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President Trump

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Nov 8, 2016.


How Will Trump Do In Office?

  1. Good, mang

  2. Not so good, mang

  1. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I dont care that you dont want to hear about my grandparents, I talked about them so what?

    Donald Trump's regular jaunts to his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida appear to be costing taxpayers a small fortune. The president's three trips have probably cost the federal Treasury about $10 million,
    The president's three trips have probably cost the federal Treasury about $10 million,
    probably cost the federal Treasury about $10 million,
    probably? umm probably? probably isnt a fact LOL

    I posted a source saying that the government would reimburse Palm Beach but I said I heard Trumps Organization was also going to be picking up some of that tab. THE GOVERNMENT WILL BE REIMBURSING PALM BEACH YET I SAID TRUMPS ORGANIZATION MIGHT BE PICKING UP SOME OF THAT TAB. THEREFORE I DID GIVE YOU A SOURCE SAYING THEY WOULD BE REIMBURSED. THANK YOU.

    Ahhh yes Flynn. Who give false information to the conservative vice president and then was nearly forced to resign. by the conservative he lied to.

    Ann Coulter should take Nancy Pelosi's place. Nancy Pelosi is a sad excuse for a human being.

    OR they cant find anything but will continue to dig and dig. Hillary Clinton was under federal investigation and they caught her real quick.
    And I quote "Deleting 33,000 emails was an accident and a mistake, I did not know it was that big of a deal" she said it during the debates, and still stands by that. Her investigation didn't take long because it was all right there and easy for them to find because she's an idiot. Surprised she isn't locked up yet. Thats one of the 1st things I disagree with Trump on, he isn't pushing her to be locked up, I think he should push that a little more.

  2. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    It just seemed like you used your grandparents to prove your point and fire shots at liberals.
    Natsu and Pmx728 like this.
  3. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    The source you posted did not say the government was going to reimburst them. It said they all agreed they should be reimbursed. However the fund is only 7M dollars, not enough to cover all the security Trump is using while he tries to be President on vacation.

    Palm Beach Is Sick of Paying for Donald Trump's Weekend Visits to Mar-a-Lago

    This article essentially says the same thing. Trump, since January has almost run up a bill equaling a year of Obama's vacations. I see you're grasping at straws now by nitpicking a single word to deflect a valid point, and saying conservatives don't lie.

    Also in the article provided, it sheds more details on Palm Beach.

    I quote:

    The Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office says that the county has spent $570,000 to help security and other measures to protect Trump during his presidency, and that doesn't include overtime pay. Law enforcement officials assigned to aiding the president’s visits are paid overtime, totaling another $60,000 or so per day. Trump also visited Palm Beach during the winter holidays after he was elected but before he became president, costing the county around $548,000. Altogether, the bill comes to well over $1 million in Trump-related costs incurred by the county over the past few months.

    Kerner says the federal government has refused to reimburse the county. As a result, Kerner says he has no choice but to find another avenue to seek reimbursement, and charging Mar-a-Lago looks like the best option.

    Here are some more gems from Ann Coulter

    Ann Coulter Quotes - BrainyQuote

    If she was caught -- Why isn't she on trial?
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 20, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 20, 2017 ---

    You believe in Pizzagate too, don't you?
    Pmx728 and Deljikho like this.
  4. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    No, I wasn't trying to use my grandparents to prove my point. Liberals just dont use their heads.

    Yes, he's vacationing all the time right? thats why its called "the winter White House". He doesn't like the cold apparently! I see nothing wrong with him going to Mar-A-Lago.

    As I said, Trump organizations would help.

    Love it! I think you thought I would feel stupid after you posted the quotes but you thought wrong. I thought many of them were funny. Cough cough, thats why I like her. <3
    In Her Own Words - Stupid Things Nancy Pelosi Actually Said and other Liberal Quotes
    LOL all I can do is laugh at what the typical Liberals have to say, although I do respect Joe Biden for saying, and I quote "Allow Donald Trump to govern" that was a respectful thing to say.

    Is this you denying the fact the Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 emails with at least 10 of them containing top secret federal information in them? After she admitted it was a "mistake" on I believe the 2nd debate between her and Donald Trump?
  5. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Can you provide a source for it? You're not a credible source.

