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President Trump

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Nov 8, 2016.


How Will Trump Do In Office?

  1. Good, mang

  2. Not so good, mang

  1. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    So is that a no to using statistics to prove your point like every other sane person debating a topic? Or are you just debating with blanket statements.
    Pmx728 likes this.
  2. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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  3. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    So North Korea says they will attack South Korea and parts of the United States, but we should do nothing about it? You say im delusional? lol okayyy

    Yes, im the one the one who needs to educate myself. Totally.

    I use real sources and watch interviews/speeches so i can hear the words coming out of their mouths. What i tried saying was she is for the Islamic ways, she literally said "I applaud them for the way they run things" in a speech.

    Yes, everything i say that you dont agree with must be a "blanket" statement. I have not seen you post a single thing about why Trump has done bad. Only criticizing how i debate. Why dont you join in and ask question about the topic. Please.

    I love the Conway family, much respect for them. Kellyanne and her husband are two great picks for Trump's administration. Proud of her for being the first female successful campaign manager (but apparently the left says Trump hates woman, says he believes they shouldn't have equal rights as a man and apparently he's just a typical racist white guy).

    I really dont have an opinion on him yet, time will tell. So far so good.
  4. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    They won't actually attack us. It is all just posturing to make them look strong. If we attack them first though, China will attack us and that is a fight that will not end well for anyone.

    I think you need to get your hearing checked and find some new sources.

    There is no point in him trying to debate you. You use so many fallacies and don't cite or use facts. Not to mention the fact that you just ignore any constructive criticism and points made against you. Instead, you change the topic or attack the person's character.

    “the Bowling Green massacre”
    “I moved on her like a b****, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married.”
    “I did try and f*** her. She was married.”
    “Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
    “Grab them by the p****. You can do anything.”
    Natsu and Pmx728 like this.
  5. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    And were not going to attack them unless we feel that they can harm us, as said in many articles "all bets are on the table" meaning, we aren't just gonna make a move on em but if we need to, we will. As we should.

    My sources are fine. I guess if it goes against you its wrong, eh?

    When have i changed the topic? I do not ignore any criticism, when have i attacked anyone character? Seriously? Look at the way people are changing my words, I say "I believe the Muslim religion is a religion based on hate and their ways should not be brought into America" and the next thing i know im racist towards African Americans & Hispanics!! Please explain that one would ya!

    Kellyanne was misguided and actually apologized for saying that, she admitted she was wrong. Can we move on?

    1.) That is not fair to Donald as he did not know he was being recorded.
    2.) I do not agree with what he said and i find is nasty but he and many other people have moved on.
    3.) This does not mean he hates women and finds that they are not equal to men.
    4.) This was over a decade ago, Bill Clinton had sex in the Oval Office, get over it.
  6. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    Ok I will start now. One of the worst things about his travel ban is the fact that he let conflicts of interest affect the way how he wrote the order. He didn't include Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Egypt. Those three countries all had participants in the 9/11 terrorist attack with 15/19 terrorists being citizens of Saudi Arabia. Now the executive order states that its purpose was to prevent another terrorist attack like 9/11 to happen again. Do you see the contradiction?

    Now we could stop there and just assume that the order was not very thought out, however there is more at hand. He praises Saudi Arabians by saying “They buy apartment from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million. Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.” He also owns two hotels in Istanbul for which he has earned as much as $5 million. "In Egypt, Trump’s business holdings are characteristically vague. His latest Federal Election Commission filing lists two companies in the country, Trump Marks Egypt and Trump Marks Egypt LLC, both of which are most likely connected to a development venture."

    What does it say about a president’s character when he puts his business ventures above his promises towards the American people? If he is already letting his business affect his promises in 20 days, how many times will he let it happen again during the next four years? Trumps actions are the epitome of hypocrisy as he always mentions he will eliminate corruption when he is the one strengthening the bonds that hurt those who are innocent.

