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Can You Be In Multiple Towns At Once?

Discussion in 'Towns Archive' started by jmw4, Mar 14, 2017.

  1. jmw4

    jmw4 Popular Meeper

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    I always wondered if you could be in multiple towns or at least have jobs in multiple towns because I'm doing a project that needs more than one town.
  2. junelawnchaired

    junelawnchaired neat-o!

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    no but you can ask the mayor or something to give you permissions on the plot that you're working on
    SuperDyl likes this.
  3. qazini

    qazini Neighborhood Panini

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    Well, you can't join multiple towns, but if you need to work in a town you're not part of, ask the person you're helping/working for do /res friend add (your ign). Then you will be able to build on any plots they have claimed. In the case that you are working on public plots, ask one of the staff to /plot claim it temporarily and do the command to add you to their plots.
    SuperDyl likes this.
  4. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    No, that is not possible as you can only reside in one town at a time.

    As @Qazini explained, there are multiple ways to help in towns that you don't reside in.

    1) Be added as a res friend
    In its simplest way, you can ask the person in the town to add you as a res friend, allowing you to edit their plots. Note: plot has to be claimed before you can edit.
    Command: /res friend add (name)

    2) Embassy
    You can ask an assistant+ staff member of the town to set the plot as an embassy and give it to you for free temporarily to work on your project.
    Note: you will be paying embassy taxes to the town daily
    Command: /plot set embassy
    /plot fs 0
    Command: /plot claim

    3) Town claiming
    If you are co-mayor+ in your town, you can ask a co-mayor+ in the second town to unclaim the plot temporarily and give permission for your town to claim next to it. Then, you can claim it with your town and do your business.
    Note: It costs 300 per plot to claim, and an upkeep of 50 everyday.
    Command: /t unclaim
    Command: /t claim
    SuperDyl likes this.
  5. OKNEM

    OKNEM Celebrity Meeper

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    Well, you could, as Old Meep had Alpha, Beta and Gamma, which allowed you to be in 3 towns at once, one per world. But you can't be a resident of two towns in just one world.

    Note: Are we calling the period of time before the reset Old Meep and after the reset New Meep? @SimpleArchitect mentioned that when he was giving me a rundown of the six or so months I was gone.
  6. qazini

    qazini Neighborhood Panini

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    There was already a term called "old meep" before the reset. I am a really new meeper, so I honestly don't know too much but I'm fairly sure Old Meep is before Meep Networks? Or is it after...?

    Yea, just don't trust me on this stuff, I just know that a lot of people had ideas as to what pre-reset Meep should be called. I mean, after August 20th, it's widely recognized as "Gamma era/meep", but I'm not exactly sure what to call the whole time period before the reset, which would include gamma meep, but extend far beyond it.

    I'm not exactly sure why I made this comment if I don't really know what I'm talking about... See, not a good idea on my part, I'm just bored and tired. Well, I hope that a more educated, older Meeper will comment after me and explain it all.
  7. nokes

    nokes Popular Meeper

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    There was separated towny worlds like "townsA", "townsB", "townsG" each world with different map and not connected by land with each other. That is why you could join multiple towns, one in each world.
    Now we've got only one towns world, and plugin that calls "towny" afaik do not allow players to be part of more then 1 town and 1 nation at a time.
  8. BlackJack

    BlackJack Celebrity Meeper

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    IIRC there's been 3 resets. First was when MN was started, second was when MN fell, and third was the most recent one. So it'd be Pre-MN, MN, Post-MN/Alpha/Beta, and then whatever we're calling this one.

    There may have been one between MN and when Rosenow lavaballed spawn, I was inactive from the Rosenow incident to just before MN fell.
  9. OKNEM

    OKNEM Celebrity Meeper

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    Would like to read, link?
  10. BlackJack

    BlackJack Celebrity Meeper

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    No links, just from memory. Maybe someone who was present for it could chime in.

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