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bathroom policy

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Piper N, Mar 4, 2017.


how should transgenders be treated/ bathroom policy

  1. how you self identify

  2. your given gender

  1. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Nice one reggles44
  2. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Well there is an issue with a male in a dress using the female restroom. If you are not female don't use it. I would not feel comfortable with my child or wife going into a restroom with a male in a dress. If I can "self identify" as a female when I'm a male then I should be able to "self identify" as a 21 year old and be me to legally drink in public. You don't get to just "pick" what you are. You are what you are born, end of story.
  3. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    How is it an issue when it rarely ever happens? You couldn't count the examples on your hand.

    Coming from someone who is married and has four children I can tell you immediately that you're wife is another human being who is independent and doesn't need you "to feel comfortable".

    As for children, what happens when you are out with your young daughter and she has to use the bathroom? Do you, as an adult male, go into the women's bathroom, or escort your child into the mens? I can tell you from experience that I've never encountered a creeper of the opposite sex in a public restroom but I couldn't count on my fingers the number of times I've had to take one of my kids to the restroom.

    To an extent I agree. Coming from a bit older generation I do believe there is some extremes in this identity debate that are absolutely asinine and irritate the hell out of me. Would I think of a male "identifying" as a female as a lesser human being? Absolutely not, but I also would not be overly upset if I called someone who preferred "she" to "he", nor would I accept their claims of being attacked in anyway.

    Considering what we know of homosexuality and alt type lifestyles as a science, until you can prove that hormones, chemicals and DNA cannot exercise itself in a way to make a man feel like a woman or vice versa, then there is credibility to the claim of difference between gender and biological sense.

    More to the point, why do you care what other people do? What's it to you if Fred wants to be Fanny?
  4. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

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    i thought this was a "raise your hand to go to the bathroom" thing but i guess not
  5. Courtneyyy

    Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder

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    I don't care where you do or don't take a crap. I work with many, many transgender women who were once men who use our dressing room and our bathrooms because well they are females now. The only issue people really are having is their assumptions that some 40 year old perv is gonna go into the girls bathroom waiting or some old cougar is gonna pounce on their 17 year old son which in all reality probably won't. Walk in do ya buisness and then leave, simple.

    Yes, you are correct if someone is born a male but feels like a woman that is 100% okay. My best friend is gay and he has been gay his whole life it wasn't something he "chose" it's who he is and how he was born and I love him the way he is. However, that's not the topic of this conversation but I don't believe that someone has "chosen" to live the lifestyle they want but more that they have to because that's who they are and they are comfortable to be themselves. Everybody has different beliefs and different lifestyles but I choose to support them instead. I live in such a diverse city where horrible things have happened and our city is lit up with rainbows almost every night where we live to support one another in the LGBTQ community.
    Pmx728 likes this.
  6. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    The victim card. Thats new for you.
    (What you did is a fallacy. Instead of responding to what I said, you try to turn it into a personal issue I have with you.)
    Muunkee likes this.
  7. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I feel like its making it easier for them to do it.

    I know the wife is her own human being but I would not feel comfortable sending my kids into a restroom knowing a man in a dress is in there, as well as a girl in a mans bathrooms. But mainly for the man in the womens.

    No, you don't not go in the female restroom but when I was in public with my mom and I was from the age of being born until probably 6-7 years old I went in toe female restroom. What was I going to do in there? use the restroom and that's it. I didn't know I could do more things with that thing back then, just pee.
    I care what people do when it can effect someone else's life, I don't care if you are male and want to be female or gay or want to identify as a dog, use the restroom in which you are. NOW! some people actually are fully transgender and you wouldn't be able to tell if they were a male or a female, that's fine. If you look like a female and you go into the female restroom then fine, go ahead. My problem is the "self identify" its not transgender its a man that goes into the female restroom looking like a man that I have an issue with. Not if he is trans.

    I don't think you "choose" to be gay, you love who you love. Does your friend go into the female restroom when people clearly can tell he is a man? I see gay people using the restroom they were born in. Hell they can hold each others hand in the restroom for all I care, just don't look like a male and go into the female restroom. Same for yall women.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 14, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 14, 2017 ---
    I'm fine with this situation, he/she looks like a male. Go in the mens restroom. If this was a man going into the female restroom looking like this, theres the problem.
  8. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    But "feels" are worthless in a reality of facts. The fact is that this is something that never happens once in a blue moon and that is simply attributable to the risk of being alive in the world.

    Then don't

    That's pretty much what everyone else in the world does currently, they do in to use the bathroom. I bet you I could find more examples of Republican politicians propositioning for homosexual sex in bathrooms than you could find of people misrepresenting their gender to assault people in bathrooms. Perhaps we could exclude them too, because I feel that it would just make it easier for them if we did nothing.

    But how does someone else using the restroom in this scenario affect you? I've lived more than a decade longer than you and I've never once encountered this problem ever.