    Trump's Muslim ban excludes countries linked to his businesses
    Pmx728 likes this.
  7. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    In December 2015, President Obama signed into law a measure placing limited restrictions on certain travelers who had visited Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria on or after March 1, 2011. Two months later, the Obama administration added Libya, Somalia, and Yemen to the list, in what it called an effort to address "the growing threat from foreign terrorist fighters."
    (straight from cnn's page)
    Why would the Obama administration think that those countries pose a threat to America? Why did the Obama administration think they would harm us? Why didn't the Obama administration add Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to their watch list? Is it because Donald Trump has business's there?

    I believe you are referring to a 1987 interview with Donald and Larry? Do you mean Japan? Correct me if im wrong.

    I dont feel his business's are effecting his promises, I also dont think Trump is a hypocrite. He hurts the innocents? how?
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 19, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 19, 2017 ---
    Also before you edited it out, maybe you realized you were wrong but i caught it before it was refreshed when you started your comment out by saying "I believe his ban is a Muslim ban". When you have a Muslim ban you ban all Muslims. When you have a Christian ban you ban all Christians. When you have a drinking ban you ban all alcoholic beverages. Do you see where i am going with this? In order for it to be a Muslim ban you would have to ban all Muslims. Donald Trump did not ban all Muslims. If Donald Trump banned all Muslims then i would agree with you, that is was a Muslim ban. However he did not ban all Muslims.It has nothing to do with Religion but everything to do with danger.
  8. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    Yes I did say that, however the reason why I edited it out is because I realized I was starting a whole other debate that we can get to later. I really want to focus on the point I was making please about the effect of his conflicts of interests on his promises.
    Pmx728 likes this.
  9. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I have commented on what you said to the best of my ability. Please either reply to what I said or rephrase what you are saying. Thank you
  10. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    We should take action if they attack us or an ally but we should avoid attacking first. War against China should be avoided because that will be a fight where no one wins.

    You changed the point from "what he did was wrong" to "but Obama did it too." Can you tell me how Trump made us safer by banning all people (even those already vetted) from those countries from entering the US?
    Islam is as hateful a religion as Christianity. What is hateful are radicals and people who interpret it to fit their views and wants.
    I don't think you are racist towards black people and hispanics and what he said was a huge leap.

    No, we can't because she continuously tells lies, half truths, and dodges questions.

    1. Sorry, I forgot that it makes okay since he said it in private.
    2. He obviously doesn't consider women to be truly equal or he wouldn't say and think things like that.
    3. I never said he hates women. Just that he is sexist.
    4. Yes and what Bill Clinton did was wrong be we aren't talking about him are we?
    Pmx728 likes this.
  11. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    You are missing the point here and rambling about what the Obama Administration did again. Stop looking at the past and look at the future of this country. My point is that those 3 countries have harmed U.S citizens before, and the travel ban wants to stop terrorism. Yet, these countries that have harmed U.S citizens aren't banned because of President Trump's business ties to them. More specifically,
    Egypt: "Trump lists two companies on his FEC filing possibly related to business in Egypt: Trump Marks Egypt and Trump Marks Egypt LLC."
    Saudi Arabia: "Trump lists companies on his FEC filing possibly related to a development project in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia’s second-biggest city, located outside Mecca: DT Jeddah Technical Services Manager LLC, DT Jeddah Technical Services Manager Member Corp., THC Jeddah Hotel Manager LLC and THC Jeddah Hotel Manager Member Corp."
    United Arab Emirates: "The Trump Organization has a licensing and management deal in Dubai with Damac Properties Dubai Co. for a golf course and luxury villas currently under construction. Another Trump-branded golf course, designed by Tiger Woods, is under development with Damac nearby."
    Well it doesn't matter at all how you feel in a debate. What matters is facts.

    He is a hypocrite when he claims he wants to protect the citizens yet he doesn't ban the countries that have legitimately harmed us.
    Pmx728 likes this.
  12. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    As i said, we will only take action if they take action first. As was stated, they will not attack North Korea unless they feel North Korea is going to harm us or someone else.

