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Helper Application from Mr.bob cena

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Patrickbabylon, Mar 2, 2017.

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  1. Patrickbabylon

    Patrickbabylon Well-Known Meeper

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    Member Name Mr.bob cena

    Additional In Game Names: Pdubz116

    How old are you? 16

    Location: NY

    Do you have Discord? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 0-1-2-3 depends on schedule

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 1-2-3-4 depends on schedule

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No

    References: Please give IGN's Megastuforeo

    When did you join Meepcraft? 2013? Don't know exact date

    Introduction: Hello my name is Quinn also known as patrickbabylon my real name is Quinn my name is patrickbabylon because I grew up there a and my middle name is Patrick Quinn Patrick (last name I don't want to share)
    I have 3 brothers why is that important because I'm used to bad words,bullying ( even though I can't defend my self verbally ) and I'm used to people with issues such as anger and more I also love meepcraft and I would love to be a staff member for meep and I just plain like volunteering and helping people also I'm good with math but I'm not the best so if someone has a question about math I might be able to answer it but maybe not (I'm not the sharpest knife in the jar if you know that expression) the last thing I have to say is that I will try to help people when I can

    Why should you be Helper? I want to help people as much as I can but nobody asks me for help when they can ask a staff/mod and if I want to help people I have to be a staff/mod/helper I don't really have meebles only like 2k so that's why I need something fun to do in meepcraft and fun for me is games or helping people and I am a catholic so I forgive and feel like if I help someone they will help another and so on so that's 1 reason why I like helping people another is that it makes me feel good inside another reason I want to be helper is that I'm a expert on Minecraft I'm good with mining strategys and lots of stuff I also have all the Minecraft books right next to me in case I don't know something the last thing that I have to say is Thank you fuzzlr if your reading this for making meepcraft.

    What are your weaknesses? Building good houses,cyberbullies,coming up with comebacks/roasts,parkour,PVP,and redstone/command blocks

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I have been playing minecraft since the start and for the date that I started meepcraft I put a random year because I dont remember when I started playing the server and I have never cheated in any way or tried to
  2. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    You can at least wait until your previous application is accepted/denied to make a new one.

    My previous statement still stands. You're still not staff material in my book.
  3. SX1

    SX1 Celebrity Meeper

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    First of all, you already have a staff app out right now. I think the rule is you have to wait 2 weeks after applying. I'm going to consider this as an edit because basically, it is.

    (Tldr version at the bottom)

    Ok, you have some references, but I am going to @ them to know that you referenced them.

    This introduction started out fine, but not good. I noticed there isn't a lot of punctuation in the application already, which shows that you typed it and didn't check for errors. (I know I am not the best at grammar / punctuation either.) You then do something that is weird. You started talking about how you are used to bullying, but cannot defend yourself... This isn't something I wanted to see in the introduction section. I am noticing run-on sentences and I still haven't seen a period yet. Also, that quote is really confusing, like knives in a jar? I remember the quote being "Not the sharpest knife in the drawer."

    Why Section:
    (Going to bold the parts that worry me)

    You start off with the "I want to help" Nope, already lost my interest in this paragraph already. Lucky for you, I read every piece before commenting. Great, you're basically asking for the title in order to help people. That's not how it goes. Then you start talking about how poor you are? What? Where are you going with this? Also, you need to be staff in order to have fun? Already got my vote as a -1 already. Cool that you are catholic, I guess, would've been better in the introduction section if anything. Another generic reason because you want to help.

    Also, it doesn't take much to become a "Minecraft expert" It's a really popular casual game and the "Tips about mining" is probably something everyone already knows. Again, thanking fuzzlr in the why section sounds like you are trying to suck up to him for a higher chance. Regardless what you might say, it's not needed in the why section.

    Lets see, the first reason is not needed... Wait building houses? Ok, next one is cyber bullies, I guess? I can see reasons
    Coming up with comebacks and roasts... Ok, that made me laugh, why the hell is this here? Staff are supposed to represent the server. What does this have to do with anything. The rest are not needed like you showed 0 REAL WORLD weaknesses that you have.

    Seems like you are not the expert you say you are when it comes to minecraft. You played yourself.

    Not needed information and it isn't useful in the slightest.

    Vote & Reason: -1
    (count this as a tldr)

    First of all, you clearly don't know what an application is on here, so how do I know that you will do a good job at all. You also used the most generic "why" section I've ever seen. Your weaknesses aren't real weaknesses. You think staff need to have good roasts / comebacks like wtf? The other information section isn't even needed, I wish it was a conclusion section instead.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2017
    qazini likes this.
  4. DarkKnight49x

    DarkKnight49x ⏦ ❀ The True Dark Knight ❀ ⏦

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    Heyo, we're denying this application due to you already having one up. Have a nice day.
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