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Helper Application from FallingGravity

Discussion in 'Denied' started by lucatunes, Mar 20, 2017.

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  1. lucatunes

    lucatunes Popular Meeper

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    Member Name FallingGravity

    Additional In Game Names: lucatunes

    How old are you? 13

    Location: Wisconsin USA

    Do you have Discord? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 2-5

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 4-7

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's SirJmw, Ukiyo_Yokai

    When did you join Meepcraft? April 8, 2015

    Introduction: Hey There! My name is Luca Galassi and I'm 13 years old. So I'm not the average kid, I like stuff that most kids don't like. For example instead of playing a game I'd rather create it. I create games with Roblox, Unity 3D, Gamesalad, and other programs like that. Also, My schooling situation is a lot different than most kids you will see more below. I did start to fly away from meep and take a bit of a break but now I'm back and I've been very active lately and are very deticated to meep.

    Why should you be Helper? Activity:
    I live in the USA and meep has a lot of staff that can come online after school in the USA, But for me, I can come online during the school day when there isn't alot, or any staff online. Why? I can come online during the school day because I take online classes. I usually finish them at night and I am very flexible. I can see when staff is online and when they learned to modify my day around meep.
    I've been staff on many other servers including my own. I have had 2 very successful servers that I have sold for money. I have also been staff on a very large factions server and another startup towny server, So I know a lot of commands for Towny.
    Player Engagement:
    I love hosting community events and having fun doing it. When people say "I'm Bored" Ill msg them or say in global and idea for something they should do. If there is a lot of people that are bored then ill host a building competition or something like that to help people have the urge to stay active and have fun on meep.
    Problem Solving:
    I'm in many advanced classes that I take that are not online, for example, FPS (Not a first person shooter) FPS stands for Future Problem Solving. In FPS we are given a scenario and then we need to come up with 8 solutions that will be the best outcome for everyone. This forces us to think. If I resolve the problem like this... Will this effect Another Person... I have used this method of solving problems many times on meep and I think It can help me be a great helper also.
    I believe that everyone in the world should accept people for who they are, regardless of how much money they have, what religion they are, have colored skin or not, and what they wear, Everyone should be accepted.
    Working In High Pressure:
    I volunteer every year at an event called All City. It's the largest youth sporting event in the whole world. I usually volunteer for the scoring area. Every 20 seconds I get a sheet of paper and type all the numbers in very fast in order to not get behind. It is stressful to most people but I have gotten used to working in high stress.

    What are your weaknesses? I make sure everyone has a fair chance. This sounds like a good thing right? But in a way it's not, I usually take it too far and will dig too deep until I proof that someone did this or that they should be banned. I find it hard to believe when people just message me things that someone did. I always want proof and sometimes too much. I'm working very hard to improve on this.

    I have a very hard time spelling. This can result in making me look immature and dumb and that usually brings my confidence down. I have dyslexia and it makes it hard to remember simple things that other people think is easy. It's like your mind goes blank and you can't remember anything. This can happen when I'm trying to spell things and I usually can't remember what way is right and what way is left. I have been working on this and learning different ways to spell better.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: Thank you all for reading this application and I hope you have a great day! Please send me a message if you have any questions concerns or comments and I'll respond shortly! Thanks!
    cooey, SX1, OldColony and 1 other person like this.
  2. OldColony

    OldColony Popular Meeper

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    Your application seems nice, I'm just wondering about if you're active or not. I haven't been on in a while. But everything else seems perfect. 1+
    lucatunes likes this.
  3. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Hey there, Falling

    Your application was nice and I wouldn't have a problem if you get staff, but one correction: FPS stands for Frames Per Second:)

    Anyway I'm sorry to tell you that even though you seem like a good candidate, there are few concerns I have that makes me vote -1.

    Maturity and age, is one. Some Middle Schoolers have a hard time deciding what is appropriate and what is not. They often have a hard time finding the stopping line. I don't kniw you a lot so I shouldn't be deciding and gemeralizing you, but this is common for most people.

    Activity is a huge factor you need to work on. Even though you are on in game a lot, I've barely seen you on forums or on discord. Start being involved in all aspects of the server!

    My final concern is that I don't know you well and haven't seen you show those traits in your application. Feel free to talk more in global and reach out to people :) most don't bite!

    Also, keeping in mind that the current staff team is large and we need the best, most hard working people, I will -1 but never give up!
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017
  4. buttfly29

    buttfly29 Popular Meeper

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    I just don't know what to write.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2017
  5. Pmx728

    Pmx728 Legendary Meeper

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    I have talked to you in the past and you were very helpful, kind and mature. I haven't really seen you online as of recently though. Also your account says you are 12 ...
  6. lucatunes

    lucatunes Popular Meeper

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    Ahh Thanks For Pointing This Out Pmx. This whas when I first joined meep and didnt know if I could trust them. I submited a random year. Ill Change This Now.
  7. ENIbeast

    ENIbeast Popular Meeper

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    I think this is a nice application it is just a little short but still +1 from me.
    Age doesn't matter too much, there was once a supermod on meep at the age of 11. Age shouldn't hold you back from becoming helper.
  8. Pmx728