    What? This makes no sense. Let me clarify. What Trump said he would do to a woman back in 2005 was wrong, i find it nasty and some what offensive towards women. Then i said "Trump said it, Clinton did it."
    Then i said Obama made the list, Trump enforced it. Trump said he was going to ban the countries until his team found out what was going on. Until the questions were answered. Why did Obama add those countries to a watch list if he thought they weren't a threat? The comparisons you made of "What he did was wrong" to "Obama did it too" is completely wrong. They are two totally different topics then you some how managed to turn into one. One was about sexual references and the other was about the ban. . . . . . . .

    Can you tell me why Obama thought those countries were a threat?

    Hillary Clinton lies all the time. Also, what lie has Kellyanne ever said? Please give examples...

    I never said it was okay because it was in private. I believe i said it shouldn't be used against him. Have you heard men talk? Ive heard way worse from many people.

    Men have a drive for sex, it is a proven fact that men think about sex twice as much as women do. On guys night out sex is normally a large portion of the conversation. If Donald Trump does not find women equal to men simply because of those comments then neither do 85% of the guys in the world.


    Dont criticize Trump if i cant criticize Clinton or Obama.

    You do understand that without the past we have no future? What Obama's administration did can also effect Trumps administration? And if Obama made a list marking those 7 countries as a threat to America and didn't tell Trump why he did that, that Trump should find out why? So he stopped people from those countries from coming here to find out why. You literally cant have that conversation without bringing Obamas administration up.

    Okay should i say his business's have no effect on the way he governs?

    He does want to protect the citizens, he has proven that. The reasonings are out there as to why those countries were picked. Did you know that we have no way of getting any background information from the people coming from those countries? Iraq was taken off the list because Iraq decided to help ensure that no criminals were coming from their country into ours.
  13. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    As long as you have facts to back up your claim.
    He may want to protect the citizens however thus far has proven that his business ventures have a higher priority than the American people.
  14. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    How? If Trump cared about his businesses more then America he wouldn't have ran for President. As I read online, Why would be give up his billionaire lifestyle to run the country? Maybe because of his love for America?
  15. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    He cares about his businesses more than america because he didn't apply the travel ban to countries that have actually harmed the U.S due to his business ties. These countries include Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.
    How many times to I have to repeat it?
  16. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    I stand by my point you're completely uneducated and this reply highlights how much. North Korea has been saying they will attack South Korea and America pretty much immediately after the cease fire, so essentially for 60+ years. This has prompted the United States to leave a hefty naval presence and roughly 50,000 troops stationed in South Korea, and another roughly 50,000 troops stationed in Japan.

    You do realize that any war with north Korea will place us directly against China in likely an armed conflict, because China won't allow 50,000 US troops anywhere near their border. You also realize that an armed conflict with China means the end of the world, because nuclear weapons is the only place that road leads us.

    Did you also not realize we've spent 16 years trying to defeat bands of guerrilla fighters in the Middle East, unsuccessfully, which is pretty similar to the debacle of the Korean War, which we lost -- Because we also had to fight China.

    What would be different if we invaded today?
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 19, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 19, 2017 ---
    Donald Trump’s On A Golf Course Today, For The 10th Time In 8 Weeks, JUST LIKE THE WORKING CLASS!
    The White House Said Trump Was Going To A Golf Course For Meetings But Then This Picture Emerged
    Palm Beach Mayor Says They May Have to Raise Taxes to Pay for President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Visits
    Erebus45 likes this.
  17. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    So can you find a interview were us liberals can see hillary clinton say that?
    Reading comprehension*
    move on em like a B****
    1.) What does him being recorded have to do with it?
    2.) How can you move on hearing that Donald trump has at least committed sexual assault, possibly worse! doesn't that completely destroy any sort of moral argument his white house tries to put together?
    3.) No it doesn't, but it does prove that he's a scummy person.
    4.) Bill clinton doesn't matter. He literally doesn't matter. Even if everything that you say about Hillary and Bill was true, it doesn't matter because there not president or vocal critics of the president.