    I don't know for a fact what happened but I would definitely assume there was shady things done by her and her team, absolutely. Were they illegal enough to warrant prosecution? I don't know, but Republican FBI James Comey doesn't believe so. I know General David Petraeus was caught knowingly giving classified information to his mistress and took a plea deal for probation, which would signal that classified information offenses are not that aggregious after all.

    I don't really care about what liberals have to say / think, given I'm not a liberal. I vote for democrats and republicans, depending on their actions / ideology / honesty. My U.S representative is Justin Amash, a really decent Republican. That being said, who is to say your view of liberals is deeply flawed and incorrect, remember, you posted in this thread that you believed Clinton wasn't against Sharia law.

    As far as Nancy Pelosi? I think she's an idiot and a limousine liberal. But whether or not she beats Ann Coulter is not relevant, as it has nothing to do with the lies and corruption within the Trump administration.

    Can you please cite any evidence that the Trump Administration or Trump Organization would be reimbursting Palm Beach? We all know the Trump Organization has a nasty habit of nonpayment.


    Contractor claims Trump company refusing to pay for work on DC hotel
    Two contractors allege getting stiffed for work on Trump’s D.C. hotel
    Contractors file liens against Trump D.C. hotel for unpaid labor
    Electrical contractor suing Trump Hotel for $2 million in unpaid bills
    USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills
    Dozens of lawsuits accuse Trump of not paying his bills, reports claim
    Donald Trump’s Business Plan Left a Trail of Unpaid Bills
    Trump’s DC Hotel Tagged With $5 Million in Unpaid Worker Liens

    The Campaign

    Trump Campaign Staffers Quit After Not Getting Paid
    Trump is reportedly not paying his campaign staffers
    SURPRISE! Trump's Washington Policy Staff Walk Out On Him
    Donald Trump is refusing to pay his campaign pollster three-quarters of a million dollars
    Donald Trump Doesn't Pay All of His Campaign Staffers
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 20, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 20, 2017 ---
    Just caught this, sorry.

    Let's give you the benefit of the doubt and say it costs $100,000 daily for security. Why should New York City tax payers foot this bill to provide security to people who are choosing to stay in New York, instead of moving to the White House, where there is sufficient security present and is paid by the federal government?

    Let's not focus on when she's moving to the WH, or why she is in New York.

    Why should NYC tax payers be on the hook for this? Do you think they should revoke the security if Trump doesn't pay for it?
    cnkropp, Erebus45 and Pmx728 like this.
  6. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Im referring to Mar-A-Lago, them fitting the bill. It was stated in your source. Wether that happens or not, I cannot say.

    But we are just gonna beat around the bush for Mrs. Clinton aren't we? Wether she gets in trouble (as she deserves) or doesn't karma will find her an bite her in the butt!

    Well you posted on Ann Coulter basically attempting to say she is an idiot? Am I right?
    I rebutted with Nancy Pelosi and a couple other stupid people.
    I firmly believe Liberals are idiots (wether you are one or not) and I have the right to say that. My freedom of speech is more important than the Liberals offended by it.
    Is it safe to say you are neither Liberal nor Conservative, Republican nor Democrat, just an Anti-Trump guy? Which again is 100% okay. Im not judging you on that just asking.

    As I have repeated, I heard the Trump organizations would be paying for some of it but to please not mark my word on that. We will see who pays for it in the long run. At this point im not too concerned with it.

    Thank you for posting many sources on this lol, when you hire someone to do a job and they dont do it correctly do you pay them? I hope not.
    Before even reading them I know what you are talking about for all of em, the dishwasher? he has thousands of employees and your bringing up a dishwasher that may or may not have gotten paid a pay check and if they did, its wasn't on time, 10 years ago. Trump says if they do a good job on his buildings they get paid all of the money.
    As far as a campaign, you have people like Kellyanne Conway who isn't complaining. COME ON! Be for real.