    Pmx728 Legendary Meeper

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    I said he was mature, it's just that his app says that he is 13.
  9. TheTastyNacho

    TheTastyNacho Celebrity Meeper

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    You're app is pretty short, but not too short. It hits all the main points needed in an app, and from the time I've spent with you, you have been very nice and helpful. I do want you to work on your activity and get out there in global a little more as I've never seen you before I started working at pwarp icegames. I'm gonna sum it up down here:

    +Very Kind
    -Not very well-known
    -doesn't use forums or discord

    Those are equal so that's a +/- But I like you so I'll do a +0.5
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 20, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 20, 2017 ---
    Good Luck Falling!
  10. EllieEllie

    EllieEllie Staff Member Leadership

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    Why u gotta be so ruude

    Okay so, I like you a lot, dude. I just don't think you're currently in the right mindset for the role. I like your application, I just think it's not the right time for you at the moment. If you want further clarification, feel free to mail me in-game and we'll have a talk :) don't let it discourage you from applying in the future in case this isnt taken any further!
  11. OldColony

    OldColony Popular Meeper

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    Not to contradict what you're saying but infront of Middle Schoolers who should put 'some'. I've seen some pretty mature Middle Schoolers, sometimes even more mature than me and I'm in High School.
    SuperDyl likes this.
  12. lucatunes

    lucatunes Popular Meeper

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    Thanks For Your Responses Everyone.
    SuperDyl likes this.
  13. Marthacuddles

    Marthacuddles Celebrity Meeper

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    0.5 You seem very Helpful but my only concerns
    is that I've never seen you on discord which you should be very active on especially if you are applying for staff.

    Good Luck.
  14. lucatunes

    lucatunes Popular Meeper

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    I will work on being more active on discord. I never see anyone in any voice channels and I sit in one for awhile but nobody joins me D:
  15. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Get to know people more! I have NEVER talked in a voice channel and yet I consider myself very active on discord! Don't be afraid and feel free to join or start a conversation in chat! :)

    Sorry, it is fixed now. My point still stands that most middle school students are too immature for the helper job and I need to personally talk with Falling for it to be proved otherwise:)

    My vote won't be changing due to the concerns posted above.
  16. lucatunes

    lucatunes Popular Meeper

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    I understand. Thanks For Your Reply.
    SuperDyl likes this.
  17. Wishingsstar

    Wishingsstar Popular Meeper

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    I'm at a +/- because I don't really see you on discord and forums, and I really do think that we have too high of a player staff ratio. Until I see improvement on discord , I won't change my vote, and I really don't think this server needs any more staff at the moment. Good luck though! :)
  18. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    So if all the stuff in your application is true then I see no problem with you becoming a staff member. You have the experience, you know what your doing, and you seem to really enjoy the game. Age to me is just a number I know middle schoolers that are more mature than the high school kids I see everyday. I do see some negatives in you. I think you should be accepted for an interview so the staff team can ask more questions to you one on one. For now, be more active. Get to know more people, and keep up the good work! My vote is neutral! -/+ :)
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 21, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 21, 2017 ---
    Also, I didn't see anything wrong with your spelling/grammar. ;P
    SuperDyl likes this.
  19. OKNEM

    OKNEM Celebrity Meeper

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    Hey Falling! I know it's a bit rich of me to be commenting on Helper Apps after just recently coming back online, but I'll gonna have to start with a -1.

    I agree with Natsu on this. I can't really say much since I don't really talk to you, but judging by your chat in global, which is quite rare, you don't seem to be making the best comments.

    This is all well and good, but there will be staff members online during the day, specifically @NinjaRoxy, who is taking time off work at the moment to be online. I'm mostly online from 4 until 6pm AEST, which is 3 until 5 am [around this] for the United States. Most of the time, the server is completely empty, and only one or two staff could be on, which are usually @Midnight_Galaxy and/or @DarkKnight49x.

    This seems like it would take years. Judging that you're 13, you're saying that you were a trusted staff on a very large server when you were 11/12? Seems a teensy bit sketchy.

    Everyone, including non-staff, should do this.

    I've done this myself and can say that this doesn't really relate to Meep that much. I mean, it's FUTURE Problem Solving. It's not really the type of thing that really should be looked down on as a positive for applying as a Minecraft Server Staff. It's a positive for schooling and education, I do encourage that you keep doing it. :)

    Not doing this on Meep is a bannable offence.

    Very interested to see what sport this is. Also, this description is very vague about what you do, and barely relates to Meepcraft. You wouldn't really work under high pressure on Meep, would you? It's a Minecraft Server. Supposed to relax and chill.

    On the flip side, I don't think this is a weakness. I like that you're finding the facts and getting to the point. Without an example, it would be hard to determine the exact severity of this, but if it's what I think it is, just tone it down a tiny bit. It's cool.

    Question: Does this impact your grades in any subject that have exams or end-of-term tests?

    This is my last statement. You're barely active in global. Get to know people! Also, I like how Natsu's using 'most' in that sentence. You gotta be careful around some people!

    My vote is currently a -1. Have a great day! :D
  20. lucatunes

    lucatunes Popular Meeper

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    It can effect my grades but not much. My teachers are aware of this.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 22, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 22, 2017 ---
    Your Right. I used Grammarly :D
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