    The list was made by Obama, Donald just decided to completely ban the countries vs restrict them. Now for clarification, I 100% think the travel ban is wrong and will harm our country and innocent people, but this contention is just wrong.
    So what you're saying is... Donald trump employs Hillary Clinton 2.0?!

    If Donald Trump wanted to, he could use the powers of the president to make TONS of money. Simple insider trading (If he knows that the government will pass a bill that will harm/boost a certain industry, buy stock in the companies that benefit), or he could give contracts to his sons companies/companies where he will benefit if they make tons of money. If someone wanted to they could get super rich as president.
  18. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    And as i have stated. When a former President has a list of 7 countries that pose a threat to America and doesn't tell the new President why, wouldn't it be right for the new President to figure out the problem? Obamas transition team wasn't that great and Trump specifically said "Ban them until we find out what the problem is" its not like he banned them permanently. Obama didn't say "im gonna pick these 7 counties but not the ones that Trump has business's in".

    Instead of sitting there like a bunch of idiots doing nothing, its time they stand up for whats right. America isn't just going to North Korea and attacking them but if North Korea wants to try and be slick and sneak attack then you best believe that we need to be prepared.

    We survived world war 1 and 2 whats another one? Let me say this in a better way. I do not want any conflicts or wars to happen but when you have people threatening to harm you, you need to stand tall and strong in order to stop it. If you cant dodge em ram em. (Yes i used a dodge slogan there) but if you cant prevent the war then go in full force.

    You have said i was uneducated many times now, sorry were all not as smart as Deinen is. Maybe you should become president? You seem to know everything. If im so uneducated then stop debating with me or stop calling me stupid.

    Obama played 333 rounds of golf and took 28 vacations within 8 years. Get over yourself. Oh wait were not talking about Obama right? Were only allowed to point out Trumps flaws. Sorry.

    Hillary Clinton's Muslim Brotherhood Problem


    Im saying it happened 11 years ago, he didn't know he was being recorded and he said it on a private bus. Did you see the entire tape because the girl they were talking about said she would date them both and the guy on the bus with Trump asked her who shed be with first. Again locker room talk, i dont agree with what he said but that was 10 years before he even thought about becoming president.

    If he was money hungry he would be accepting a pay check. He gave a man 25,000 dollars to get out of a Mexican prison and get back on his feet. He tipped a waiter like 500 bucks or something. He let a lady stay in Trump towers for free while someone was out to kill her and her family. He gave a girl with cancer or some type of disease like 100k to get treatment. Donald has been so generous with his money and giving, it should tell you something. Nancy pelosi and Hillary Clinton both got rich off of the government and when you add it up what they made each year and what their net worths are are way off. Let alone the fact that she took 200 thousand dollars worth of furniture and silverware from the White House.
  19. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    As an American, I couldn't care less about what happens to North Koreans in their country, not my problem. You realize North Korea can barely feed it's population, let alone sneak attack the United States of America.

    Let me say this in a better way

    An armed conflict with several countries in this world, like China and Russia, would be the end of the world and would threaten to end humanity as a species in this world.

    Armed conflict with these countries are not an option because it will lead to nuclear strikes -- And that will kill everyone

    Armed conflict with North Korea will lead to armed conflict with China

    Armed conflict with a nuclear capable China will lead to the end of the human species.


    Disengaging you people is the wrong answer, your blatant ignorant ideology needs to be stamped out and exterminated. Would you let a disease fester while ignoring it? That is what your ideology is, it's a disease and it needs to be cured. Stop posting stupid things if you don't want to be called stupid, Stupid.

    You actually believe this.
    Pmx728 likes this.
  20. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    I said the interview. Like do you have a video of her supporting the Muslim Brotherhood
    Doesn't matter. As president you are held to a higher moral standard.

    All that money is nothing compared to the benefits he can give his companies as president. Now I really don't wanna get into this debate with you because I don't actually think he is abusing his power (I haven't seen evidence of it yet*) I was purely talking about a hypothetical. :)

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