    Lets start,
    Donald Trump stayed at his home, it cost 1 million dollars a day roughly for him to stay there before entering the White House... where else should he have went? (if it was even that much which i doubt it but i won't sit here and deny it either.)
    Then it dropped to what? 136,000 a day for Melania and Barron to stay there? Which wether they stay there or not the security is going to have to protect his home.
    Now back to your 7 million dollar claim. That had nothing to do with Palm Beach. New York City was reimbursed 7 million dollars. So no, the tax payers aren't technically paying for Melania and Barron to stay in NYC.
  7. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Would you agree that this stereotype gives you an inherent bias and perhaps you need to start looking at information at an impartial perspective?
    Pmx728 likes this.
  8. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    What is your definition of a liberal? I'm curious because quotes like this make you sound arrogant.
    Pmx728 and Deljikho like this.
  9. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Let me word this in a way that my not be so blunt or to some rude... actually let me give an example..

    Liberal view: You have two cows. Your neighbor has none. You feel guilty. So you vote people into office that tax your cows, forcing you to sell one to pay the tax. The people you voted for then use your tax money to buy a cow and give it to your neighbor. You feel righteous.

    Conservative: You have two cows. You sell one, buy a bull and build a herd of cows.

    They have an example for communist and socialist but I think we can all agree that we dont agree with those. (I did not think of that on my own, I saw it online and it truly made perfect sense).

    @Deljikho Look at the link I posted on what Liberals have said, very intelligent right?
    In Her Own Words - Stupid Things Nancy Pelosi Actually Said and other Liberal Quotes

    Now look at "stupid" things that Conservatives had said (which really are no where near what Liberals have said).
    50 Dumbest Things Right-Wingers Said in 2013

    Umm well the true definition of a Liberal is someone who will discard traditional view points and values.
    So people like Joy Behar, Nancy Pelosi, Madonna, etc etc...
  10. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    I have no idea what this has to do with you being on a debate thread with an admittedly inherent stereotype based bias. Seriously what does that have to do anything, besides it doesn't even seem like a sound analogy to begin with. You seem like the type of person that automatically agrees with anything that demeans the political party you disagree with.

    Maybe I can use an example that you understand. My liberal great-uncle raises chickens as his main profession, and a few year's ago he bought a few acres for cattle as extra cash. He has about a dozen cattle or so and every year rents a bull to breed the cattle. Then when a cattle gets old he kills it or sells it and keeps breeding for perpetuity. His handling of cattle has nothing to do with his political views, he hates Trump but isn't an idiot and knows how livestock works. I really do not understand why you gave me that analogy at all.

    So a handful of quotes means all liberals are idiots? This is a logical fallacy in itself, perhaps closest related to Dogmatism. Wouldn't using a logical fallacy in a debate thread be somewhat of an idiotic thing to do, on your behalf?

    It has nothing to do with conservative/liberal. People are all inherently unique. There are smart and dumb people on both sides of the political spectrum. I really hope that idea isn't too difficult for you to grasp.

    But my question remains (hint it's a Yes/No question, no reason to randomly bring up cattle): Would you agree that this stereotype gives you an inherent bias and perhaps you need to start looking at information with an impartial perspective?
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017
    Pmx728 and Deinen like this.
  11. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    But how is Clinton relevant to Trump? Clinton lost the election, she's not the President.

    I'm an independent and you originally brought up Ann Coulter, comparing her to Nancy Pelosi. I made the distinction it's disingenuous to compare a shock pundit who says the things she says to cause controversy and sell books, to a sitting U.S Representative. Why do you believe liberals are idiots and why would you make "freedom of speech" a point when that isn't relevant either. Nobody is talking about the government locking you up for saying liberals are idiots, nor has anyone even thought that.

    You do understand freedom of speech does not mean free of consequences, correct? It simply means the government can't punish you for saying that. You can be fired from a job, you can be ridiculed in public, someone could even be offended and hit you and it still would not infringe on your free speech.

    It's saddening that you label liberals as idiots, as opposed to having an ideology that you disagree with. I don't think conservatives are idiots, I think you're an idiot. I disagree with Klutchdecals vehemently on ideology, but he's a great damn guy and I'm happy to say a close friend and I don't see that changing. Why would I label him something he's not, which is what you're doing. Compared to the liberals you've been arguing in this thread, it seems they contain superior intelligence to you, based on how the form arguments, provide sources and counter points which you haven't done.

