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President Trump

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Nov 8, 2016.


How Will Trump Do In Office?

  1. Good, mang

  2. Not so good, mang

  1. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    So you're stating the only supporting reason for Trumps ban is because Obama designated those countries as dangerous?

    Erebus45 likes this.
  2. Aarett

    Aarett Celebrity Meeper

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    Let's look at a country that opened it's borders to refugee immigration, shall we? Note the spike of terror attacks.

    "Saudi Arabia is not, and has never been, considered by the State Department to be a state sponsor of terrorism... ...what may surprise many Americans is the extremely close security relationship that has developed between Saudi Arabia and the United States in the wake of that horrific event." (source)

    "[Trump] said that the authorities concerned from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Lebanon provided the required details. However, in case these countries fail to continue the required cooperation, they can also be put in the list along with the seven countries." (source)

    Just gonna point out that Obama did practically the same thing in banning these countries and no one gave a shit.

    "The seven nations identified in Donald Trump's travel ban were "identified by the Obama administration as the seven most dangerous countries in the world in regard to harboring terrorists."
    Reince Priebus
    White House chief of staff, Republican
    In an interview
    Sunday, January 29, 2017

    Bolding the word "facts" doesn't make your opinion a fact. If it is a "discriminatory" order, why are Muslims from other countries allowed?

    Putting the analogy into context (employees are citizens), that would follow that we are deporting legal Muslim citizens. Please revise and resend or drop the analogy.

    "Alternative facts" are lies. "Fake news" is falsely reported news.

    If a news source claims something to be true, and it is not, I think we can agree that it is to be considered fake news. If we need to read through an article to find out "what is true and what is false", that constitutes fake news. I don't use the phrase "fake news" lightly, however when something is falsely reported, I will call it out. This was reported as a Muslim ban despite being a temporary travel ban from seven countries identified as dangerous by the Obama administration. I want you to type "Muslim ban" into your Google search bar and see all the results that come up. Trump calls out many of these sources as fake news, rightfully so. If you want unbiased news, listen (without commentary) and read exactly what is being said and done by Trump. You can fact check him from there. I recommend by first reading the actual executive order he signed.

    Just know that Trump is not Islamophobic. He is simply doing his job to protect the American people first. Don't go into the argument immediately assuming that he has it out for all Muslims. He is only against extremist.
    Blue_Marlin likes this.
  3. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Are we gonna ban China? They have a threat on our economy. Are we gonna ban Russia? They have a threat because of their military. Iran? North Korea? They have threats?? However his concern is our SAFETY!

    Syria war?
    Samalia they don't have a "government".
    Libya isis?
    Yemen diseases? the war? the decreasing economy?
    Iraq i mean they threaten us all the time? you can go back as far as 2003 and see what people said, here are some examples.
    “There’s no question that Iraq was a threat to the people of the United States.”
    • White House spokeswoman Claire Buchan, 8/26/03

    would you like me to continue? God knows there are alot more i can say about all of the countries he banned and the ones he didn't!

    Do you watch the view? Seems like you should be a host on the show.
  4. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    In his campaign trial Trump said he would ban muslims. He called for a "total and complete shutdown" of the entry of Muslims to the United States. This is why it's assumed to be a Muslim ban. Are his own words fake news?
    Natsu and Erebus45 like this.
  5. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    France has a land route connecting it to the rest of the world, the USA does not.

    Are you not counting wabbahism, which is the radical fanatical interpretation of Islam which has inspired a majority of these terrorist groups, or the fact that a great number of terrorists who have successfully attacked our country originates from Saudi Arabia?

    Jesus christ will I have to explain this three times? In your source it details how different Obama's plan was from Trump's. He froze new VISAS, and discontinued the Visa Waiver program for those listed countries. HIS ACTIONS DID NOT AFFECT REFUGEES, LEGAL VISA HOLDERS OR LEGAL GREEN CARD RESIDENTS.