    But this is not an actual situation as trans people tend to go into the bathroom which they best represent and the reason they do this is because it's the path of least resistance. They're goal is simply to use the bathroom without awkward looks or any other hassle associated with their appearance.

    If a business wants to enforce a bathroom policy then they should be able to do so, but we don't need big government getting into our personal lives and dictating what we can or cannot do in personal matters.
  9. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    These are two very very different things to be fair. It is physically possible to change your sexuality personality looks etc based upon how you feel
    Its also very different from "Im a dude and I feel like a girl today so Im putting on a dress, yay!" and a real trans person or a person that actually feels that way

    Generally a person who is real about it will look the part, at least halfway look the part, enough so it doesnt have to matter.

    If mr. "Im a girl because Im in a dress yay!" starts being stupid ariund a girl's room hes gonna get kicked out lolol
    I invite you to look at this in a realistic situation. Say you see one of the less than 4% of americans than are trans go in the bathroom. Look at the picture of the man above. If you see him going into the mens, you wont look twice. If you saw him going in the women's room, realistically, are you actually going to do or say anything about it?
    I guess wait a few minutes if you / whoever in question is uncomfortable with the situation for the uncomfortable-ness to pass, or go somewhere else to pee, but past that really, are you gonna make a scene and prolong something silly and already supposedly uncomfortable?
    SuperDyl and Pmx728 like this.
  10. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Yes, I probably would say something. I've told homeless people not to sit outside the store begging for money before. It's just who I am, can't change that. Anyways as I've stated before, if you look like a man and are a female go into the men's restroom. If you look like a female and are a man go into the female restroom. I shouldn't be able to tell if you are a female when I walk into the bathroom. Many people feel uncomfortable going to the restroom when someone from the opposite sex is in there. They are just too scared to say anything. Instead of making an issue about it how about just do it. If you look like the sex as you want to be, just do it!
    Garde7 likes this.
  11. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    That says so much about the kind of person you are...
    Cherrykit, Deljikho, Pmx728 and 2 others like this.
  12. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    ...I have no words
    I dunno, with shorter and not pink hair [lol] I look pretty much like a guy. I have broader shoulders, thicker legs, bigger hands and feet amd not a ton of chest. My face alone doesnt give it too much away one way or another and Ive had plenty of people say I look and act pretty much like a dude often, including friends and family
    Do you still want me to go to the men's room?

    Not to mention there are so many dudes who look more feminine, especially at first glance. Do you want them to go to the ladies because they look girly? Its kind of discriminatory at this point
    Why do you care so much??? Lolol
    Pmx728, BlackJack and Erebus45 like this.
  13. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Okay I think my homeless man person comment was taken the wrong way. I don't just go around telling homeless people not to beg for money but there are certain places that draw the line. I'm saying, I am that person that will speak up. If I feel you are wrong on something, I'll let you know. Anyways, y'all all know what I mean, you are simply just saying words to go against me at this point. You know what you are, use that bathroom. If you are for say Caitlin Jenner, use the female restroom I guess but if you look like a man go to the male, and vice Versa. Simple as that!
    Garde7 likes this.
  14. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    Where should a homeless person ask for money? In some back alley so nobody has to look at them?
    Deljikho, SuperDyl and Pmx728 like this.
  15. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    So, essentially, you're saying that if you find yourself in the situation you take it upon yourself to intrude into the business of other's and begin dictating how they should behave regardless of the business owner / property owner's opinion in the matter?

    As I've stated before, what harm does it cause you other than making you feel "uncomfortable" because it seems to me the solution is you not using public restrooms then. Why should other people go out of their way to alleviate your uncomfortableness? Is this not the exact same logic used by people of the far-left to dictate how others should talk and act in their presence because it makes them uncomfortable?

    The only "certain places" that is relevant to you is your personal property, in every other case it's simply not your business what other people do. Being the person that speaks up isn't inherently good, especially when you speak up when it's not your place to speak up.

    No, people don't just say words to go against you, that simply isn't how discussions go. People respond to the words you choose to use, each with their own meaning. When you put all those meanings and words together you then get a sentence that holds meaning. What someone "meant" to say is meaningless, whereas the meaning of the words and sentences they used are the thing that matters.

    But this keeps going back to a simple point; why should anyone else change their life in any manner to make you feel less uncomfortable or to match your preference?
    Erebus45, qazini and Pmx728 like this.
  16. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    This is really off topic lol
    SuperDyl likes this.
  17. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    What is?
  18. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Sometimes I don't even know what your talking about but this time:

    Topic: should transgenders use the bathrooms for the gender that they identify as or the gender that they are born with?

    Discussion right now: What should a homeless person do and what you should do to him.

    :) I like off topics, no worries
    SuperDyl likes this.
  19. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    If you really think there unrelated you need to read through the thread.
  20. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    You are steering this to the wrong direction again mate

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