    If Trump came into office and genuinely tried to do his best and genuinely tried to put this nation first, I'd give him a shot. He hasn't done this, he's put forth budgets that would decimate our domestic policy and insurance that accentuates all the horrible things with Obamacare and almost literally removes all the mechanisms that worked well. He continuously makes baseless accusations and statements on social media, absorbs and mimics a concerning about of Fox news and Breitbart. He undermines elected judges who disagree with him, insults elected representatives who counter his points and has disdain for anyone who actually calls him out. He's a petulant child. What is worse is we have roughly 30% of our population that buys into his propaganda like it's a cult and literally when presented with facts and reality, 9 times out of 10 they reply with "Obama....!" or "Clinton....!" or "MAGA" or "GET USED TO IT WE WON"

    Do I have any fear anything Trump does will has a lasting effect? Outside of our standing in the world, not really, as 8 years (maximum) isn't enough time to sway a liberalizing population anyway. Speaking of liberals, there are more of them than there is of your side except now they also have the motivation to recognize an issue with a person losing the popular vote and winning the electoral college and they can easily move to begin changing that system to be more proportionally representative.

    Coming from a family that owns many contractor type businesses including two electrical and a mechanical engine/compression repair. This is not the way business occurs. When a contractor errors and breaks something doing a job - They must pay to fix it, because it was their fault. If the contractor does an overall bad job - The customer gets to file a lawsuit, not just not pay them. Doing this inherently puts the fault on the customer.

    This is how it actually works in contract type work, and when a ton of people accuse you of doing the same thing, it seems likely you're guilty of something, right? If 20 people tell the police you just broke into this gas station, it's pretty likely you actually did do it.

    I'm going to address my 7 million dollar claim because it's clear you did not read the article. Bold is the article and italics is my explanation to you.

    Florida U.S. reps: Pay Palm Beach County for Trump security costs

    Palm Beach County’s congressional delegation is unanimous in its support of the county’s effort to be reimbursed for expenses incurred providing security to President-elect Donald Trump.

    The congressional delegation from Palm Beach County are all in agreement that the county should be reimbursed for the expenses it has paid to provide security to President Trump

    The delegation has written a letter to the U.S. departments of Homeland Security and Justice asking for reimbursement money for the county.

    This same delegation, the one from Palm Beach County, wrote a letter to Homeland Security and Justice Department asking for them to reimburse them.

    Congress has set aside $7 million to reimburse local governments for Trump-related security expenses, but that pot of money is too small to accommodate requests from the county and from New York City, where the president-elect has held a series of transition meetings.

    Congress voted to allot $7,000,000 dollars to a fund to reimburse local governments for Trump related security expenses. But that isn't enough money to reimburse the people who don't want to foot the bill, ya see?

    On Dec. 5, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio wrote congressional leaders to ask for reimbursement for providing security at Trump Tower, where the president-elect and his family have residences. The New York Times reported that the mayor is seeking $35 million.

    The New York City Mayor, Bill de Blasio, wrote congress to ask for a reimbursement (paid back) for providing security at Trump Tower, they have already spent $35,000,000 - Which is $28,000,000 more than $7,000,000

    Fifteen days after de Blasio asked congressional leaders for reimbursement, Palm Beach County wrote to its delegation asking for help as it pursues reimbursement for providing security to Trump during trips to his Mar-A-Lago mansion on Palm Beach.

    Fifteen days later the delegation from Palm Beach County wrote it's letter asking for reimbursement.


    Not only has it cost an astonishing amount of money to secure all these locations, but the affect it has had on local businesses who have had their customer traffic all but blocked off.

    Trump Tower security may have cost area businesses $40 million
    TIFFANY & CO.: Trump Tower is killing our business

    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 21, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 21, 2017 ---
    I'll take this analogy.

    Your liberal situation actually sounds like democracy at work, considering for those people to get into office, they must have had the majority. As a conservative in this situation you also have options, you can go along with it or move somewhere else, right?

    That's how democracy works, why would you rail against this?
  12. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Speaking of dumb things conservatives have said this is by far my favorite:

    “Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.”

    That is a verbatim transcript from a trump speech given at Magnolia Hall in South Carolina.

    Also, you've not even addressed the many lies that @Deinen pointed out trump has said. Including his tweets from earlier today that were immediately debunked by the very people he tweeted about! How do you defend/explain that?
    Pmx728 likes this.
  13. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    Wtf is he even trying to say? I have read this four or five times now but I can't understand what he is trying to say at all.
    Deljikho likes this.
  14. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    Your conservative example doesn't show the flaws of this political system which is that many people can't afford the cows that they need to build a herd in the first place.

