obnoxious people?
    Cherrykit likes this.
  14. lucatunes

    lucatunes Popular Meeper

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    As long is everyone is happy. SOmthing In The USA is you can believe in whatever religion you want so if people are upset about it with their religious beliefs shouldn't that not matter? Maybe the LGBT community could believe in a religion that is fine with LGBT people.
  15. BlackJack

    BlackJack Celebrity Meeper

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    So what you're saying is that if a person around you is homosexual, then they're forcing their beliefs on you? So every person around you who's Christian, Athiest, Muslim, Hindu, they're all forcing their beliefs on you just by being around you? Hell, what if someone likes red shirts and another guy likes blue shirts? They'd be in a pickle trying to convince you that one is better than the other.

    Everyone is capable of calling you out for any reason. Do you like blue shirts? No, then screw you. Are you gay? No, then you're a homophobe. No pickles on your sandwich? Scum.
    Cherrykit and Muunkee like this.
  16. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    No, pickles on a sandwich can go right to hell. It ruins the bite-through and texture and it overpowers the best parts.
    BlackJack likes this.
  17. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Have you ever had a cuban sandwich? Nowhere near as good without the pickle imo, long as its thin enough like it should beee
  18. OldColony

    OldColony Popular Meeper

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    There has been confusion about my previous post (currently typing this in school) so it was rushed. What I meant to say was that the ignorant people who want to switch you on their side of the argument by using the excuse of you not agreeing with them as a way of saying that your against them—which I'm not.
    Deinen likes this.
  19. SuperDyl

    SuperDyl Popular Meeper

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    I knew my post would probably spark some emotion, now matter how hard I tried to word it well. Yes, my issues with LGBT are straight from religion. My belief in my church is why I have my beliefs against things such as homosexuality. I also think that even if I or others are against a belief others have, they still shouldn't treat others any less. People should not be judged off of their beliefs, we only have justice for those who've hurt someone else by their actions. Having feelings for someone of the same gender may or may not be choice or learned, it's unknown, but actions from this are still a choice, which is where homosexuality is similar to other commandments of the Bible. Deciding that stealing is wrong isn't a universal idea, it comes from other places, such as ancestors or religion.

    I am not okay with premarital sex and neither is my religion. Divorce is not good, instead it is much better for people to find out they don't work together before marriage or they find how to cope when married, because divorce always destroys. Divorce isn't always bad as sometimes people find they don't work well together too late and can't cope with their issues.

    The other rules which Christians ignore from the Bible are part of the Law of Moses, a set of rules for the somewhat rebellious Israelites to follow, as they had a hard time distinguishing good from bad. This (at least by my religion) was replaced during Jesus's ministry where it was taught that people should obtain certain ordinances (baptism) and work instead of loving God (which leads to more happiness, as that's his desire for us) and loving our neighbors.

    I apologize for any confusion my earlier post created.
  20. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Technically, as a Christian, you shouldn't judge anyone for any reason.

    That's kind of a stretch

    Actually, it's pretty much a proven fact at this point, especially when you consider this behavior has been going on for longer than Christianity was a religion.

    Well, it is a fairly universal idea. I have something and I don't want someone to take it, then look back historically when resources were much more scarce, that want to not have my stuff taken would be fairly prevalent.

    If I recall, in the Bible, the very act of sex is what consumated a marriage, as there was no system of legal official marriages throughout most of early Christianity.


    I think it's perfectly fine for you to hold a personal opinion but what I believe is too far is when Christians try to impose their lifestyle on others, including anti gay marriage legislation, etc. I'm not saying you try to impose on others but I think Christians need to keep their opinion on this to themselves and if they dislike it, just not do gay things.
    BlackJack, Muunkee and CluelessKlutz like this.

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