    I don't think Trump is Islamophobic, I think he's incompetent and his ban does nothing to much us safer, but according to most international security experts and military personal, it would do the exact opposite.
    Natsu and Erebus45 like this.
  6. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @WeAreNumberUno can i say this is name calling or is it only name calling when someone says something mean to you or people you agree with?
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 1, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 1, 2017 ---
    Maybe you should stop ASSUMING things and get the facts. ;)

    Doctors disagree with you. Including Dr. Phil.
  7. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    I'm honestly having a tough time trying to make sense of this. Can you give a logically direct answer with citations for the two questions presented?

    Your logic of "are we going to ban all threats?!" seems to contradict "we need to ban these 7 because they're a threat!"
    Natsu likes this.
  8. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    So your having trouble hearing the facts? is that what you are saying? yes i will certainly cite everything i say so you can comprehend the facts that you disagree with. please hold ;)
  9. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    No, the way you wrote that paragraph just doesn't seem to make much sense. You use a bunch of broken phrases with wayy to many question marks. Just write normally lol.

    Natsu and Erebus45 like this.
  10. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    You know Dr. Phil is just a dude, right? He's not a doctor.

    Edit: Ok, well, he's apparently a Ph. D and was a practicing psychologist.
    Deljikho likes this.
  11. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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  12. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Dr. Allen Frances, chairman of the task force that wrote the DSM-IV and professor emeritus of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Duke University Medical College, said "Mr. Trump causes severe distress rather than experiencing it and has been richly rewarded, rather than punished, for his grandiosity, self-absorption, and lack of empathy. It is a stigmatizing insult to the mentally ill (who are mostly well behaved and well meaning) to be lumped with Mr. Trump (who is neither)."

    At least we know he's not mentally ill, he's just narcissistic. Although I would agree that narcissism does amount to incompetence when dealing with the highest office in the nation.
    Erebus45 likes this.
  13. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    He takes after our commander in chief.
    Erebus45 likes this.
  14. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    I was wrong, he is a doctor, although he retired his psychology license years ago so his medical opinion isn't really valid as he's not qualified to make a medical judgement.
  15. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    Ok, it's getting annoying that you have no concept of logical fallacy. Google "ad hominem"
  16. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    ^^ that is coming from the fact that "Trump made fun of a news reporter" (Serge), Here is a video on showing how he didn't make fun of him anyways.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 1, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 1, 2017 ---
    This was the best "insult" ever, thank you. I could only wish to be like Donald Trump some day though.

    You obviously dont know what the question marks mean (war? ISIS?) thats kinda like a reminder.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 1, 2017 ---
    whats getting annoying is you picking apart what i say, quoting half of it and saying im name calling. How about argue as to why Trump is either good or bad instead of trying to get me blocked because im being more logical then you. Oh sorry lemme guess that was an insult too! unreal lol.
  17. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    And you say that we only see and read what we want to believe?

    Soo.. this is not mocking the guy? He just does this for all his impersonations of people? Your videos tries to justify it by saying "Serge doesn't wave his arms when he talks". I don't even understand what is going on anymore.

    Erebus45 likes this.
  18. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    I usually quote the parts I want to respond to. Because you lack a fundamental understanding of debate, I refuse to engage you in any more debate.
  19. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    This quote you used about the Dr, saying Trump was bad was clearly only talking about the fact the Trump mocked the disabled reporter which isn't true.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 1, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 1, 2017 ---
    I have been debating this entire time LOL what are you not seeing? good lord child
  20. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    What, no. How did you get that assumption? It's from an article about how doctors view Trumps mental health. They explicitly state he's not mentally ill but has many conditions for narcissism. The article is even titled: "Trump is not mentally ill, says doctor who literally wrote the book on mental illness"

    Also how can something be a "fact" and "not true" at the same time?

    Fact: The reporter is disabled.
    Fact: Trump mocked the reporter.
    Fact: Trump mocked a disabled reporter.

    That's as simple as logic gets.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2017

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