    Now this can be caused by a number of things such which can be controllable and uncontrollable. Ones that you can control are you how well you manage your money, if you do drugs, or just make stupid decisions in general. The uncontrollable things being what socioeconomic background you are born into, what schools you go to (unless you have enough money to go to private which a lot of people don't), or even stupid decisions your parents make (if you are younger).

    Now if you are born into poverty, it will be much harder for you to be able to afford said cows and make a herd (which I assume in this example is "The American Dream") because it is much easier to make money when you have money, and much harder to make money with less money. Being born into poverty also means that you likely can't afford college, which is needed nowadays to make a good living, so you have to get student loans. Student loan debt is about at $1.2 trillion, and it is a huge problem in this country.

    It has gotten to the point where a college education has gotten to expensive for many, so they can't get well-paying jobs. All they can really do at this point is work at a job that doesn't require a college education being minimum wage restaurant jobs living paycheck to paycheck, and this lifestyle can be hell for people with sons or daughters. My sister found herself in this situation, and she was scammed by some deadbeat into thinking that they she was going to get married and have a great life, and now she is a single mother living paycheck to paycheck, and living off food stamps.

    Do you really think we should cut these programs to at least let people survive in this country? In your example your "herd" wasn't taxed at all which mean't that you would prosper with your wealth, while others would die because they didn't have a cow to start off with. Do you think that is fair? Not everyone benefiting from social programs are deadbeats, and some people need to survive.
    Erebus45 and Deinen like this.
  15. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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  16. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

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    Ranger0203 and Natsu like this.
  17. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Well well well

    How The Trump Campaign Weakened The Republican Platform On Aid To Ukraine

    Trump, when being advised by Paul Manafort, gutted the GOP platform at the convention from any anti-Russian rhetoric.

    New documents show Trump aide laundered payments from party with Moscow ties, lawmaker alleges

    They've discovered, Paul Manafort, has been hiding payments from a Ukranian political party with ties to Russia.

    Manafort sought for questioning – in D.C. and Kiev

    Aaaand he's wanted for questioning now in two countries.

    Draining that swamp amirite?
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 21, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 21, 2017 ---
    America first?

    Trump winery seeks to hire more foreign workers: report
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 21, 2017 ---
    Keeping America safe?

    Tillerson no-show at NATO renews European disquiet about Trump
    Rex Tillerson plans to skip a key NATO summit, will travel to Russia
  18. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    Pmx728 and Deinen like this.
  19. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Deljikho I certainly can agree that there a stupid and smart conservative and liberals. No denying that. I just dont like the liberal stand point. Can I add that you quoted me on just my liberal comment so that is why I only talked about Liberals/conservatives.

    You cant just look at Trump and not look at Obama, Clinton etc etc. I bring up others in comparison because its an issue if Trump does something but if a previous president, first lady or ex-running mate did it theres no problem. Only if Trump does it.

    Because it seems like the Author is smarter than the person working for the government. Also, I know how free speech works. Thats why the lady who worked for the secret service said she "wouldn't take a bullet for Trump" and thankfully got fired. She has the write to say that but she suffered the consequence. I hate when you try to explain something to me as if I dont know how it works. Its no funny, it doesn't make you look smarter.

    Yes, my family also owns a small handful of companies. We have a contracting company, we have a web design company and my step dad outside of his regular job has his own electrical company on the side incase he wants extra work. If any of our business's do something wrong we either dont get paid until its fixed or get paid partially (as Trump did pay them partially) and says that in the links you cited.

    Thank you for the Bold and Italics it helped me realize how big of a.... you know what you are.

    No, a democracy gives people more freedom and allows to people to speak for themselves. Not take from the workers to give to the people who dont want to work. Government assistance is to help you get back on your feet, not pay your way because you dont want to get off your butt!!

    He is talking about how his uncle was a science professor, he was a smart person. If Trump came out as a Liberal and said half of what he said they would portray him to be "smart" but because he's coming out as a conservative the media is shutting him down. He's talking about how nuclear weapons are bad and how people would kill us.

    Mexico paying for the wall? still negotiating and if they dont he has another plan.
    Wiretapping? Still under investigation. Not gonna comment on that anymore as the case isn't finished.

    I was quoted on calling Liberals idiots, that was one example as to why they are.

    My family owned ranches, my grandfather was born on a ranch, my dad was born on a ranch. If you cant afford to own the ranch then you work for one. This goes for businesses and everything else. If you cant own the business, work for it. Being poor can sometimes be a choice.

    Work hard in high school and you can get scholarships for college.
    Are you suggesting we make college free? Lets look how stupid that sounds. (if you agree that college should be free)
    Germany: Free college, National debt: 2.4 trillion
    Norway: fee college, national best: 124 billion
    America: national debt 20 ish trillion dollars (fyi Trump has cut the national debt 100 million within 2 months)
    You can get many well paying jobs without college. My dad makes 6 figures a year, no college, my mom makes about 40 or 50k a year, no college, my uncle makes 6 figures a year, no college, my grandma made 6 figures a year, no college. No college just means you have got to work harder. Also you don't see someone going into the medical field or the education field without a job, go to college for the right stuff. A community college near my home costs 6k for an associates degree, the trade school im going to in under a thousand bucks.

    I think we should have taxes however the democrats want to keep raising them, most of my pay check shouldn't be going to uncle sam! How about use the system correctly and try to get off government aid? if people got on government assistance got back on their feet and worked we wouldn't have that issue. My step brother for example, applies for a job and quits because he doesn't get a promotion, he doesn't want a boss, he wants to move up into the company within his first 2 weeks. You'll never move up in a company with that mindset, you have to start from the bottom.

    I see no problem with this at all, he is skipping the "peace" meeting to figure out whats going on in Russia?

    Could care less,

    1.) hiring on a visa program
    2.) they need workers, Americans dont want to do the job so who else is gonna do it?
    The problem isn't hiring foreigners its hiring illegals, #duh thats what the entire thing is about. Thats how the story gets turned around, Trump says he doesn't want illegal immigrants in America so everyone just puts all immigrants in that mix.

    lol saying it multiple times doesn't make it a bad thing.

    Oh yes Trevor Noah can "dumb something down" making fun of Trump in a dumb way (which he obviously didn't understand what people meant)
    Drain the swamp: What I and most other Trump supporters took it as, get rid of the bad people, get rid of the corruption, get rid of the idiots not doing a thing and collecting a pay check, get rid of the illegal immigrants, stop sending funds to things that are receiving too many funds, get rid of obamacare. Not drain the swamp as in firing everyone lololololol take out of it what you want, I cant change the way you think.
  20. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    As usual, you're wrong. Obama and Clinton are not President and thus not deserving of the scrutiny. If you want to bring up actions when Obama was President, then certainly I would be open to discussing. However, neither Obama or Clinton excuse Trump, so stop inferring that.

    Well, again, you did post that you believed Hillary Clinton wasn't against Sharia law, so I'm forced to take everything you say with a grain of salt.

    I was forced to because it was the second time I've posted that article for you to misread/not read it and make claims that are not factually correct. What else am I supposed to do? You're worldview is based off falsehoods and it's my duty as an American citizen to keep pushing on how incomplete your information that informs your worldview is. Again, you thought Clinton wasn't against a religious lawset stemming from 1% of our population to control the other 99%. I didn't say this -- You did.

    Another thing you're wildly incorrect on. Democracy does not enshrine any freedoms inherently, but provides a system for people to vote. Look at ancient Athens, a direct democracy - But they did not enjoy freedoms, or freedom of speech. In your analogy, people used democracy to vote in liberals, so they must have had the majority. You, as a conservative in this situation are free to move to a location that more closely matches your worldview. This is what democracy is, and America's freedom allows you to move freely to another location.

    Mexico isn't paying for a wall, lol.
    Mexico's president: We will not pay for wall - CNN Video

    The wiretapping is not under investigation because no proof exists that it ever happened. It's really that simple mang.

    What is currently under investigation, according to FBI Director James Comey, is Trump and his administration and their connections to Russia

    -- What would Jesus do?

    So you're saying immigrants actually don't steal our jobs, but they take the jobs we don't want?

    Can you cite any evidence that he's gotten rid of the corruption? From what it looks like, his administration has it's own corruption that came with it.
    Pmx728 and CluelessKlutz like this.

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